You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 183 Boss Brian, you know so much! (Two in one, please give me the monthly ticket for May!)

"Boss Brian, what's wrong?"

Green looked at Brian who suddenly stood still and asked curiously.

Brian shook his head and stepped forward to touch the sculpture.

When he touched a symbol similar to the letter Z under the chin of the sculpture, he said with great certainty: "I came here three years and nine months ago. If I remember correctly, the owners of this villa are a pair of dentists. couple!"

In front of the villa, the patrolman guarding the house nodded: "Yes, Coroner Brian, the deceased couple are the owners of the Mason chain of dental clinics. They are somewhat famous in the surrounding communities. Mr. Mason is also a popular candidate for district mayor this year. "

Hearing this, Green looked at Brian with envy: "Boss Brian, you have such a good memory. You can actually remember things three or four years ago so clearly, even down to the month!"

Brian rolled his eyes:

"Of course I remember it clearly!

I was preparing to pursue a career as a dentist after graduating from college, so I went to their clinic to volunteer during the holidays and accumulated volunteer hours.

Mr. Mason treated me as a laborer and often asked me to come over and help with weeding after hours at the clinic.

His wife also often asked me to help clear the clogged sewers in the villa.

Mr. Mason is a busy man and often has to socialize outside. Only his wife is at home.

Green, you know.

If the toilet at home is not used often, scale will settle in the water pipes, and it is not clear when it will become clogged.

This dredging process is very physically demanding.

Unfortunately, their water pipes often need to be unclogged.

During that time, I was often listless. "

Green and the two patrolmen expressed their dissatisfaction with Brian's experience: "These rich people like to bully and exploit ordinary people. They are so bullying!"

Brian nodded in agreement:


His wife was also very inconsiderate. Seeing that I was a young man, she squeezed my energy hard. I became very angry later and refused any extra help.

Dr. Mason was angry.

He thought that as a young man, I had no spirit of helping others, and said that I was petty! "

Speaking of being petty, Brian said clearly:

"Although it has been three years, nine months... yes, eight days, I remember this incident very clearly!

I just finished my work that day and left here covered in sweat and fatigue. I stood in your position and told Dr. Mason, who had just returned from drinking, that there was too much scale in the sewers at his house and that he had to clear it several times a day. Dredging was so tiring and seriously affected my rest.

But he thought I had no spirit of helping others and slandered me for being petty!

This sentence seriously hurt me when I was young at that time!

If his wife hadn't stopped me, I would have punched him twice! "

The more Brian talked, the more aggrieved he became.

If it weren't for his hard work during that time, Dr. Mason's family would have broken up long ago!

He didn't even take the money!


The more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

If he is not careful, why does Boss Brian remember this matter so clearly, even down to the precise day, and down to the precise state and words of Dr. Mason at that time...

The other two patrol officers also felt that something was wrong the more they listened.

Brian coroner's mouth unblocked pipe, is it serious?

However, in the face of this rising star in the Los Angeles police force, no matter what the three of them were thinking at the moment, they all quickly complained and criticized the already cool Mason couple, exaggerating Brian's spirit of resistance in the face of unwritten rules and oppression.

Look, who said there is no humanity here.

Isn't that what it is?

Seeing this, Brian waved his hand: "Forget it, it's been so long. As a generous person, I don't care about it for a long time. Let's talk about the situation at the crime scene."

Don't take it to heart, you still remember it so clearly

The three of them complained in their hearts.

An older patrolman coughed twice, suppressed his desire to complain, and briefly described what they learned:

"The Masons have been obsessed with stocks since they opened a chain of dental clinics.

They order the Wall Street Journal every day and have it delivered to them by the newsboy who delivers the newspaper to ensure they see important global financial information and breaking news as soon as possible.

Today, the newsboy found that the door of their house was not closed, so he looked inside and found bloody footprints on the blanket at the door. He was so frightened that he went to the community committee and called the police.

After we came over, members of the community committee confirmed that the deceased were Mr. and Mrs. Mason.

They drove back at around nine o'clock last night.

I also greeted the residents of the community at that time.

This is the villa area.

The villas are far apart from each other.

With the help of members of the community committee, we asked the surrounding neighbors. They said they heard no unusual noise last night, but at about 1 a.m., the intersection surveillance captured the Mason couple's SUV leaving.

