You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 200: The little monster's obsession, the truth

This is the third time Brian has encountered an individual with two obsessions.

A double hit is a very joyful thing.

Crush the obsession ball.

Two pieces of information appeared in Brian's mind:

Alice's obsession 1: Stay in the small garden with her father forever

Gift 1: 50 points of gift energy

Gift 2: 30 points of gift energy + slight danger perception

Gift 3: 10 points of gift energy + ultrasonic shock perception

Alice's obsession 2: Take off the annoying collar on her neck.

Gift 1: 60 points of gift energy

Gift 2: 1 point of gift energy + cannibalism

Gift 3: 10 points of gift energy + hunting and pursuit

Gift 4: 30 points of gift energy + terrain adaptation

"These two obsessions and gifts..."

Brian frowned slightly.

There is nothing wrong with obsession, it is very simple and gives him a simple feeling.

But the gift talent...can't the name be more intuitive?

At this moment, Brian had a strong urge to upgrade the blood moon gift ability again.

The several gift abilities of Obsession 2 are completely inconsistent with the abilities shown by the little girl.

That's not right either.

The hunting and pursuit talent should be related to the other party's ability to capture the smell on the seal, and may also have the ability to track traces.

But what do "cannibalism" and "terrain adaptation" have to do with the little girl's exaggerated speed?

Terrain adaptation may be understandable.

This thing is worth 30 gift units of energy depending on the situation, which is probably the fastest way to adapt to various terrains.

This is a big bonus to speed.

But Brian can easily do this with his powerful physical control, supercomputing perception, and visual capture.

What about this "cannibalism" talent?

"Forget it, this kind of ghost talent, no matter how powerful it is, it is easy to lose humanity and is not suitable for my path. What effect does it have?"

Brian shook his head and focused his attention on the neck of the corpse on the ground.

If it weren't for the obsession prompt, he really didn't notice that there was a slender collar with a very special material on the other party's neck.

The collar was probably only as thick as an ordinary necklace, perfectly fitting the thickness of the little girl's neck, making it difficult to remove. At the same time, there was a small ball hanging on the front.

In addition, the little girl's neck was dirty.

That's why Brian didn't notice it before.

He reached out and tried to pull the collar.

Under hundreds of pounds of force, the collar didn't move at all, not even deformed.

Brian didn't believe it.

He directly took off the collar along the deformed and broken head of the little girl.

The color of the collar was flesh-colored, only the small ball looked like metal, with a layer of cloud-like traces on the surface, and an inconspicuous "HG" letter hidden at the bottom.

As the collar was removed, a warm current surged in Brian's body.

The little monster's second obsession was easily completed.

Brian didn't rush to receive the gift.

He was more interested in this strange collar now.

He carefully observed the collar and made sure that there was nothing missing. He pulled the collar and pulled it violently with both hands.

"Ding, ding, ding~"

The metal ball actually made a rapid alarm sound under Brian's violence.

This seemed to trigger some mechanism of the ball.

Accompanied by the rapid dripping sound.

A creepy feeling surged into my heart.

Brian did not hesitate at all and threw the collar far away.

The whole process took less than a second, but it was still too late.


A small spark exploded.

Brian watched his right arm break and disappear, turning into countless blood and flesh residues, exploding around.

Fortunately, the ball was very small, and it flew out a little.

Except for some dizziness and the shock wave of the explosion that impacted his five senses, Brian did not suffer any additional damage.

He shook his head, feeling the tingling and numbness from his arm, and was a little speechless.

Who would have thought that a small ball smaller than a glass bead could actually explode...with considerable power.

At least in terms of volume ratio, the power is really great. If it explodes in the neck, it is enough to blow the head and chest of a person to pieces.

Without danger perception, it still won't work.

The range of the splash of personal flesh and bones caused by the explosion is too large.

In desperation.

After consuming a full 28 units of gift energy to repair the missing right forearm, Brian first took the car and Green, who was fainted by the sound wave impact and anesthetic gas, to a distance.

Together with the body of the little monster, Brian also took the body bag on the car, packed it and threw it aside.

After finishing these.

He took off his clothes, took a deep breath, and spit violently around.

Countless green mists spewed out of Brian's mouth, filling the surroundings, quickly melting the flesh, bones and other substances around.

The flowers and plants around seemed to have encountered strong insecticides and herbicides, and began to shrink and turn yellow.

After ensuring that all traces of flesh and blood were dealt with by his own flesh and blood corrosive toxins.

Brian exhaled a large amount of invisible mist again.

This mist had a very pungent smell, but it was the smell of some banned anti-virus and weed-killing chemical reagents.

This was a preparation he had absorbed into his body to cover up the remaining traces of the corrosive toxins in his flesh and blood, and now it was useful.

To be honest.

Brian sometimes feels that his body is a time bomb.

Once he dies, the area within a kilometer will be covered by neurotoxins and other unknown toxins, becoming a place where no living things will die.

After cleaning up the scene.

Brian sat in the front of the car, looking at the moon above his head in silence.

Killing the enemy did not consume the gift energy, but picking up the corpse consumed 28 units of gift energy, which was a huge loss.

Now he only has 26 units of gift energy left.

Fortunately, there are gifts from the little monsters.

Brian gathered his thoughts and chose to receive the reward gift one of obsession two: 60 units of gift energy.

