You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 189 You don’t even know Flying Thunder God, how good of a ninja are you!

It must be said that the NW organization responded quickly to matters such as technology leaks.

That night, a truck arrived at the office building of the B6 team.

Two men in black clothes, exuding air-conditioning, led by Green, brought Hedilin and the pretty-faced lawyer downstairs.

Green was a little embarrassed: "Sorry, this woman pooped and defecated, making it dirty and smelly. We don't have time to wash it."

"After washing, they will be frightened to the point of incontinence when they finally get there."

One person does not care about Tao.

Another person also sneered: "The inner world is the final place where all the bad guys end their lives. Their continuous investment has allowed our biotechnology to continue to develop. When the time comes, we will help them clean themselves with water pipes."

inner boundary

Green kept this name in mind.

Heidilin and the pretty-faced lawyer looked at the two men in black in front of them, and they felt uneasy as they spoke incomprehensible words: "Where are you taking us?"

"Good place."

The man in black opened the door of the truck: "Come on, go in obediently, and when we get there, I'll ask the scientists to remember to take anesthesia."

Looking at the rows of dog cages in the truck compartment, the two finally felt something was wrong.

The male lawyer turned around and ran away: "FK, you are trying to traffic people, you are using lynching."

"A boring struggle."

A man in black waved his gloved palm.


A burst of electricity, like lightning, shot out and hit the male lawyer on the back, causing him to tremble all over and fall to the ground.

He walked up to the male lawyer on the ground and said, "Your anesthetic is gone!"

After saying that, the man in black looked at Hedilin, who was stunned with fear: "Are you going up by yourself, or should I send you up?"

Heidilin was dumbfounded and motionless.

It wasn't until the man in black raised his palm again that she looked at everyone present with trembling lips: "Where are we going?"

Another man in black, dragging a dog to death, threw the male lawyer, who weighed more than 100 kilograms, into the iron cage of the carriage. He looked at Hedilin mockingly: "Where to go? We call it the inner world, and sometimes It’s called the garbage destruction center, but you Lackeys prefer to call it purgatory, purgatory on earth.”

"Purgatory on earth?"

Hedilin's face turned from white to whiter, and she was trembling all over. Her originally dry body was wet with urine again, and she couldn't stand still. She knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I really I'm wrong. I can atone for my sins. Please let the law approve me. I am willing to plead guilty and confess all my sins. I have deceived many people and I am willing to give everything I have to compensate."

She thought about the saddest ending, which was to go to jail and die alone.

Heidilin even thought that if she went in, she would write a book and autobiography, and make money while serving her sentence. Maybe she could become an Internet celebrity and still live comfortably in there.

She has studied many such examples.

If you have money, you can live comfortably there.

Why isn’t the current script like this?

What about human rights?

What about the law?

It shouldn't be like this!

"We don't need those, we just want your bodies." The man in black grabbed Hedilin's clothes in disgust and prepared to throw her in.

"I'll give it, I'll cooperate!"

But Hedilin seemed to have heard a life-saving straw and took the initiative to take off her clothes.


The man in black slapped her to the ground: "When you get too horny, go ahead. What we want is your body tissue, your pile of rotten meat. We don't want to have sex with you. This is what you Laki are doing." , the only place of value.”

"Body tissue..."

Hedilin lay on the ground with dull eyes, looking at the night sky, and she seemed to see her stupid husband Mycroft looking at her from above.

Why did I neglect my good life and do so many stupid things?

At this moment, she really regretted it.

But it's too late.

She didn't make any sound until her body rolled and hit the iron cage.

Until the car is gone.

Brian just walked out of the corner holding a mobile phone.

He looked at Green: "Did someone take him away?"

Green nodded: "Yes, two men in black took them away, Boss Brian. Their equipment is so cool. They have gloves that can directly emit electric shocks. They can knock people down with a wave of their hands. They are like air conditioners." It gives me chills just to look at it.”

"That's because they dealt with too many corpses of the same kind, and the smell of death on them was too strong."

Brian's nasal cavity quivered slightly, smelling the remnants of countless blood scents.

"Is there really such a thing as the breath of death?" Green was a little surprised.

Brian nodded:

"Of course there is. In fact, in the animal kingdom, many animals emit fear pheromones before they die. When similar animals smell it, they know there is danger here.

It's just that human perception has greatly degraded.

Most people will only be alerted to the original genetic imprint when they smell a smell similar to that of a rotting corpse or see corpses, develop feelings of fear and disgust, and stay away from the area.

