You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 198 Abnormality in the garden, discovered!

This manor is very artistic.

The wooden fence has a European garden style, surrounded by vines and spreading green leaves, giving people the illusion of entering a fairy tale world.

Standing at the door, you can smell the strong fragrance of flowers.

Although I haven’t seen the scenery inside yet, my first impression is really good.

Outside the manor, there is a small cabin.

The window of the wooden house faces a small door. Inside, there is a little old man who looks to be in his fifties or sixties, with a wrinkled face and white hair on both sides of his ears. He is stamping fees for new tourists.

It's the kind of seal that's stamped on your hand.

It costs twenty dollars per person, and you can play until you don't want to play anymore, or the stamp will fade automatically. It's not a one-time thing, and the price is quite affordable.

Brian first smelled at the door and found nothing strange.

The floral scent is just too strong.

In his enhanced sense of smell, the floral fragrance that escaped was more than twenty kinds mixed together, which made him uncomfortable.

I really don’t know how the owner of this place managed to raise so many different types of flowers and plants and make this place so lush in almost December.

Pay money and get stamped.

The next step is to visit.

Along the way, Brian turned on his heightened sense of smell.

Green kept looking at the roots of those plants and the soil on the ground.

Seeing his sneaky look, Brian asked strangely: "What are you doing?"

Green withdrew his gaze and whispered: "Boss Brian, I am observing the shape of the soil under the roots of those plants. I heard Thom say that if there are corpses buried under the plants, the soil in that area will sink. "

Hearing this, Brian nodded: "Yes, it is true. When a corpse rots in too shallow soil, the shape of the soil sinking will show the posture of the corpse before burial. There will be some differences, but it can be used as a reference. "

Some experienced forensic doctors can judge through these at a glance whether there is a body buried under the plants.

Just when Green thought he had learned something, Brian poured cold water on him: "It shouldn't be like this here. Pay attention to the plants here, whether they are flowers or trees, they are some years old, which means they are growing The year is not too young and no new plants have been transplanted or replaced for a long time. In this case, it is unlikely that there are corpses buried underneath. "


"It's very simple. If there are really corpses buried under the plants, root burn will easily occur, that is, the plants will die directly.

The vehicles found in the disappearance cases include both new and old vehicles, spanning a long period of time. There is no way to deal with so many bodies by burying them and planting plants.

A more appropriate approach is to feed. "

Brian put himself into the murderer's mind and gave his little brother some popular science on criminal psychology:

“Animal or human corpses contain a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, which contain two of the three most important nutrients for the growth of green plants: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They are the best nutrients.

But if the body is buried directly in the soil, the decomposition process of the body will burn the roots of the plants and kill them.

Therefore, the generally correct approach is to peel off the flesh and blood, pulverize the bones, and mix them into the soil together. After they complete the decay process, you can receive a pile of the best plant nutrients.

Moreover, nitrogen in animal muscle tissue is decomposed and released faster, and phosphorus in bones is decomposed more slowly, which can continue to exert a fertilizer effect for a long time.

A portion of this nourishment can last a long time.

In fact, in many places where flowers are grown, animal defatted bone meal is used as nutrients.

If the murderer was from here, then the other party would not be stupid enough to bury the body in the soil directly, but would do it according to the method I said.

In this case, you can't tell whether it is human or animal food without taking the material for testing. "

Brian had smelled it.

There is indeed a special smell of bone meal in the soil, but it seems to be bone meal from farmed animals such as chickens and cows, because he smelled the smell of feed imprinted on the bones.

It is impossible for people to eat feed every day.


Brian's long explanation, calm expression, and emotional explanation were too late for him to absorb.

Is this Criminal Minds?

Why does it sound like I'm giving you step-by-step instructions on how to dispose of a body without any hidden dangers after killing someone?

Big Green's scalp was numb, and there was a girl who looked young and had freckles on her face.

She was the girl who wanted to invite Brian to the family dinner.

The girl probably didn't give up and left her mother and brother to find Brian secretly, but she heard just a few words from Brian.

She was far away and couldn't hear everything clearly, but she still heard some fragments.

very scary!

Flesh and blood are peeled off again, and bones are crushed again.

She resisted the urge to urinate and tried to escape tremblingly inside, but accidentally tripped over a grape vine and fell directly to the ground, attracting the attention of Brian and Green.

Seeing that it was the little girl from before, Brian chuckled: "Are you okay?"

With that said, he stepped forward to help the person up.

"NO, don't!"

The girl rolled and crawled, got up from the ground in embarrassment, and ran towards her mother's position, shouting murder, murder, which, through the cover of various flowers and plants, attracted the noise and panic of some tourists...


He looks like a murderer despite his talent?

In the end, Brian explained that he was a coroner on leave. After talking about it, the flowers and plants were growing very well, and his friend thought of the plot of a horror movie. He helped him popularize science, which dispelled the doubts of the few men who came after hearing the news.

The main reason is that he is well-dressed, has good looks and temperament, and gives people the first impression that he is a person of status and does not look like a bad person, which is why it is so easy.

If Green were alone, he would probably suffer a lot because of the girl's misunderstanding.

After all, this is a world based on appearance.

However, due to this change, Brian and the two could not stay any longer.

After a quick walk around, they left disappointed.

The flowers and plants in the garden are indeed growing well, and the overall planning is very careful. Various types of flowers and plants are connected together and interact with each other. It is not like one person can take care of it like this.

But Brian didn't notice anything unusual through enhanced sense of smell.

It was already past three in the afternoon.

Consider staying overnight.

