You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 181: Become stronger again! Return to Los Angeles! (First order plus 4 chapters, please vote

Gripping the newly grown right palm, Brian showed a grim smile on his face.


He is not a serious person either!

Take off clothes.

Wrapping the bulletproof vest around the palm of his right hand, Brian took the initiative to hook his finger at the monster that had not yet launched an attack: "Come on, I want to see who is stronger, you or me!"

This monster seems to have a similar ability to warn. The sniper rifle bullets in his hand have just been used up, and now he can only fight hand-to-hand!


The monster roared, but did not dare to move closer. It opened its mouth and shot out a green liquid ball, spanning a distance of more than 30 meters and accurately shooting at Brian's position.

However, the flying speed of this thing is less than one-third of that of an ordinary pistol bullet.

In Brian's eyes, the green venom ball flew slowly, and he even had time to kick the palm on the ground to the position under his feet, and threw the sniper rifle on the ground aside, and then dodged.


Accompanied by the disgusting frying sound, green smoke rose.

The green venom ball hit Brian's previous position accurately, corroding the broken and incomplete palm without leaving any trace. The effect was not good, but the gravel ground just emitted white smoke, which was not very effective.

This is a corrosive liquid specifically for flesh and blood.

Seeing that the monster was scared by his punch and refused to come over.

Brian didn't want to get close at the risk of corroding his body.

He simply picked up pieces of stone, turned his body into a big bow, and threw stone bullets, shooting at the opponent with huge impact.

The monster dodged left and right.

It seemed to have a similar early warning ability, and it could react every time Brian made a move.

However, although its speed could crush ordinary people, it was less than one-third of Brian's. In addition, its huge size made it hit repeatedly under Brian's dynamic vision lock prediction, and it was hit and screamed, and finally had some dog's accent.

"The defense is not bad."

Seeing that the monster was just screaming, Brian randomly aimed at the monster's limbs.

After being hit several times.

The monster felt the slowness of movement and realized that something was wrong.

It finally got scared and wanted to turn around and run away, but sadly found that its speed was less than one-third of that of the humanoid food. If it ran away, more stones would hit the joints of its hind legs.

It couldn't run away.

It couldn't win the fight!

It wailed, and was aroused to be fierce. A large amount of green mist wrapped around its body was secreted from its body surface. Regardless of anything, it rushed towards Brian again.

"Come on!"

Brian's eyes were full of fighting spirit. His right hand wrapped the bulletproof vest around his palm again and rushed forward.

A man and a monster collided with each other.

Before the monster's claws launched an attack, they were knocked to the ground by Brian's heavy right fist, three consecutive punches, wailing continuously, green blood splashed everywhere, corroded the ground into holes, and a large amount of pungent white gas rose.

Brian ignored the stinging sensation all over his body, squinted his eyes, beat the fallen dog, broke the monster's limbs with a few punches, and then punched the other's slender head again and again.

Boom, boom, boom~

The ground made a series of muffled sounds along with the violent collision of flesh.

Countless green mists, dust, and white gas produced by corrosion mixed together and drowned the two monsters fighting each other. Only the continuous dull muffled sounds and the monsters' wailing echoed around, scaring the voles and rabbits to flee the area in panic.

It was not until a blood-colored obsession ball rose up that Brian panted and stopped.

"Cough, cough~"

He spit out a few mouthfuls of blood mixed with tissue fluid, and found that his trachea and respiratory tract had been corroded by the green gas and pits, and there were wounds everywhere.

In addition.

All the clothes on his body had disappeared, and the skin on the surface of his body seemed to have been burned by fire, with large patches of disgusting pus blisters.

Inside the invisible body.

Those internal organs were also affected to some extent, and began to dissolve.

If these injuries were on an ordinary person, they would have died long ago.

But Brian could still move freely.

But his condition was not good either.

Killing one thousand enemies and seriously injuring eight hundred, that was Brian's current situation.

Brian crushed the obsession of the distorted beast, retreated a few meters away weakly, and used the gift energy to repair the damage inside and outside his body.

After a while.

Large pieces of dead skin fell off.

Brian vomited a lot of metabolized dead meat and toxic substances, and then he felt much better.

Adding the consumption of repairing the palm before.

The 72-point gift energy reserve now only has 28 units.

Brian was so distressed:

"Damn, you have to bring a large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle when you go out in the future!

You must bring enough bullets!

You have to have a longer range!!

Otherwise, if you encounter this kind of abnormal beast with early warning ability again, unless you use covering shooting, ordinary rifles will not be as useful as hand-to-hand combat!"

