You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 180: Deformed Vicious Dog, Decapitation! (Two in one, monthly ticket requested)

First of all, it was the female member's obsession.

It was probably Brian's bad character that caused the other party's emotions to fluctuate, and finally he couldn't stand it, and he had a strong obsession before he died.

Female member's obsession: Break this bastard's neck!!!

Gift: 11 points of gift energy.

"Sure enough, these guys, even if they were innocent victims at the beginning, stayed in that environment for a long time, and they were not good birds in the end. Fortunately, I took the initiative."

Brian waved to Thirteen: "Thirteen, be alert around."

"Wang~ (Good~)"

Thirteen turned his head and disappeared in the surrounding bushes.

Brian saw Thirteen leave, and he didn't hesitate. He put his right hand on his neck, and with the control of his body, his neck muscles actively exerted force.

Accompanied by a huge crackling sound like a firecracker, Brian's neck was hanging on his neck in a weird posture.

The next moment, a warm current surged.

The female member's obsession was completed.

This was also the first time Brian did this to himself.

He was surprised to find that with strong cell activity and physical fitness, even if he did not recover immediately, this kind of injury that is fatal to ordinary people did not seem to have much effect on him.

Accompanied by muscle peristalsis.

Without consuming the gift energy, his twisted neck that was drooping in front of him automatically lifted up, twisted again and again, and finally returned to normal.

At the same time, a large number of dirty blood beads emerged from the skin pores in the neck area.

These are the blood vessels damaged by the rough action just now, causing blood congestion to the neck muscles.

Something even more outrageous happened.

These blood congestion actually seeped under the skin again, leaving only some dirty dirt of unknown composition.

Brian pinched it with his hand and rubbed off a mud ball.

He flicked the mud ball away casually and touched his still shaking neck: "Why do I feel that now, even if my neck is cut off, my head can still remain active for a while..."

I didn't feel it before.

This time, Brian was a little harder on himself, and he realized that he was already on an inhuman path, going further and further.

His mind moved.

Five of the eleven points of gift energy just obtained disappeared immediately.

The cervical vertebrae, which were originally fixed by muscles, were reconnected with the surge of energy, like a living thing. Even the tiny bone fragments melted like molten iron and merged into the skeletal spine.

It took only a breath of time.

Brian's body was restored to its original state.

In fact, this consumption exceeded Brian's expectations.

After all, according to the activity of the body, even if there is no gift energy, this fatal injury will heal automatically over time under the control of the flesh.

"It is probably related to the strength of the body. The higher the strength of the body, the more energy is consumed to repair the body."

Brian thought for a moment and gained a new understanding of his blood moon ability.

Converging thoughts.

Brian focused his attention on the second obsession.

I don't know if it's because women have richer emotions, the second obsession is left by the female leader who was shot in the head.

The female leader's obsession: Get out of hell and go back alive to see my daughter!

Brian looked at the corpse of the female leader with half of her head gone, and his face was helpless.

Obsessions are born only when the dead, and the obsession is to go back alive to see his daughter.

Your obsession is somewhat unreasonable.

This obsession, of course, cannot be completed.

Brian didn't care about this at all. With a thought, he swallowed the spiritual crystal left by the previous female member after she completed her obsession, and briefly watched her death replay.

In the end, there was nothing to gain.

For the dead who died in his hands, the general death screen is the scene seen before death.

However, through the third-party perspective of the female member, Brian was also a little shocked to see his instant movement speed that was so fast that afterimages appeared.

No heavy firepower was needed to carry out covering shooting over a radius of more than 20 meters.

Facing ordinary people, he was almost invincible.

Especially with his current physical fitness and cell activity, even if his body was overclocked and broke the limit, and he burst out all his strength regardless of the damage, as long as it did not exceed one minute, that degree of physical damage, accompanied by energy intake such as eating, the damaged body's hidden injuries would automatically recover.

If the No. 5 ace agent in London had no other trump cards, he would have died if he met Brian, even if his speed was faster than Brian.

