You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 193 This bird is really good at judging people!

"Can this parrot learn Morse code?"

Brian was sitting in the passenger seat, seemingly chatting with Susan, but his eyes were looking at Caroline in the back seat through the rearview mirror.

Caroline probably had a guilty conscience and was looking this way.

Through the mirror, the two looked at each other.

Caroline forced out a flattering smile and quickly lowered her head.

After returning home yesterday, she had a dream all night. She could not remember the general content of the dream. She only remembered Brian's well-proportioned chest. When she woke up today, she only felt tired and exhausted, and her face also had a rare appearance. Dark circles under eyes.

Susan concentrated on driving.

Hearing Brian's inquiry, he nodded: "It's normal. Parrots are inherently smart. The base has trainers who specialize in directional breeding and breeding. By selecting the best from the best and gradually strengthening them with reagents, you can get very smart beasts." , but the cost is not low, and the base does not breed many. This parrot was redeemed by Carolyn herself. "

As she said that, she looked at Caroline: "Where are you going to cultivate this parrot?"

Caroline lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

It wasn't until Susan asked for the second time that she raised her head in a daze: "I don't know, but my brother asked me to cultivate my flying ability and brain development, so that I can have an extra helper. He will help me then." I got the FBI’s unique beast-enhancing reagent.”

"Beast enhancement reagent?"

Brian interjected.

He suddenly thought of the reagent that the female veterinarian had injected into Thirteen before.

Tested before.

Brian suspected that the reagent injected by the female veterinarian into Thirteen was biased toward strengthening animals. It only had a side-repair effect. For humans, it would have serious sequelae. It should be the kind of thing used as cannon fodder.

After all, female veterinarians are only ordinary people and can be considered experts. Looking at the enemies that Brian has experienced later, the opponent is not even ranked.

Caroline nodded and stuttered a little: "Yes, the FBI's research on animalization reagents and animal-enhancing reagents is among the best in the world, but they rarely sell or trade them."

"Then why have I never seen people from the FBI bring pets with them?"

Brian was more vague.

He has seen two groups of FBI lycanthropes. One was the two separate groups that came to capture him and Spider-Woman, and the other was the spider lycanthrope that was killed when he took Thirteen on a hunting trip. Bait Team.

But as for pets, he has really never seen one.

"Because the price/performance ratio is too low." Susan yawned:

"The people at the FBI directly used the beast-enhancing reagents as exchange reagents for the special service teams below.

This can not only increase the fighting ability of those people, but also can be used as a therapeutic reagent in times of crisis. However, the sequelae are relatively large, and there may be gene collapse, and some beastly characteristics may appear on the body.

My father said that there is a very complicated relationship between primitive sects and the FBI. Many of the research materials on lycanthropy reagents there are technologies that the FBI has eliminated before. "

Brian nodded.

Okay, real deal.

Thirteen is so different from his peers. In addition to his own spirituality, he also has the help of the beast-enhancing reagent from a female veterinarian. It is probably very suitable for Thirteen, and his IQ and body have been greatly developed.

I just don’t know what type of beast-enhancing reagent it is.

do not know why.

Neither Susan nor Caroline slept well last night.

Susan almost drove the car into the green belt on the way.

In desperation, Brian had no choice but to take over the role of driver and switch places with Susan.

He was a little confused: "Susan, even if you didn't sleep last night, you wouldn't be so sleepy, right?"

Susan wilted and opened the car window: "It should be that the several strengthening reagents injected before have entered a rapid fusion period. Recently, I have to sleep for a long time every day, and there is also Caroline. She was nervous and fell asleep last night. She was sleepwalking and hugged me so much that I pushed her all night. I really don’t know what she was dreaming about last night.”


She lowered her head guiltily.

Fortunately, she didn't talk in her sleep last night, otherwise she wouldn't know what she would say.

Chatting along the way.

The three came to the beach.

The residence is Caroline's manor house.

Yes, the Manor House.

Here, Caroline not only has her own villa, but also a small smart cruise ship that one or two people can comfortably drive out to sea.


She also has two seaplanes, a small private marina and estate..

At this moment, Brian felt his poverty.

Apart from his talent, handsome face, strong body, mouth full of emotional value, and stomach that often suffers from indigestion, he has nothing that can be used in front of these rich women.

Brian looked at the swimming pool in front and couldn't help but wonder: "How much does this manor cost?"

Caroline hooked the chin of the parrot on her shoulder and said casually: "It seems to be more than 30 million. I don't know very well. These are coming-of-age gifts from my parents. I rarely come. Most of the time, The gardeners and maids live here. I used to live in the college, but now I live with Susan.”


There are some things that were not there before birth and most likely will not be there after birth.

He suddenly felt that Caroline's lace was very pleasing to the eye.

Well, Caroline is quite cute.

Finally took a rest.

After the three of them had a quick bite to eat, they packed up and boarded the yacht with a dog and a bird. They entered the sea directly from Caroline's private dock and started the cruise mode.

