You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 197: Poor mountains and bad waters produce unruly people, Brian's face

Dong dong dong~

Hearing the knock on the door, the old man in the house said in horror: "Get away, you bed bugs!"

As he said that, there was a slight sound of bullets being loaded inside.

Greene was slower to respond.

Although Brian has not strengthened his hearing, as his overall physical fitness continues to strengthen, his hearing is no longer as clear as that of ordinary people.

He pulled away Green who was knocking on the door, and lightly tapped the old wooden door in front of him with his palm.

By chance, the door bolt broke and the locked door opened inside, revealing an old man sitting in front of the door pretending to be holding a double-barreled shotgun and screaming strangely.

He probably never expected that the two foreigners in front of him could actually open his door easily. The surprise on his face flashed away, and then turned into panic again. He raised the double-barreled shotgun and said, "Get out, you guys." Chosen ones, go to your gardens!"

"Just pretending"

Brian's eyes showed disappointment, and he appeared in front of the old man in a flash. He grabbed the old double-barreled shotgun and pulled it hard with both hands. He actually flattened the barrel of the shotgun. A flat U-shaped barrel shotgun.

This exaggerated scene frightened the old man.

I'm playing pretend with you, and you're playing real with me?

Brian casually threw the U-shaped shotgun to the ground: "Are you going to speak on your own initiative, or am I going to let you speak?"

He slid from the chair numbly, knelt on the ground and raised his hands in surrender: "Hey, don't be impulsive, young man, don't be impulsive, I just want to get some money to spend, there is no harm..."

It turned out that this old man was in the same group as the female shopkeeper that Brian and the others asked about before.

When you meet a foreigner, try to trick them.

The female shopkeeper would trick people into going to that garden, or asking them to go to her home for dinner.

If it's the latter, it's up to the female shop owner and her husband to trick her in other ways.

If it's the former, let him who lives at the intersection do the trick.

If ordinary people were attracted by his words, they would probably get out of the car out of curiosity and ask.

When the time comes, he will pretend to say some nonsense about being selected, and will not open the door at first, and then reluctantly open the door, making up a story to deceive the female shopkeeper. In this way, no matter whether the outsiders believe the old man's story or not, the car will break down in the end and they will continue to be ripped off...

Green didn't expect people outside to be so sinister. He opened his eyes wide and said, "What if others ignore you at all?"

After all, not everyone is so curious that they actually get out of the car and ask.

An ugly smile appeared on the old man's face: "You can fool anyone."

"Then you are not afraid of outsiders and call the police directly?"

The old man shrugged: "The town police chief is the husband of the female shop owner. You are lucky that you were not invited to the female shop owner's house for dinner. You will not be tricked into a worse situation."

Then, he continued: "Actually, there are not many residents left in the town. Whether outsiders are eating, drinking, housing or traveling, they will be tricked by us in the end, so few people continue to come here."

Brian and Green looked at each other.

Good guy.

The poor mountains and rivers are unfavorable to the people.

After losing its mineral resources, the people who remained here were indeed ‘kind’.

Brian activated his enhanced sense of smell and walked around the room before looking at Green: "What do you think?"

Green shrugged: "Something is wrong. After all, the old lady at the grocery store did want to invite us to her house for food, but her husband stopped us..."

at this time.

An old cowboy man walked in outside the house and knocked on the door: "Because I saw the pile of firearms in your car and knew that you were not kind people, I gave up the idea of ​​blackmailing you and let old Arthur go. Come on, otherwise you won’t be able to leave the town!”

Brian and the other two looked around and found that the old cowboy man was the husband of the old lady from the grocery store.

There is also a police badge hanging on the opponent's chest, indicating the identity of the captain of the opponent's small town police station.


I don't know when, seven or eight figures appeared outside the house, all armed with various long and short shotguns and shotguns that were very powerful at close range. They appeared outside the street and surrounded the place.

Green: ..

He looked helplessly at his boss Brian.

This damn place is so careless.

Brian sighed and opened his shirt, revealing a row of high-explosive grenades hanging around his waist: "Do you want to reorganize your language?"

Old Cowboy Sheriff:

He looked at old Arthur.

