You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 190 Brian is not a human being, Green's crow's mouth (monthly ticket plus 56 two-i

Chapter 191 Brian is not a human, Green's crow mouth (monthly ticket plus 5/6 two-in-one)

"What do you mean by this?"

One ear, Matsushita Ichiro, the fierce eyes, are much clearer.

He looked at Brian playing with the sword with his eyes solemnly.

It's too exaggerated.

In the case of bare hands, he didn't dare to say that he could kill Koyanagi Inuberou in seconds with three swords in his hand. The speed of this pretty boy in front of him was so fast!

Brian pulled open his shirt that was a bit in the way, revealing his well-proportioned upper body: "I mean, there's no need to waste time with trash."


A female ninja looked at Brian angrily: "Koyanagi Inuberou is not trash, you bastard!"

Brian exerted force with his palm and broke the sharp but not tough sword in his hand, and threw it in front of the Japanese ninjas: "You misunderstood, I'm not saying Koyanagi Inuberou is trash, I mean, everyone here is trash in front of me!"

With his calm expression and arrogant words, it was as if he was saying that fighting against these ninjas of the Ninja Sect was as easy as crushing an ant, which made him even more arrogant and contemptuous.

In the distance.

Susan looked at Brian, who had a calm expression and arrogant tone on the field, with her beautiful big eyes full of water and her breathing became much faster.

At this moment.

A slight hum came from the side.

Susan looked over and found that her best friend Caroline was staring at Brian's chest with her eyes blurred, her slender thighs slightly clamped, her face red, her body trembling slightly, and her behavior strange.


It's broken.

Something is wrong.

It's 110% wrong!


Matsushita Ichiro looked at the broken sword under his feet and roared: "Let's go together!"

The voice fell.

He raised his sword and looked straight ahead, bursting with a sharp force all over his body. He took small steps, leaving countless short legs, and rushed towards Brian. The moment he approached, he was like a ghost. His figure flashed, and when he appeared again, he was already above Brian: "Iai Ichiro!"

"Isn't this the move of that Yoshiko?"

Brian stood in place, watching the opponent's small sword, which cut down with a deadly force, slowly raised his palm, and his fingers accurately grasped the blade of the sword, nailing Matsushita Ichiro in the air with one hand.


Matsushita Ichiro's eyes were shocked.

The next moment.

When Brian put away the sword, his right hand turned into a sword and disappeared in front of him.

When the palm appeared again, it had already sunk into Matsushita Ichiro's chest and took his heart out.

Looking at Matsushita Ichiro who was dying with his eyes wide open, Brian threw his heart in front of his body: "Your speed is OK, but your strength is as weak as an ant. I don't understand you ninjas. Just fight, why are you shouting about moves? Isn't it embarrassing?"

"Elder Matsushita Ichiro!"

The ninjas cried out.

Unexpectedly, even Elder Matsushita Ichiro didn't last a round.

Having said that, the group of people still didn't move, but looked at the young and handsome man in the middle of the team.

The other party was the real leader this time.

It was also the other party who stopped the others from following along just now.

As for Matsushita Ichiro, he just came to avenge his granddaughter.

Unexpectedly, this elder of the Ninja Clan, who could have retired, died here.

Brian pulled off his shirt, revealing his muscular and well-proportioned upper body. He wiped his hands with the shirt and looked at the handsome young man surrounded by the ninjas: "You are good, you deserve me to remember your name."

He could even dodge bullets in an instant, so he naturally didn't care about some garbage beatings.

However, the other party's gentlemanly behavior still made him somewhat favorable.

The handsome young man looked indifferent, and his lips moved: "The contemporary senior brother of the Ninja Sect, the Heart School, Liu Sheng Yidao, please teach me."

As the voice fell, the ninjas made way.

As Liu Sheng Yidao took steps without haste, an invisible force field emanated from his body, spread out, and enveloped Brian.

Bryan's eyes were slightly surprised.

According to the strength division of NW and the London Night Demon Organization, this Liu Sheng Yidao can also be regarded as a first-level life enhancer.

The two stood opposite each other, and although they did not move, a heavy feeling surged in the hearts of the onlookers, and as time passed, it became heavier.

