You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 179: Instantly dodge the bullet and finally get the information of the Beast Pavilion!

In the dark woods.

Several figures shuttled quickly.

In the distance, a tall gray wolf was holding a rabbit in its mouth and was about to return to the pack. It paused and looked at the forest in front of it, as if it smelled the scent of a natural enemy.

It threw the hard-caught rabbit into its mouth in a panic, roared into the sky, and issued an early warning: "Ouch~"

The penetrating howl of the wolf echoed through the surrounding forest.

The echoes of the companions, from far to near, quickly moved away in this direction.

Hearing the response from his companions and the wolf, the lone gray wolf relaxed a lot and wanted to turn around and run away, but found that it was too late.

It could only stop, its pair of green gleaming eyes staring intently into the darkness in front of it, and it bared its teeth, revealing two bloody sharp fangs.

next moment.

Several figures appeared on the trunks of several large trees nearby.

This group of people were dressed very strangely, wearing black tights, a silver collar around their necks, and the same style of silver opaque glasses with beautiful curves on their faces.


These people also carried long spears and some kind of slender and weird double swords on their backs. They stretched their hands and feet on the tree, ignoring gravity, like humanoid spiders.

"A lone wolf cub."

The leading woman raised her head and looked at the big bad wolf surrounded by them. She couldn't help but stick out her crimson tongue and lick her lips.

Under the moonlight, under the woman's beautiful face and between her lips, there are ferocious fangs. She is obviously a humanoid monster with inhuman organs.

The remaining people are both male and female, but their appearance and characteristics are very similar to women.

One of them, beyond the cover of his glasses, actually had a row of eyes on both sides of his face, glowing in the black, which was very scary.

They all stared at the big bad wolf with sobs in their throats.

See it.

The woman waved her hand: "Eat quickly. After eating, we have to keep moving to lure the aberrant beast out, otherwise you will know the consequences!"

"No problem, Chief!"

A man flicked it.

next moment.

A slender rope that resembled a dart pierced the head of the gray wolf, which was half a man tall, and lifted it high from the ground.

"I didn't expect to encounter migrating North American gray wolves in a place like this. We were really lucky. We didn't meet a single unlucky person who entered the mountains along the way. We could only catch an occasional rabbit to satisfy our craving. I was already hungry."

"Stop talking nonsense and eat quickly!"

Several people jumped down from the tree silently, walked up to the hung gray wolf, and opened their mouths.

Puff puff puff~

Sharp hollow tubes extended from their mouths and pierced into the body of the gray wolf in front of them.

Not a moment.

Accompanied by the sound of slurping and the reflection in the silver moon, a North American gray wolf weighing over a hundred kilograms was left with only a skinny figure with skin and bones, rippling in the wind.

More than a thousand meters away.

Brian was holding Thirteen, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Interestingly, they are actually a group of spider-people similar to Spider-Woman Eliana.

And the way these monsters eat is the same as the body of the homeless man who was almost sucked when the FBI used it to catch Eliana.

This shows that they are most likely related to the FBI and the Beast Pavilion that Brian has been tracking.

The equipment on this group of spider beast-human monsters also confirms this point.

In this case, these guys are unlucky when they encounter themselves!

Brian twisted his neck, fixed the gun bag behind his back, and said to Thirteen: "Thirteen, there are a few bad guys ahead, go and attract their attention."


Thirteen shouted and immediately ran forward.

In fact, it doesn't know what's in front of it at all, but the big dog said there are bad people ahead, so there must be bad people.

A big dog won’t lie to it!

A whole strong adult North American gray wolf, under the mouths of these people, did not survive for more than a minute and turned into skin and bones, which looked horrifying and weird.

Eat and drink enough.

This group of people were contented and ready to continue their journey under the leadership of the female leader.


The female leader stopped moving again and looked at the bushes in front of her where there was a rustling sound.

