You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 191: The annihilated ninja team, big explosion (monthly ticket plus 7 chapters) (monthly tic

Green: ..

Sure enough, you can't say nothing when you're almost off work, otherwise something will happen.

Old Harden answered the phone with some resentment.

This landline only corresponds to the reporting center.

This means there is a new case.

"There was a melee in the Irad Street District, and there were many Asian deaths. Some people said that they were all Japanese. The scene was very cruel. Please go to investigate the situation immediately."


Old Harden heard the words clearly and looked at Brian with strange eyes.

Almost at the same time.

The mobile phones of several team members at the scene also rang.

This time it was an emergency dispatch call from the NW organization.

The Japanese Ninja Team that came to trouble Brian before was killed by all members at the resting place, including the NW Foreign Affairs Department members who were arranged by NW to follow them throughout the process, and were also killed there...

Everyone looked at Brian in unison.


He spread his hands speechlessly: "Why are you looking at me? I've been in the office all afternoon, or do you think I'm so petty???"

Thirteen was playing with a small ball out of boredom. Hearing this, he stopped playing with the ball and stared at Brian with his eyes wide open.

Everyone laughed.

Thirteen was too cooperative.

Brian gave Thirteen a speechless head slap.

You dog!

It's okay for others to look at me, but you are a dog, why are you staring at me with your big dog eyes?

You join in the fun!

Susan clapped her hands: "Okay, after all, a colleague from NW was killed, everyone bring weapons and bulletproof vests, and go together. By the way, turn off the water and electricity, and go home directly after nothing happens."

Tomorrow is a day off, she doesn't want everyone to work overtime because of some Japanese.

Irad Street is a small street.

There are two communities where Japanese people gather here.

In fact, there are not many Japanese people here.

At this point in time, most of their people have respect and fear for this land, but more of it is hatred.

Since the economic downturn a few years ago, the contradictions among the upper class have shifted.

After countless wealthy Japanese immigrants suffered various humanitarian destruction, zero-dollar purchases, forced plunder of assets, and humiliation of female members, most Japanese chose to immigrate to neighboring countries and settle down, and few were willing to settle in the United States.

However, according to Brian's memory in his previous life, after a few years, those injured Japanese will forget the experiences of those unfortunate predecessors and regard this land as a holy land again.

In fact, it is not only the Japanese...

It can only be said that this world is essentially the law of the jungle. Ordinary people are just insignificant grains of sand in front of the wheel of the times. They will only think about living a good life in front of them. There is no point in going into it.

When Brian and his group arrived, several nearby NW action teams and a large number of police officers had surrounded the high-end hotel where the incident occurred.

Susan saw the hotel sign and curled her lips.

This is still her family's business.

Everyone hung the police badge on their chests or collars, and walked into the hotel under the leadership of Susan.

In a presidential suite on the top floor of the 32nd floor, Brian saw a group of ninja corpses that he had just met at noon.

All these corpses died from cold weapons.

"Why do these scars look so much like their own ninja swords?"

Ivan opened a few corpses, looked at them, and asked in confusion.

Some of the corpses were full of four-pointed star hidden weapons, as well as short darts similar to daggers and a lot of hidden weapons that people couldn't name.

There was no trace of a bullet at the scene.

The most violent thing was that there were several corpses that were cut in half by a knife, or the whole person was split from head to toe and divided into two pieces, making the whole scene bloody and disgusting.

At the end of these tragically dead ninjas, there was a corpse nailed to the wall.

The owner of the corpse was the young master Liu Sheng Yidao who was "killed" by Brian before.

The opponent's chest was completely cut open, his intestines and internal organs were scattered all over the ground, his body was nailed to the wall by a katana, and his hand was tightly holding a small katana with half of the blade broken.

The most outrageous thing was that in front of the body, a blood-red obsession ball was suspended motionlessly, attracting all of Brian's attention.

This guy didn't die before!

Looking at the opponent's body and scars, Brian touched his chin awkwardly.

It couldn't be because he took away the two small katana of Yagyu Itto, so after this guy was rescued, he faced a sudden enemy without a suitable weapon to resist, and his weapons were cut off, his abdomen was cut open, and his heart was torn open, and he died tragically on the spot.

After all, for this kind of people who play with cold weapons, especially kendo, suitable weapons can completely improve their combat effectiveness by several levels.

If this is the reason, then the opponent is really unlucky.

In addition to Yagyu Itto's obsession.

This time, small obsession balls also appeared above most of the ninjas at the scene.

Brian counted them.

Including Liu Sheng Yidao, there were six obsession balls among the nine dead, with an astonishing explosion rate.

While the people from the NW Ministry of External Affairs had not arrived yet, Brian took the opportunity to collect all the obsession balls.

At this time.

Susan walked up to Brian with a few strangers.

She pointed at Liu Sheng Yidao's body and asked in confusion: "Brian, didn't you beat this guy to death before?"