But if there are too many corpses in contact, or too many people are executed, it will give the same kind of cold feeling just like them. "

Such people themselves will also be affected and often do not end well.

"I've learned a lot again."

Green chuckled: "Boss Brian, you didn't see that girl's reaction just now. It's really a relief!"

"Bad people will be punished, and this is how the world should be. Okay, it's time to get off work, Green, go back early."

Brian waved his hand.

He actually wanted to see the scumbag's reaction, but he just received a call from London.

The caller was none other than Ace Agent No. 5, who had fought against Brian once before.

This guy, probably because he felt sympathy for Brian, a powerful guy of his own age, actually tipped him off that the Ninja over there in his childhood had beaten that Yoshiko who was sent from Japan to train to the point of dying, so Someone was sent here to prepare for revenge.

"You have a small temper in your childhood. Regardless of me beating people to death, that bitch took the initiative. Isn't it wrong?"

Brian shook his head aggrievedly and left on the 'Beast' motorcycle.

the next day.

Considering the ruthless tactics of Xiaoli, Brian still called Old Man Meng: "Uncle Meng, how are you doing lately?"

"That's it. At this age, with no relatives and friends, I'm waiting to die every day. I originally wanted to set up a stall and tell people's fortunes, but you gave me a card and swiped it casually. I can live a small life like this. , eh, corruption!”

As he said this, the sound of women laughing and playing with water could be heard on the other end of the phone.

Brian glanced at the sky outside and was speechless.

He has never been so ridiculous.

Who is a good person who plays ducks and splashes in the water early in the morning?

Sure enough, a man will only be honest if he is hanging on the wall.

Seeing that the old man didn't say anything dangerous when he got the call, Brian made some small talk and hung up the phone.

He simply called Spider-Girl Eliana.

As the first member of his 'Urban Ghost Stories' organization, Brian was quite concerned.

He originally thought that he would take Eliana to train her fighting skills, but it turned out that this female spider was not interested in anything other than reproduction, so she just wanted to lie down.

Before Eliana became a lycanthrope, she was still a model. She especially liked to share her beautiful photos and work schedule on social media. Now she is very resistant to showing off her work.

She recently relied on the human skin mask and found a job as a waiter.

It's just a salty fish spider.

Completed daily communication.

Brian took several high-explosive grenades, opened the built-in modified storage box of the Beast motorcycle, and stuck the grenades inside, just in case.

For aesthetic reasons, the motorcycle does not have an external hanging box.

In addition, most of the space inside the beast is filled with fuel tanks, so this storage box is very small. Most of the time, it is filled with shorts and shorts. For grenades, you cannot put too many grenades, otherwise Brian will have to stuff hundreds of them. Eighty, in critical moments, the beast motorcycle can also be used as a self-destructive weapon.

But it doesn't work.

It would be great if there were storage facilities, and I could become a mobile fort.

With regret.

Brian arrived at the office building and began his last day of duty this week.

Tomorrow is another day off.

He was going to take Susan and Thirteen to play on the sea.

Brian was quite jealous of Susan's swimsuit look.

Consider taking a break tomorrow.

Brian did not let Harden Sr. take the initiative to go to the reporting center to ask for a case.

Let nature take its course.

Ivan and the others are still busy with their case.

Green took the initiative to help.

After Brian and Susan finished their daily stamping, they took the landscape painting thrown under the workstation and continued to look at it.

This painting is of really high quality.

At least Brian could draw the surface, but he couldn't draw the charm inside.

Especially the rhythm hidden in the mountains and rivers.

Yes, rhythm.

After a long period of observation, Brian vaguely understood the lines in the water flow. Why on paper, there were just a bunch of "cursed lines" in the words of Old Harden, but in the landscape paintings, they were flowing water.

This thing has a very subtle visual error technique.

To ordinary people, this painting is just a tasteful landscape painting.

But for people with strong dynamic vision, when looking at this painting, the water appears to be flowing.

The most amazing thing is.

It seems that the stronger the dynamic vision is, the posture of the water flow will also change.

Brian tried it, directly entered the limit-breaking state, and then looked at the landscape paintings. As a result, he could vaguely detect that there was something hidden under the undulating water flow.

This thing looked like a word, but he couldn't tell what word it was.

He suspected that if dynamic vision reached a certain limit, he might be able to see the information hidden at the bottom of the painting.

"It's a pity that Mycroft is dead and his home was ransacked by NW agents. Otherwise, we could have asked him about his Chinese friend."

Brian threw the painting back under the table with some regret.

The more you pay attention to this thing, the more conspicuous it will be. If you just throw it away, it is estimated that even thieves will not like it.

