You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 182 The origin of the beheaded man, new case (first order plus 5 chapters, monthly votes req

With the 'Beast' motorcycle, Brian's activity area has expanded a lot.

A range of several hundred kilometers, which is an hour or two away.

Return to the apartment.

Brian took out a large amount of cooked food, heated it briefly, and then ate it with Thirteen.

Under boredom.

He turned on the TV and fast forwarded to check the nearest apartment for surveillance.

Nothing much ahead.

Until he saw the surveillance camera in his bedroom, when he was sleeping, this piece of shit Thirteen secretly kissed him on the mouth...


Brian bit off the cow bone in his mouth and looked fiercely at Thirteen who was immersed in his rice: "Thirteen, why did you secretly kiss me on the mouth!!!"

Thirteen raised his head in confusion: "Wangwang~ (Isn't this love?)"

"Wangwangwang~wangwang~ (You love Susan, Susan loves you, you kiss, Thirteen loves the big dog, the big dog loves Thirteen, let's kiss)"



Thirteen continued to lower his head and start eating happily.

Humans are so weird.

I really don’t know why the big dog is angry.

Brian had a dark face all morning.

Although he knew that Thirteen had just misunderstood and thought kissing was a way to express feelings, it still made him feel unclean.

He told the truth and let Shisan know the difference between different emotions.

Thirteen also realized for the first time what gender division is.

This also made Brian realize that education has a long way to go.

He simply put the police dog costumes that the NW Field Department had customized for Thirteen before.

Don't say it.

Thirteen, who is not so chubby and has a longer and taller figure, looks a bit more handsome in a police dog uniform.

It's about nine o'clock in the morning.

Brian took Thirteen to the B6 office.

Susan arrived very early and was looking through the case files handled by the team after going to training. When she saw Brian and Thirteen, her eyes lit up and she immediately stood up and held Thirteen in uniform in her arms: "Wow, Thirteen, You look so handsome today!”

Thirteen Dog's eyes narrowed, and his tongue licked Susan's fingers diligently, making her laugh.


Only then did Susan realize that there was another person next to her.

She looked at Brian strangely: "What are you still doing here?"

Brian:? ? ?

He pointed to his mouth: "Team leader, it's a new day, stamp it."

Susan gave him a perfunctory kiss and pushed him out of the office: "Work hard, and don't disturb my work meeting with employee Thirteen if you have nothing to do."

Brian just fell out of favor.

"Damn it!"

Brian returned to his work station depressed.

turn on computer.

He first logged into the NW internal network and spent money to order a batch of energy bars, and then started searching for the name Franz in the police system.

Franz is the obsessed master of the aberrant beast, that is, the gloomy man.

There was a hunting knife hanging on the opponent's waist. There were layers of blood smell remaining on the hunting knife. It was probably the rumored decapitator.

Brian was quite curious about this guy's identity.

After all, this was the first time he heard that aberrant beasts would recognize ordinary people as their masters.

After all, this thing is much more cruel than aberrations. It acts entirely on instinct and is bloodthirsty and good at killing. Although its IQ has been greatly improved, it has become more dangerous due to the influence of the beast's instinct.

Unless at the beginning, this aberrant beast was raised by this guy named Franz, and the relationship and affection were very deep.

Otherwise, if the aberrant beast can be subdued, Brian will have to consider the true strength of the beast pavilion.

"I hope this Franz is a resident of Los Angeles, otherwise he would have to use his authority to search for all federal resident information through the NW organization's database, which would leave traces of the search."

Brian was thinking in his mind and making quick movements with his hands.

A large amount of information appears on office computers.

There are more than 80 people named Franz in the entire Los Angeles County.

After removing the young and old targets, only forty-seven people remained.

Brian looked through them one by one, and with good luck, he actually found the gloomy man's resident information.

The gloomy man, whose full name is Franz Post, is white. He is thirty-seven years old and has a bad record. He has criminal experience in more than twenty cities in the greater Los Angeles area.

The Greater Los Angeles area refers to five counties, including Los Angeles County (county), and the living areas of 157 urban agglomerations.