"How can a person be so strong!"

Caroline murmured, and felt that her previous idea of ​​relying on strength to defeat the devil Brian and snatch Susan was too naive.

At most, she would splash blood on the other party's face.

Susan was calm.

No matter how strong the opponent was.

She only believed in the double guns in her hand.

If it didn't work, she would go back and call for help.

Her father was quite powerful.

He stood for a while.

Brian was a little impatient.

Seeing that Liu Sheng Yidao was motionless, as if waiting for him to make a move, he waved the small sword he had snatched from his hand: "I'm going to make a move."

"You are confused."

Liu Sheng Yidao looked disappointed: "It seems that you are just a reckless man who fights with speed and strength. You will not be my opponent."


Brian tiptoed.


With a whistling hurricane.

He instantly crossed a distance of seven or eight meters, and with the blade that made an air explosion, he smashed at Liu Sheng Yidao.

The next moment.

A shivering cold light came from the armpit.

Brian was startled, and his right hand, which was swinging down with a knife, turned and swayed in an unscientific posture, like a noodle wave, brushing against Liu Sheng Yi Dao's body and retracting the knife.

Back to the original position.

He looked down at his right armpit.

It was already bald, without a single hair, and deep red marks appeared on the tough skin. If it was a little later, the whole arm would probably be cut off by the opponent's sudden knife.


Brian's eyes finally became serious.

Liu Sheng Yi Dao still stood there, with two worn-out small swords on his waist, as if he had never used a knife.

Seeing Brian's defeat, the male and female ninjas who were watching finally got excited.

"Yagyu Itto is worthy of being the contemporary pride of our Ninja Clan. This bastard must die here today. Only blood can wash away the insult suffered by our Ninja Clan!"

"He's dead!

Senior Brother Yagyu Itto's heart flow is so fast that it can cut off rifle bullets. It is said that he can cut everything. He has stepped into the realm of inhumanity. Even those terrifying deformed beasts may not be his opponent!

He's dead this time!"

"It's not good."

Caroline grabbed Susan's hand and said worriedly.


She narrowed her eyes: "Caroline, didn't you hate Brian the most before, always saying that he was not good in this and that? Why do you care about him more than me?"


Caroline just realized that something was wrong with her.

She rolled her eyes and said righteously: "I hate him, but Brian is our NW Dawn Warrior. If we lose to this group of Japanese, it will be shameful for our entire NW. Do you want Brian to lose?"

Looking at her bestie who was blaming her, Susan rolled her eyes.

She patted the double guns on her waist: "As long as Brian is okay, I will shoot if he is not."

Susan actually likes the spirit of Western confrontation.

If it were me, I would die if I participated in a similar duel, but if that person was Brian, I'm sorry.

She would be double-standard.

Off the court, everyone had different thoughts.

On the court, Brian realized how difficult this little Japanese was.

The opponent seemed to have a magical ability to predict. Although he couldn't see how strong his speed and strength were, he could accurately attack his weaknesses.

This kind of opponent is really difficult.

His body is not invulnerable to swords and guns.

Even if he can bear the damage and use a lose-lose method, he may not be able to attack the opponent.

Because Liu Sheng Yi Dao has two knives.

How to do it without a gun?

Seeing that he did not move, Liu Sheng Yi Dao whispered: "I have seen your death. Kneel down, kowtow to Elder Songxia Yishilang and admit your mistakes, and serve in front of his mourning hall for seven days, and I will let you go."

This is America after all. He dare not be as arrogant as Brian and kill people at will.

Otherwise, according to the temper of those double-standard white pigs, a group of people may not be able to return home safely. There is a high probability that an accident will happen on the way back.

"See my death?"


Why are you so second-rate these days?

If it doesn't work, you can only fight hard.

There is no gun in your hand, nor nails or anything like that.

Many of his strengths cannot be exerted.


Suddenly, Brian saw a corner of the shooting range, a piece of iron plate.

The B6 office building was originally a factory transformed.

This iron plate was a relic of the previous factory. Because it was too heavy, it was thrown here directly and used as a target. It was often ravaged by the bullets of Brian and others.

