You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 199 Uncle invites you to eat bombs

Although Green didn't understand why, he was very obedient.

He took down all the weapons in the car and placed them around, loading them for immediate use.

Brian took a special fuse and set up a defensive grenade trap dozens of meters away from their hiding place.

In many people's impressions, grenades can be thrown out by just pulling out the safety, but this is a serious misconception.

For example, the small ball portable grenades that Brian asked Ali for before are offensive grenades, which mainly rely on the shock impact of high-performance explosives to cause damage.

The effective killing radius of this offensive grenade explosion is generally about ten meters.

This distance is enough.

For example, in the movie, the grenade is thrown into the room, the protagonist shrinks behind the sofa, and then everything is fine. This is completely bullshit.

Unless the room is as big as a football field.

Defensive grenades are also called fragmentation grenades.

The killing range of this thing is generally up to about 30 meters, mainly through the fragments and steel balls during the explosion, causing ranged killing.

With such an exaggerated killing range, once used in an attack, it is easy to cause killing to oneself.

So it is generally used for defensive throwing with cover, or setting traps.

Generally speaking, if such a defensive fragmentation grenade is stepped on the open ground, if it is still set up in a semi-suspended position, it will kill a large area, not to mention people, even the flowers and plants on the ground will be hit a few times.

Their location is remote enough.

Normal people would not go here for an outing, let alone rushing in the wilderness at dusk.

Anyone with a little brain would not do this.

So the possibility of accidental injury by the trap is not great.

After setting up a circle of warning killing areas.

Brian seriously warned Green not to run around, so as not to die in his trap, and then found a high place and looked at the exit of Harvest Town, so as to prevent the murderer from looking for other targets instead of them.

But considering the time.

When they left Harvest Town, it was already afternoon.

Unless the tourist's destination is nearby, generally no one will travel at this time, but will stay overnight and travel the next day.

Anyway, when Brian and his friends left, they only encountered vehicles entering, and did not see the vehicles leaving with them.

This wait lasted for more than two hours.

The sky darkened.

In the distance, there were also strange animal calls and insect chirping.

"Are there so many insects in the wilderness in December?"

After Green tensed his nerves for a while, he couldn't stand it anymore. He ate a hard hamburger and whispered something to vent his depression.

Facing an unknown murderer in the wild, the feeling was completely different from what he had imagined before, tracking down a serial killer.

This kind of depression before the storm is more uncomfortable than facing the storm directly.

Brian was about to say a few jokes with a smile, but suddenly, the insect chirping in the distance seemed to have been silenced and disappeared regularly.

He narrowed his eyes and looked to the east: "Come on, something is coming!"

Green quickly pulled his bulletproof vest, lay on the ground, perfectly hidden in the dark bunker, and then looked to the east.

Unfortunately, he could not see anything except darkness.

Brian was different.

Under the moonlight, his vision was like the daylight in the early morning, but the color was slightly less bright than during the day, but it did not prevent him from capturing dynamic objects.

In Brian's sight, a petite figure crawled on all fours, like a strange reptile, circling left and right, occasionally looking up to smell some smells in the air, and approaching them at an incredible speed.

The other party was lying too low.

So Brian could only see that the other party was a moving creature, but it did not look like a person, but a crawling lizard.

Just when the other party was about to approach the grenade trap.

Its strange crawling posture suddenly stopped and slowly stood up.

Under the moonlight, a little white girl, who was just over one meter tall and had curly hair, was holding a dirty rag doll in her hand, tilting her head and looking at this side.

Her eyes were big and pale, like a scary doll with only the whites of her eyes. Her eyes looked directly at Brian through the dim distance of dozens of meters.

A chilly feeling that made Brian's hair stand on end spread from his tailbone to his whole body.

Why does this ghost thing look so unlike a human?

It seemed that she didn't expect someone to find her.

The girl opened her mouth towards Brian, revealing the densely packed shark-like knife and fork teeth inside, and gave him a sunny and lovely smile.

