You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 194 Dark Sect, Japan's Crazy Blood Plan (Monthly Ticket Plus 8)

On a cruise ship.

Susan and Caroline were sleeping soundly while enjoying the sea breeze and sunshine.

Brian was full of energy, but he was so idle all alone, and the cruise ship was in cruise control, so fishing was unrealistic. He could only let Thirteen step on his back and enjoy the happiness of a local owner.

Not to mention, Thirteen's flesh claws were soft and hot. After being strengthened by the troll reagent, they were strong enough. When pressed on the back, they were quite comfortable.

At this moment, a green-feathered parrot landed on Shisan's dog's head in panic and shouted: "The bad guy, the bad guy is coming."

next moment.

A big hand suddenly appeared on top of the green parrot's head and grabbed it whole.

Brian pinched the little parrot and said, "You said I was a pervert before, right?"

The little parrot trembled: "The bad guy, the bad guy is coming!"

"What the hell!" Brian lifted the parrot to his head: "Thirteen, lick it!"

Bliss, blip~

The dog-legged Thirteen, without any hesitation, rolled his big tongue and licked the parrot's feathers to make them sticky and wet.

This little thing gets better and better the more you lick it.

Thirteen's saliva also secreted more and more.

I haven’t eaten a bird yet.

smell good.

I really want to eat it.

Thirteen's eyes rolled, and his flexible little tongue wrapped the parrot's body.

You can't eat the bird, so just take a few bites.

The little parrot was really spiritual. He sensed something was wrong and sent a sharp cry for help to Caroline who was sleeping soundly: "Eat a bird, stupid dog eats a bird~"

Caroline didn't know what sweet dream she was having. She smashed her mouth, turned over, put her feet on Susan's body, and left her back to the helpless and pitiful little parrot.

at this time.

Thirteen's ears twitched slightly, and he immediately turned towards the back of the cruise ship, grinning, and at the same time let out a low roar: "Woooo!!! (There is an intruder!!!)"

Brian stood up suddenly and looked behind him.

I saw a palm protruding from the side of the smooth cruise ship and pressing it against the side edge of the cruise ship.

"Hey, even if you take a vacation, you will encounter trouble. I won't have the aura of Conan, right?"

Brian was speechless.

He casually took out the knife from the fruit bowl, played with it, followed the rhythm of the waves, tiptoed, and quietly appeared on the edge of the cruise ship, and looked down.

This look happened to meet the eyes of a naked Asian man looking up.

"Man, do you want some help?"

Brian took a step forward, stepped on the opponent's palm pressing against the edge of the deck, and revealed a sinister smile on his lips.

Such a slippery cruise ship turned sideways, and he couldn't climb out without any help from the water, but the opponent was able to climb up. He was either a deformed person or a lycanthrope with special abilities.

No matter what it is, sneaking in quietly represents hostility.


When his palm was stepped on, Shinnosuke became angry and opened his mouth to spit.

Cold light flashes.

A white steel needle actually shot out from his mouth and shot toward Brian.

At the same time, a huge force came from under his feet, as if trying to break free from his feet.

Brian flicked his right hand and accurately deflected the steel needle that was aimed at his neck, and exerted force with his feet.


Along with the sound of bones cracking, the face of the naked man hanging on the edge of the boat changed slightly.

His right hand is broken!

The strength of the other party, as well as the indifference with which he deflected his hidden weapon, told him that this was not an ordinary person!

Shinnosuke's heart skipped a beat.


Encountered a tough situation.

What's even worse is that he originally thought it was another killing game, so he came here without even wearing any clothes. He didn't bring any concealed weapons. He was in an awkward position now. He couldn't fight back even if he wanted to. His only killer weapon was the sword in his mouth. Being ejected...

Shinnosuke seemed to be thinking a lot, but in fact it didn't last more than a second.

He didn't hesitate at all, with fierceness flashing in his eyes, he took a deep breath, rolled his body, and was about to forcefully twist and tear his right arm, and escape with his arm broken.


Almost at the same time as Shinnosuke inhaled, Brian blew out a strong puff of gas.

Caught off guard.

Shinnosuke took a deep breath.

The breath enters the nose.