After all, the opponent's speed could not crush Brian in the broken limit state, and his endurance could not be the same as Brian.

"I am so damn strong now!"

Brian was narcissistic for a while, whistled, and began to clean up the scene.

The collars on the necks of the five spider beastmen are indeed bombs, but they are timed.

Generally, the timer is reset every three days.

If they are on a mission, this time will be extended to about a week.

And every twelve hours, the collar will automatically transmit the target's location to ensure that they will not escape.

In fact, this is still an energy limit.

Otherwise, these location reports do not need to appear at such a long interval.

According to the interrogation.

Five people were dropped into this area in less than six hours.

In terms of time, Brian still has plenty of time.

The particularity of the collar also gave him great convenience.

Relying on the physical strength of an animal.

Brian buried these corpses a few kilometers away, more than two meters underground in loose soil, and also cleaned up the surrounding traces to prevent the traces of excavation from being visible at a glance.

The mountain breeze blows.

Surrounding smells will dissipate quickly.

It's really hard to track.

At the scene of the battle, there was nothing we could do.

When bullets are flying around, these traces cannot be dealt with perfectly, and there is no point in cleaning them.

As long as the other party doesn't see Brian's way of taking action when they discover this place.

With several people's collars.

Brian took Thirteen and continued to wander in the ravines, trying to find traces of the aberrant beast.

I just walked more than two hundred kilometers.

One person and one dog, nothing gained.

This area is too big.

It is also unclear whether this aberrant beast will urinate to mark its territory.

In this remote wilderness, finding an aberrant beast that doesn't appear in the bustling city depends entirely on luck.

Thirteen is also decadent.

It is too young, and although it can be considered a strengthened dog, its endurance is still not very good.

Without any choice.

Brian had no choice but to throw the last collar away more than ten kilometers away, then return to the original place, carrying Thirteen, and return to Kenwick Lake, which was more than 300 kilometers away.

Brian is fast and has a lot of endurance. When he encounters mountains and rivers, he encounters flowing water. What ordinary people think of as natural dangers and areas that can only be detoured may be a jumping-off point for him.

It took Brian less than an hour to cover the more than 300 kilometers of detours and more than 100 kilometers of straight lines.

The continuous extreme running also made Brian feel a rare feeling of physical fatigue.

He enjoyed the feeling of sore muscles, but the shoes were a bit unbearable.

Brian lowered his head and glanced at his crumbling shoes. He stood helplessly in the distance and scanned the surrounding scenery within a radius of seven or eight kilometers. Finally, he hugged Thirteen and jumped down from the tree that was more than ten meters high. Hit the ground hard.

The layers of muscles and spine stretch and cushion like springs.

Not only did Brian feel no discomfort, even Thirteen in his arms didn't feel the slightest bump. His eyes were slightly humming, his nose was snoring, and he fell asleep comfortably.

Brian pinched Thirteen's wet nose, chuckled and ran towards the discovered road.

After all, after wandering hundreds of roads overnight, although he could determine the location of Kenwick Lake, there would still be some deviations.

Positioning by the road saves worry and effort.

It's about four o'clock in the morning, the sky is dark, and there is no trace of vehicles on the wide road.

Brian simply hugged Thirteen and walked slowly along the road towards Kenwick Lake.

We walked for about half an hour.

In front of Brian, an advertising sign appeared.

This meant that he was about to arrive at the small town area where Kenwick Lake was located.


Thirteen, who was sleeping comfortably in Brian's arms, looked like a man with explosive hair. He suddenly opened his eyes and shouted softly: "Wangwang! (Danger, big dog, danger!)"

Brian paused, activated his enhanced sense of smell, and at the same time scanned his surroundings with a pair of sharp eyes.

There is nothing unusual around.

Brian didn't smell anything special either.

He remained vigilant and whispered to Thirteen: "What's wrong, Thirteen?"

Thirteen's eyes were still dazed as he hadn't fully woken up. His little black nose was already like a small motor, inhaling and exhaling everywhere, and finally locked on the position on Brian's left hand: "Wangwangwang~ There is a threat on the left."