This means that Franz has a wide range of activities.

But the crimes he committed were all petty thefts.

The last record was eight years ago.

According to the address, when Franz was 29 years old, he opened a road hotel near a national park and started a small business.

For the sake of business, this kind of road hotels usually set up columns on some travel guide web pages, travel companion websites, etc. to attract passengers.

Based on the address, Brian actually found the webpage introduction of the other party's hotel.

The website was founded six years ago.

At that time, the Internet was relatively developed and popular in the Commonwealth of America.

The first is a photo of the front of the hotel, called ‘Franz and Blanco’ House.

Under the photo, there is a photo of a gloomy man holding a yellow greyhound, squatting in front of the hotel door, smiling together and looking at the camera.

The photos look very warm.

The gloomy man was not so gloomy at that time. His slender eyes did not affect his temperament. At least he looked sunny.

Seeing this slender greyhound, Brian suddenly understood the true form of the aberrant beast.

The other party is really a dog-like aberration.

This relieved him.

This shows that the aberrant beasts are not easily tamed, but they have their own emotional basis. In addition, after years of taming, dogs are naturally close to humans, so a combination of one person and one aberrant beast is formed.

I just don’t know why this greyhound turned into a poisonous dog, but it still has such a strange form.

Greyhounds, in Brian's previous life, were actually called thin dogs, the kind of thin dogs with long muzzles, slender bodies and long legs.

This thing is a hunting dog. It runs extremely fast and relies on visual dynamics to capture prey. It originated from the Middle East and has very strong athletic ability.

Under normal circumstances, even if it is distortion, the opponent should also be changing in speed.

Unless its own heart is eager to digest flesh and blood quickly, it will eventually turn into that disgusting monster under the radiation of the blood moon.

Nothing happens left or right.

Brian simply searched for keyword information about this hotel.

In the middle, I found a lot of travel guide posts that spontaneously recommended the ‘Franz and Blanco’ House Hotel, and they highlighted the greyhound named Blanco.

However, Brian noticed that similar posts were dated as of five years ago.

In other words, after five years ago, few travel friends mentioned the hotel 'Franz and Blanco' House again.

Follow the comments one by one.

Brian finally found out the reason from a netizen's comment.

It turns out that the 'Franz and Blanc' Hotel opened five years ago and changed hands just one year ago. The reason was that Franz, who had changed his mind, fell in love and got married. As a result, the woman cheated on him. Franz is divorced.

After a court ruling, the hotel became the property of the woman and her lover.

The name of the hotel has also been changed.

This marriage was a big blow to Franz.

The physical, mental and financial impact was huge.

Since then, no traveler has seen Franz.

Brian followed this information and found information about Franz's ex-wife in the database.

There are two related reports on this.

One was Franz's ex-wife, who called the police and reported that after the divorce, Franz had been appearing outside 'her hotel' with the dog, staring at her as if he wanted to eat her and his new love.

The local patrol police probably sympathized with Franz's misfortune and only gave Franz a warning.

This is actually easy to understand.

According to previous statistics from an organization, the number of independent houses owned by women here exceeds the number of houses owned by men.

The biggest reason is divorce.

For example, Franz’s ex-wife’s ‘hotel’ is the home of Franz and Gouzi.

There are many similar examples, and they are increasing year by year.

There are still many sympathizers for this unfortunate guy.

The second alarm record is a disappearance case.

Franz's ex-wife and her lover disappeared.

The local police suspected Franz, but he had become a homeless man by then.

The police found some traces in Franz's barren homeless den, but did not find the bodies of the missing two people, nor did they find decisive evidence. In the end, the case was dropped, and Franz was acquitted.

Looking at the second report, a thought suddenly came to Brian's mind: Franz's ex-wife and his ex-wife's lover couldn't have been eaten by Franz and his dog...

If you say so.

A lot of things make sense.

Franz might have awakened his strange attributes after that and led the dog astray.

Brian suspected that this Franz might also be a deformed person, but he died too painfully, and his skull was shattered by a shot, so he didn't show any tricks.


Brian took Susan and Thirteen out to have a meal together.