To ensure that the site is not damaged.

We reported it to the reporting center and forwarded the case. "

"Thank you. Your preliminary work will be of great help to us. Once the case is solved, I will ask the clerk to write down your credit and efforts clearly when writing the case report. This is what you deserve."

Brian painted the pie.

This kind of thing, just mentioning it, can make him have a good reputation, something that is free of charge.

Hearing this, the two patrol officers couldn't help but smile on their faces.

They felt ashamed for their previous suspicion that Brian's coroner was a small-minded person.

How could Brian's coroner be so generous in sharing the credit? How could he be petty?

What Dr. Mason said to Brian's coroner three years, nine months and eight days ago was completely slanderous!

Green puffed up his chest when he saw the reaction of the two patrolmen.

At that time, he shamelessly wanted to follow Brian because he saw the other person's generosity and strength.

Now his five-digit savings has verified his vision.

Hang out with Boss Brian.

If Brian, the boss, has a mouthful of meat to eat, he, Green, has a bone to chew on!

His future is promising!

Brian didn't know that these three people had so much inner drama.

He put on his shoe covers and gloves, and walked into the door of the villa with Green, who had also changed his equipment.

The entrance is a clear bloody footprint on the white blanket.

The bloody footprints have clear outlines and the lines of the soles.

Looking at the complex grain pattern, you can tell that the shoes are not cheap.

Green squatted down, measured the size of the bloody footprints with his hands, and expressed his opinion: "Boss Brian, the shoe size is probably between 42-44, and the feet are very big. The murderer should be a man."

Brian nodded: "This is the shoe print of a pair of leather shoes. The exact foot size is size 43. If you see the logo of the pattern in the middle, these are custom-made handmade leather shoes. A pair costs more than five thousand US dollars. Take a photo of the bloody footprint pattern. "Okay, send it to Old Harden and ask him to ask the brand for a list of customers who have customized leather shoes of this size."

He is a very image-conscious person.

After you have money, you are very particular about clothes and shoes, and you also know something about these things.

Green whistled, picked up the camera hanging on his chest and took pictures.

Putting away the camera, he said with a relaxed expression: "Boss Brian, there are generally not many customers for this kind of handmade luxury leather shoes. It seems that this case will not be too difficult to solve. We will soon be able to identify the murderer."

Brian shook his head: "The murderer is indeed not smart. He directly provided us with the direction of the investigation, but the owner of the shoe is not necessarily the murderer. This shoe print was left intentionally by the murderer."

As he spoke, he squatted down, pointed at the shoe prints and analyzed: "Most people's soles of the feet are the muscles on both sides of the metatarsal bones and the heel muscles. These three points are evenly stressed to form elastic arches. Flat feet will It’s a little different, but when they step forward, the metatarsal position must be the position where the force is greatest.”


Green is not very familiar with the reputations of these body parts.

Brian explained:

“The metatarsal area, simply understood, is the area just below your five toes.

If you still don’t know how to tell the difference, just touch the small ball protruding outward on the big toe. This is the ball of the metatarsal bone.

Place it on the shoe, usually at the arch of the shoe.

When we walk forward, the cross-section where the ball of the metatarsal bone is located is often the area that receives the most stress. Therefore, if leather shoes are worn for a long time, no matter how good the shoes are, the cross-section where the arch of the shoe is located will leave a mark.

Same thing.

When we leave footprints, normally the area where the metatarsal bones are located has the deepest marks.

But look at this bloody footprint."

Brian has never investigated crime scenes before, but he has created many crime scenes. Practice makes perfect, and he is self-taught.

These are all valuable experiences he has gained from his own practice, which gives Green a good advantage.

After hearing this, Green felt like he was enlightened.

He looked back at the bloody footprints on the ground.

When I looked at it, I immediately noticed the difference.

The darkest area of ​​this bloody footprint is not the arch of the shoe, where the metatarsal ball is located, but the area with the hand-customized mark in the middle!

This means that the murderer’s metatarsal area is actually in the middle of the shoe!

The opponent's feet not only did not have 43 yards, but were even estimated to be only thirty or so yards.

Green looked at Brian in admiration: "Boss Brian, these are bloody footprints left by a woman who deliberately wore a large shoe size!"