Old Arthur, who was kneeling on the ground, pointed helplessly at the U-shaped double-barreled shotgun that was bent by Brian: "Don't be impulsive. Ask them what they want to do first. We are just a group of poor old people who have no one to rely on. They You shouldn’t do anything impulsive.”

Seeing the U-shaped double-barreled shotgun on the ground, the sergeant's pupils shrank violently, and he asked uneasily: "Are you from the Black Light Company?"

Brian's heart moved when he heard about Blacklight Company.

Isn't this the company established by the previous Mycroft and some people from the NW Research Department?

He frowned and looked at the old police chief: "How do you know about Blacklight Company?"

Before he could speak, the old man on the ground muttered: "The mine where people in our town work has been bought by them for more than ten years. However, they didn't call it Blacklight Company before, and they changed the name not long ago. "

The old sheriff also nodded: "It seems that you are not one of them. Blacklight Company was not called this name before. They seem to be researching some weapons technology in the mountains, and military helicopters occasionally come here. Someone in the town tried to sneak in and steal something by relying on their familiarity with the terrain. As a result, they encountered guards as powerful as you and almost died there. Since then, the residents of our town dare not approach there."

Brian thought thoughtfully after hearing this.

It seems that this Blacklight Company is just a vest.

McCoff and others are just shields pushed out to cover up the deeper controllers of this company.

NW is not shallow inside.

This is an unexpected gain.

Next, under Brian's power, the two people in the house honestly answered many questions.

For example, the missing case.

The old sheriff knew something:

"I don't know about other places, but in Harvest Town, outsiders often come to the town to post missing person flyers.

In order not to affect the town's outside business and flow of people, the residents there will tear up the flyers after the people leave.

In fact, we don't know what the situation is.

No one in the nearby towns has ever disappeared, and no vicious murders have been heard of.

Everyone is too familiar with it. If something happens, everyone can guess who did it, but this is not a no-man's land in the West. Even old guys like us are just trying to make some money and won't really hurt anyone."

As he said, the old sheriff seemed to have thought of something, glanced at Green who was standing upright, and added: "If you are fine, don't go to that garden. I heard that people in Harvest Town basically don't go there. It was just my wife who deliberately lied to you before. I have told you everything I know. Now you can leave."

After confirming that the other party was not lying, Brian and Green had to leave.

It is impossible for them to really massacre the town because of this matter.

Of course, the main reason was that Brian did not smell any special smells such as blood and the stench of corpses on these people.

They were going to go to Fengshou Town to check the situation.

In the car.

Green seemed to remember something: "Bryan, do you want to go back and wipe off the fingerprints on the shotgun? After all, that old guy is the sheriff. I'm worried that he will come to mess with us."

Although they were not afraid, it was also a trouble.

Brian shook his head: "No need."

There were no fingerprints on the gun at all.

Fingerprint detection technology uses the sweat and oil secretion on the fingers to distinguish fingerprint traces.

So as long as the skin surface is smooth and does not continue to secrete anything, there is no need to worry about your fingerprints being left behind. At most, there will be marks on the gun barrel due to dust, but they will be blurred and will not leave clear fingerprints.

Unless he is so fierce that he can directly pinch the gun barrel to leave fingerprints.

After leaving the town of Teng Teng, where all the villains are, Brian continued to drive forward along the section he had locked on before.

Fengshou Town, there is another town called Xiaoshi Town, which is located near this section of the road.

The distance between the two towns is not far.

Ten minutes later, Brian and his friends saw a bunch of road signs on a turning road, including signs for Harvest Town, hotel advertisements, etc., and one of them was the sign for the ‘Alice Secret Realm’ garden recommended by the old lady in the grocery store.

There were also colorful lights hanging on these signs.

Brian had good eyesight and could see a leaflet similar to the Harvest Festival and a festival invitation on the sign. It was probably during this time period that Harvest Town would hold a festival, with free beer and various food at discounted prices.

The car turned into the small road.

The two also felt the human atmosphere that they had not seen in Teng Teng Town before. On the road, they encountered many cars leaving the town, some of which were trucks with the brand of the agricultural trade company.

Driving into the town, the buildings here did not look as bleak and old as those in Teng Teng Town.

Young people and children can be seen everywhere on the clean streets.