This kind of magical perception similar to the early warning of wild animals also requires reaction time.

Ultra-long-distance sniping.

Brian didn't believe that the other party could still react!

With a little depression.

Brian was naked, picked up the empty sniper rifle, walked to a distance, and blew a sharp whistle behind him.

A moment.

Thirteen trotted over from a distance and circled around Brian in worry: "Wangwangwang~ (Big dog, it's uncomfortable here, it's uncomfortable~)"

"Well, the poison in the air here is still evaporating, let's stay away."

After retreating a few hundred meters, Thirteen, who had a keen sense of smell, calmed down.

He signaled Thirteen to be alert to the surroundings.

Brian sat cross-legged and began to check the obsession of this deformed beast.

I hope he won't be disappointed, otherwise this time he will really lose a lot!

Deformed beast obsession: Blanco will be with Franz forever.

Gift 1: 80 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 10 points of gift energy + beast warning

Gift 3: 10 points of gift energy + overclocked hearing

Gift 4: 1 point of gift energy + flesh corrosion sac

Finally, the influence of a gloomy man emerged in Brian's mind.

He had a sense of enlightenment in his heart. This guy was Franz in the obsession, and Blanco should be the name of this monster.


Brian swallowed his saliva.


Three talents!

He wanted to have them all!

But the most urgent thing was to complete the simple obsession of this deformed monster.

Brian held his breath and burst out at the fastest speed. He came to the body of the gloomy man before, threw the other's body with force, and threw it accurately onto the liquid that was being rapidly decomposed by the monster's body fluids, and then quickly moved away.

After just two breaths, he felt a slight tingling sensation on his skin again.

You know, ordinary daggers now can't even easily cut Brian's skin.

Even so, they can't withstand the erosion of the remaining corrosive gases.

Too scary.

The corrosive liquid contained in this deformed beast is too cruel for flesh and blood creatures!

This also made Brian lock the target of this obsession gift: Gift Four!

Beast warning, although he also wanted it.

But the gift of the fourth gift, the flesh and blood corrosion capsule, combined with Brian's pheromone control and physical control, has a higher cost-effectiveness.

Whether it is used to face organized enemies or to destroy corpses, the scope of use is very wide.

The key is that he cannot guarantee that he has weapons in hand at all times. This thing can become his last counterattack against the modern army.

As for the genetic problem

He is not prepared to have offspring without solving the problem of recessive inheritance of the deformed.

Let the monster be a monster.

Only when people are alive can there be a future.

As for the beast warning

It is definitely useful, at least there is no need to worry about assassination.

But Brian has encountered several creatures with similar abilities. It is estimated that there are probably deformed people with similar abilities in the primitive sect.

This can be left for later.

While thinking.

In the distance, a person and a monster mixed together, making a sizzling sound similar to fried meat.

As the monster died, the toxins in its body surged out, and the flesh and blood of a person and a monster melted quickly, and there was no distinction between you and me forever.

Warm current surged.

Brian knew that the obsession of the distorted monster was complete.

"What a good distorted beast, the obsession is so simple..."

Brian happily chose the fourth gift.

The next moment.

He felt that subtle changes had taken place in his body. In his flesh and blood, special blood vessel-like channels silently proliferated, and finally gathered in the flesh and blood of the lower jaw, forming a sac-like tissue that could not be seen from the outside.

In addition.

His flesh and blood tissue, the inner and outer layers of the skin, along with the formation of new organs, also underwent some subtle changes.

This was the first time that Brian's body contents had changed.

This change, with the blessing of physical control and supercomputing perception, gave Brian a very strange perspective, just like he could see inside and witnessed the formation of a new organ tissue system with his own eyes.

Brian's mind moved.

A magical thick liquid gathered from all parts of his body.

The next moment.

A faint green mist escaped from his body surface almost without delay.

This speed is much faster than the constipated speed of the deformed beast.

If someone really fights Brian at close range, it is estimated that it is impossible to defend.


Thirteen looked at Brian wrapped in green mist in surprise, and fled ten meters away in panic: "Wang Wang Wang~ (Big dog, you are so scary~)"

Brian rolled his eyes and ignored Thirteen.

He reached out and touched the mist around his body surface, and found that the corrosive poison gas that could make him feel stinging before had no effect on his flesh and blood.

"It's amazing"

Brian stopped the secretion of poison gas and walked into the poison gas that was dissolving and dissipating from the monster.

