You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 188 The truth, Laki doesn't deserve to go to jail (Monthly ticket plus 34 two-in-one)

Chapter 189 The truth, Lackey does not deserve to go to jail (monthly ticket plus update 3/4 two-in-one)

It cannot be said that Heidilin looks exactly the same as the one in the ID photo, it can only be said that they have nothing to do with each other.

This is a very elegant woman. She looks like she is in her early thirties, and she is full of mature charm. It seems that every look and every movement can seduce a man's heart.

The first time Brian saw the other person, he knew that she was a woman who had gone through countless experiences and had perfected her charm to a mature level.

Behind Hedilin was a man who looked to be in his early thirties, slender, exquisitely dressed, wearing a brand-name watch, and holding a briefcase in his hand.

This should be the lawyer Old Harden talks about.

Not to mention, in terms of appearance alone, this guy looks really good. He is the kind of person who can make a living by relying on his face. With the blessing of his status, he can easily be listed as the kind of divorced and high-quality rich woman.

At least the level and circle are much higher than when Brian used to work part-time.

When Brian arrived, Hedilyn was standing lazily at the door of the interrogation room, while Green and the male lawyer were arguing about something.

In short, judging from Green's appearance, he probably didn't say much about winning the opponent.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the three of them looked at each other.

Seeing that it was Brian, Green's eyes were filled with joy: "Boss Brian, this lawyer thinks that we disrespect human rights by inviting Ms. Hedilin here to inquire about the situation. He hopes we can change the environment."

Most of the lawyers here are quite capable.

At least most police officers don't like lawyers as a group.

"human rights?"

Brian looked at the male lawyer with surprise in his eyes: "Did we ask you to come over?"

The male lawyer looked at the pretty boy in front of him, who was no worse than himself in appearance and height. He subconsciously took a step forward and stood in front of his employer Hedilin, blocking his gaze.

He faced Brian and said righteously:

"As far as I know, my client, Ms. Haidilin, reported the case in advance and reported that her husband was suspected of murder, but you brought Ms. Haidilin to the interrogation room.

This is not a normal inquiry process!

She is not a criminal!

You are violating the rules by doing this! "

Brian yawned:

“Man, before you want to eat soft food, you should first consider whether it is poisonous.

The Ms. Heidilin you are talking about is forty-eight years old. She inherited the property of two husbands. She probably has more fish on the Internet than you have ever seen.

Her experiences combined are probably more complicated than those of your grandparents, grandma, mother, and all the girlfriends you have ever met.

Listen to my advice, you are still young, you cannot control this kind of woman, we are not bad people, let us do it. "


What do you mean I'm still young and can't grasp it.

You don't look older than me!

However, he was still a little surprised after hearing Brian's words.

Is Hedilyn, a beautiful woman, such a complicated person?

Hedilin, who was watching the show, was also a little confused.

Why was my background completely investigated?

Her pretty eyebrows furrowed: "What are you talking about? Can I think you are slandering me?"

Brian looked at this woman like a dollar in the sand: "No matter how graceful you are on the outside, it can't hide your inner filth and past experiences. Don't you know that the police have files that record all of your criminal past?"

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, pushed the lawyer in front of him, and signaled Green to take the woman directly into the interrogation room.

A man with a strong mouth is most afraid of reckless men.

Because the reckless man will not give them a chance to deceive them. If they are unhappy, they will just serve them with a big mouth.

One dozen, no one made a sound.

Faced with Green's rude push, Heidilin, a mature woman with graceful temperament and exuding charm, broke her guard and pretended to be weak and asked for help from the handsome male lawyer: "Steve, they are going to bully me... "

The male lawyer's male hormones surged as he listened to this delicate woman's voice. Just as he was about to speak, his whole body was pressed against the cold wall by a hand, making him unable to move at all.

Brian pulled open his clothes and revealed the pistol inside:

"As I said before, we are not good people, nor are we ordinary police officers who are bullied by you and can only swallow bitterness.

This is the NW Operations Department!

If you don’t know the seriousness of the matter, you can go to your mentors and seniors to find out, but if you continue to waste our time here, I guarantee that you will lose your current social identity. "

This world is not Brian's previous life.

No matter how hard the American lawyers try, they can't hold back those who have rights and status version T0.

Facing violent coercion.

