You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 192 Everyone's obsession with filial piety, Morse code


When Brian saw the content of the obsession and the gift, he admitted that he was a little confused.

These Japanese people are so brave!!!

These people's obsessions and gifts look very wrong!!!

Yagyu Itto's obsession: to kill his father Yagyu Kojiro

Gift 1: 100 points of gift energy

Gift 2: 30 points of gift energy + multitasking

Gift 3: 10 points of gift energy + mind and eyes

Gift 4: 10 points of gift energy + physical activation

Below, there is a projection of an old man sitting cross-legged on the coffee table. It is Yagyu Itto's father Yagyu Kojiro. He looks at least seventy or eighty years old. It is estimated that Yagyu Itto was born when he was fifty or sixty.

Yagyu Itto actually has three recognized talents, and the highest gift energy is as high as one hundred points, which is comparable to the potential of Brian's uncle.

It's just a little wrong!

In addition to the obsession of Yagyu Itto being somewhat filial, the talents of Gift 2 and Gift 3 are also a bit strange, not like the talents obtained by strengthening and transformation.

Generally, the talents of strengthening and body transformation are biased towards the flesh.

However, neither of Yagyu Itto's two talents is of this kind.

At this point, Brian already felt strange.

The obsession of the second person: to kill the master Yamamoto Taku

Gift 1: 40 points of gift energy

Gift 2: 5 points of gift energy + physical mimicry

Gift 3: 1 point of gift energy + master-level swordsmanship

Below the obsession, there is also a projection of a middle-aged head.

Well, this obsession is also filial.

As for the talent, Brian didn't understand it very well from the name, but combined with the third gift, he could vaguely guess that this is a talent for physical control.

Because Brian only obtained the master-level skinning skill from the previous shapeshifter, and this was because the other party had the talent of physical control, and could master any technical things at an exaggerated speed.

After all, this thing, in Brian's supercomputer perception positioning, is divided according to the peak of skills, belonging to the realm that ordinary people can reach with talent + effort + time.

The second person should rely on the talent of "flesh mimicry" to practice master-level swordsmanship.

The problem is.

Can this kind of talent be produced by body transformation or reagent enhancement? ? ?

This person is also wrong.

The third person's obsession: to kill the master Yamamoto Taku

Gift 1: 35 points of gift energy

Gift 2: 5 points of gift energy + haste

Gift 3: 5 points of gift energy + enhanced digestion

Gift 4: 1 point of gift energy + hostility perception

It's still the projection of the middle-aged man before.

This weak chicken actually has three talents like Liu Sheng Yidao.

The first two talents are okay, and it is possible to achieve physical transformation and enhancement.

The fourth gift talent is wrong. Like Liu Sheng Yidao, he also has a talent in the spiritual field!

So far.

Brian had only seen similar spiritual talents in the deformed.

For example, his gift of the dead, the prophetic warning of the old man, and those common beast warnings..

Their blood moon gifts are actually spiritual talents.

If it is said that Yagyu Itto and the third person are both special cases.

Then the following three people are the same as the third obsessive person. Not only do they all want to kill the master named Yamamoto Taku, but the energy points and talents they gift are all the same.

One or two can be said to be special cases.

All of them are like this, which can only mean one thing: most of these Japanese ninjas who burst out with obsession are deformed! ! !

The key is that the talents of these people are similar. They are either biased towards warnings, or they are similar to the low-profile version of the mind's eye, which can quickly discover the enemy's flaws. The mental talent skills are just not as strong as Yagyu Itto.

Japan is actually deliberately training and cultivating directional deformed people!

No wonder the obsession of this group of people is either to kill their fathers or to kill their teachers. Filial piety is powerful!


Brian shook his head.

Something is wrong.

The blood moon occurs once every thirty years.

And most of these deformed people look younger than thirty years old.

So how did they cultivate this group of young people with talents comparable to those of deformed people?

"Deformed people..."

Brian suddenly thought of himself.

Good guy.

This group of people will not have the same experience as himself.

He can only think of two possibilities.

Possibility 1: They have collected a large number of disciples and disciples before, and carried out abnormal training and cultivation. When the blood moon comes, see how many people can complete the deformation.

Relying on constant brainwashing and deliberate cultivation, to a certain extent, it is possible to achieve targeted cultivation of awakening similar abilities.

Possibility 2: Japan also has something similar to the "God's Favour" reagent, and it is more advanced than the FBI, or Japan has other ways to increase the ability to artificially create pseudo-deformed people.

This possibility is not impossible.

In terms of human body research and human nature perversion, the United States may not be able to compare with Japan.

Brian knew that in the early years, this place specially accepted a large number of Japanese military doctors who were about to be brought to the military court for various bacteria and human experiments after World War II.

I won’t go into details about this.