The next day and night.

They will enjoy sunbathing and fishing in the nearby waters.

Brian was wearing beach trunks and just took off his top.

He returned Thirteen and put it in Hawaiian-style clothes and sunglasses.

One person and one dog, lying comfortably on the deck.

Susan and Caroline had also changed into swimsuits and were applying sunscreen and sunscreen oil to each other.

As a gentleman, Brian naturally watched intently.

It would be such a waste not to look at it.

Good guy!

What a great guy!

He had felt that Susan was hiding something secretly before, but now she was wearing a cool swimsuit. The visual impact was something you couldn't understand without seeing it with your own eyes.

Few people can combine the two contradictory senses of shapely body and explosive plumpness.

Susan did it.

Brian regretted not bringing a camera with him at this moment.

Caroline isn't too bad either.

She belongs to the kind of girl who looks thin, small and sweet, but her skin is like white jade, which exudes a warm and moist light in the sun. She doesn't have the enlarged pores of ordinary European and American women.

When I hit her before, I was so quick that I didn't notice that Caroline's skin was so good.

In this regard, Susan is not as good as Caroline.

Brian regretted a little. If he had known better, he would not have used his fists before.

In fact, most of the team leaders Brian knew, regardless of gender, did not have the severe body odor, enlarged pores, or developed hair that Europeans and Americans have.

This should be related to the fact that they are all descendants of strengtheners.

Susan wanted to tan her skin, so she put on sunscreen.

Watching Caroline rub her body over Susan's body, Brian's eyes turned red under his sunglasses.


He was originally planning to advance his relationship with Susan today, but Caroline shamelessly wanted to follow him!

He seemed to notice Brian's fiery gaze under his sunglasses.

The parrot on Caroline's shoulder suddenly shouted: "Peeping, there is a pervert peeking..."

Caroline and Susan both looked at Brian at the same time.

Brian calmly pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, revealing his eyes below, and raised his eyebrows at the two of them: "Your bodies are as beautiful as works of art carved by the Creator. It would be too hypocritical for me to pretend not to appreciate them. "

Although Susan was a little embarrassed, after listening to Brian's straightforward words, the corners of her mouth turned up, she smiled and raised the sunscreen oil and sunscreen on her hand: "Would you like some?"

Brian shook his head: "This thing is of no use to me."

"All right."

Susan turned her head again and helped Caroline wipe it.

Wiping and wiping.

She felt something was wrong: "Caroline, why are your body so hot and your face red? And your ears, why are your earlobes so congested?"

Caroline lay on the chair, lowered her head, her earlobes were red, and whispered: "I felt a little itchy when you wiped it."

She didn't expect that Brian had even praised herself just now.

This feeling is very strange.

Some nervous, some happy.

"When did you become so sensitive?"

Susan muttered something strange, but didn't care and put the sunscreen oil into Caroline's hand: "Rub some on my back too, I want to go to sleep."


Caroline began to work in a daze.

Her technique is good.

After a while, Susan snored slightly and fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at the sleeping Susan, Caroline looked at Brian out of nowhere, only to see Brian looking at her with interest.

Caroline turned her head subconsciously, but then felt that this was too timid. She suddenly turned her head again and glared at Brian: "What are you looking at?"

"Have you said bad things about me in front of Susan recently?"

Brian said lazily.


How did this bastard know?

She didn't bother to quibble: "So what? I just asked Susan to keep an eye on you. I really don't know why Susan's parents would agree to a scum like you and Susan, I"


Brian clenched his fists, making a crackling sound from the joints.


She lowered her head and said a little aggrievedly: "Then what do you want?"

Seeing that this little girl gave in, Brian smiled softly: "Aren't you going to teach your bird Morse code? By the way, teach me Thirteen. Do you have any questions?"


Caroline agreed obediently.


Thirteen, who was basking in the sun with his legs in the air and wagging his tail lazily, raised his head in confusion and looked at Brian: "Wangwangwang?"

"Learn more, I do it for your own good!"

Brian stretched out his body comfortably: "By the way, find a chance to teach that stupid bird a lesson for me!"

Mudd, that stupid bird just said that he was a pervert.

Really good at judging people!

While Brian and the others were enjoying the sea breeze and sunshine.

Somewhere in Brazil.

A figure wearing a black ninja costume walked through a dark and damp passage with only dim yellow flashing lights, and came to an underground space with almost no light. He half-knelt at the entrance: "Sect Master, Shinnosuke and the others have sent back the news, They have killed Yagyu Ichitou."

His hoarse voice echoed in the darkness.

For a long time.

Two blood-colored spots emerged from the darkness, like a beast opening its eyes. At the same time, a low, suppressed and rough voice echoed around: "Shinnosuke and his men actually killed Yagyu Itto?"

"Yes, Master."