The embarrassed and handsome lawyer pursed his lips and said with some lack of confidence: "I reserve the right to pursue your violent law enforcement."


He slapped the other party on the face and beat the lawyer to the ground, thrashing: "Green, drag this idiot to the prison cell and lock him up overnight to calm down."

Shameless, ink stain.

"Okay, Boss Brian."

Green clenched his fists and dragged the other party's feet towards the elevator.

He had been criticized by this lawyer just now.

Brian and Hedilyn were the only ones left at the scene.

She looked at Brian with a charming smile on her face: "Is there some misunderstanding?"

Brian shrugged: "How about you talk to my slap and see if it turns into your little licking dog?"

In the face of the rude slap, Hedilyn gave in.

This guy, at first glance, looks like the kind of person who doesn't do things according to the rules.

When a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain.

If she didn't compromise, she had no doubt that she would also get beaten.

trial room.

Brian knocked on the table: "Tell me briefly how you killed Mr. and Mrs. Mason. By the way, there are also reasons for framing Mycroft. Don't talk nonsense. I don't have the patience. If you talk nonsense, I will send it to you directly." "Electroshock Therapy."

"I don't understand. Mycroft is my husband, how could I frame him." Heidilin's face changed greatly.

This script is wrong.

Brian means what he says.

He directly took out the police electric baton from the drawer, walked up to Hedilin, grabbed her long silky hair, and stabbed her directly in front of her horrified eyes.

Zi La La ~

With sparks and lightning.

Heidilin was trembling all over as if she was having a Parkinson's attack, but she didn't look charming at all.

Brian didn't stop until he smelled a stinky smell.

Hedilyn slumped on the chair, looking at Brian in horror, gasping for air.

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she had been so embarrassed.

Since I have mastered choosing my goals and deliberately cultivating and disguising myself, no matter what I do, there will be men to support me. If God helps me, I can live a life that I could not even imagine before.

Brian's rude response today made Hedilin think back to her embarrassing past in her youth.

She was still a bit arrogant: "I, I don't know what you are talking about..."

Because once she admits the fact of the crime, it means that she is completely finished, and her previous plan has become a joke.

"You won't tell me, right?"

Brian pulled up the corners of his mouth, a sinister smile appearing on his handsome face.

He took out a stack of white paper and a bottle of water, covered it with white paper, and poured water on it.

As the white paper absorbed the water, it began to cover Hedilin's face bit by bit, covering her nostrils. The closer it got, the closer it got, making it impossible to breathe at all.

That's not all. Brian continued to use the electric baton, hitting Hedilin who was struggling to call for help. Her body was shaking wildly and she was incontinent.


He hates emotional liars the most!

It is because of these raki that his affectionate feelings in later generations have become synonymous with dog-licking. Good men have also become the resentment in the eyes of these people. Good women have also become the targets of raki who want to eat the poor. The social atmosphere is getting worse and worse. The worse.

Although he is also a loser, at least he has a bottom line. He never deceives people's feelings and money. Even if he is a part-time job, he is serious and responsible. He never affects other people's private lives and introduces business to them.

This group of people fishing for goods have no bottom line at all!

Damn this group of people!

Under Brian's merciless memory recovery technique.

The half-dead Hedilin finally understood a truth: those men who followed her in the past were either for sex or they were too kind.

She thought that by conquering men and playing with their emotions, she could get everything she wanted, and she could step on them to climb up the ladder. It was just those people who had true feelings and were willing to be stepped on by her.

In front of an animal like Brian who showed no mercy, she was nothing but a joke.

"I said, don't torture me anymore, I'll tell you everything!"

Heidilin had no temperament, collapsed on the 'treatment chair' in embarrassment, and confessed with a tearful voice:

"When I got older, I wanted to make a living on my own. I used my hard-earned money to open a private medical beauty agency. I wanted to wash away my previous identity and become a real upper-class woman.

However, several medical accidents occurred in the meantime, but I suppressed them all by various means.

This also resulted in all my hard-earned savings being spent.

Later, I was looking for new beauty medical technology websites and met Mycroft.

He is perfect, has status and status, has no relationship experience, is easy to deceive, and is kind-hearted. He often popularizes some medical knowledge on the website, which has helped me a lot.

After I found a chance to meet him, he didn't care about my old age and sex.

He's really easy to coax.