Brian considered the national conditions of Japan and suspected that the probability of awakening of the deformed people in this small Japanese country was far higher than that of other countries, and they were even actively creating deformed people for recruitment and training.

This group of psychopaths are really not afraid of losing control.

Don't let the legend of Japan's eight million ghosts reappear, but they will become eight million deformed people...

The picture is too beautiful, Brian dare not imagine what kind of purgatory on earth it will be.

"Forget it, let them do whatever they want."

Brian shook his head and played with the small sword he got from Yagyu Itto: "Anyway, whether it is for the obsession of these six people or to cut the grass and root it out, this Japan, if there is a suitable opportunity, I will definitely go there."

The obsession of six people, just kill two people.

Not counting the gift energy, the reward gift energy alone is nearly 280 units.

Adding the gift energy stored by Brian, it is estimated that it is enough for a comprehensive strengthening of the body.

These two people, he will kill them!

Even if Jesus comes, he can't stop him!

Brian decided that starting tomorrow, he would practice the so-called "Kendo" in Japan through online information, and by the way, pay attention to the forces that wiped out the ninja group this time, and then disguise himself as that force and go to Japan to stir up trouble!

The next day

Brian, who was full of energy after only four hours of sleep, got up early and used his spare notebook to look up the kendo teaching in Japan.

Before the blood moon, the profession of ninja was actually assassin in the Warring States Period of Japan.

The means of fighting were messy, mostly disguise, poisoning, hidden weapons and other cold weapons. They just looked mysterious, but in fact, basically every country had similar organizations in the cold weapon stage.

Their status was not as good as the samurai class below the nobles.

The kendo here was also some competitive techniques passed down from the Sui and Tang Dynasties in China. Even at the beginning, the sword style of that time was still used. Later, since the 10th century AD, the aristocracy in that small place of Japan was in chaos. The aristocracy gathered samurai to protect themselves, and continued to fight between villages and villages... no, between countries, which slowly formed the prototype of Japanese kendo later.

And because of the lack of material resources there and the short stature and lack of strength in the early days.

Therefore, most of the Japanese kendo has dangerous moves that can kill with one strike. Otherwise, if you learn the collision of swords and knives in the movies, the blades can't bear it and you will go bankrupt after two fights.

This also leads to the fact that most of the teachings circulating on the Internet videos are about playing with the Iai slash and the sword-drawing slash.

The name is awesome.

In fact, it is just cutting water, cutting bamboo mats, or drawing the sword diagonally, practicing one action.

Of course, it is not ruled out that because of the blood moon, the potential of cold weapon combat has been improved, resulting in complex skills. No one here is willing to upload them to the Internet, forming a technical blockade again.

Brian has a lot of physical talents such as physical control, supercomputing perception, etc., and has achieved a terrifying speed in learning skills. Almost every time he swings the sword, whether it is the pace or the accuracy, there is a significant improvement.

It only takes more than half an hour.

In the living room of the apartment, two groups of knife lights flashed. With the blessing of Brian's speed and strength, they were like two huge silver wheels, wantonly venting the cold light of the blade, with a terrifying momentum of cutting everything.

"This thing is not difficult."

Brian turned his little hand and put the two swords back into the sheath.

Even if the blessing of speed, strength, nerve reaction, etc. is removed, his pace and knife skills are obviously better than those jumping Japanese sword teachers in the video.

Even the small sword in his hand is too short, just like the machete, and it feels unsmooth like a big horse pulling a small cart.

Nine o'clock.

Susan drove a car with Thirteen and her best friend Caroline and appeared downstairs of Brian's apartment.

Brian was wearing fancy beach pants and sunglasses. When he saw Caroline, he frowned slightly: "Susan, didn't we agree that today we would just spend time together? Why are there irrelevant people waiting?"

Caroline pouted and wanted to refute, but she didn't dare to speak when she thought of Brian's cruelty yesterday.

"Bad guy, bad guy"

Just then, a bird's head stuck out from behind Caroline and called out to Brian.

Brian looked at Caroline unkindly.

This little girl is afraid of me, and now she's calling me a substitute, right?


Thirteen reacted quickly and bared his teeth at the parrot.

The parrot was frightened and quickly shrank back: "Bad dog, bad dog"

Susan saw this and laughed: "Okay, Brian, get in the car quickly. Caroline was assigned to teach this little parrot Morse code today. It's too boring. I'll take her out to play. You shouldn't be jealous of a girl, right?"

Brian snorted twice, drove Thirteen to the back seat, and sat in the passenger seat.

Morse code

That's right.

I didn't know what new to teach Thirteen before.

This seems to be good.

Thirteen can chat with me directly on the phone in the future.

Thirteen shrank his neck.

For some reason, it felt that the car suddenly became chilly...

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