At that time, the opponent's brains were shaken by Brian's punch, his orifices were bleeding, and his eyes were blown out.

Brian shook his head: "As a master of the ninja sect, the other party will inevitably have something to save their lives. Looking at the traces on the scene, I suspect that the person who killed them must also be a Japanese ninja."

Behind Susan, the other people also nodded: "We looked at the traces and thought this was the case. When the crime occurred, all the hotel's circuits and monitoring systems were interfered with at the same time. The whole process should not have taken more than ten minutes. In addition, There was a shuttle on the roof. After the murderer finished killing the people, he quickly left the building through the sling, very professionally and quickly. "

Seeing that Brian was a little confused, Susan quickly introduced: "These are group leaders from nearby jurisdictions. You can get to know them."

During the previous investiture ceremony, Brian had been teasing Susan, and he really didn't remember everyone present.

Although the speed of his thinking has increased significantly, it only means that his reaction and thinking speed are much faster. It does not mean that he can have a photographic memory.

Maybe if the mental strength is raised to another level, it can be done.

But it shouldn't be that troublesome.

When Mycroft's obsession is revealed, Brian is ready to absorb the gift of his opponent's powerful memory. By then, combined with his own powerful mental thinking, he should be able to achieve an effect similar to photographic memory.

These team leaders seemed very polite in front of Brian, a second-level employee.

This is also normal.

A position is a position, and a rank is a rank.

Brian has the highest rank here. If they want to serve, NW will not refuse this second-level staff to join no matter which department they are in, and the lowest position they will be given is captain, which is one level higher than the team leader.

Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person.

Brian was also polite, which expanded his network.

The scene was too bloody.

Instead of rushing to collect the bodies and tidy up the scene, everyone had people take photos of all parts of the scene as a record before starting to clean up the bodies.

This case not only killed these Japanese people, but also the accompanying Ministry of Foreign Affairs employees. It must have been directly handed over to the NW Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Special Service Department.

By the time people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Special Service Department arrived, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

The Secret Service, as well as Brian's acquaintance, Merlin, the second-level employee who was previously responsible for investigating Mycroft's suicide.

Merlin has a stern face.

When he saw Brian, he was stunned and walked over: "Brian, thank you for reporting Mycroft's wife's theft of tissue technology later. This saved me a lot of trouble. I owe you once."

"You're welcome."

Brian smiled lightly and took the opportunity to ask: "Mycroft's wife Hedilyn, what are you going to do with her?"

Professor Mycroft's obsession is to prevent Blacklight Company from causing trouble to Heidilin.

Brian was still more worried about the people of Blacklight Company. In order to vent his anger, he used internal connections to take Hedilin away for torture and torture.

Merlin had a kind attitude towards Brian, a staff member of his own level who had also helped him, and did not hide anything: "That woman and the lawyer need to be interrogated first, and then they will be locked up in the inner circle for the collection of body information, which will be arranged by the computer. experimental project."

Brian nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Professor Mycroft's obsession has not been completed, probably because Hedilin's current situation has not yet been determined.

Just wait.

The arrival of Merlin and others meant that Brian and the others could get off work.

Thirteen was still forcibly taken away by Susan.

Brian had to ride his motorcycle alone back to the apartment.

He hurriedly went upstairs to check the six obsessions he had just harvested.

The neighbor downstairs came downstairs with a bruised nose and a swollen face. When he saw Brian, he smiled awkwardly and reminded: "Brian, someone seems to be eyeing your motorcycle recently. Although you work in the government, if you love cars, It’s damaged and it doesn’t respond.”

Brian nodded after hearing this: "Thank you, I will pay attention to it. By the way, man, I suggest you admit your mistake to your wife. Wild flowers are wild flowers after all, not to mention that what you are looking for is a dead flower."

After saying that, he went straight upstairs.

On the beast, there is a fingerprint lock and electric shock safety protection.

Don't worry about some petty thieves.

The big thieves can't control it.

This neighbor was the unlucky guy who was asked to take responsibility by a woman when he came back last time. There seemed to be more than one person at that time. The reason why he was asked to take responsibility was just because of a group of people, and he was the only one who didn't wear an umbrella.

Brian remembered that this neighbor was actually pretty good, he was very good to his family and children, and he was friendly to his neighbors, but he still couldn't restrain his desire to eat secretly, and he didn't even take risk precautions, and didn't consider whether he would get sick or be infected at all. To my wife, at that moment, she seemed to be a different person.

All I can say is that human nature is really complicated.

Most people have more than one face.

After washing up.

Brian was wearing a bath towel, sitting on the sofa, closing his eyes and concentrating, and his consciousness had sunk into that white space.

He is very much looking forward to this harvest.

Although these people from the ninja sect, except for Yagyu Itto, were all slackers in Brian's eyes, in fact they were all specially trained enhanced people who could crush Brian in various skills.

I wonder what gains can be gained from six obsessions!

With Brian's thoughts.

The small balls of obsession turned into streams of light and appeared in his mind.

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