The expression on Shinnosuke's face became even more ugly.

This is an anesthetic! ! !

"Cut it off!"

Before the effects of the medicine took effect, Shinnosuke rolled and turned like a crocodile almost crazy.

Brian saw this and was indifferent, watching this perverted performance without clothes.

As a person who is afraid of death.

Even with the poison gland ability, Brian still stores part of the anesthetic liquid and two cans of neurotoxin in his body, and can transform into a poisonous man at any time.

The puff of anesthetic gas just now was enough to paralyze an adult elephant.

Brian couldn't even bear it himself.

He didn't believe that the other party could bear it.

The other party's reaction was too decisive and cruel. At first glance, he was no ordinary aberrant or lycanthrope.

He wants to catch him alive!


Suddenly, the shoulder joint was violently twisted.


After two clicks, most of the shoulder muscles made a dull tearing sound like rubber.

Just when Shinnosuke wanted to endure the huge pain and turn for the third time, a sense of powerlessness surged in his body. The third turn, which was more fierce due to inertia, also seemed to be misfired, only due to the effect of inertia. Down, the body hit the wall of the ship.

It was obvious that the injury was getting worse, but Shinnosuke found that the pain coming from his body was gradually weakening.

He knew he was finished.

The medicine is taking effect.

"My physical fitness is pretty good. It actually took more than ten seconds for the drug to take effect."

Brian then bent down, crushed the opponent's shoulder blades hard, and praised him.

The opponent's hands were crippled.

Brian grabbed his head with his big palm and lifted it into the air like a carrot. After making sure that Susan and the others were not awake, he looked at another cruise ship in the distance.

With the blessing of Eagle Eye.

He could clearly see four people, one woman and three men, on the deck of the cruise ship. They were also looking at this side with solemn expressions. They had discovered what happened to this unlucky man.

"It seems you came on that ship."

Brian grinned and mentally estimated the speed of the cruise ship under his feet. He looked at Thirteen and said, "Watch Susan and the others. If anything happens, bite them to wake them up. If nothing happens, just watch them."

After saying that, he threw a lifebuoy tied with a rope into the water, grabbed the intruder who had fallen asleep, jumped into the sea with a plop, and swam quickly towards the cruise ship on the opposite side.

Opposite the cruise ship.

The three men and one woman were a little panicked.

"Baga!" A short middle-aged man gave the woman a kick: "Why do you let Shinnosuke invade other cruise ships without weapons? This will increase the risk of exposing us!"

The cruise ship they are on now has been screened.

Shinnosuke's actions undoubtedly put them in danger.

Although this damn guy has strong fighting ability, he is affected by the crazy blood and is a reckless guy.

The woman spit out a mouthful of blood expressionlessly and got up from the ground.

She wiped her mouth: "Shinnosuke is the person named by the sect master to reward, Lord Snake, you'd better think of how to save Shinnosuke."

at this time.

Another man made a voice of shock and anger: "Stop arguing, that man grabbed Shinnosuke and jumped into the sea."

As soon as these words came out, the other three people changed their colors at the same time.

This is preparing to serve them all in one pot!

The short middle-aged man, without any hesitation, held the handle of the knife at his waist: "Ignore Shinnosuke, let's sail away!"

Even though Shinnosuke had no weapons and his physique was inhuman, he was beaten like a dead dog, without even giving them time to react.

The enemy is simply not something they can defeat.


What else did the woman want to say.

Shinnosuke is the person she hooks up with, and she also hopes to gain his bloodline.

If the other party loses here, he will be punished if he goes back, and all the previous efforts will be wasted.

She didn't finish her sentence.

The sword flashed.

The woman looked at her companion in surprise, her mouth moved, and she wanted to say something else.

A blood line spread from her forehead all the way down, splitting her in two, turning into two upright corpses, falling to both sides.


The short middle-aged man sheathed his sword with a cold voice.


The other two people hurriedly wanted to rush into the cabin.

next moment.


A body broke out of the water and hit the deck.

The three of them looked over subconsciously and found that the body flying up was Shinnosuke without clothes.

