You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 185 Magical landscape painting, curse pattern? (April monthly ticket plus 1)

"How about this painting?"

A bald white middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses walked in from outside.

This private reception room has glass outside and no cover, so you can see inside and outside, but the soundproof effect is very good. When the door is closed, you can't hear much movement outside.

Brian turned his head and looked at the other party: "Professor McCoff?"

McCoff nodded: "Yes, but I prefer people to call me by my name directly. How do you feel about this painting? This is a painting given to me by my friend. He is a Chinese. He said that the ink paintings there prefer artistic conception. I have never understood what artistic conception is, so I hung the painting here, hoping to find someone to interpret it for me."

"Artistic conception?"

Brian thought for a while and pointed to the beautiful long-legged secretary behind McCoff: "Green, if you want to sleep with this lady, what would you say?"

Green: "Ah?"

Everyone here is a person of status. It's not appropriate for Boss Brian to say this.

The beautiful secretary heard this, and her expression did not change at all, as if she was not the one being discussed.

Seeing that several people were looking at him, Green had to say dryly: "Maybe I would say, beauty, do you want to come to my house tonight? My bed is quite big."

"Be more direct!"

"Okay, I would say, do you have time to sleep together tonight?"

"Yeah." Brian nodded: "This is realism, what you see is what it is."

McCoff looked at Brian with interest: "What about the artistic conception?"

Brian came to the painting and whispered: "Madam, I want to go on a 'boat' with you to watch the sunrise."

McCoff was stunned for a moment, and it took a few seconds for him to react: "Imagination space?"

Brian nodded: "You can also understand it this way. Painting is just a medium to show emotions. What is really shown is actually the painter's emotions at the time, or something that can only be understood by oneself and cannot be accurately described."


McCoff pointed to the landscape painting on the wall: "Then what do you think this represents?"

Brian was silent for a moment, and said uncertainly: "Danger, anxiety, farewell before death..."

The mountain is high and far-sighted, but the mountain is too steep.

The lake flows, but the water is too turbulent.

There are flying birds in the sky, and an old man in a straw raincoat fishing on the water.

The flying birds in the sky look down, and the old man looks up. The two look at each other, but one is in the sky, the other is on the water, one is flying far away to the setting sun, and the other is in a turbulent lake. It seems that there is a boat under your feet, but it is actually unstable.

Seeing that McCoff fell into thought.

Brian added: "If you are in a turbulent environment and have lost the stability of life when you receive the painting, then my speculation should be correct."

"Farewell before death..."

McCoff sighed: "It should be, I haven't seen him for nearly 20 years, and I rarely talk about this matter with others. Forget it, what are you here to consult?"

Brian finally glanced at the ink lake in the painting and suppressed his surprise: "A case..."

Half an hour later.

Brian took Green and said goodbye to Professor McCoff.

The female secretary sent the two outside, and suddenly stuffed a note into Brian's hand, turning away without giving him a chance to ask.

Seeing this, Green looked at Brian curiously.

As an honest man who had never encountered such a thing, he wanted to know what was written on it.

Brian opened the paper directly.

There were a few short lines written on it:

Sir, I want to get up with you to watch the sunrise.




Green widened his eyes: "You can get this woman with just one sentence?"

He really couldn't understand.

His bed was very big. What's the difference between getting up with Brian and watching the sunrise?

Aren't they both sleeping together?

Brian crumpled the paper directly and shrugged: "Don't be envious. This trick is only useful for literary young women. For street girls, they will only tell you not to talk about these useless things. Twenty dollars a time, pay first."

Green: ".. Brian, you are quite lively."

"Your description is also very emotionally intelligent."

The two praised each other in business, looked at each other, and laughed.

Back to the office.

Green took out the notebook and prepared to call the research list provided by McCoff.

After the discovery of blood transfusion therapy, it did develop further, but the research direction turned to beauty and anti-aging. The main reason was that the researchers found that the blood of young men and women contained several special substances that were reduced or even no longer secreted by the bodies of middle-aged and elderly people.

It was these substances that stimulated certain body activities of elderly laboratory mice and achieved a similar effect of rejuvenation.

The only problem is that the human body is different from that of laboratory mice.

Humans are much larger than mice.

The body structure is also more complex.

This effect, which is simply achieved by transfusing blood into the human body, has many risks and is cumbersome. The effect is not obvious, and there are many variables, both good and bad, which is difficult to control.

But those researchers, through continuous experiments on laboratory mice, discovered and extracted a substance called C6.

Brian and Green didn't quite understand this thing. The general meaning is that the role of C6 can stimulate cell metabolism and renewal.

It has good effects in fading scars and promoting wound recovery to a certain extent.

But C6 itself has no way to rejuvenate cells and body tissues, which goes against the current tone of biology.

If used too much, the life span of cells will be shortened, which means life span will also be affected.

So this thing currently only exists in laboratories and has not been put on the market.

Although Mycroft didn't think that anyone could really make people's body tissues age-stratified through blood transfusion, he still told them the contact information of several research institutions he knew.

Brian stopped Green's movement: "No need to call. Before I left, I secretly stuffed a locator into Mycroft's car. I will pay attention to his position changes later, as long as the other party does not go to a place with signal interference." , you should be able to find that institution.”

The locator made by Aili transmits wireless waves to transmit positioning.