The iron plate is about 4mm thick, seven or eight flat, and almost close to more than a thousand pounds.

Brian's eyes lit up, and there was a way.

He threw away the light little sword in his hand, walked to the steel plate in front of everyone, took a deep breath, and his well-proportioned muscles swelled and bulged with blue veins, like a muscle man of the Devil Team.

He grabbed the iron plate with both hands, and in the shocked eyes of everyone, the creaking sound of metal twisting echoed.

Brian actually folded this plate abruptly, making it into a twisted and alternative hollow cylindrical iron pipe.

It was this iron pipe that was too heavy.

Brian dragged the steel pipe and made a dull buzzing sound on the ground, like a nail-head monster dragging a giant heavy weapon in a certain game.

"Are you kidding me?"

Everyone was a little numb when they saw Brian making a steel pipe as a weapon.

Is this something a human can do?

Even Susan realized for the first time what a Dawn Warrior is.

This is a completely different monster from the human group. It is a human non-human individual that can truly compete with those terrifying deformed beasts.

Looking at the extremely heavy hollow steel pipe, dragging it towards him.

Yagyu Ichido, who had always been indifferent, still looked indifferent: "It's meaningless. The heavier the weapon, the slower the speed. If you can't hit people, you will only reveal your flaws. You have a good physical fitness. If you are willing to join our Ninja Sect, I can let you go."

"Try it."

Brian took a deep breath, and the muscles on his legs exploded ferociously.


The entire underground shooting range was slightly shaken.

The next moment.

The long hollow steel pipe, like a toy, was lifted by Brian, covering the position of Yagyu Ichido, and smashed down fiercely with the sound of ghost howling coming from the hollow.

Thousand kilograms of objects carry inertia and hit hard, causing damage to flesh and blood that is comparable to that of a dump truck.

"This speed!"

Yagyu Yida's eyes twitched slightly and he was forced to duck.

Almost at the same time.

Brian let out an angry roar, and the steel pipe that he originally smashed down, with the blessing of his terrifying power, spun together with his spinning figure, and quickly followed up with Yagyu's sword, which was trying to dodge.

Yagyu Ichitou, who had always been calm, wanted to curse!

The venue is just so big.

This is totally a scam!

He tentatively drew his knife and chopped.

At the same time that sparks were flying, an unparalleled force hit his palm, causing him to step back with a change of expression before releasing the force.

It's impossible to play!

"You're such a scumbag!"

He broke through the defense and walked directly out.

No more fun!


A bullet hit his foot.

Susan said with a cold face: "You were divided between life and death before, but now you want to leave, you can, but only the corpse can leave!"


Ai Li, a weapons expert who had always acted like a transparent man, silently pulled off a piece of black cloth, revealing the heavy machine gun underneath, pulled the bolt, and pointed it at the group of ninjas.

That means everyone else has gone to eat.

Otherwise, there are several machine guns in the warehouse that can fill the bodies of this group of people with bullets.


The ninjas who originally wanted to take action were too aggrieved to move.

There is actually a heavy machine gun in this damn place.

This group of people is even more shameless than them!

Itachi Yagyu knew there was no way out today.

He took a deep breath, took out a few black projectiles, and smashed them on the ground.


Surrounded by smoke.

His figure disappeared from everyone's sight.

Next moment~


The violent steel pipes streaked across the area.

The smoke dissipates.

It's just that Yagyu Itto's figure is nowhere to be seen.

Brian barely hesitated. He took out the heavy steel pipe in his hand and smashed it to the top of his head.


There was a constant clang of metal and sparks flying.

Yagyu's sword was like a ghost, relying on the distance between the sword and falling against the outside of the steel pipe. The two swords came out together, turning into countless afterimages, and like eight-armed blades, covering every part of Brian's body.

Silence can defend against all attacks, movement can attack all weaknesses.

This is the strongest swordsmanship in the Ninja Sect - Shinryu Iichi!

The existence of the aberrations and the strengthening of the research and development of reagents have given this already lonely assassination agency a new vitality, and with the support of the whole country, it has become more brilliant.


In the crisis, Brian roared in his heart.

