You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 196 Powerful ‘extensive knowledge and strong memory’, investigation (April monthly ticket pl

"Boss Brian, what's wrong?"

Green looked at Brian who suddenly stopped walking with some confusion.

Brian shook his head: "Nothing, I just suddenly remembered that we need to apply for some work tablets. We can use them to view electronic maps when needed. It would be better if we could call up personnel information at any time."

Green nodded in agreement: "It sounds really good. I heard that mobile networks are developing very fast and should be able to be implemented in two years. I just don't know how long it will take to fully promote it."

Here at the headquarters, there is an archives room.

The archives is not a separate small room, but a three-story building similar to a university library. There are many shelves in it, like a small maze.

There is also a separate computer query area, which is internally disconnected from the network and directly physically blocked from hacker intrusions. You need to enter identity verification to use these computers.

Brian and Green were divided into two groups.

Green went to ask for the paper file, while Brian checked the case on the computer.

Come to the computer area.

Brian did not rush to inquire, but checked the obsession he had just completed.

The obsession to complete is the obsession of Professor Mycroft who committed suicide by jumping off the building before: to protect Hedilyn Silva and prevent her from being retaliated by people from the Black Light Company.

The obsession was completed, which meant that Mycroft's wife Heidilin had either passed away, or NW had completed the examination of Heidilin and arranged her to be used as material for a scientific research project.

Everyone is going to burp their farts.

Naturally, the Black Light Company would not waste time and energy in retaliating against this disgusting woman.

After Mycroft's obsession is completed, there are three gifts available to Brian:

Gift 1: 8 units of energy points

Gift 2: 3 units of energy points + Bowen Qiangji

Gift 3: 3 units of energy points + mastery-level self-cultivation of dog-licking

Needless to say, Brian naturally chose the second gift.

After the selection was completed, his gift energy returned to 54 units. At the same time, a cool feeling surged on his forehead, and Brian narrowed his eyes in comfort.


He opened his eyes again and felt a little different.

how to say.

Brian's previous thoughts, as he continued to complete each obsession and absorbed the spiritual crystals gifted by those people, led to a continuous increase in mental intensity.

During this process, his thinking speed became faster and faster.

But that doesn't mean Brian can never forget it.

At most, he can think of things quickly and memorize things more easily than before. He can keep his mind clear even if he doesn't rest for a long time, and he won't get tired easily if he thinks for a long time, etc., but there are not many other changes.

It's like he has an ever-upgrading brain graphics card, but the special function programs are still the same as before.

Not so now.

Brian glanced around and found that the super-computer perception he was accustomed to, coupled with Mycroft's talent for learning and memorizing, and his powerful visual ability, combined with the three, as long as things were within his field of vision, he could Everything is imprinted in his mind. As long as he wants to recall, he can clearly remember all the objects he just saw, as well as the size, distribution, distance and other details of those objects.


Brian was a little surprised.

He used to think that this talent was just to enhance his memory, but he didn't expect that when paired with his other talents, it would also undergo a qualitative change and become the ability to reproduce similar scenes.

It's this kind of ability that's a bit useless.

After playing for a while, Brian felt his brain was slightly tired.

However, if he does not deliberately play back high-definition details for a long time, the talent of Bo Wenqiang, similar to his supercomputer perception talent, is a passive talent and will not affect his daily life.

"This harvest is beyond my expectation. Good people are indeed rewarded!"

Brian smiled slightly, gathered his thoughts, typed on the keyboard, and started working.

The location of the case is located in the middle of three urban highway networks.

That area is full of farms and wilderness. The location closest to the Abandoned Car Valley shows a total of two small towns according to the satellite electronic regional topographic map on the computer.

One town is called Fengshou Town, which mainly develops animal husbandry, but is limited by the environment and is not large in scale.

Another town is called Tengteng Town. The name is a bit strange, but according to the archives, it was originally one of the few mining towns in Los Angeles County, and it was prosperous for a period of time.

