You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 187 The Gold Digger and the Professor

"Mycroft is involved in the case?"

The indifferent middle-aged man had a look of astonishment on his face.

He took out a piece of letter paper, and with a shake of his hand, the soft letter paper turned out to be like a flying card, drawing a rotating arc and accurately appearing in front of Brian.

Brian accurately pinched the corner of the letter with his fingers and started to read it.

This is Mycroft’s confession of suicide:

I regret falling in love with a woman I shouldn't have loved.

I did some disgusting things for her.

Give up the investigation.

I went to kill the Masons.

His wife, through my lover, knew something about me and forced me to carry out a rejuvenation plan for her.

This is a risky medical procedure that has not yet been launched on the market, and the process is a bit cruel. But for the sake of my lover’s reputation, I chose to compromise and operate in violation of regulations.

The postoperative results were good and she got what she wanted.

I thought that was the end of the matter, but they made new demands

I knew that if this continued, there would be an endless abyss, so I took advantage of the opportunity of follow-up visits to get the keys to their residence, and finally killed them, and deliberately created some mysteries...

This started with me and ended with me.



Brian flicked the letter and flew it back to the opponent's hand: "You should be good at shooting."

The middle-aged indifferent man felt the skill and precision on the letter paper, which was almost the same as his own just now, and forced out an ugly smile: "Yes, my name is Merlin, and my marksmanship is indeed good, but Mycroft is from our NW Scientific Research Department. Special technical consultant, let’s end this case.”

"The case involves some NW internal staff?"

Brian asked rhetorically.

Merlin nodded:

“The NW Secret Service only investigates the murder of official NW employees.

After we arrived, we immediately used our authority to conduct a comprehensive investigation into Mycroft's funds, movements, etc., and found that he and some internal scientific researchers had established a medical institution called Blacklight Technology.

Many of Blacklight Medical's projects are medical technologies that have been eliminated internally, but they can be used to harvest the middle class. This is not considered a violation.

Mycroft chose to commit suicide. There must be other problems involved.

We will investigate. "

Brian shook his head directly:

"The reason is not sufficient, man, you should be able to see that Mycroft's suicide was just to help others hide it. He was not the murderer, but the woman behind him was.

He committed suicide.

Women were protected.

Protection in a double sense.

If I guessed correctly, the Masons should be clients of Mycroft's protection.

In order to make money.

The real murderer should have secretly stolen the medical results from Mycroft. Something went wrong, so this stupid woman went to kill him again. She wanted to silence him and framed Mycroft at the same time.

I guess the murderer should be Mycroft's wife. "

As he spoke, Brian looked at a shoe that had fallen and turned over on the ground.

The patterns and marks on the bottom of the shoes are exactly the same as Mycroft's shoes, and the size is also a perfect match.

Brian saw some very faint blood marks on the bottom of the shoes, almost invisible to the naked eye, and it was difficult to smell the blood.

He winked at the confused Green beside him and said, "Put these shoes away. This is the physical evidence of our case."

These shoes should be the same ones used to forge evidence at the scene where the Masons were murdered.

Green was actually a little confused after hearing this, but he still put on his gloves obediently, took out a large transparent bag, and packed the shoes in front of several people from the Secret Service.

Seeing this, Merlin sighed: "You are very smart, but everyone is dead, and there are some things that are not suitable to continue to investigate, otherwise it will bring trouble to yourself. We will take care of it."

Brian glanced at Mycroft's body, his nose twitching slightly and his brows frowning slightly.

The smell and pheromones emitted by Mycroft's body were somewhat different from before.

There's something wrong with the corpse.

This may be the reason why Merlin and his group have not touched the corpse since they arrived.

To be honest, Brian is a little confused about this case now without enough information.

Think about it.

He tried: "I'm not interested in things other than the case. Mycroft's wife, is it okay for us to take her away?"

“No problem, that stupid woman killed one of our talents.

Mycroft has a very good talent in human body research.

This is NW's loss.