Brian shrugged: "Probably, but it's also possible that the murderer put his gloves on the leather shoes and pressed his palms right in the middle of the shoes, leaving this mark. The specifics require on-site investigation."

Crossing the blanket, the two walked into the villa hall.

What he saw was a man and a woman, two naked corpses.

The man was facing the door, his turbid eyes that had turned gray wide open, and he was lying on the big sofa in the Wolong Valley position. He was also wearing special panties with a silicone whip. appearance.

"Wow~ Do you still have pants like this?"

Green looked at the peculiar pair of pants curiously.

Brian glanced at Green with a strange look that you rarely see, and said: "This kind of thing looks like a whip. Some men who have passed their prime of life will wear these kind of pants in order to keep their wives well fed. The food is for the wife and partner, and there is also a solid one, which is usually bought by lesbians.”

"Boss Brian, you know so much!"

Green couldn't remember the first time he said such a thing.

He only knows that Brian, the boss, is the guiding light in his life. He can not only guide him in work, but also increase his life experience, so that other people's wheels will not mark his face in the future. He is still there. There Makabaka.

Faced with Green's praise.

Brian's face was calm and unmoved, and he calmly inspected the condition of Dr. Mason's body.

Dr. Mason was very considerate and wore pants before he died.

This made Brian's preliminary autopsy much easier.

The cause of death of the other party is clear at a glance.

Three bullets struck Mason, two in the chest and one in the forehead.

As the saying goes, two shots in the chest, one in the head, Hua Tuo would shake his head even when he was alive.

This is a typical Mozambican shooting method, suitable for close-range pistol shooting, with a fatality rate of nearly 100%.

The murderer came with the intention of killing!

Brian grabbed Mason's green head with his big hands, lifted him up, and looked at the distribution of blood spatter on the sofa pillow behind him.

The distribution of blood spatter is very narrow.

This means that when Mason heard the noise at the door and stood up, the murderer had already opened the door, appeared in front of them, and directly pulled the trigger. As a result, before the blood inside Mason could spurt out, he was killed behind him. The sofa pillows were blocking it.

Generally speaking, after a pistol bullet is injected into the human body, it does not move in a penetrating straight line. The bullet will be affected by the skeletal muscles and change direction. The bullet will turn into a tumbling motion under the action of kinetic energy.

This will lead to bullet holes where the wounds look small, but in fact a large number of flesh and blood cavities have been torn out inside.

Therefore, in reality, people who are shot in the body may not feel much pain, but they will lose strength within a few seconds, and it is impossible to continue to fight bloody battles like in the movie.

Unless the caliber of the bullet is very small, or the person is drugged.

To a certain extent, penetrating bullet wounds that do not involve internal organs are considered minor injuries.

Mason was lucky.

Two bullets penetrated his body and entered the sofa behind him.

If he was lucky, he might be able to call an ambulance.

Unfortunately, the murderer also put a bullet in his head.

Brian stood in front of Mason's body, turned around, looked at the door, and touched his chin:

“The blood spattered from the gun muzzle on the back of the deceased Mason was spread over a very narrow area.

This means the killer fired from a very close range.

At that time, Mason should have just stood up when he heard the door opening and wanted to check the situation. In the end, the murderer appeared directly in front of them and pulled the trigger.

This process takes no more than one second.

The door lock showed no signs of being picked, which meant the killer had the keys to their home. "

Green stood by, watching and learning.

He also had a recording pen stuffed into his body, just to review Boss Brian's words and deeds and reflect on Boss Brian's ideas for solving the case.

After checking the body of the deceased Mason.

Brian came behind the sofa and saw Mrs. Mason's body following the messy and shocking traces of blood on the floor.

The other party was crawling, with his hands reaching towards the bedroom eagerly, as if he wanted to hide back in the bedroom. There was also a bruised shoe print on his back, and a bullet hole on his right foot and on the back of his head. This was Mrs. Mason's fatal blow. hurt.

Looking at the other party's profile, Brian was surprised in his eyes.

This middle-aged woman actually looks several years younger than she was more than three years ago. Even with her dead gray face, she looks like she is only in her thirties, and she is in pretty good condition.

There is another thing that is also strange.

There were injuries on Mrs. Mason's feet, but the amount of blood left in an area behind the sofa was obviously more than the amount of blood where the other party's body was.