The main customer group of Fengshou Town used to be Tengteng Town.

Later, when the mineral resources dried up and many people left, Tengteng Town became lonely.


Brian rubbed his chin.

This Tengteng Town is very suspicious.

Some horror plots are either set in uninhabited areas of mountains and forests, or on wilderness roads, roadhouses, remote abandoned towns, abandoned mining areas, etc. This is mainly because these places are sparsely populated and the risk of exposure after committing a crime is very low. .

In academic terms.

In these places, there are no humanistic laws, but follow the laws of the dark forest.

Brian decided to go directly to Tengteng Town with Green later.

Checking the electronic map this time, he once again felt the bonus that the humble talent of Bowen Qiangmei had on him.

Cooperate with supercomputer perception.

Brian could actually visualize the electronic map of the entire Los Angeles County (county) and all the public routes and towns in his mind, and accurately know the distance between them, the approximate time he would spend at different speeds, etc.

It was as if a satellite navigation map was installed in his brain.

An ordinary program plug-in for "knowledge and memory" directly allowed Brian's brain to exert its already powerful performance.

"It seems that I should read more books in the future. The humanoid mobile library is also quite good."

Brian was in a good mood.

This kind of pseudo-academic feeling is really good.

If he had this talent before, he should be Dr. Brian now.

Hard work is really desperate in front of talent.

More than half an hour later.

Green also came over with sweat on his forehead and brought about two hundred files: "Boss Brian, these are the missing persons cases in the towns around the crime scene in the past three years. They are all unsolved cases, and the information of the missing persons."

"So many?"

Brian was a little surprised.

Green nodded: "Highway patrol, according to the location provided by the reporter, I simply checked some car information with license plates and found that there were more than a dozen missing people's cars. I picked out their information separately."

"Very considerate."

Brian praised and helped Green put the information on the table.

He first checked the information of the more than ten missing car owners.

A dozen missing car owners does not mean that there are only a dozen missing people.

Some of them went out to play with their partners before they disappeared, some went out to play or travel with family members, and some drove away alone and disappeared.

In total, there are more than 40 people.

In other words, none of these people survived.

Disappearance is actually a very embarrassing case in the entire law enforcement system.

Because before finding the body of the deceased or confirming the death of the other party, the police are unlikely to launch a large amount of manpower and material resources to investigate and track down the missing persons of ordinary identities.

Especially in the United States.

If it is a case of danger in the mountains, the family members are willing to pay for search and rescue personnel, and they may still find the missing person.

For files like these in front of us, even if their families report to the police, the best result is that the police will make a record, arrange personnel to visit around, find clues, and continue the investigation. If no clues are found, the report is just a record. The rest basically depends on the family of the missing person to make the final effort, posting missing person notices everywhere.

If you are unlucky, you may also disappear in this process..

This is reality.

Brian quickly flipped through the information in his hand, and automatically combined the place names, starting points, end points and other information that appeared in the reporter's record into routes in his mind.

This process is very magical.

He felt that he had become an intelligent computer at this moment, processing all kinds of information absorbed at an extremely fast speed, trying to summarize the clues hidden in this information.

Looking at Brian who was flipping through the information casually, Green's lips moved twice, but he didn't say anything in the end.

It is estimated that Brian, the boss, just took a look out of habit and didn't think that these materials could hide any useful clues..

More than five minutes later.

Brian smiled.

Found it!

He found a section of the road that all the missing persons had to go through through the route map before they left in the report. If you want to know what these people have experienced, you can find out by walking along that section.

To be on the safe side.

Brian continued to look through the remaining missing persons' information.

Before most people disappeared, they didn't think they would disappear, and they wouldn't deliberately tell people around them where they were going.

In the records mentioned in the reporter's record, Brian found more than 30 missing persons who were going to pass that section before they disappeared.

Coincidentally, that section of the road just passed through Teng Teng Town.

There is a high possibility that the murderer is hiding in this area!

After reading the information.