Brian glanced around and immediately ran towards the billboard in front. With two jumps, he appeared on the top of the billboard and glanced towards the direction indicated by Thirteen.

I saw a bonfire seven or eight kilometers away over there, flickering on and off in the darkness before dawn. In Brian's eyes, it was more like a small red dot the size of a small bean, very inconspicuous.

"The last time Thirteen had such a reaction was when he was in the Forest Park. Could it be the aberrant beast that the five spider lycanthropes were chasing?"

Brian frowned.

The question is, why did the aberration ignite?

Think about it.

Brian jumped off the billboard, took out the sniper rifle from his back, put down Thirteen, gave some instructions, left Thirteen where he was, and strode towards the bonfire he found.

This place is only about ten miles away from Kenwick Lake, and about a hundred miles away from where Brian killed those spider lycanthropes in a straight line.

The mountain is high and the road is difficult to travel.

For ordinary people to take a detour, it would probably take two or three days.

With such a long distance, even if the person behind the lycanthropes is the FBI, it would be difficult to suspect the people on the Kenwick Lake side, which is not too close.

In this way, eyes will naturally not be focused on Brian.

Even if the other party has great supernatural powers and has set his sights on Brian, who appeared in Kenwick Lake, to put it harshly, as Brian is now an NW Level 2 employee, it is no longer that easy for the FBI to investigate him. Easy.

This is also the reason why Brian dared to attack those lycanthropes directly before.

However, it seems good if you can hunt a deformed beast and get traces of the opponent's blood to the scene of the previous battle.

This is safer.

It would be even more perfect if the aberrant beast could reveal its obsession!

With seventy-two points of gifted energy and a sniper rifle in hand, Brian's strength has greatly increased. He is no longer the weakling in Forest Park who had to fight for his life to survive at the hands of the aberrations.

He was confident enough that even if he couldn't kill the aberrant beast, he could still escape.

The bonfire is located seven or eight kilometers away from the road.

It's a wilderness there, and rarely visited by people.

Stepping on the ground of gravel and weeds, Brian was like a ghost, constantly changing direction as the mountain wind changed, going against the mountain wind, getting closer and closer to that side.

When there is still less than one kilometer away from there.

A pungent pheromone was caught in Brian's nasal cavity.

He stopped and carefully captured the information contained in the pheromones in the air: a land of ownership, approaching danger!

Brian was familiar with this kind of pheromone.

Because every time Thirteen urine marks the territory, it is somewhat similar to this, except that the smell is not so strong, and the aggressive smell contained in the pheromones is not so strong.

"Is the aberrant beast this time a dog, or a dog with an owner?"

Brian's eyes widened.

He somewhat understood why there was a bonfire ahead.


Brian suddenly remembered the rumors about the beheaded man told by the Kenwick Lake town patrol officer: abandoned vehicles were constantly being found along the road. There were blood stains on the scene, and there was blood-stained paper with the story of the beheaded man written on it, but he saw No trace of corpses or human tissue

It would make sense if the so-called beheaded man was carrying a deformed dog with him.

There are no corpses of victims because all the corpses have been eaten!

Now, Brian didn't dare to get any closer.

Thirteen's perception is so sharp that he can locate the smell residue in the air that even if he turned on his enhanced sense of smell, he doesn't know what magical abilities the deformed dog has.

Following the mountain breeze, he found a relatively high point again and looked over there.

The place where the other party chose to camp is a low-lying place that can be sheltered from the wind. Standing here, you can barely see the situation over there.

Just this look.

Brian frowned.

no one!

Not only were there no people, there were no dogs either!

There, there was only a bonfire still burning.

"In this kind of open environment and this kind of fire, wood must be added every twenty minutes, otherwise the fire would have been extinguished long ago, and no one would have a dog..."

Brian looked behind him sharply.

