You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 184 Investigation direction, Susan’s green tea girlfriend (thanks to the leader of ‘Changji

"Boss Brian, is there something wrong with the female victim's body?"

Green noticed the change in Brian's expression.

Brian nodded: "The tissue structure of Mason's wife's body is obviously different from other parts of her body. I suspect she is undergoing exchange transfusion therapy."

After discovering the abnormality, he specifically checked Mason's wife's arm and found traces of long-term injections.

Mason's wife showed no signs of drug use.

This shows that she has experienced long-term injections of bodily fluids, which lasted for a long time and were very frequent.

"Exchange therapy?"

Green had only heard of bloodletting, and this was the first time he heard of blood transfusion.

Brian nodded:

“More than twenty years ago, someone did an experiment to perform blood circulation on an old laboratory mouse and a young laboratory mouse.

After experiments, scientific researchers found that old mice, after being baptized with the blood of young mice, re-exhibited many characteristics that only young mice have.

According to this experiment.

Scientific researchers have discovered that the blood of animals contains some special substances that can stimulate the rejuvenation of body tissues.

This process is called blood transfusion therapy. "

"This sounds a little evil...", Green thought of something bad: "I mean, if this is really useful, will there be some abnormal cases of missing people in captivity?"

Brian shrugged:

“Humanity is a complicated thing.

This blood transfusion therapy is not popular at all.

One reason is that risks such as blood contamination and rejection are difficult to resolve. The risks are not small and the technology is not yet mature. In addition, the results do not seem to be ideal, and many problems have been discovered in the process.

Another reason is that suitable individuals are not easy to find.

Compared with the biotechnology developed by aberrations, this method is a very backward technology and has no soil for development. It is normal that you have never heard of it. "

Green nodded:

"Well, this kind of backward technology fits the identity of the Mason couple. After all, they only have some money, but they are not really rich, and they probably don't have access to enhanced reagents.

However, I still feel evil about this blood transfusion therapy.

This reminds me of a story my mother used to scare me when I was little. "

"what story?"

"I can't remember clearly, but there were probably people outside who specially caught teenage children, took them out for dissection, and exchanged some body tissue for rich people."

Having said this, Green pointed at himself with an exaggerated expression:

“I felt amazing at the time.

At that time, I worked part-time in a fast food restaurant, and I only made a small amount of money per hour. However, my mother told me that if my organs were sold separately, their value would be countless times what I am now...

By the way, it was still very popular at that time to sign various organ donation agreements...

All kinds of brainwashing, all kinds of flattery.

It has also set off a trend among many young people.

This blood transfusion therapy reminded me of some unhappy things in the past. "

After hearing what Green said, Brian was happy.

He is actually about the same age as Green and has also experienced this.

What Green said is true, but the rumor is even greater.

Illegal organs are actually worthless.

In some backward areas, a human life only costs a few thousand dollars. If a single organ, such as a kidney, is sold, it requires cooperation throughout the process. You have to take the initiative to go to the operating table. After removing the agency fee, you only get one or two thousand dollars.

This is still a successful matching and the price paid by the customer.

If there is no successful matching, no organ dealer will be willing to give money to people in backward areas who want to sell themselves.

The really expensive ones are actually legal organs.

Such as donated organs.

In short, as long as it does not violate morals and laws, only if this kind of legal organ is rare, can withstand investigation, and has no hidden dangers can it be sold at a good price.

"Did you sign it then?"

Brian asked curiously.

Green shook his head repeatedly: "If someone I care about is in need, maybe I will be willing to give it, but forget it. My mother said that if my organs are really suitable for someone who is rich, powerful and in need, I will You might get into an accident, show up in the hospital ambulance, and die involuntarily.”

"Your mother is really wise about life."

Brian praised.

This kind of thing is possible.

In fact, the same is true for blood transfusion therapy.

That's quite right.

When you see a cockroach in the room, it means there are a bunch of cockroaches somewhere you didn't see.

If it weren't for this world, there would be powerful biotechnology brought by various aberrant people.

Then Brian has no doubt that there will be a large number of scientists who will focus on blood transfusion therapy as a breakthrough point in human immortality, and finally turn it into some kind of technical means that can bring benefits.

Before the emergence of new technologies, ordinary people would probably not hear any detailed information about this method. It would not appear in front of the public until a better method was substituted.