Brian clapped his hands: "Green, return everything, we have to set off."


Green looked at Brian in confusion: "Bryan, don't we take these materials with us?"

"No need." Brian pointed to his head: "These materials and the route map over there are all in my head."


It would take him a day to roughly look through so much information, but Brian said he remembered it all. He felt Brian was bragging, but he still obediently returned the information.

The first principle of being a younger brother: listen more and talk less.

Because the route is all in his mind, Brian drove this time.

He drove according to the road section simulated in his mind.

Green was a little uncomfortable, so he could only assemble and familiarize himself with the rifle he brought out.

He had little contact with this thing.

Halfway through, Green also received a call.

A friend he met in the police academy was shot to death. The friend and his companions stopped a speeding car, but before they could get close, the driver of the car pulled out a submachine gun, shot them to pieces, and drove away.

The weather in Los Angeles is relatively livable, which also leads to the fact that many police officers do not wear hot body armor when working normally. Once they encounter such a situation, the probability of survival is low.

When Green heard the news, his mood seemed a little low: "We have been on the job for less than half a year, and eight people have already died. Most of them died in the last two or three months. Public security is getting worse and worse."

He also lived in a black ghetto and felt deeply.

Brian comforted: "Man, everyone has their own destiny. What you have to do is save money and take your family to live in a safer community."

Green nodded.

He has saved a lot of money recently, and he has been taught by the seniors in the group. He works part-time every day off and makes a lot of money. It is estimated that he will have enough funds to move early next year.

Hey, it’s just that working part-time is a bit physically exhausting.

The point where the abandoned car was found was about thirty kilometers away from the section of road Brian estimated.

The journey was uneventful.

When the two arrived, two highway patrol officers were parking the car and sitting on the weeds beside the road eating.

Seeing Brian and the others parking the car, the two of them immediately looked over.

Green took the initiative to step forward and revealed his identity: "We are members of the B6 team of the NW Operations Department. We have received the investigation of the abandoned car. Guys, where is the valley where the abandoned car was found?"

A patrolman swallowed the cold hamburger in his mouth and pointed to the forest behind them: "Inside, it is about three kilometers away from here. There are only small roads in there, and the crane cannot get in. Others are trying to figure out how to move those cars Hang it up."


The two parked the car on the side of the road, asked two police officers to watch, and walked inside in the direction pointed by the other person.

On arrival.

A group of people were eating in a makeshift tent.

Above this valley is a flat land, and you can see some tire marks, which should be the marks left by abandoned cars when it rained.

There were also several cars hoisted up using those small roller skating machines around.

The vehicles look relatively new.

New here means no rust.

This means that they will not stay down for too long, otherwise the humidity in the forest will be relatively high. If the car is parked in this environment, serious rust will appear in some areas within a few months.

After identifying yourself.

Brian took Green to check on the vehicles.

Not much gain.

There were impact marks on the outside of these cars.

After testing with blood-displaying spray, no obvious blood stains were found inside or outside the car.

However, Brian found a Coke cup from a fast food restaurant in the passenger seat of a car. The cup fell under the passenger seat, with some Coke still inside.

This thing definitely couldn't have been left here by the murderer after drinking it.

It must be that the person sitting in the passenger seat at the time took the unfinished drink after eating fast food and put it in the car to drink slowly. As a result, in the process, they were attacked, or got out of the car, and then He didn't even come up, and the murderer drove the car directly here to deal with it.

Green imitated Brian, looked around a few times, shook his head and came to Brian, who was looking at the Coke cup: "Boss Brian, I don't see any useful clues. These cars have all been dropped and impacted. Even if there are any Traces were also destroyed.”

"Isn't this a trace?"

Brian raised the cup in his hand: "Through this, we at least know that the murderer tricked people into getting out of the car, or there was some reason that led to their temporary parking. In addition, the location where they disappeared is located around the town, and It’s not a true uninhabited wilderness, which is an important clue.”

Green thought for a while and nodded: "But how do we determine the area where these people disappeared?"