This guy looked a little miserable, his eyes were closed, and his chest was still rising and falling weakly. However, the right shoulder holding the knife was twisted into a twist, and his shoulders were sunken. You could also see the protrusions that pierced the flesh after the bones were broken.

After a quick glance, it was determined that Shinnosuke, the most powerful combatant, had temporarily lost his combat effectiveness. The three of them immediately ran in three directions without any hesitation or even the slightest communication, and were about to disperse and jump into the sea to escape.

This place is not far from the coastline, and the best hiding area is underwater. With their strong physical strength and the blades in their hands, they are not afraid even if they encounter sharks.

Only someone jumped into the water, and screams immediately came.

The two slow-moving people were so frightened that they immediately stopped.


Another body broke out of the water and hit the deck.

The remaining two people looked around and found that it was the short middle-aged man who reacted the fastest.

In just the blink of an eye, his hands and feet turned into twists, as if someone was grabbing his limbs and twisting the sheets and ravaging them.

"What kind of monster has this bastard Shinnosuke brought back?"

A younger man's voice was already trembling.

Killing someone and facing being killed are two completely different feelings.

Many murderous guys may behave worse than ordinary people when facing their own death.

The other person was much calmer.

He took a deep breath, held the handle of the knife with his right hand, and hid his left hand under the long sleeve of his ninja uniform. He glanced around with his eyes, concentrating his energy and energy, always looking for opportunities to counterattack and escape.


There was a slight vibration on the side of the cruise ship.

Brian punched the side of the cruise ship.

This thing is usually made of synthetic resin called fiberglass. It is water-resistant and corrosion-resistant, and is as hard as steel, but its toughness is much worse. It is difficult to travel across the ocean. With concentrated force, it is harder to make a dent than imagined. It's easier.

After seven or eight punches, a point of strength appeared.

Relying on the reaction of the force, Brian pulled himself up from the water to the air. At the same time, he stepped on his toes with explosive force. His whole body flew more than four meters into the air. He grabbed the edge of the cruise ship and exerted another force.

By the time the two people on the deck reacted, Brian was already standing in front of them.


The young man roared angrily and slashed with his sword.

Brian's hand showed an afterimage, he accurately grasped the blade of the knife, folded it hard, grabbed the broken tip of the knife and threw it at another man who was trying to escape. The hidden weapon he shot at him was knocked away and at the same time, it penetrated the other man's head. .

Another kick kicked the young man four to five meters away, and hit the outer wall of the cabin hard, as if he was stuck to it. He paused for more than a second before slowly sliding down.

All this may seem cumbersome, but actually happens in less than a second.

To outsiders, Brian seemed to have turned on an acceleration plug-in. Every time his arms and thighs moved, there would be afterimages. It was so fast that the real hands and feet could not be captured in the field of vision, only afterimages could be seen.

Looking at the young man who fell to the ground and couldn't get up, Brian was a little speechless: "In my last life, I fought in front of the computer every day, and I'm fighting with you again in this life, right? I just finished a batch of Xiaobaga yesterday, why is it happening again today? You little bastards?"

He took out a fruit knife: "I'm in a hurry, now tell me your identity, origin, and why you are causing trouble to us, and I will give you a happy treat, or else I will peel you and cramp you, then pickle you with salt, dry, peel, and Continue to add salt when finished.”

Before he finished speaking, black blood flowed from the corner of the mouth of the twitching young man on the ground, and he stopped breathing.

Brian frowned and sniffed, knowing that the other party should be teeth or somewhere, hid the cyanide poison bag, bit it into pieces and committed suicide.

"Fortunately, I still have two people alive."

Brian learned his lesson and first went to Xiao Baga, who was the first to climb on their cruise ship. He checked his mouth and successfully pulled out a poisonous implanted tooth.

Another short middle-aged man who was thrown back by him from diving did not escape either.

The short middle-aged man woke up first.

I don’t know how this organization cultivates people.

After this guy woke up and realized that he was captured, his first reaction was to bite his teeth, but the fangs were all bloody and gone!

"You're playing chaste warrior with me, right?"

Brian stepped forward with a ferocious smile.

This time he stopped talking nonsense and got started.


The screams continued.

It didn't take long for the guy who woke up to commit suicide.

