You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 201 Reason, Surprise (Two in One)

After experiencing certain setbacks, some people will feel that life is boring and lose their awe of many things.

If you are not afraid of death, what is there to be afraid of?

But this is just an illusion.

Many things are more terrible than death, such as Brian's live dissection teaching process.

Of course, the material to be dissected is usually the student himself.

Under the close one-on-one teaching of Brian, a high-level anatomy teacher, the student, the hunchbacked old man, first deeply understood his body structure and knew that even if he was cut into many pieces, he would not die directly.

The human body is fragile and tenacious.

In order to thank Brian for his teaching, he begged Brian to stop teaching and spend some time listening to the story of his daughter with a good appetite.

Everything is similar to the rumors.

More than 30 years ago.

When the hunchbacked old man felt the happiest and most fulfilled, his wife died of illness. In order to ease the grief in his daughter's heart, he promised to build a garden that only existed in fairy tales for her.

Fatigue eased the grief in his and his daughter's hearts.

As a result, his daughter developed a strange disease during this process.

It was a very strange disease: hunger, a hunger that could never be satisfied.

Even though she had eaten so much that her stomach was swollen like a ball, she still felt hungry and couldn't help wanting to eat. Even though she almost ate herself to death several times, she couldn't help eating.

The man was not a wealthy man.

He spent his family fortune and took his daughter to the city for treatment, but still couldn't relieve her pain. Those hospitals were surprised by this "bulimia" that was different from anorexia, and even persuaded the man to entrust his daughter to them for "care".

They said they were taking care of her, but they tied her up and kept drawing blood for research.

The man was very angry. He took his daughter back to his residence in despair, ready to wait for death to come, and then the family would be together.

As a result, at this time, a company called Black Light Biotechnology found him and said that his daughter's disease was called cannibalism.

This is a very rare disease that has not yet been published.

The patient lacks some special components in his body, and his appetite can only be satisfied by eating the same kind.

This is obviously a nonsense thing.

But the man believed it.

In order to save the only love left in the world, he tricked a homeless man back and made him into a hamburger, which he fed to his daughter who was tied up and kept crying hungry.

Miraculously, after eating, his daughter really stopped crying hungry.

From that day on, he began hunting.

All this did not happen until the second blood moon came, when new changes appeared: his daughter had an exaggerated speed, a particularly sensitive sense of smell for certain smells, and became more bloodthirsty.

In a week.

Seven disappearances occurred in succession around.

It was not until the hunchbacked old man saw the special pile of "human fat" in his daughter's room that he realized that his daughter had become a monster, a monster that actively looked for food.

The key is that his "food" reserves could not satisfy this new daughter with a drastic change in temperament.

Although the other party did not hurt him, it attacked the surrounding humans crazily.

Although no one has suspected a very small little girl at present, if this continues, with more and more victims, it is only a matter of time before she is exposed.

When he didn't know how to deal with his daughter's situation, the Black Light Technology Biological Company appeared again, spent manpower to help him dig the current underground space, and took his daughter away for a while.

When his daughter was sent back again.

His daughter finally recovered her previous appetite and could communicate again. The only problem was that she couldn't help but want to go out for food at a fixed time.

However, when his daughter was able to communicate, she finally did not attack the humans around the residence as before.

As time passed.

His daughter also "died".

The flowers and plants in the "Alice Secret Realm" grew well and slowly began to operate.

"You mean, your daughter, before the second blood moon, already had symptoms of eating people to be normal?"

Brian was a little surprised.

There were two reasons for his surprise.

One was that the Black Light company was not established a few years ago as McCov thought before, but more than 30 years ago, but the name was slightly different from what McCov knew.

This means that there is actually a force hidden inside the NW organization.

Susan had never told Brian about this before.

I don't know if she herself doesn't know, or if these things are inconvenient to disclose.

According to Brian's understanding of Susan, it should be the former.

Susan had previously revealed that NW was also breeding and developing mutants and conducting research on biotechnology, and she was very disgusted, but she didn't say it in detail.

She is a more straightforward person.

If you don't like it, you won't go out of your way to understand it.

Another thing that surprised Brian was the question he asked.

What cannibalism is completely nonsense.