Under the moonlight, I saw the head of a dog with shaggy hair. The dog poked its little head out of the bushes and looked at them with wide eyes curiously.

Gouzi is thirteen.

"Hey~", a female member's eyes showed joy: "It's a Labrador, strange, why is there a Labrador here? Could it be that it got lost with its owner?"

“I didn’t expect there would be desserts after the meal.”

The man who had shot through the gray wolf with a dart before licked his lips and was about to shoot the string dart in his hand again, but the female member from the beginning reached out to stop him: "No, such a cute dog cannot be eaten!"

Before she became the monster she is now, she had a Labrador retriever, so when she saw Thirteen, she was reminded of the happy times in the past, and some radiance of humanity began to shine in her originally numb heart.

Hearing this, the man laughed strangely: "We have been able to survive until now, and everyone has eaten less. You actually don't let me eat a dog. It's really hypocritical. You go back and let me feel good, and I will let it go. Why?" Sample?"

The other male members also tilted their heads and looked at the female member.

"A bunch of idiots!"

The female leader tapped the glasses on her face and looked solemnly at the cute dog head in the grass: "When have you ever seen an ordinary animal and smelled our scent? Not only did it not run away, but it also dared to stop and observe us?"

Everyone was shocked when this was said.

That's right!

As inhuman beastmen, the special smell they emit is equivalent to that of a spider as big as a human to ordinary beasts. The smell pheromones they emit will scare even lions and tigers and run away.

Why is this puppy, which is only a few months old, not afraid of them?

The female member who had stopped her companions from taking action before was not surprised at all. Instead, she stepped forward and waved to Thirteen: "Puppy, come here."

As she said that, she turned back and smiled at her companions: "I used to have a similar Labrador. It was not afraid of anything. It was stupid and very well-behaved. Later, I went to the veterinarian and the veterinarian said it was mentally retarded."

In the distance, Thirteen:

"Wangwangwangwangwang!!! (You are mentally retarded! You are! You are!)"

The lack of words made Thirteen have no words to curse.

The most annoying thing was that those people couldn't understand his dog language! ! !

Thirteen was angry.

It took a deep breath, and its body was like a balloon, slowly expanding. Its cute body also had visible muscle lines.

The most frightening thing was Thirteen's mouth.

In its mouth, sharp teeth like blades were exposed on both sides of its lips. Under the silver moonlight, it was shining coldly and breathtaking.

After being bitten by Thirteen, he went to see a doctor. I guess the doctor couldn't figure out what kind of creature bit him.

Looking at the puppy that suddenly transformed, everyone took a breath of cold air.

Deformed beast!!!

Except for the deformed beast, they didn't think that ordinary dogs could play transformation like them.

The female members who were smiling just now were dumbfounded: "Aren't we going to the coordinate point to act as bait to attract the mutant beasts? Why is there a mutant beast here too!"

The female leader licked her lips: "This is a good thing. This mutant beast doesn't look very powerful. If we can catch it, we can rest for a while and don't have to continue to work for those bastards."

After this, the other few people also reacted.

They took out the weapons behind them, and the horror on their faces turned into greed.


Several people turned around and looked behind them.

Something touched the sensory spider webs they secreted!

Brian, who was trying to get closer secretly, stopped.

He looked at these beast-like spiders and clapped his hands: "Your perception is very sharp, at least much sharper than that waste Eliana."

Eliana calls herself the Spider Queen, but in addition to having a strange body structure, strong recovery ability, and being able to climb regardless of terrain, she has a very strong dynamic vision at most, but she can't have the sharp perception of this group of people.

While Thirteen was attracting the attention of these people.

Brian had checked the surroundings to make sure that there were no other people behind these people.

"Kill him!"

The female leader made a prompt decision and gave the order without any nonsense.

It was obvious that this man was in the same group as the dog.

Although I was curious about why people could tame the deformed beasts, it was definitely the most correct approach to kill one side first under the attack from both sides.