The cute Brian's scalp was numb.

This little thing looks too creepy.

Without saying a word, he picked up the automatic rifle in his hand and fired a burst of bullets to show respect.

It was definitely not an accident that this ghost thing stopped outside the trap.

This is another ghost thing with a similar danger warning.

Da da da~

The firelight shines in the darkness.

Green, who was lying on his stomach in fear, shuddered and pulled the trigger in the direction of Brian's shooting.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of bullets were fired out, covering the open space in front.

The next moment.

The figure of the little girl kept flashing.

Under Brian's dynamic vision, her small body was like a puppet off the string, constantly shuttling across the uneven wilderness, avoiding the bullets shot at her.

This speed was even faster than his full burst!


How could the murderer be such a ghost!

No wonder so many missing persons disappeared in a place that is not considered an uninhabited area, and no one escaped to report to the police.

What the hell.

To put it bluntly, such a monster can massacre ordinary small towns as long as it wants.

Ordinary people have basically no ability to resist even if they are holding guns.

Just when Brian felt it was difficult, Green was very excited.

This was the first time he really opened fire.

Although he didn't know what was coming, the strange feeling of the roar of bullets, the shells flying all over the ground, and the smoke filling the nose was like a stimulant, which made this rookie excited.

After he finished a magazine, he threw the automatic rifle in his hand aside, picked up the two automatic rifles next to him, and continued to fire excitedly.

Regardless of whether he could hit the target or not, the feeling of this kind of random firepower was really cool.

Seeing this.

Brian grinned, his figure flashed, and then disappeared on the spot.

Green suddenly felt that the roar of bullets was much quieter.

He didn't think much about it.

It was not until he emptied the magazines of the two rifles again that he gasped and quickly changed the magazines with his numb hands. At the same time, he turned his head to Brian's position and whispered: "Bryan, what's the situation?"

Bryan is an enhancer. He must have seen something and suddenly opened fire.

He couldn't do it.

Before the operation, they didn't expect it to be a night operation, so they didn't equip it with night vision goggles.

This thing is expensive, and the operations department doesn't have many opportunities to use it, so the B6 team has not equipped it yet.

Just as Green's voice fell, there was only a dead silence around, and no one responded at all.

A sense of uneasiness surged into Green's heart.

He held his breath, squinted his eyes, and looked at the high place where Brian had stood before, but found that under the moonlight, Brian's tall figure was not there at all. Instead, there was a small figure that was only about one meter tall and looked like a person, tilting his head to look at him.

"Why does it look like a little girl?"

Green couldn't see the specific appearance of the creature in front of him, and could only see the outline of its body in the moonlight.

That's not right!

The one standing here just now was obviously Boss Brian.

How did it become a little girl now?

Green finally reacted.

An indescribable sense of fear filled his heart.

Green's movements did not slow down at all. He turned the muzzle of the gun that had just changed the magazine in his hand and fired a few random shots in front of him, while shouting loudly: "Boss Brian, get down!"

This guy was afraid of accidentally hurting Brian.

This made Brian, who had appeared dozens of meters away, feel a little guilty.

Well, it would be unreasonable not to ask Green, this little brother, to wash his feet and massage him when he returned.

Green's random shooting skills would not work for the little monster.

In her simple perception, there were threats everywhere.

She suddenly made a sharp sound: "Ah~~~"


A circle of tangible sound waves, like a circle, suddenly spread out from the little monster's mouth full of sharp teeth, and impacted all around.

Green said nothing, rolled his eyes, and fainted directly.

Almost at the same time.

The little monster's body also shook twice.

Several randomly shot bullets finally hit her.

She grabbed a tattered little bear doll and pulled up her torn little skirt with her other hand. She looked down, and her eyes with only whites were bloodshot, and she made a hoarse voice: "The skirt is torn, Alice's skirt is torn"

"Uncle buys you a new one, okay?"