This is the case with strengthening reagents.

There are regulations within the NW organization. Even if ordinary employees have obtained meritorious service and want to exchange for enhanced reagents, they can only use it by themselves and their relatives. They cannot sell it for money.

Other organizations may have similar bans.

They can't protect the offspring of their family, they can produce elites from generation to generation, but they can tacitly choose to use 'rules and systems' to ensure that their offspring will be different from ordinary people from the time they are still fertilized eggs.

Stop the small talk.

Brian re-stored the two bodies.

After a brief cleaning, the two came to the empty conference room.

"Exchange transfusion therapy has not been tested for safety and will not be promoted openly. It can only be performed in private institutions."

Brian wrote 'exchange therapy' on the board: "Looking at the state of Mason's wife, this stranded research technology has become very mature and has been used in practice. We need to find this institution."

Green was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Boss Brian would not pay attention to the 'Garden of Eden', but instead pay attention to this unknown scientific research institution.

Is this related to the case?

Brian saw Green's thoughts at a glance and explained:

“Based on the situation at the scene, this was a crime committed by an acquaintance, and the murderer most likely has the key to the Mason’s villa.

The previous patrol officer said that the deceased Mason was running for district council recently.

In addition, the information on the laptop showed that the Masons had a sex habit of swapping partners and had a lot of fun.

This is the direction of investigation we can see on the surface. "

Green nodded.

That's what he thought.

"Believe me, if you really do this, it will be a waste of time and energy, and it may be used by the murderer. Don't forget, the other party also left false clues at the scene."

Brian wrote two directions of investigation on the board:

“Competitors are the first object of suspicion that most people think of, but this one is actually the least likely.

Because in an election campaign, the best way is to destroy the opponent's reputation.

So every year in the general election, we can see a lot of fun.

But definitely not to kill competitors.

This kind of trouble would be too great, and it would not be accepted by people at the same level. There is no need for a mere district councilor to risk his own entrance to do such a thing. Competitors can't get the key to Mason's house. "

"The second suspect is the Masons' playmate.

Subconsciously, everyone thinks that this kind of intimate relationship will also be very intimate in private interactions. This is also a very wrong idea.

Remember that club called ‘Eden’?

Everyone plays in this kind of place, one is to find suitable and large numbers of play partners, and the other is actually to divide the identity and life in reality.

Play is play, life is life.

This is the truest mentality of people like them.

Without this sense of boundaries, it would have been impossible for them to leave so many private photos in their notebooks and not get divorced in the end. "

Brian analyzed accurately.

He felt that both directions of investigation were unreliable.

Instead, it was blood transfusion therapy.

This thing is very niche in this world, and not many truly rich and powerful people are interested in it.

They have better options.

There is no support from powerful people.

The verification phase of this technology will be very difficult, and it will inevitably involve some illegal experiments and research. In addition, people who study this technology will most likely not know the group of aberrations, otherwise no one will be willing to use their precious Put your time and research energy into some backward technologies.

The key is that without official verification, it can only be promoted and communicated among private individuals.

In other words, the person who guides Mason's wife to undergo this kind of treatment must be an acquaintance of the other party, a very trusted acquaintance, maybe a best friend.

It's similar to referrals between medical and aesthetic medicine.

This image is also consistent with the hypothesis that the murderer has the key to Mason's house.

Taken together.

Brian felt that this murder was somewhat related to this aspect.

Green easily understood the first conjecture.

the second..

If you think about it carefully, that's right.

In a place like a club, everyone will inevitably do a lot of outrageous things and show themselves to pursue their desires. When they return to real life, if they meet again, it will be somewhat embarrassing.

Brian saw him thinking, so he reminded him again:

"Actually, there is another very important reason why members of this kind of Q-for-Q club don't have deep friendships in private, and that is that the partners they bring there may not be their real partners.

For excitement, some people will spend money to find prostitutes, or bring their lovers there.

Only a fool would actually take his wife there."


Green was surprised: "Can you bring a prostitute there?"

Isn't this the same as playing with someone else's wife in vain?

Brian shrugged: "As long as the physical examination report is OK, experienced prostitutes are the best actors. As long as you give them enough money, they can't do anything except math problems. Everything else will be fine."

"Boss Brian, I feel like I can learn so much from following you, and my knowledge is really broad."

Green marveled.

Brian waved his hands calmly.