I am tempted and want to live a good life with him. "


Brian sneered.

This kind of person is just like a drug addict, greedy like a drug addiction, never-ending. Even if a billionaire takes action, it will not be able to fill the other person's ever-expanding heart, and sooner or later he will be backlashed.

"go on."

Brian pressed the electric prod, which made a scary sound.

Hedilin was so frightened that she trembled and continued quickly:

“After I got married to Mycroft, I realized that he actually didn’t have much money.

Most of his money is donated to those children who are born with diseases as medical funds. His own material needs are very low, but I can't stand it. This is completely different from what I imagined.

If it weren't for his status, which gave me access to many resources that I had no access to before, I would have been divorced long ago.

During this process, I discovered something amazing.

Those rich women who are older than me all look so young and beautiful. I am younger than them, but I look like an old man with no youth and a messy past.

I tried hard to imitate their lives, wanted to get close to them and blend in with them, but there was always a gap that I didn't understand, and I was treated by them in a way that seemed polite but was actually distant.

I shamelessly asked them about their beauty secrets, but they laughed at me as lowly and unable to even reach the real circle.

I am very depressed.

Seeing that I was in a low mood, McCoff took the risk and took me to his workplace to perform a surgery called rejuvenation.

I have opened a medical beauty institution myself, and I know that these things actually have great sequelae and risks, so I was somewhat reluctant.

McCoff experimented on himself.

I watched him become much younger in a short period of time.

There is such a magical surgery in the world!

I couldn't wait to let McCoff perform the surgery on me.

Overnight, my appearance returned to my youthful appearance.

Except that I had to go there for a follow-up visit every once in a while and get an unknown drip, I completely recovered my youth for more than ten years.

Relying on the changes in my appearance, I also integrated into the circle of noble ladies that I had always been alienated from before.

I became a real superior person.

That period was my happiest time. "

Speaking of this, Heidilin, who was so embarrassed that she was smelly, smiled with reminiscence.

It can be seen that she really liked that vain time.

The problem is that Brian, who has seen the other party's chat records, knows very well that even if she got what she wanted, Heidilin has never stopped raising fish and asking for things on the Internet.

This woman has completely regarded that thing as a habit.

"Then why did you kill the Masons and want to frame McCoff?"

This is actually what Brian is most curious about.

Without the identity of McCoff's wife and McCoff's support, Heidilin, a 48-year-old woman with only appearance and trickery, no substance, and a bad record, how can she be confident that she can maintain her current life?

Heidilin's face showed annoyance:

"I never thought of doing this until I met the Masons at a dance. 、

Mason's wife used to be a colleague of mine in a modeling agency. She was very envious of me when she saw that I suddenly became so young and became the wife of a well-known professor.

She threatened me with my previous black material.

I didn't want to lose my current life, so I secretly stole a reagent prepared by McCoff for me from McCoff's research institute and gave that bitch an IV drip.

As a result, she really became younger. Although the effect was not as good as mine, it was much better than the technology on the market.

She and her husband thought this was an amazing technology.

I actually thought about it before and asked McCoff if I could use this technology in my medical beauty company, but McCoff was very taboo about this matter and said that this was not something we could touch.

I knew that those big companies were not easy to mess with, so I didn't think much about it at the time.

But the Masons kept threatening and forcing me, and Mason's wife, that bitch, kept using my resources to regain her youth, which also made me very angry, so I was ready to kill them. "

"Then why did you want to frame McCoff?"

Hedilin sighed:

"It's not my fault, it's McCoff himself.

I accidentally saw a document he signed, which was an agreement about a medical share of Black Light Company, but McCoff had been hiding it from me and consulted a lawyer, wanting to donate his shares to the Children's Medical Protection Agency, which he had been donating to, as medical funds.

I was very angry.

This is my stuff!

Why did he choose to donate without asking my decision? In addition, the lawyer was also good-looking, so I hooked up with him.

Later, the lawyer accidentally said that if McCoff went to jail or died, I would become a rich woman, because the Black Light Medical background was strong, and even a little bit of shares could make me worry-free.

So I took the opportunity to go to McCoff's research institute for an IV drip and took pictures of all the documents and materials about the "Rejuvenation Surgery" in his safe, and then took his shoes and completed the subsequent plan. "

Heidilin probably knew that she was finished, and sneered: "The way that bitch begged for mercy at that time, I feel very happy now. If it weren't for her appearance, I would never have come to this point. ”

Until now, she had never thought that it was her own problem.