It just proves that sentence: There is no absolute strictness in the face of torture.


Brian spat green phlegm on the bloody corpse on the ground in disgust.


White mist rose, and after more than ten seconds, except for a pool of blood and a pile of hidden metal weapons, there were no traces of corpses on the ground.

He continued walking towards the guy he caught in the first place

When they saw the pile of corpses in the corner of the cruise ship, it was destined that these guys would not be too comfortable leaving.

Seven or eight minutes later, Brian threw a piece of human skin on the ground in disgust. Looking at Shinnosuke squirming and screaming on the deck, he took a mouthful of poisonous phlegm in disgust and corroded the opponent.

It's really not worth it for Yagyu Ichito to die in the hands of such a thing.

With the help of poison glands that are extremely corrosive to flesh and blood, it is easy to destroy corpses and eliminate traces.

Finished cleaning up the scene.

Brian did not touch the pile of corpses of the original owner of the cruise ship. With the two new obsessions he had gained and the origin information of this group of people, he traveled wildly and returned to the small yacht owned by rich woman Caroline.

Put away the rope lifebuoy that was thrown away earlier.

Brian looked at Thirteen who was lying under Susan and Caroline's recliner.

Thirteen puffed out his mouth and shook his head, indicating that the two of them were sleeping soundly.

"Why are you puffing your mouth?"

Brian wondered.

Thirteen continued to shake his head, but a green feather appeared from the corner of his mouth.


Fortunately, Caroline's green parrot was not dead, but fainted.

I don’t know whether he fainted from lack of oxygen or from thirteen gas.

Anyway, when it was taken out, every hair of the green parrot was covered with Thirteen's saliva.

It's not clean anymore.

"Hey, I went out to take a vacation, and accidentally got a few more lives on my hands."

Brian lay lazily back in his chair and closed his eyes.

The group of people I met today were actually the same group of people who attacked Yagyu Itto yesterday. They came from an organization called the Dark Sect.

The Ansong is actually an organization that splintered from the Japanese Ninja Sect, or a defective product.

This is related to a plan codenamed "Crazy Blood".

On the Japanese side, after the defeat of World War II, they unexpectedly encountered the magical vision of the blood moon. Therefore, in order to regain their global status, the defeated upper class put most of their new hopes in the distortion caused by the blood moon. on the person.

During the war, various inhumane human experiments were carried out to bring about technical foundation.

This group of Japanese upper echelons continued to conduct various experiments with domestic criminals and aberrations. Finally, through hybrid technology, they successfully used a special aberration and a group of female enhancers to give birth to a unique group - the Mad Blood Generation.

The Mad Blood Generation is the core of the predecessors of the Dark Sect members.

This group has potential similar to that of aberrants and enhancers. As long as they are constantly emotionally stimulated, they have a probability of awakening some special abilities. To a certain extent, they can awaken a certain type of talent in a targeted manner, but their personalities tend to go to extremes.

To put it simply, it is uncontrollable.

So this generation of crazy blood became breeding pigs and continued crossbreeding.

Itachi Yagyu's generation is a member of the third generation of Mad Blood. It is relatively stable, at least controllable, and the probability of awakening aberrations is also high.

As for the original crazy blood generation, they were centrally destroyed.

However, during this process, due to the radiation awakening of the blood moon, several deformed crazy blood generation escaped.

These people secretly established the Dark Sect, and constantly raided and absorbed popular experimental products from the Mad Blood Laboratory for cultivation.

After decades of struggle.

Now the Dark Sect has become a global killer organization.

This information was obtained from two people through separate interrogations, so it is unlikely that he was deceived.

"Ninja sect, dark sect"

Brian felt that the relationship between the two organizations was not as simple as those two people said.

Just like the FBI and primitive sects.

The actor on the stage couldn't tell what color his face was between the red face and the white face.

Maybe the Anshu sect was established by the Nin sect for comparative experiments.

"Forget it, these are none of my business. I have formed an organization vest of urban ghost stories myself, not to mention three rounds of blood moon. Over a total of more than sixty years, all kinds of messy things have been done openly and secretly. Organized."

Brian suppressed the random thoughts in his mind and looked at the two new obsessions he had gained.

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