It's just a little bit of knowledge on the road of growth.

Not worth mentioning.

After packing up, the two said goodbye and went home from get off work.

the next day.

When Brian came to the office, the first thing he did was to snatch the bulging Thirteen back from Susan's hand.

One person and one dog came to the rooftop.

Brian looked at Thirteen.

Thirteen rarely avoided Brian's gaze, staring at the cement floor with his head empty, as if there were ants crawling on it.


I haven't seen you for a night, you have changed!


Brian stretched out his voice, which sounded very much like the tone of his mother calling his name before she exploded in her previous life.

Thirteen felt bad, burped, and shouted with a guilty conscience: "Wangwang~Wangwangwang~ (There is a woman named Caroline who sleeps with Susan and teaches Susan how to fall in love with you...)"


Brian narrowed his eyes.

Caroline, Susan's female bestie!

If I can't win in a one-on-one fight, I will retreat to advance. I want Susan, an idiot who has never been in love, to be worried about gains and losses and lose her attraction to me. I will win without fighting, and wait until I quarrel with Susan because I am not used to it, and then take advantage of the opportunity to attack

What a vicious plan!

Brian almost instantly imagined a long plot in his mind.

In his previous life, he had seen many similar stories shared in the comment section on the Internet, where best friends did this and finally succeeded.

Isn't this a copycat!

Brian hurriedly said, "What did Caroline say?"


It's basically, sense of security, sense of care, and a small test

Brian's blood pressure rose after hearing this.

Isn't this a pure breakup package?

No wonder Susan suddenly wanted to have dinner with him the day before yesterday, which is not like her character at all.

He felt strange at the time.

If Susan really wanted to have dinner with him, she would definitely say directly: Let's go to XX in the evening, straight to the point, without any beating around the bush, and would not make it so ceremonial.

So even if he didn't take Thirteen to hunt, Brian would find another excuse that day.

This is the sensitivity of an excellent man to emotions!

"Playing green tea with me, right?"

Brian thought of Caroline's pretty face and sneered.

When he finishes the case at hand, he will let the other party know what it means to lose both the wife and the army!

He wants to make Caroline suffer in silence!

Caroline likes Thirteen very much.

When she saw it, she threw a bunch of delicious food in front of Thirteen, fed it with her own hands, and praised and caressed it in various ways.

Thirteen is just a child.

When have you ever seen such a scene before?

It led to telling other people's secrets.

The broken dog felt a little embarrassed.

In view of Thirteen's improper attitude of being soft-mouthed, Brian gave it more than half an hour of ideological education, focusing on what is a class enemy, what is a marshmallow bomb...

Thirteen is a blank sheet of paper, in front of the boss, naturally the boss said the truth, and the dog nodded continuously.

After satisfying his desire to preach.

Brian took Thirteen back to the office with satisfaction.

Susan was here today, and it was difficult for everyone to gather together, so they held a morning meeting together.

During the meeting.

Susan focused on criticizing Glenn's appearance.

This guy has been in the B6 team for two months. He has a swollen face for two-thirds of the time. His unruly temperament has led to people often calling to question whether he has encountered a scammer during the investigation process.


He is helpless about the handsome face suffering.

In the past, Ivan was protecting him, so who dared to beat him?

The two of them are together, and they don't bully others. They are all high-quality.

Now he is beaten five times in three days, and Ivan is also beaten.

Where can he go to seek justice?

The meeting is over.

Brian asked Susan to stamp his mouth, and after a while, he took Green to the appointment with the police consultant.

This police consultant is a biological and medical expert in Los Angeles and a member of the Human Health Medical Safety Committee.

Some new drugs are launched, some surgical sorcerers, etc., and they will refer to the opinions of these respected people in the academic world. They are considered masters in the industry.

If Brian was not a B-sequence second-level employee of NW and could make a phone appointment directly through the NW Foreign Affairs Department, the other party might not have the time to deal with them.

This is a research institute.

Led by the secretary, Brian and Green came to a private reception room.


Brian saw the painting on the wall and showed a surprised expression.

On it, it was a Chinese ink landscape painting.

The landscape painting was not the reason for Brian's surprise.

The key point was that when he saw this landscape painting, the passive feedback of the supercomputer perception actually felt a strange perception of ink "flow" from this ordinary landscape painting.

This painting is a bit weird!

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