We have no problem with you taking action against that stupid woman.

Our bottom line is Mycroft's body and research materials. "

Merlin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

This thing can't be leaked out, and the rest doesn't matter.

Mycroft wanted to commit suicide to save that woman, which was a bit too naive.

This is also a common problem among many scientific research talents.

Mycroft may be very good academically, but he doesn't understand one truth: Only when a person is alive can he have value and be qualified to bargain.

So far, Brian doesn't actually have a clear understanding of the internal structure and forces of NW, and he doesn't want to waste time and energy on this kind of thing for the time being.

He pretended to make a cross in front of McCoff's body, took the obsession ball, and then took Green to the previous meeting room. He took away the ink landscape painting hanging on the wall as physical evidence.

Back to the car.

Brian said to Green: "Call Old Harden and ask him to find the contact information of McCoff's wife, inform her of McCoff's death, and ask her to come and claim the body."

Green was stunned: "Boss Brian, do you mean that the murderer who killed the Masons is Professor McCoff's wife?"

They can't even get McCoff's body now.

Brian's meaning is very clear: first trick people into the B6 team to prevent them from running away.

Is it such a coincidence?

He glanced at the shoes in his hand, and then he understood what Brian meant when he talked to the leader of the secret service department before.

But he couldn't figure it out.

Professor McCoff, whether it is worth or social status, etc., is not bad. As the other party's wife, why did she kill people, and why did she deliberately frame Professor McCoff?

Also, if this is true, doesn't it mean that even if they don't find the right clues and happen to investigate Professor McCoff, his wife will find an opportunity to take the initiative to expose McCoff's suspicion to the police?

With doubts, Green took out his mobile phone and prepared to contact Old Harden.

As a result, Brian's mobile phone rang.

The caller was Old Harden.

Old Harden was in a good mood: "Brian, someone reported that her husband had killed someone. After the identity verification at the reporting center, it was found that the deceased was the case we are in charge of now, that is, the murder of the Mason couple."

Brian curled his lips.

It turned out that the other party took the initiative to deliver it to the door before they took action.

What a boring case.

He handed the mobile phone directly to Green: "You talk to him."

After that, Brian closed his eyes and checked McCoff's obsession.

McCoff's obsession: protect Hedilin Silva and prevent her from being retaliated by the people of Black Light Company.

Gift 1: 8 units of energy points

Gift 2: 3 units of energy points + Memory

Gift 3: 3 units of energy points + Mastery-level dog-licking self-cultivation

Along with the obsession, there is a projection of a woman.

This is a beautiful woman who looks charming and still has charm. She looks to be in her thirties, with exquisite clothes, generous features, long red hair slightly curled and draped over her shoulders, and with those flaming red lips, she has the beauty of a pretty lady in troubled times.

This is a beauty style that is very popular among the post-50s and post-60s.

In the past.

The other party can make a living in the film and television industry with her appearance.

Even now, she will be very popular with those old white men.

Brian looked at the obsession and the gift list, especially gift 3, and was speechless.

What a fucking dog-licking self-cultivation.

He seemed to know what this was about.

The truth of this case is probably going to be bloody.

Back to the office.

Old Harden has prepared the information of McCaw's wife in advance.

McCaw's wife's full name is Hedilin Silva, and she is the woman he is obsessed with.

Hedilin Silva's registered age this year is 48 years old. In the photo on her ID card, she looks like she is in her forties.

From the half-length photo, although Hedilin has maintained herself well and has a good figure, she is already old, and her loose skin can't support her beauty when she was young.

According to the archives.

Hedilin Silva has been married three times, and her last husband is Professor McCaw. The registration time was three years ago. The two are not the kind of old couple.

There are more than three court prosecution records under Hedilin Sil's name, all for illegal cosmetic medical treatment, and as many as seven illegal Y-selling accusations. The first one was thirty-two years ago, when the other party was just 16 years old.

This is a typical bad girl's growth file.

"God, Professor McCaw, how could you be interested in this kind of stuff, aren't those young and beautiful female college students more attractive?"