What bullshit trace elements, most human tissues, after cooking, are actually not much different from chicken, duck, fish and meat, at most the taste is different.

This taste is generally related to the body structure and eating habits of this animal.

For example, the meat of herbivores is generally better than the meat of carnivores, while the meat of scavengers is not only poisonous, but also smells bad.

Humans are omnivores, eating both meat and vegetables. It is difficult to define, but the texture of meat for most people is definitely not on the table in the animal kingdom.

So cannibalism is just bullshit.

Unless they are perverts with severe mental illness, no one would want to eat the same kind of meat.

Brian suspected that the Blacklight Biotechnology Company deliberately spread some kind of research results (special virus), but only the other party's daughter reacted.

In short, that little monster was deliberately cultivated!

Faced with Brian's inquiry.

On the ground, a bunch of flesh and blood that had been tortured and unconscious, said in a weak voice: "Yes, I have doubted my daughter's condition. It was those people who did it deliberately. They also put a collar around my daughter's neck, but I have no choice, I just want my daughter to be with me, and for this I am willing to be a devil on earth.”

The butt determines the head.

Brian sympathized with the other party's experience, but he sympathized even more with the unlucky ones who had been turned into food by their father and daughter for more than thirty years.

Seeing that the man was dying, he quickly continued: "What do the HG letters on the collar around your daughter's neck mean?"

"Hit Girl."

"Super Killer Girl?"

Brian felt like there was some drama.

Is that scientific researcher from Blacklight Biotechnology Company such a middle-class person?

A ball of flesh and blood, coughing up a ball of blood:

“That abbreviation is my daughter’s codename.

That group of people originally wanted to call my daughter a ghoul.

I disagree!

My little princess is not that disgusting!

Because she hasn’t grown up since the blood moon more than thirty years ago, I took the initiative to give my daughter the codename Super Killer Girl.

I hope she can get rid of the collar around her neck one day and kill all the people from Blacklight Technology Company. She looks like her mother. After my wife died, my daughter is everything to me..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and finally there was no movement at all.

A blood-red ball of obsession emerged from the ball of flesh on the ground.

Brian was silent for a moment and crushed the ball of obsession.

A rickety old man's obsession: a family of three will always be together.

Gift 1: Thirteen points of gift energy.

Gift 2: Five points of gift energy + plant cultivation mastery.

At the end of these messages, a mummy specimen hidden in another room appeared in Brian's mind.


A good family that doesn't mess with anyone has become this evil behavior.

This world.

If it were in the past, completing one task would help him complete two obsessions at the same time. Even if the obsessions didn't give much, Brian would be very happy.

It's like grabbing a red envelope. Even if it's just a few cents, you'll feel different in your heart.

Now he couldn't be happy.

"Blacklight Biotechnology"

Brian muttered something silently in his mind.

This company has become a negative impression in his heart.

The scene was simply cleaned up.

Brian packed all the specimens, the man's body, and the little monster's body, and then followed the exit of the underground space to the ground, where he buried the bodies of his family of three under an unknown small yellow flower.

He dug much faster with his hands than with tools.

Ten minutes later.

Brian simply covered up the traces of the scene, got up and left.

Brian's original plan was to report the little monster's body to the NW.

This case is over.

He wasn't going to do that now.


Brian already had a way of dealing with this matter.

He first went to the place where he had fought before and directly ignited the withered vegetation affected by the corrosive gas.

His flesh-corrosive toxin is very magical. Residues such as dissolved flesh and bones dissolve into the soil on the ground. In addition, there is not much flesh and blood processed, so the corrosion traces are just there. Once they are processed, the flowers and plants are burned, and the useful traces are almost destroyed. .

Outsiders can only tell that there has been a firefight here, and they can also roughly see the location and general condition of the shooter through ballistics, but they can't see some of Brian's methods.

After finishing all this, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

There is nothing unusual around Fengshou Town.

After Brian continued to observe for a while, he returned to the unoccupied house where Green was placed.

He opened the window, looked at the silver moon above his head, and silently lit a cigarette.

The traces of the previous battle have almost been cleaned up.

In this case, he was going to pretend to be dead and test the Blacklight Biotechnology Company's reaction.

Until it gets light outside.

There are still no outsiders breaking into Fengsheng Town.