The two simply returned to Harvest Town, found the town's police station, revealed their identities, and directly asked people in the town why they didn't go to the garden.

It's like there is a beautiful manor near your home that you can visit, but no one goes there and even warns children not to go.

This is actually abnormal.

The chief of the small town police station did not welcome the arrival of the two men.

This is a slightly decadent middle-aged white man with a strong smell of tobacco. His police uniform is worn haphazardly on his body with the buttons out of place, giving him the impression that he is not a serious person.

Similar to the sense of direct vision between the regular army and the puppet army.

The middle-aged police chief showed no face to Brian, the two 'agents' who came from the big city: "We don't like that lunatic who lives in his own world, so we don't go there. Is there a problem?"

Small town police officers and chiefs are generally elected and have great law enforcement authority.

To some extent.

A small town is a law enforcement area. If you don't give him face, even if the other party finds an excuse and just locks up Brian, there will be no problem.

In urban Los Angeles, the relationship between the district police departments, sub-bureaus, and the NW Operations Department is completely different.

The two are not a system at all.

This is also a big problem in the current American Federation: chaotic law enforcement authority.

Between states, between cities, and between towns, there are so many departments. There are hundreds of types of police officers alone. The boundaries between them are a headache for professionals.

Facing this police chief with a bad attitude, Green was a little angry: "We came here to investigate the disappearance case to help you eliminate hidden dangers. If this matter is exposed by the media, business in the towns along the way will be affected!"

The police chief put his feet up on his desk and smiled disdainfully: "What's the missing case? I don't understand what you're talking about. Besides, our main income in Fengshou Town depends on the purchase contract with the agricultural trading company. It doesn't matter whether outsiders come or not. It doesn’t matter, you can leave, please don’t harass the residents of the town, otherwise I will lead people to expel you!”

The other party's anxious attitude towards the disappearance is suspicious.

Green looked at Brian.

Brian curled his lips and looked towards the office door.

Green understood instantly and turned to close the door.

The middle-aged police chief was stunned: "What are you trying to do? Get out of my territory now. Do you hear me? You guys?"

He couldn't speak anymore.

Because a pistol was pointed at him.

Brian waved his gun: "Man, thank you for the reminder. According to the regional security law, if you don't cooperate with us, we will cause trouble for you. It will indeed be a headache, but at the same time, you trash, you want to cause us trouble afterwards." It’s troublesome and difficult, so with the fair witness in my hand, you can reorganize the language.”

"Do you dare to shoot?"

The middle-aged police sergeant has a tough mouth.

In a relatively closed town, he was used to keeping his word.

Not many people can make him surrender.

next moment.

A big mouth made him realize what the weight of justice is.

The middle-aged police sergeant was hit so hard that half of his face lost consciousness.

He was lying on the ground in disbelief, looking at the ceiling, his mind was buzzing, he was half-conscious, and he didn't know what was happening.

Brian didn't like this kind of shameless person.

Green was also gearing up and kept up with Brian: "Boss Brian, let me vent my anger. I've been enduring this for a while!"

Brian put back his pistol and shrugged, "No problem,"

The two men took turns beating the police sergeant for several minutes before letting him go as he begged for mercy.

Thanks to the slack here.

In the entire small police station, there was only a female clerk reading a magazine outside, and an old man at the door. The young people had probably gone outside, and no one knew that their chief sergeant was being beaten by outside police officers.

Ten minutes later.

Leaving the police sergeant who had turned into a pig's head, the two left the police station in a happy mood.

To avoid trouble.

Brian and the two drove the car and temporarily left Harvest Town.

Although violence cannot solve problems, it can solve stubborn and unreasonable people.

Through justice treatment, the middle-aged police chief revealed the reason for his stress:

When missing persons notices appeared frequently before, they tried to investigate but found nothing.

The only clues they found were two characteristics of the missing person.

First, those people had been to the garden estate of Alice's Secret Land before they disappeared.

Second, those missing people were all outsiders, and their families or friends found out that they had lost contact with them some time after they left Harvest Town.

Considering the inconvenience of communication.

This means that the missing people were most likely to have encountered some kind of accident shortly after leaving Harvest Town and disappeared on the road.

If this matter is exposed, it will not only be a problem of insecurity here, but also the accountability and panic of the residents.

The residents who know the situation are also worried that if this matter is exposed, it will affect their interests.

In addition, no locals have disappeared.

Under various factors, everyone has a tacit understanding of pretending to be dead, and will not remind tourists that there may be problems in the garden, but they will not let children go near it.

"Boss Brian, do you think there is a problem with that garden?"

Green said with a headache.

According to what the sheriff said.

After that, they arranged people to monitor the garden, but there were still missing cases in the middle, and more than one, so they gave up the investigation in the end.

This at least shows that the owner of the garden is not a suspect during this period.

Unless it is a gang crime.

But how did the other party choose the target?

Brian also didn't understand how the other party avoided the locals accurately.

In the evening.

They stopped by the roadside, preparing to grill some semi-cooked food bought from the town to fill their stomachs and rest for the night.


Brian's nose twitched twice and looked at the flower-like pattern on his hand.

This is the entrance to the garden, the stamp for paying the money.

Smelling the slight special smell on it, a smile appeared on his face.


He seems to have found the other party's tail!

This place is only about two or three kilometers away from Fengshou Town, close to the main road, and is a high place in the wilderness.

Brian stood up, glanced around, and said to Green: "We will eat later, take down all the weapons in the car first, we think we will have guests tonight."

Green took the roasted leg: "Ah?"

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