At noon.

Brian shouted to Thirteen and Susan to prepare to eat together.

A group of people came to the B6 group office building.

Seeing one of the leaders, Susan had a smile on her face: "Caroline, why do you have time to come to my place today?"

Caroline, Susan's best friend, pointed to the group of short people behind her with some embarrassment: "Susan, these Japanese people have contacted our headquarters and want to communicate with Brian."

Susan turned her head and asked Brian what was going on with her big eyes.

Brian shrugged: "At the London Foreign Service Training Camp, I beat one of their people named XX Fangzi to a dead dog. I don't know if I can save him or not."

"Bagaya road!"

An old Japanese man glared at Brian: "You bully the weak, today I will avenge Yoshiko and kill you bastard!"

Behind the old man, men and women in civilian clothes were all looking at Brian who was speaking with unkind eyes.


Gunshots rang out and the noise stopped.

The old man touched his left ear with a dull expression and it felt wet.

A shot blew out the old man's left ear. The smile on Susan's face disappeared and turned into a cold one: "In my territory, people who want to kill me have asked me if I have a gun?"


Normally for this kind of thing, you don't just have a little quarrel and then go to the ring to tell the difference.

If there is any disagreement, shoot!

Don’t talk about martial ethics!


House, the middle-aged man from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who was taking care of Caroline, coughed and broke the silence of the scene: "Susan, don't get excited. This is someone from the Japanese Ninja Sect. They mainly come to talk to Brian. , If you don’t agree, I’ll just take them back, don’t play with guns.”

As he said that, House apologized and looked at the old man who had turned into one ear: "I'm sorry, Mr. Matsushita Ichiro, Susan is still a child and is more impulsive in doing things. You are an adult, so don't argue with children. "

Not waiting for a few people to protest.

House bowed ninety degrees: "Please!"

All Japanese people:.

There's something wrong with your white skin.

Matsushita Ichiro was even more furious.

What is play?

Shooting out one's own ear is also called playing?

And why are you bowing while riding a horse? You've already bowed, so how can we force you to do it?

"never mind."

Brian took a step forward and pulled House up: "It's too unappetizing to bow to such a short man. Just treat it as a warm-up before dinner. Let's go to the underground shooting range."

After saying that.

He also glanced at Caroline standing next to House, which made the little beauty Caroline tremble with fear.

When this group of Japanese people came to protest, they were shown the tragic photos and videos of Yoshiko Matsushita.

Brian is so cruel.

Such a cute girl, her spine was almost completely broken, her limbs were disabled, and most of her internal organs were damaged. If it weren't for the healing potion, she would be drooling after she was cured.

Then I thought about how I provoked Brian again and again, but in the end, I only got a bruise on my face.

At that moment, Caroline even felt that Brian was quite gentle to her and a nice person.

Underground shooting range.

Brian took off his suit jacket, unbuttoned his shirt, and twisted his neck: "By the way, you are all ninjas?"

"has a problem?"

A young man with an unruly appearance, with three swords across his waist, took a step forward and stood in front of Brian: "Today you will pay a heavy price for hurting Ms. Yoshiko Matsushita!"

Looking at the little man in front of him, Brian grinned and said, "Then can you fly Thunder God?"

"Flying Thunder God?"

A group of ninjas, you look at me and I look at you, all a little confused.

"What is Flying Thunder God?"

The young man also looked at Brian suspiciously.

"You don't even know how to fly the Thunder God, but you are just some ninjas!"

Brian's expression darkened and he pointed at all the ninjas: "Don't play one-on-one. Let's go together. There's a bunch of rubbish gathered together, and it's all Lackey. I'm in a hurry."


The unruly young man's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and he tied a white cloth around his forehead: "Senior Brother of the Three Swordsman School, Koyanagi Inuburo, please give me advice. There is no distinction between superiority and inferiority, only life and death!"

next moment.


The sound of bones and flesh exploding echoed around.

Everyone just saw a blur in front of their eyes.

When they saw the scene clearly again, everyone was dumbfounded.

The unruly young man who was moaning just now stood motionless, with only his forehead pressed with a white and tender palm, and his entire neck was driven into the chest like a wooden stake.

The senior brother of the Three Swordsman School, who only distinguishes between life and death and no distinction between superiority and inferiority, appeared for just one second and was killed on the spot.

Slap this noisy ant to death.

Brian pulled out the tachi from the opponent's waist, kicked the body aside, and pointed at the other Japanese people: "What nonsense Ninja, I still have to go to dinner, how about I challenge all of you alone?"

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