The black-clothed ninja lowered his head: "According to the information sent back by Shinnosuke, Yagyu Itto fought with a master of the NW organization and was seriously injured and dying. He also lost his two bloody swords. Without Yagyu Itto, the top combat power, the remaining defective products of the Ninja Sect are no match for Shinnosuke and his men."

Another long silence.

The rough voice was followed by a sharp and piercing laugh: "I really look forward to seeing what Yagyu Kojiro's expression would be when he knew that the monster he cultivated after bullying his granddaughter-in-law and treating his sons and grandsons as consumables, spending decades and hundreds of descendants dying, was dead. Very good, very good, hahaha, I am very satisfied, tell Shinnosuke that I will personally reward him when he comes back."

"Yes, Master!"

The black-clothed ninja showed envy under his mask.

Although the master is a monster, he has very special abilities and is very generous.

This time Shinnosuke has become rich.


A turbid and fishy smell permeated the darkness.

The black-clothed ninja's expression changed drastically, and he said very quickly: "Master, I will have someone send food in immediately..."

After that, he ran outside as if he was escaping for his life.

More than ten minutes later.

A dozen ragged young men and women, not knowing what they were chasing, ran towards this dark space in panic.

They slowed down and stopped only when they reached this area where there was almost no light.

There was still a dim yellow light in the passage.

Going forward, it was dark and deep.

The fear of darkness made them all stop subconsciously.

The young man who was running in the front sat on the ground panting: "Didn't the monsters catch up with us?"

"No, damn it, when I escape, I must find the boss and bring a group of people to kill all these monsters!"

A Brazilian gang member with a scar on his face and tattoos all over his body spat on the ground viciously.

The rest of the people didn't say anything at all, but just looked at the dim surroundings with uneasiness, not knowing what to do next.

They were all at the bottom of society, either gang scums or illegal immigrants who wanted to smuggle to the United States. For various reasons, they were locked up by a group of monsters wrapped in black clothes.

The cage that just held them was opened for some reason.

Driven by instinct, they fled here along the passage.

But no one knew what to do next.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him.

The scarred man's eyes flashed with brutality. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt itchy on his face.

He subconsciously touched it, but he touched a wet, soft, long thing.

"What is this?"

When the scarred man saw the appearance of the thing in his hand, the blood in his body froze.

Why does this thing look so much like a tongue?

The next moment.

In the dim passage, long and strange slender shadows, like countless tentacles, danced on the ground and walls.


Accompanied by a series of extremely shrill screams.

One by one, the terrified and desperate men and women were dragged into the darkness in front by those strange tentacles and completely disappeared from this world.

Looking at the pictures in the surveillance, the black-clothed ninja before had fear in his eyes.

The leader's appetite is getting bigger and bigger.

I don't know how long the other party can maintain his sanity.

And in terms of food

More and more Brazilian gang members are missing, which is too eye-catching.

It seems that we need to bribe more public intellectuals in small countries recently.

Only a steady stream of illegal immigrants can satisfy the master's growing appetite without attracting attention.

The black-clothed ninja sighed in his heart, came to a machine, and sent the master's words to Shinnosuke hiding on the west coast.

If the Ninja Sect was not too perverted, he really didn't want to defect to the Dark Sect.

After coming here, he found that he just escaped from one hell to another.

Perhaps hell is the final destination of these inhuman monsters.

A seaport on the west coast.

On an inconspicuous cruise ship, a woman with some bow legs walked up to a young man who was riding a horse: "Chief, the master is very satisfied with your killing of Yagyu. After we go back, I will personally reward you."

The young man ignored it, but his breathing became much faster and his movements became much rougher.

A moment.

He let out a roar and exhaled with satisfaction: "I know."

The voice fell.

He stretched out his hand, put it on the neck of the woman who was kneeling in front of him and crying, and gently exerted force.


Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.

The poor white girl's tongue stuck out, her red eyes widened, and her head drooped weakly.

Her body was like a rag doll, thrown away by the other party, flying five or six meters away, and accurately hitting the corner of the cruise ship.

There were more than a dozen bodies piled up here, all of them died miserably, old and young, they were the original owner of this cruise ship, all of them were enjoying the joy of the holiday, but now they were neatly piled together.

Especially those female bodies.

Looking at the marks on the surface of the body, you can tell that they were abused a lot before they died.

The young man was used to killing people.

He stretched out his hand to press down the head of the bow-legged woman in front of him, and signaled her to help clean up.

The woman knelt down obediently.

Feeling the skilled service of his subordinates.

He opened his arms and embraced the sky.

This kind of happiness of dominating other people's lives and having the final say is so wonderful.


The young man stared at the dazzling sunlight and looked at a parrot circling in the sky.

The parrot seemed to be frightened by his gaze and fell on a passing cruise ship below in panic.

"What a spiritual parrot."

The young man kicked away the woman who helped him clean up: "I'm going to play over there and tell Shetai and the others that we will go back at night."


The woman knelt on the ground.


Accompanied by a sound of falling into the water.

The young man was naked and quickly shuttled across the sea, approaching the cruise ship in front.

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