A large warm current surged in his body, giving him a sense of security again.

There is no way, obsession two, there is no explanation of the talent, and the most valuable "cannibalism" talent looks creepy, Brian really doesn't know what to choose.

Then it's the second obsession.

This is also easy to complete.

The father of the little monster should be the owner of the garden manor "Alice Secret Realm".

Brian is also very curious about how this little monster appeared.

Judging from the material and setting of the collar on her neck, it has a high technological content, which is not something that ordinary people can touch.

Brian is very interested in the story here.

And if this involves some official organizations, the traces of the battle here cannot be covered up.

He and Green's movement trajectory cannot be concealed either.

This will make it difficult for him to complete the second obsession of the little monster.


"Let's see where the little monster's father is..."

Brian first checked the image attached to the obsession, and then absorbed the death replay that came with the little monster's spiritual crystal.

Death replay is generally an experience of this life form before death.

Brian was lucky and clearly saw the path that the other party had followed after leaving the "nest".

The area where the other party lived was underground in the "Alice Secret Realm".

As for Alice's father, in the image projection, he was a slovenly old white man with a hooked nose, sparse hair, and dark circles under his eyes.

To be honest, when Brian saw this man's appearance, he actually remembered the little monster Gollum who was transformed by the ring in the movie Lord of the Rings in his previous life.

Really similar.

No wonder I didn't see the owner of this garden in the garden before.

With this ghost appearance, even if there is no missing case, the residents of Harvest Town probably won't let their children go to such a place to play.

One look will give you nightmares for several nights.

Now that he knows the path, Brian is also worried about the small metal ball that exploded just now, which has positioning transmission.

He recovered the bomb trap he had set up before, drove Green, who would probably not wake up until tomorrow, and the body bag containing the little monster's body, back to Harvest Town.

At this time, the town was brightly lit, but except for some places in the tavern, there were no people on the street except for the street lights.

Brian found a place to park the car casually, carried Green, hid in a house without lights, left a note in his hand just in case, and ran quickly on the country road leading to the garden with the body bag.

His speed was much faster than the car during the day.

A few minutes later, the garden under the night sky appeared in front of him.

It was pitch black here, except for a fluorescent road sign standing outside, which looked like a ghost cave.

According to the memory of the little monster's death, Brian ignored the dark environment and walked through the garden. Finally, he came to an inconspicuous rockery. He squirmed like a long python, plunged into the pool, and drilled into a small hole under the rockery.

The hole was facing downward and curved irregularly.

Except for children, adults would find it difficult to enter this hidden cave even if they found it.

This had no effect on Brian, a child of eight years and more than one hundred months.

Accompanied by a muffled plop.

Brian followed the passage and fell onto a soft big bed.

This underground space has been transformed into a very warm little room with soft lighting, dolls and pink decorations everywhere. It looks very warm, but the smell is a bit heavy.

This is a smell that is difficult to describe, similar to the smell of a dead mouse falling into a wine vat that has been fermenting for a long time.

Carrying the body bag, Brian followed the smell, passed through a passage, and came to a hall.

In the hall, a hunched figure was busy in front of a large pool.

Hearing the noise.

Without turning his head, he said hoarsely: "Baby, you came back a little too fast today. I will deal with the car and your stinky after I finish my work. I plan to expand the scope of the garden, otherwise your stinky will be too much and it will be piled up here, haha~"

Although the man's voice was vicissitudes and hoarse, his tone was full of doting and warmth.

Brian listened to the other party's warm words, but his face showed coldness.

Seeing the residue in the pool.

He finally understood why the flowers and plants here grew so well, but no abnormalities were found before.

The victims were absorbed and digested by the powerful digestive ability of the little monsters and became transformed excrement. Then fertilization was much cleaner than the traces left by artificial composting.

Those missing people were all in the garden above their heads.

They were eaten!

It seems that he did not hear the response from the past.

The hunchbacked man finally realized that something was wrong.

He slowly turned his head, revealing a monster-like face.

Seeing the strange Brian, his pupils wrapped in dark circles shrank: "Who are you, where is my Alice?"

Brian threw the body bag in his hand forward: "Your little baby got lost, I brought her back for you, but before she fell asleep, she left an obsession. You love her so much, you don't want her to die with regrets, right?"


This man, obviously mentally ill, shook his head stupidly: "Impossible, those people told me that Alice will not die, she can live for a long time, live until I leave, she can't die, where did you hide my Alice?"

Seeing the bloodstained body bag, the man's tears could not stop flowing, but he murmured that Alice could not die.

Brian is not very patient, especially for scum.

He showed a grim smile on his face, pulled out a willow-leaf knife from the waist, and walked up...

Fuck the deep love between father and daughter.

Today he must know the truth, fulfill his obsession, and the garbage that feeds the man-eating monster will also be punished.

Mental illness?

Brian believes that with his professional and technical means, any mental illness can be cured and feel fear again.

The night tonight is long, and he has enough time.

On the other side.

After Brian exploded the collar of the little monster's neck.

In a dark place, a shrill alarm sounded.

The dozing watchman heard the noise, jumped up from his office chair, looked at the alarm in horror, then picked up the communicator and said hurriedly: "There is a problem with the No. 3 experimental subject. Repeat, there is a problem with the No. 3 experimental subject."

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