This place is full of vitality.

It was still the same routine as before.

After arriving at the town, the two pretended to be travelers and asked questions from the people in the town.

But this time, they got almost nothing.

The people in this town are very wary of topics like missing persons.

In the end, it was Brian, who was shameless, who took a bullet shell and found a snotty child, and asked him something temptingly: his family didn't let him go to the garden to play.

The old sheriff mentioned this before in Teng Teng Town.

Now it has been verified from the child's mouth.

This made Brian a little confused.

It can be seen that the people in Fengshou Town are running their town well, instead of killing anyone they catch like the dying town of Teng Teng Town.

Since there seems to be something wrong with this garden, why do they let the other party set up a promotional sign at the intersection?

With this doubt, Brian pulled Green and drove out of the town according to the map on the leaflet he had taken before, and drove to the garden behind the town.

This is a country road.

Some farms and breeding industries in the town, as well as some houses built by residents living outside, are all here.

This is actually the choice of many young urban residents.

If they cannot go to a big city, they may not choose to build a house in the town center, but directly use local materials, buy a piece of land outside the town, and then build a small wooden house, vegetable garden, etc. by themselves.

The advantage of this is that the cost of living is very low and very comfortable.

Therefore, generally within a dozen kilometers of this kind of town, if you wander around, you will encounter some remote houses, and the residents are very scattered.

Green seemed to yearn for this kind of life and kept looking out the window.

They also encountered several other cars on the road. The owners were young male and female couples. They were all of that age who were curious about everything in the world and were not afraid of anything.

There are also those where the whole family comes out to play.

Among them was a young girl in a car. She looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old. She still had the baby fat that is unique to adolescence on her face. She looked very cute.

When she saw Brian driving, her eyes lit up and she waved to Brian: "Hey, are you also tourists visiting that garden?"

Brian put his hands on the window and turned to the girl with a lazy smile: "Yes, I heard that there are people using carriages to pick up people and take them there, but we didn't see it."

"Because of the Harvest Festival, there were a lot of people going there. Everyone wanted to have a picnic in the sea of ​​flowers, and the carriages were all rented out." The little girl was very happy with Brian's response, chirping and talking a lot.

This made Brian worried that the girl's father might cause trouble for him after he got off the bus.

This was something he often encountered during his adolescence.

Children here often do a lot of ridiculous things when they are fifteen or sixteen years old.

As a result, they arrived at a manor surrounded by wooden piles.

Everyone parked the car, and a plump woman with some mature woman pulled the girl and another smaller boy to Brian's car.

She raised her eyebrows at Brian who had just gotten out of the car: "We brought a lot of food we made in the town. Do you want to come with us?"

The girl also encouraged Brian: "My mother's smoked meat is delicious, and the apple cream pie is particularly delicious. You can really try it."

"No, my companions and I still have some things to deal with. Thank you for the invitation, but it is really inconvenient."

Brian declined.

Looking at their reluctant to leave, Brian patted Green who was in a daze: "Why are you standing there? Lock the car and let's go."

Green came to his senses.

He swallowed his sour saliva and said, "Boss Brian, do you often encounter this kind of thing?"

Brian shook his head: "How is this possible?"

Green felt better.

He would encounter such a thing as love luck once or twice in a few years.

Brian continued: "There are girls who strike up conversations every day, ranging from female neighbors to anyone of the opposite sex I meet. But this kind of combination of mother and daughter with a child is rare."


He thought Boss Brian was being reserved and modest, but it turned out that he was just trying to gain momentum to stab himself again.

Mr. Brian is quite nice, but his face sometimes, hey, he doesn’t want to say it’s too bad, he doesn’t care about the life and death of such a transparent person like him!

"Let's go, stop inking. I have a hunch that we can gain something this time."

Brian walked towards the front.

Green touched the pistol on his waist, took a deep breath, and quickly followed.

He had the same premonition.

The encounter in Tengteng Town made this young black man, who rarely left the city and grew up in a slum, aware of the dangers outside for the first time.

This is different from the obvious ferocity in the slums, but a kind of fear that a soft knife suddenly comes from nowhere.

Everyone looks like a bad guy to him now.

I hope there will be some gains this time

Green prayed in his heart.

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