The knife marks that were originally extremely fast turned into nothingness under the enhanced version of dynamic vision, leaving only two blades, slashing towards his neck and abdomen.

What he fears most is Yagyu Ittou's magical prediction method, not the opponent's soft speed and strength!

"you are too slow!"

Brian laughed loudly, with a figure like a noodle, dodging left and right, wiping two kodachi, and punched Yagyu Ichitou's head.

In the eyes of everyone, he was facing countless afterimages of knife marks, preparing to die together.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The fist fell and the knife fell silent.

Yagyu slashed his eyes and ears, sputtering out a large amount of blood and tissue fluid. His entire cheek was sunken and stagnated in place. His body fell to his knees weakly, without saying a word, and immediately lost his breath.

The two swords hit the ground feebly.

One punch, life or death.

"Flow, you are very good at defense. When it comes to offense, you still have to look at speed and strength. You are so bad in this area..."

Brian picked up the opponent's kneeling corpse and laid it out.

The strong should not be humiliated.

The opponent is really strong.

At least in a head-on confrontation, without using firearms or hidden weapons, and staying motionless, if he wanted to take down the opponent, he would probably really risk having his hands and neck cut off.

Of course, if you are outside

Brian could poison the opponent to death with just a spit of spit.

Times have changed.

Unless it can resist missiles, it will always be the army's world.

This is also the reason why Brian chose the poison gland gift before.

He couldn't guarantee that he would have weapons and ammunition on hand at all times. Once he encountered that kind of crisis situation, the poison in his body would be his last resort.

As for whether it is a monster or not, it is no longer something he can consider.

Anyway, until the hidden dangers of recessive inheritance of aberrations are solved, Brian will not have any offspring, whether they have poison glands or not.


Looking at the lifeless Yagyu, all the ninjas had their last spines removed with a single blow.

When they looked at Brian, there was no hatred left in their eyes, only fear.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, worshiping the strong, enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens, and ready to devour the master are already the deep-rooted temperament of this nation.

Seeing these young people either not daring to look at him, or looking at him with blazing eyes, as if they were about to go into heat, Brian no longer felt like slapping these people in the face.

He picked up the two tachi belonging to Yagyu Ichi: "I will keep these two swords as a souvenir. As for Yagyu Ichi's body, you can take it back. He is a strong man and deserves a good burial."

It's a pity that none of the three little Japanese killed showed their obsession.

This monster makes me unhappy.


All the male and female ninjas bowed their heads in response.

“So mean”

Brian watched the group of people leave with the body, shook his head, handed the sword to Eli, and asked him to help put it in the warehouse first, and then walked towards Susan who was saying goodbye to her best friend: "Sorry, team leader, I was delayed for a while. Time, let’s go ahead and eat.”

Caroline glanced at Brian's chest with burning eyes, and said to Susan: "Susan, House and I will send these little Japanese people back home first, and we'll talk in the evening."

As she said that, she ran away in a hurry with her long legs.

She was afraid that if she continued to stay here, she would be turned off by Brian's hormonal aura.

Looking at her back, Brian snorted in his heart.

If you dare to make trouble in front of Susan, you can deal with this girl later.

He turned back and looked at Susan. He was about to speak when he saw Susan looking at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Brian, can you tell me how you and my bestie met?"



The group members who came back from their meals and busy work were amazed from time to time when they heard weapons expert Ai Li vividly describing Brian's wonderful story of fighting against Japan alone.

Because of the conflicts of World War II and some things after that.

They don't have a good impression of Xiaoriguo.

I guess the only Americans who like it there are the soldiers who take turns to garrison at the military base there.

After all, who doesn't like spending those people's money, sleeping with their women, and enjoying the privileges.

Go and garrison there. I heard that you have to be willing to have a chance to go there.

Otherwise, most ordinary soldiers would be assigned to ghost places like the Middle East.

"It seems that I can get off work safely today."

Green smiled and stretched.

Brian also put down his drawing board out of boredom.

He and Susan made an appointment to go fishing and playing in the sea tomorrow.

Really looking forward to it.

Just then, the office phone rang.

Everyone looked at Green with resentful eyes.

This crow's mouth!

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