“Follow-up plan…”

Brian rolled his eyes: “You mean, this murder frame-up, including today’s temporary report, was all thought up and implemented by you?”

Haidilin nodded:

“Yes, actually I didn’t think of calling to report McCoff myself, but deliberately left traces and clues at the scene of the murder, and prepared some traces. When the police investigate, they will find out that the Masons stole McCoff’s information.

In this way, McCoff will have a motive to kill.

If it doesn’t work, I have a follow-up plan.

I didn’t expect McCoff to call me today and ask about this matter.

I was worried that McCoff would find out the truth, so I had to take the initiative.

But I didn’t expect him to commit suicide, which made me feel relieved. I quickly brought the lawyer here to inquire about the situation. ”

At the end, she still showed unwillingness on her face.

In the last second, she was still dreaming of a rich woman, and in the next second, she was restored by Brian, the beast..

“You are disgusting. "

Brian showed disgust on his face: "Why don't you just be a good professor's wife? It's ironic that Mycroft committed suicide for a piece of trash like you."

Haidilin was nervous when she heard the word "trash":

"He wants to die, what does it have to do with me? If he was willing to give me the technology before, I would open a medical beauty institution and become a rich man. Would I have come to this point today?

If he loves me, why don't you want to help me move up?

Why doesn't he help me!

If he doesn't even let me step on him, let alone say it's for me!"

Looking at the hysterical Heidilin, Brian no longer had the mood to ask questions.

Stupid, bad and selfish.

This is Brian's evaluation of Heidilin.

She didn't even think about why McCoff committed suicide. After three years of marriage, she didn't know McCoff's true identity and didn't understand the real side of this world.

Even if Brian didn't find out about this.

Afterwards, the other party's end would be miserable.

Brian did this, but it was equivalent to saving Heidilin's life.

McCoff committed suicide to prevent Black Light Company from investigating his private disclosure of company secrets and implicating Heidilin.

The idea was a bit naive, but it was probably McCoff's way of feeling helpless and even desperate and self-destructive after knowing the truth.

Although Brian disagreed, he was unwilling to mock such an honest man verbally.

It's not wrong to be a good person, but his vision is a little worse, and he met Laki.

"It's really unpleasant to send this kind of garbage to prison."

Brian touched his chin.

How can he fulfill McCoff's obsession while letting Laki get the punishment he deserves?

Oh, and that lawyer is not a good guy either.

Neither of them can be let go.

To be honest, when Brian learned from Heidilin that McCoff, an honest man, had been donating to the Children's Care Association, he had a murderous intention in his heart.

Honest people and good people should not be treated like this.

Laki like Heidilin is not qualified to enjoy the human rights protection of the law!

Seeing Brian silent, Heidilin was really scared.

She licked her dry red lips: "I plead guilty, can I see a lawyer?"

She was finished, but she was absolutely unwilling to let go of this bastard who tortured her!

By the way, she might not be finished!

Heidilin suddenly thought of a similar case in the past: a case where the husband killed his wife, but in the end he turned the tables.

She can still be saved!

What she has to do now is to confess honestly, and finally change her confession in court. She also has to take off her clothes on the spot, revealing the scars on her body, and by the way, she can attract attention and public opinion.

She knows what those reporters like to see.

As long as she arouses public opinion, she can still be saved, and by the way, she can make this bastard who tortured her pay the price!


"Plead guilty?"

Brian chuckled: "Don't be silly, you don't even know the seriousness of the matter now. You killed the scientific research talent McCoff, and you still want to plead guilty? You don't even have the qualifications to go to jail!"

After saying that, he left Heidilin, who was handcuffed to the chair, and walked out the door.

Let the other party enjoy the psychological torture first.

Outside the door, Green squatted in the corridor.

Seeing Brian coming out, he hurriedly greeted him: "Bryan, boss, is it over?"


What do you mean it's over!

It's like he did something in there.

Brian rolled his eyes: "This matter involves the NW research department and the technology leak there. Just contact NW and ask them if they want two fresh research materials."

Want to go to jail and step on a sewing machine?

Dream on!

They should just contribute some materials to the advancement of human biotechnology! This is the retribution they deserve!

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