Brian calculated that the time was almost up, and came back to Green, stretched out his foot and used his strength to pick up his body and threw it under the chassis of the car, so as not to be torn to pieces by the crazy monster later.

This little monster called herself Alice.

It was indeed related to that garden!

The problem is... Brian remembered that this garden has existed for more than 30 years, right?

The owner of the garden first died of his wife, and then his daughter Alice also "died". The garden was built for his daughter until now.

So, the real age of the little monster in front of him is already over 30 years old?

The little monster looked conscious but not very clear.

Obviously a lot of blood gushed out from the gunshot wound on her body, dyeing her dirty white skirt blood red, but she didn't notice it at all, just lowered her head and looked at the gap in the skirt and murmured.

Seeing this, Brian was not polite.

A lot of data calculations and marks in his mind, and then the automatic rifle in his hand spewed out flames again.

A sense of danger came.

The little monster finally reacted this time.

It raised its head suddenly and was about to dodge, but it felt that its body, which was omnipotent in the past, seemed to be delayed by the network and stuck, making it difficult to control. As a result, it was hit by more than a dozen bullets accurately all over its body at the moment of moving.

It looks thin and small, but its skin and flesh are extremely tough.

Under normal circumstances.

This kind of automatic rifle fires at close range, and the bullets are blocked by the flesh and rolled, which is enough to punch holes in the human body. Even if it is a penetrating wound, it will drill a series of squeezed flesh channels in the flesh.

A dozen bullets, for this small body, will result in blood holes all over the body.

As a result, the body of the little monster just kept shaking.

This means that the impact of these rifle bullets was all absorbed by the opponent's flesh and blood.

With such density and toughness, it is no wonder that it can burst out at such an exaggerated speed.

Watching the monster fall to the ground helplessly, like a robot that has lost control, its hands and feet are struggling to move mechanically, but there are no extra movements.

Brian did not relax his vigilance.

While taking out a grenade, he smiled at the girl monster: "Little sister, what's wrong, are you feeling unwell? Do you want your uncle to help you take a look?"

"Alice is very uncomfortable..."

The girl raised her head and looked at Brian with blood-red eyes: "Alice wants to eat meat!"

"Eat meat?"

Brian smiled, his eyes cold: "Uncle invites you to eat bombs!"

The voice fell.

He threw his hand accurately and filled the little girl's mouth with the fragmentation grenade in his hand.

The man-eating monster must die!

The next moment.


The flames vented.

Countless specially made sharp shrapnel and steel balls, carrying a large amount of flesh and bone fragments, shot out from the girl's mouth, shining a ball of sparks in the dark night.

The gun smoke dissipated.

On the ground, there was only one body that was still trembling slightly, and most of the head disappeared, leaving only the broken skull and the back of the head.

Facts have proved that.

The monster couldn't withstand the internal explosion.

But Brian was still surprised by the exaggerated activity of the other party's body.

The body of the little monster twitched for more than a minute before it completely stopped struggling.

Two dark red obsession balls slowly emerged.

It finally died.

Bryan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This battle was actually a bit anticlimactic.

He didn't even fight with the other party, and he "easily" solved the other party.

But the real situation was not that simple.

The other party not only had an exaggerated speed, but also had some kind of early warning perception, which meant that there was no large-scale firepower coverage, and there was no chance of even hitting her.

If it was really dangerous, the other party would also run away.

The reason why this little monster dared to rush over was because in its intuition, the two of them could not threaten her with just guns.

But it didn't know that there was something called poison and bait.

Yes, the reason why Green, this idiot, was able to hit the other party was entirely because his boss Brian used him as bait and emitted a large amount of anesthetic gas and nerve gas around him, which filled the front of him with the wind.

So this monster was already hit when Brian stopped shooting and instinctively regarded Green as the last threat.

"Looks like a little girl, but actually a little monster in her thirties, let me see what's going on."

Brian rubbed his palms and began the popular part of touching the corpse.

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