Brian shrugged:

“You’ll know just by walking through the suspicious sections, it all depends on luck.

By the way, the murderer's living environment shouldn't be a particularly remote place, otherwise he wouldn't have to go to such trouble to drive the victim's car here and dump it.

The murderer should be a local and familiar with the surrounding environment.

In addition, these cars are actually easy to deal with, but they were all abandoned by the other party, which means that his purpose of killing was not for money.

These are all clues.

Clues won't tell you proactively, you have to learn to use your brain, Green. "

Green nodded instructively.

Green left his phone number.

The two returned to the road, with Brian at the wheel, wandering around on the road.

Seeing that Brian drove smoothly, and even took him to a town for lunch and refueling, Green finally believed that Brian had really memorized all the electronic maps.

Boss Brian is so perverted!

Green was secretly envious.

During the period, the two also came to Tengteng Town, which Brian was suspicious of.

This town actually looks pretty good, but there are not many people on the streets. Occasionally, you can see a little old man driving a pickup truck and returning from outside with some wood.

Brian and the others did not go to the small town police station to inquire about the situation.

They pretended to be passers-by passing by for supplies and talked to an old lady at a grocery store. They found that there were no young people stopping here at all.

The special geological environment here is not suitable for planting. In addition, it is close to a prosperous place like Los Angeles, so young people have many choices.

Most of the young people have started families and careers outside, leaving only some old bachelors or elderly families staying here alone.

Every week, people from the neighboring town of Fengshou would drive over to deliver supplies and food for sale.

The store owner was very happy about the arrival of Brian and his partner.

According to her, most passing drivers would go to the neighboring town of Fengshou for supplies and rarely come here, so when a stranger appeared in the town, everyone would be surprised and remember him for a long time.

Brian asked about the mineral veins again.

The mine cave is a hidden and complex place, which is quite suitable for doing some illegal things.

"Mine cave?"

The old lady in the grocery store shook her head: "More than ten years ago, it was acquired by a company. They are responsible for issuing pensions for most people in our town. I went to see it. I don't know what the people of that company are doing inside. There are people guarding it, but the sheriff of the town is very respectful to them, and sometimes you can see military helicopters coming over."


She also handed Brian an old flyer: "By the way, if you are passing by Fengshou Town, you can go to see Alice's Secret Land over there. It's very beautiful. Single men and women often go there to party nearby, trying to find their other half. Maybe you will have a beautiful encounter."

"Alice's Secret Land?"

Green smiled and said, "It sounds like a place in a fairy tale. Is it a tourist attraction?"

The old lady shook her head:

"It's not a tourist attraction. It's just a garden built by a poor guy for his daughter.

His wife and daughter died of illness one after another.

He only There was only one garden left.

Those flowers were well taken care of by this poor guy.

Before, a rich man wanted to buy the garden for more than one million US dollars, but he refused.

However, in order to make a living, he still opened the garden for people to gather and visit. People in the nearby town felt sorry for him, so when they met outsiders, they would help recommend it. "

The old lady probably hadn't seen outsiders for a long time. She was very enthusiastic, especially to Brian. She wanted to take them to dinner together until an old man came in and asked her what she was doing with some jealousy. The other party let them go.

Thanked the enthusiastic old lady.

The two drove to the address of "Alice's Secret Realm" on the brochure.

They all felt that this place was a bit suspicious.

When they were about to leave the town, an unkempt old man stood on the side of the road and suddenly waved at their car, shouting incoherently: "Don't go to the garden, don't go to the garden."

Brian quickly braked and looked at the old man.

Before he could ask, the old man ran into a roadside house and closed the door tightly.

The two looked at each other and felt a little weird.

Green swallowed his saliva: "Boss Brian, do you think that what we are experiencing now is really like some horror plot clips?"

Brian rolled his eyes and pointed at the ammunition in the back seat of the car: "Man, we are the walking terror, get out of the car and ask clearly!"

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