Return to the office building.

Ivan and the others just happened to come back with a sinister-looking guy.

Susan asked curiously: "Ivan, is this the prisoner in your case?"

When Brian was investigating the murder of a Chinese man who dated online, Ivan and the others also took over a case in which a family of five in a suburban area were wiped out.

The reporter was the woman’s mother.

Ivan nodded, motioned to Green and Glenn to take them into the interrogation room first, and then said a little unhappily:

"This guy is the younger brother of the host. He likes gambling and borrowed loan sharks from gangsters. In order to repay the money, this bastard wanted to go to his brother's house to steal money.

As a result, he was discovered by his brother who came back suddenly.

During the dispute, he impulsively picked up a table knife and killed his unsuspecting brother. Then he simply waited at his brother's house, killed his wife and three children, and faked the scene of a home invasion and robbery.

It was through investigating the deceased's personal connections and determining the financial anomalies of the other brother's brother that we locked onto him. "


After listening to Ivan's description, Susan's fists rattled.

She gritted her teeth and said, "What an inhuman bastard!"


Susan clenched her fists and rushed into the interrogation room.

next moment.

The man's screams for mercy echoed throughout the entire floor.

Ivan and Brian looked at each other.

Ivan smiled and said: "Team leader Susan has a very straightforward personality."

Brian shrugged: "Susan does have a good character, man. Remember to let that guy know what should be said and what should not be said. By the way, you can leave it to Green. He still needs some growth."

"give it to me!"

Ivan touched his masculine beard and spoke in a affirmative tone.

It's about two o'clock in the afternoon.

Susan came out of the interrogation room with satisfaction, grabbed Thirteen who was playing a card game with Brian, and returned to her team leader's office.

Brian was very angry at this kind of female boss who blatantly molested her subordinates and repeatedly violated workplace bullying and hidden rules.

However, the first level of officialdom can crush people to death.

The female boss is still his object.

Without any choice.

Brian had no choice but to find Old Harden: "Man, are there any new cases? I'm very free now."

Harden Lao didn't even look back. He tapped on the keyboard with both hands flexibly. Finally, he opened a plug-in frame panel that Brian was familiar with and entered a string of codes on it.

After seeing the characters in the game automatically blasting troops to attack enemy units, Old Harden picked up his coffee with satisfaction and looked at Brian: "Want a new case? No problem, I'll just say hello to the reporting center."

Brian looked at Old Harden with disdain: "You are cheating in a game, tsk tsk tsk tsk."

Old Harden is not ashamed, but proud: "If you don't cheat, how can those abused players know how to make progress? If they don't make progress, how can they buy my cheats? This is my business!"


Brian spurned Old Harden and turned to leave.

He despises old Harden for being such a loser.

Unlike him, he never cheats!

This is moral integrity!

It's around four o'clock in the afternoon, and it's almost time to get off work.

Old Harden finally received a new case.

He stretched, put down the landline phone, and walked to Brian: "There is a new case. A couple was shot dead in their own villa. The reporter was a small newspaper boy who delivered newspapers. Listen to the operator. , both of the deceased were people of some reputation.”

"Finally a case."

Brian wrote down the address and knocked on Susan's office door: "Team leader, there is a new case. I am going to take Staff Thirteen to investigate the scene."

"Thirteen is inconvenient!"

Susan didn't even let Brian in: "I found that Staff Thirteen is a little malnourished. I'm going to take it back to replenish it. Please ask Green to go to the scene."


When you have Thirteen, you no longer need yourself.

Green was very happy.

He was also worried that when Susan came back, Boss Brian wouldn't take him with him.

Green wiped the blood on his hands after a friendly exchange with the criminal, happily drove the scene investigation vehicle, and rushed to the crime scene with Brian.

Assistant Thom was still dealing with the rotting and mutilated corpses of the family of five in the massacre, and couldn't spare any time.

Half an hour later.

The two came to the community villa at the address.

Arriving at the villa where the crime occurred, Brian looked at the strange sculpture outside the door of the villa with a strange expression.

He seemed to have been here a few years ago.

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