This means that Mrs. Mason and the killer knew each other, at least communicated and begged for mercy.

"Green, talk about Mrs. Mason's death replay."

Brian glanced at the bruised footprints on Mrs. Mason's back and said casually.

Green nodded, thought for a moment and said:

"At that time, Mrs. Mason was probably preparing to have sex with her husband, but the door to the villa was suddenly opened. Mason wanted to get up to check the situation, but was shot and killed by the murderer.

Mrs. Mason was also shot in the right foot.

She rolled over behind the sofa and instinctively tried to crawl back into the bedroom, but the murderer caught up with her.

The murderer stepped on her back, raised his gun and shot Mrs. Mason dead.

By the way, Boss Brian, looking at the distribution of bruises and footprints on Mrs. Mason’s back, we can confirm that the murderer is probably a woman with feet around size 35.

Because the bloody footprints at the door may have been intentionally made by the murderer wearing gloves and shoes.

The bruise on Mrs. Mason’s back is difficult to press out with your hands!

Bruising will only occur on remaining active body tissue.

Even if the murderer deliberately left this footprint after beating the deceased to death, because the muscles of the body were soft not long after death, the murderer would still need to use his body weight if he wanted bruises to appear.

It was impossible for the murderer to stand upside down on her shoes, so she could only have committed the crime while wearing oversize leather shoes. "

Listen to Green's analysis.

Brian clapped his hands: "It's a very good analysis. It's basically correct, but there is one thing missing."


Green scanned the scene again, thought for a long time, and finally shook his head and said: "Sorry, Boss Brian, I can't think of anything I missed."

Brian pointed at the blood stain that Green was dragging without noticing:

"Have you seen these blood stains? If according to what you said, the traces left by these blood will not be so numerous and messy. This means that Mrs. Mason did not actively run away there, but was forced by the murderer to lie on the ground in embarrassment. struggle.

Pay attention to the blood volume concentration of the blood stain.

These places are thin, which means that Mrs. Mason quickly crawled over this area.

The blood residue in these places is thick and scattered, which means that she stayed at this position for at least several minutes with her bleeding feet. This is why the blood traces at the place where she died, the footsteps, are not as thick as behind the sofa. "


Green suddenly realized: "Boss Brian, you mean that the deceased knew the murderer, and after turning over the sofa, she hid behind the sofa and begged for mercy and communicated with the murderer?"


Brian nodded:

"Acquaintances, women, size 35~36 feet, may have military experience, this is our next target to investigate.

By the way, focus on the customer list of handmade leather shoes from Old Harden.

The murderer was able to get the pair of shoes to frame her, which means that she also knew the owner of the leather shoes.

As long as there is such a woman, she meets these common points.

She is the murderer! ”

Solving a case is like this.

Find common points → investigate → identify qualified suspects → solve the case.

The most difficult part is the first step.

Any missing element may make it impossible to identify the suspect.

So a master of solving a case must also be a person with strong observation skills.

After investigating the scene.

The next step is to collect the bodies.

These rough jobs are naturally done by Green.

When he saw Mrs. Mason, with her beautiful face and proud figure, he couldn't help but show regret: "It's a pity that such a beautiful woman died."

This kind of woman belongs to his social class and can't even touch her.

Brian sneered: "She actually looks pretty good, but her breasts are made of silicone, and they feel like fake products when you pinch them. The waist is liposuctioned and the buttocks are filled with fat. That is, they look good, but they feel bad. By the way, Mrs. Mason should be forty years old now..."

"Forty? "

Green pinched the other's stiff but smooth face, with a look of disbelief.

If she was wearing makeup and said she was in her twenties, he would believe it.

"She is indeed too young, several years younger than when I helped her get through... when I met her. It's like she's growing backwards. This is indeed a bit abnormal." Brian frowned and thought.

Although there are strengthening reagents in this world that can easily do this.

But according to the scale of the Mason Dental Chain, the other party is at most a wealthy middle class.

They don't even have the qualifications to contact this kind of high-quality strengthening reagents.

"Forget it, let's investigate first."

Brian was too lazy to think about it.

On the other side.

Susan looked at Thirteen strangely.

Thirteen has been sleeping today.


What did Brian do with Thirteen last night?

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