Green looked at the archives and complained helplessly.

In colleges and universities here, many young people become lovers of male and female professors and other people with resources and status in order to take shortcuts. Among them, places with academic thresholds such as scientific research and medicine are very common.

Old Harden shrugged:

"I hacked into this woman's social software based on the IP address.

Her chat skills are very powerful, or in other words, she knows men very well and can easily grasp the hearts of those men and bring them great emotional value.

After getting married, she still has contact with many men, asking those men to transfer money to her and buy expensive gifts. After squeezing them dry, she finds a reason to break up and change to the next one."

Green was even more surprised: "Then she can still live until now?"

"Yes, not only is she still alive, but there are also men who have been cheated of all their money from time to time, begging her to continue online dating, and constantly apologizing to her.

Seeing those chat records, I can't figure out what those men are thinking."

Edna, a female clerk on the side, heard it with her eyes shining.


Is it so powerful.

As a person who has been single for many years, she wants to buy a course to learn.

Brian was also curious.

He came to Harden's workstation and looked through the chat records that he had obtained.

After looking at the results, I discovered that the men chosen by Heidilin were all people with problems in their original families.

In psychological terms, it is a man who lacks love while growing up.

And these men all have a common characteristic: they have a little money, but in reality they are withdrawn, or not good at talking, and have no complicated relationship history. Most of them are nice people, have no bad habits, and their work and life are very regular. Even if they lack social interaction, their lives are also very irregular. tedious.

Heidilin's chatting skills are all the same:

In the early stage, he is gentle, considerate and sweet-tongued.

In the mid-term, brainwashing and PUA began, constantly asking for money, and increasing the investment costs of those people.

In the end, Heidilin would find an excuse at random, accuse the other person of their mistakes, use cold violence, and torture the other person in various ways. Finally, from the perspective of the victim, she would gently express that she did not want to continue to delay the other person and continue to PUA the other person: If you love someone, don’t torture each other. , hoping that the other party can find a better partner

In fact, at this time, these male online dating partners have been almost exhausted, and they have also fallen into a state of infinite self-doubt and decadence.

What's even more awesome is.

Most of these chat partners have never even met Hedilin in person.

They don't even know Hedilyn's address, real age and identity


Brian looked at Old Harden: "What kind of job is this woman doing now?"

Old Harden shook his head:

“This information is not available, and there are no relevant records in social security, but judging from her online social account, it should be something similar to cosmetic medical treatment.

By the way, I also wanted to investigate Mycroft's information, but when I retrieved the other party's information and the special signs of the organization, people from the NW Technology Department found me based on the IP and called our office. Asked about the situation.

This guy's identity is somewhat unusual. "

"He is a special consultant of the NW Scientific Research Department. He should also be responsible for some special scientific research projects. Forget it, don't worry about Mycroft. Remember to call me when Heidilin comes."

Brian is still very interested in the whole story of this case.

He doesn't like bloody dramas very much, except for those that are particularly bloody.

It's about four o'clock in the afternoon.

Brian was in a daze looking at the landscape painting that he had brought over in his hand. A beautiful woman with exquisite appearance and graceful temperament came to the office building of the B6 team.

Old Harden looked at the painting in Brian's hand strangely and reminded: "Brian, that Hedilyn is here. She also brought a lawyer, and Green took her to the interrogation room."

"And you brought a lawyer?"

Brian put down the landscape painting and was a little surprised.

"Yes, he's a pretty boy, and his looks are no worse than yours. By the way, this painting..." Old Harden looked at the landscape painting Brian put on the table: "I don't know why, but I think this painting looks weird. There’s also an eerie sense of familiarity.”

Brian smiled and didn't answer. He got up and walked towards the interrogation room.

The real owner has arrived, and this case should come to an end.


Sending people to prison, or simply finding an opportunity to do it, should be regarded as fulfilling Mycroft's obsession.

After all, the so-called Black Light Company would never trouble a dead man.

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