This time, he also did not feel the stinging, as if his flesh and blood had a strong resistance to this kind of corrosive poison gas.

This should be the effect of subtle changes in cells such as flesh and skin.

With excitement.

Brian brewed for a while and spit a green and sticky ball of venom towards the stone in the distance.


The hard stone that had been exposed to wind and rain had pits and dents visible to the naked eye. The poison was even more intense and fierce than the poison vomited by the deformed beast before.

"It feels so good. It will be much easier to destroy the corpse in the future!"

Brian picked up a bunch of bullets with a smile and started to clean up the scene.

After finishing.

He held all the sniper rifle shells, and his mind moved.

A ball of thick green poison gas began to react with the metal in his hand.

The effect was average.

Until he felt tired, the bullet shells and bullets in Brian's hand only showed obvious signs of corrosion, and they were much older, but they did not melt like flesh and blood.

But it was enough.

Under this kind of trace, any biological residue was cleaned up.

After testing.

Brian found that the best target for this poison state ability is still flesh and blood creatures, the toxin is exaggerated, followed by plants, which are better than any killing agent, and then stones and soil, and finally metal.

The corrosion effect of metal is also the worst.

In addition, this ability has many defects.

The first defect is the trace residue.

Once released, the surrounding area is dead, and no flowers, plants, and trees survived. The traces are very obvious.

The poison gas and venom are also obviously green.

This thing is more suitable for late night use, otherwise it would be too obvious.

However, this corrosive toxin is really good at dealing with corpses.

Now the bodies of the monster and the gloomy man have disappeared, and even the remains of flesh and blood corrosion have been integrated into the sand and gravel below.

Except for the metal buttons on the gloomy man and a hunting knife hanging on his waist, the clothes and fur have disappeared, and the scene is a bit exaggeratedly clean.

The second flaw is that it does not distinguish between enemies and friends, and it is easy to corrode the clothes on the body.

This is also a problem that will occur with poison gas methods, and it cannot be completely said to be a flaw, but Brian will have to find a way to get a breathable and corrosion-resistant coat in the future, otherwise being naked will probably become the norm.

Cleaned up the scene again.

Brian looked at the sky and saw that the sky was slightly bright, so he took Thirteen and sneaked back to the town's self-service garage.

Out of habit, he would put a set of clothes for change in his means of transportation.

This saved Brian a lot of trouble.

Changed into new clothes from the motorcycle's hanging box.

Brian took out the phone he had put inside.

For confidentiality.

He didn't bring his phone with him, but he kept it intact.

He looked at the time.

There were still more than ten minutes until five o'clock in the morning.

Brian patted Thirteen's head: "I have to go into the mountain again, you watch here."


Thirteen nodded obediently, but his dog eyes looked at Brian's mouth from time to time.

Fearful and curious.

With his small head, he didn't understand why the big dog could emit that kind of green gas that scared dogs.

It seems that he can't kiss the big dog's mouth secretly when he goes to bed at night.

Brian went into the mountain again to deal with the spider beasts that he had killed before.

Even with his physique, after experimenting with the role of the venom sac tissue, he was exhausted at this moment and could only consume one unit of gift energy to revive with full blood.

A few hours have passed since the battle.

Since he was not sure whether the FBI or the Beast Pavilion had discovered the disappearance of the bait team, after setting off for a distance this time, Brian took off his clothes and hid, changed his appearance, and then rushed over there.

When he arrived, the sky was already bright.

Brian did not waste time, and released green poisons around him, turning the remaining battlefield into a large area of ​​dead plants and animals.

This distribution of toxins will consume a lot of body energy.

After doing all this, Brian consumed another unit of gift energy, recovered his strength, and returned to the original route.

Everything went smoothly.

When Brian changed his clothes and returned to the town, some people who were exercising slowly appeared on the street.

"I didn't expect that I was busy all night just to bring Thirteen out to see blood."

Brian rubbed his forehead and absorbed the spiritual crystals given by the deformed beast, and then he felt that his mental state was full again.

This feeling of constantly getting stronger is really cool!

"Wangwang~ (Big Dog, hungry~)"

Thirteen rubbed Brian's trouser leg, and his stomach growled.

"Thirteen, go back and eat."

Brian pinched Thirteen's cheek, rode on the beast motorcycle, helped Thirteen put on a special helmet, hung it on his chest, and slowly rode the "Beast" motorcycle and left the town.

This time Thirteen kept his mouth shut.

After leaving the town area.

Brian let out a strange cry, and at full speed, he turned into a black lightning and rushed towards downtown Los Angeles.

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