Several male members immediately took out the guns behind them and aimed them at Brian in a very unprofessional way.

Seeing that this group of people did not respond to Eliana's name, Brian knew what was going on.

He stood there, motionless, and hooked his finger at the group of people: "It just so happens that since my strength has been improved, I have never had a chance to vent properly. Come on, aim and shoot at me."


Da Da Da ~

The three of them pulled the trigger directly.

The female leader and another female member focused most of their attention on Thirteen behind them to prevent the other party from attacking.

These people all had automatic rifles in their hands.

As soon as he pulled the trigger.

Instantly, dozens of bullets were fired at Brian.

Almost at the moment when those bullets were ejected from the gun barrel, the world in front of Brian slowed down.

Breaking the limit!

A large amount of blood, under the exaggerated and violent beating of the heart more than two or three hundred times per second, was like a high-pressure water gun. In the surging blood, it drove a large amount of energy and filled Brian's body.

He tiptoed and his figure disappeared in an instant.

He dodged left and right, and in front of this group of people, he drew a series of shuttle afterimages. He actually dodged all the bullets within a radius of four or five meters!

This performance was more than one or two times more exaggerated than when Brian was tested in London.

Although his speed was not as fast as that of the fifth ace agent, it was not much weaker. Once he broke the limit, the speed of the instant burst was almost as fast as that of the opponent.

Real combat.

Brian found an opportunity and caught the opponent off guard with one punch!

Just three automatic rifles.

Dodging is easy!

Click, click, click~

Three subtle empty sounds were heard.

The bullets were all fired!

Brian stopped dodging with a sense of regret, his bloodshot eyes full of disappointment: "You are too unprofessional, you don't know how to pre-aim, you don't know how to crossfire, most of the bullets are wasted, and there is no threat to me at all!"

He lost the mood to test and walked slowly towards them.

"Dodge the bullets!"

The three male spider beastmen were shocked by Brian's performance.

How could anyone in the world dodge bullets!

Even monsters like them can only rely on their dynamic strength to barely see the trajectory of some bullet marks, but trying to dodge is a complete fantasy.

This seemingly serious human being in front of me can actually dodge bullets!

See Brian approaching.

One of them finally reacted.

He dropped the automatic rifle in his hand in fear, took out a pistol from his leg, and pulled the trigger at Brian in a fit of rage. He yelled crazily in his mouth full of fangs: "Go to hell, monster!"

Swish, brush, brush~

Brian appeared in front of him several times, as if teleporting. He grabbed the man's neck with his big hands and twisted it violently. Then without any hesitation, he picked up his head and threw him away!

The body with a twisted neck was smashed against a big tree and fell heavily to the ground. It looked like it was tattered and twisted, and it seemed like it had been hit by a car. At least half of its bones were broken.

"It didn't explode."

Brian relaxed a little.

He thought these collars were the kind of bombs in movies that would detonate when they sensed the death of their host.

Now it seems that this technical difficulty is still too high, the possibility of accidental touch is not low, and it will not really be as common as in the movie.



In the blink of an eye, a companion died.

The other two people actually lost their will to fight, turned around and ran away.


The female leader, who had been paying attention to the battle here, saw this and pushed the female member beside her towards Thirteen. She jumped four or five meters, like a big humanoid spider, and ran quickly in the other direction.

She had no idea at all.

The speed of that humanoid monster was too fast and scary.

Compared with the other party.

The monsters in the eyes of ordinary people like them are simply an insult to the word monster!

In front of this kind of monster, the possibility of them running away is very low.

Unless that monster tracks the other two people first, he will find an opportunity to rely on his body's specificity to find a hidden place to hide.

There is a chance!

There must be a chance!

Relying on her strong willpower and amid the screams of her teammates behind her, the female leader unleashed her potential and quickly escaped more than a thousand meters away. Then she shrunk and hid in the canopy of a big tree, praying. This way you can avoid the monster's pursuit.