Behind him, among the weeds more than 200 meters away, he saw a monster that was more than one meter tall, more than three meters long, with a slender head, ears like drooping cattail leaves, and a long and flat mouth. It was crawling and facing The dog approached him furtively.

Riding on the monster's back was a gloomy man with long hair and a pale face wearing a coat.

When Brian looked over, the other party was also looking this way.


"Spotted from this far away, cow!"

Brian cursed, picked up the sniper rifle in his hand, and with the triple blessing of supercomputer perception + physical control + eagle eye, a large amount of data flashed through his mind, and finally he instinctively fine-tuned the muzzle and directly pulled the trigger.

In the distance, a man riding on the back of his pet dog looked at the small figure on the small slope in front of him with narrow eyes.

I didn't expect that someone would come close to me even though I was sleeping so well.

Now there is breakfast.

"Blanco, my dear, don't be so careful. From this distance, you can launch an attack..."

next moment.


Gunfire echoed across the wilderness.

Before the gloomy man finished speaking, his mouth was pierced by a sniper rifle bullet, and his body was thrown upside down by the impact of the bullet, hitting the soft grass.

His gloomy slender eyes still retained the cruel excitement before the hunt was launched. Only the blood hole in his mouth, which was wide open and penetrated the entire brain, silently pointed at the sky, telling the cruel reality of who is the prey.


Feeling the loss of life of its master, the monster that was about to charge let out a sad roar. Where was the unique voice of the dog, it was more like some kind of wild beast.

It turned its body and licked the corpse on the ground with its slender tongue. Stimulated by the blood, the light of wisdom in its eyes disappeared and its eyes turned red.


This time, it was a roar.

Bang bang bang~

One bullet after another, it didn't get used to it.

The monster just opened its mouth, and seven or eight bullets penetrated through it, shooting into the eyes and brain of the monster that stood motionless.

next moment.

Almost a warning instinct.

The monster's figure flashed, and its bulky figure instantly appeared more than three meters away, and then rushed like crazy toward Brian, who was more than two hundred meters away.

Brian casually dropped the sniper rifle under his body, twisted his neck, and squatted down slightly.

When the monster rushed more than thirty meters away, it jumped up and rushed towards him with a strong sense of pressure. The muscles in Brian's legs exploded, and he jumped more than five meters high on the spot. With the inertial impact, he struck first and then later. Then, he hit the opponent's nose with a precise punch.


The monster, which weighed several hundred kilograms, screamed at an even faster speed and flew backwards, hitting the gravel ground heavily and kicking up large amounts of dust.

Under the influence of the force, Brian's right hand was fractured and twisted, and he was thrown back to the hillside in a miserable state.


Brian spat out a mouth full of gravel, and his twisted right hand squirmed like a snake, making the sound of bone friction, regrouping, and returning to normal.

He kicked off his broken shoes and was about to look at the dust in front of him.

A stinging pain came from the back of his right hand.

Brian looked down and was surprised to find that his right hand, which was as tough as bison hide, with muscles like rubber and bones like iron, was like encountering strong sulfuric acid. In less than a second, only the hand bones were left with pits and holes..

"Damn, this monster's body fluid is so corrosive!"

Brian did not dare to hesitate. He grabbed the wrist joint of his right hand with his left hand, endured the severe pain, and with a force, accompanied by a crisp crackling sound, he tore off the palm area of ​​his right hand.


In front, the dust dissipated, and the monster with sunken cheeks opened its mouth corners, dripping drops of highly corrosive liquid, corroding the ground into holes.

Its red eyes, with an endless hatred, locked onto Brian in front.

In the intense breathing.

A special smell spread around, corroding those tenacious weeds into black and yellow.

This is a completely poisonous monster!

Brian faced the monster's hateful eyes and narrowed his eyes.

One touch and a hand is gone!

Melee is not easy.


How can there be such a monster!

While thinking.

Brian threw the broken limb of his right hand aside. The incomplete wound and the granulation of flesh were squirming. Under the continuous flow of energy and warm current, the pale hand bones, muscles, blood, and skin grew out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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