One of these things is to position the mobile station and continuously send signals to the receiving station. The receiving station will perform position locking based on the set reception time, time difference, radio wave incidence angle and other parameters.

The locator in police movies is basically this type.

Green's eyes widened out of habit: "Boss Brian, are you saying that Professor Mycroft lied?"

Brian often made judgments that impressed him and were unexpected. Green was used to it, but this did not prevent him from making exaggerated reactions to it.

This is called emotional value.

To be a young man, you also need to understand some psychology.

Brian really liked Green's reaction, which made him feel the urge to coach and be satisfied with it, rather than impatiently saying: You are so stupid.

He nodded: "Didn't you notice what Mycroft said unintentionally?"

"What words?"

Green asked cooperatively.

"He accidentally revealed that the Chinese landscape painting on the wall was given to him by a friend more than 20 years ago. The question is, how old do you think Professor Mycroft is?"

Brian asked rhetorically.

Green thought of Mycroft's face and said uncertainly: "It should be about forty years old, not too old, not too young. It is the age when a person's energy has not completely disappeared and he has enough experience."

"Okay, let's calculate it as forty-five years old. So, Mycroft met his friend in his early twenties, or even in his teens.

Green, you may not understand that ink painting, if you want to paint emotions, you need enough experience, and experience requires time to accumulate and accumulate over time.

A person with a lot of experience rarely gets too close to someone who is much younger than him. Their thinking and perspective are different, and they may not even be interested in chatting.

So my guess is that Mycroft used the same, or better, technology as Mason's wife. "

Brian stated the reason for his suspicion.

This is actually to deceive Green.

The reason he was really sure that Mycroft had a problem was that the concentration of pheromones he smelled through his nose was very inconsistent with Mycroft's relatively youthful appearance. It was as if there were old and aging organs inside Mycroft's body that were slowly decaying. Like slow corruption.

The appearance can be changed, but the characteristics of the pheromones emitted in the body cannot be changed just by wanting to change it.

After hearing Brian's explanation, Green sincerely sighed: "Mycroft is really unlucky when he meets you. You are too delicate, Boss Brian!"


He rolled his eyes and ignored Green's stupidity.

Brian was more curious about the landscape painting than Mycroft, who was unlucky enough to hit his hand.

He was sure that according to his senses, the lake surface in the landscape painting was slightly flowing, but neither Green nor Mycroft seemed to notice this.

This reminded Brian of the difference between looking at a computer or TV screen with the naked eye and taking a picture of the screen with a mobile phone.

This process is because the picture on the screen is always refreshed at a high frequency, which is so fast that it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. However, the screen refresh frequency is lower than the shutter speed of the mobile phone, so line-like moiré fringes will appear.

Could it be that that painting has similar characteristics, and that magical images appear in the eyes of people with excellent eyesight?

how did you do that?

for the rest of the time.

Green stared at the locator receiver, and Brian petted the dog. In fact, his mind was filled with the landscape painting.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

That painting seems to have some kind of magic. After the scene, it is hard to forget.

This was the first time Brian had encountered this situation.

After being distracted continuously, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

That broken painting is not a peerless beauty.

Why does he care so much?

Think of this.

Brian came to the workstation vigilantly and took out the paper and pen he had used to practice sketching from the drawer. Without looking at it, his fingers controlled the brush, as if it were printed by a machine, and moved unconsciously.


A bunch of meaningless lines appear on the drawing board.

"Brian, is there a call?" Old Harden, who came to call for help, saw the lines on the drawing board in Brian's hand, and his eyes widened: "This is a curse mark! How can you draw a curse mark!"

As if he saw something terrifying, he backed away continuously, attracting the attention of other people in the office.

Brian was also shocked by Old Harden's reaction and came back to his senses.

"Crimson mark?"

Brian became interested and hugged Old Harden: "It's just a game, why do you care so much? What did you call just now? Let's go to the conference room."


Without waiting for Old Harden to react.

Brian, who was tall and strong, held him in his arms and walked to the conference room together.

"Let me go, Brian, you're too strong, I don't want to talk about this topic." Old Harden wanted to resist, but his old body was like a part clamped on a machine tool. He could only open his mouth and shout, but he was completely helpless.

"I've told you to play less games and don't get too involved. You don't listen. Look at you, you're starting to talk nonsense. Where did I use force? Isn't this a normal social interaction between colleagues?"

Brian covered Old Harden's mouth with his hand, took him and the drawing board, walked into the conference room together, and closed the door.

Everyone looked at Old Harden, whose feet were off the ground and stepped in the air:

I'm really curious about what it is.

Unfortunately, outside the door, Thirteen was squatting down like a dog, staring at everyone with a covetous look. When someone approached, he bared his teeth and threatened, completely ignoring everyone's usual feeding, and fully demonstrated Brian's previous teachings.

Everyone: .

What the hell is this dog Thirteen, the increasingly heavy sense of déjà vu of Brian on him!

In the meeting room.

Old Harden, who was forced to be close to him, was ‘put’ in a position by Brian.

“Hey, tell me, what is the curse pattern?”

Brian pushed the drawing board over.

This is the ‘animated’ picture he will see, controlled by a robot-like body, and the pattern is reproduced one by one.

Old Harden has actually seen it.

Brian is very curious about the story hidden in it!

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