The next second.


A bullet pierced the night sky and hit the female leader in the forehead from hundreds of meters away, causing her entire skull to explode.

She glanced blankly at the bright moon above her head. Her body, which had been tightly clinging to the tree, seemed to have lost its stickiness and fell straight down onto a pile of fallen leaves, lifeless.

Take back the sniper rifle.

Brian curled his lips.

I really thought the sniper rifle in my hand was a fire stick.

I also want to play a chase and escape game with him.


Brian turned to look at the trembling last female member who was forced by Thirteen to a big tree: "You like puppies very much?"

The female member looked at this and realized that the humanoid monster under the tree was very handsome.

Coupled with the other party's gentle tone, the fear in the female member's heart weakened a bit: "Yes, I had a Labrador before, and I don't know how it is doing now."

"Come down." Brian waved to the frightened little spider: "Let's talk."


Brian beamed.

These spider-men are actually a hunting team trained by the beast pavilion!

According to the girl's explanation.

This group of people were all kidnapped and sold to the island while traveling. They were transformed and trained into a hunting team that specializes in capturing aberrant beasts from all over the world.

The most important thing is.

Brian learned two important pieces of information from the girl's mouth.

First, there is an important base of the Beast Pavilion in the Rocky Mountains.

The beast pavilion and a group of men in black are imprisoned there, aberrant beasts captured from all over the world!

But this number is not much.

For example, their animal trapping team usually only goes on missions for half a year or more. The rest of the time, they are kept in the base and have no worries about food and drink.

It’s been a long time.

They even consider themselves part of the group that turned them into monsters.

The female member also told Brian the approximate coordinates.

Second, this time they were airlifted to this area and were responsible for cooperating with a member of the Beast Pavilion to attract a deformed beast that had appeared in this area.

These spider lycanthropes have undergone a lot of modifications on their bodies, and the pheromones they emit are a great threat to ordinary beasts.

But for those powerful aberrant beasts, it is delicious and fragrant.

Their bodies are far more attractive to aberrant beasts than wild beasts.

The so-called 'trap team' is called a bait team, which is actually more consistent.

Tell everything you know.

The female member looked at Brian who was in a daze and said timidly: "Are you a reformer too?"

Brian shook his head: "Of course I am a human. By the way, how did the beast pavilion determine that there were aberrant beasts here?"

In the small town before, the two patrolmen only told the rumors about the decapitated man, who was still located near the highway, and did not mention the incident of the beast hurting or eating people.

If there were, there wouldn't be so many tourists in the town.

The female member shook her head:

"I don't know. Although they don't have many restrictions on us except for the collar, they won't tell us much.

But we guessed that it should be the intelligence information provided by the group of men in black.

The people in the Beast Pavilion were very nice to those men in black.

There were often some men in black who came to the base to receive another kind of enhancement and then left. We envied the surgery that would not cause a particularly big change in appearance. "

Brian understood.

The men in black should be a special agency of the FBI.

He continued to repeatedly question the female member, and after making sure that no useful information could be obtained, he stood up and pulled her up.

In the anxious eyes of the female member, Brian stretched out his right hand and stroked the other's young face, which seemed smooth but was actually covered with fine hairs: "Do you really want to eat me? "

The girl's pupils shrank.

The next moment.

Accompanied by the sound of broken bones.

A weak head tilted to one side.


Green mucus flowed from the corner of the girl's mouth, corroding her own face with a sizzling sound. In the blink of an eye, it became an indescribable rancid liquid, completely unrecognizable.

The other party has been accumulating venom!

Brian threw the corpse aside with disgust.

I really think he didn't hear the information revealed when they were arguing before.

Monsters are monsters.

Compared to the Spider Queen Eliana.

These modified people who have eaten humans can no longer be truly considered human.

Five corpses were placed in a row.

Two obsessions emitting red light attracted Brian's attention.

He crushed these two fresh obsessions with expectation.

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