Brian looked in the direction of the garden manor and found no special movement.

The anesthesia effect on Green's body has worn off, but he has not yet woken up and is sleeping soundly.

This guy sleeps quite honestly.

Brian looked away, touched his chin, and thought in his mind: "Why haven't the feedback of my two obsessions been completed yet? Is it related to the reaction of Blacklight Biotechnology Company?"

Think about it.

He sent a message to Susan, telling the news he got from the Harvest Town Sheriff yesterday, asking Susan to contact the agency here and fax an order to assist in the investigation to the town's Sheriff.

As the saying goes, a bitch sets up a memorial arch.

Although Brian was going to pretend to be dead in this case to test the Black Light Biotech Company, he still had to follow the proper procedures.

With his identity as a Dawn Warrior, he didn't believe that the Black Light Biotech Company would dare to do anything to him.

If it really doesn't work, there's still Susan...his father!

He's also a person with a backer, okay!

It was a little after eight in the morning.

A truck finally appeared in Harvest Town and drove towards the location of the Garden Manor.

The name of a flower company was printed on the body of the truck.

There were also small town residents on the road, greeting the driver, as if the other party often came here.

Brian narrowed his eyes and watched the driver drive the truck to the Garden Manor from a distance of seven or eight miles. After greeting the old security guard who was on duty, he pushed a pile of goods into the truck.

More than half an hour later, the white truck driver wearing a hat came out with a strange look on his face, and after chatting with the old security guard, he got back on the truck and drove away.

Almost at the moment when the other party left, two warm currents surged in Brian's body a few kilometers away.

The obsessions of the little monster and her father were all completed!

Yesterday, the second obsession of the little monster was completed, and the gift energy in Brian's hand returned to eighty-six units.

For the gift of the little monster's father, the hunchbacked old man, he directly chose the second gift: five points of gift energy + plant cultivation proficiency.

Plant cultivation proficiency is not only about the cultivation of plants, but also about the understanding of various characteristics of plants.

This thing, relying solely on the knowledge in books, cannot be mastered. It takes time and energy to study in depth to achieve proficiency.

Knowledge is priceless, and it may be used at any time.

Brian doesn't care about the difference between a few points of gift energy.

As for the gift choice of the little monster's first obsession, Brian is more entangled.

For the gift of the little monster's obsession, except for the first gift, which is simply gift energy, the second and third gifts are accompanied by a very practical talent.

Gift 2: 30 points of gift energy + slight danger perception

Gift 3: 10 points of gift energy + ultrasonic shock perception

These two talents are much more humane and easy to understand.

The first gift is the talent of danger perception that Brian has encountered many times.

But this slight one makes Brian very entangled.

The little monster performed very averagely in this regard yesterday, not as good as his uncle Billy's keen perception of danger before.

And from Brian's blood moon talent, this slight danger perception corresponds to only 20 gift unit energy points, which means that this talent has very average potential.

This may not be accurate. For example, supercomputing perception, strictly speaking, the gift energy is not high, but it is very practical.

But the slight degree of danger perception is probably not very helpful to Brian now.

Now he will have physical reactions such as hair standing up in some threatening situations. Maybe it is a danger warning generated after his physical and mental strength reaches a certain level.

Adding a low-intensity slight danger perception is simply adding a burden to his spirit.

The talent of gift 3 is different.

Brian had experienced the "ultrasonic shock" released by the little monster yesterday.

Green fainted without saying a word.

He didn't react much. After closing his ears in time, his heart was slightly accelerated and his head was slightly dizzy.

But we have to consider Brian's current physical fitness.

He was affected even when his ears were closed, which means that the ultrasonic frequency emitted by the little monster may not be isolated by simple physical methods.

Combined with Brian's lung capacity and physical fitness... he has an additional means to deal with the siege of ordinary troops.


Brian's imaginary enemy has always been the human army.

This is the uneasiness brought to him by his identity as a deformer.

This uneasiness will continue until Brian is exposed, or grows to the point of ignoring conventional thermal weapons, and then it may disappear.

But before that, Brian cherishes all talents that can increase his range attack ability!

After struggling.

Brian finally gave up the gift 2 that looked useless and chose gift 3.

As he made a choice in his heart.

A tingling feeling emerged in his throat.

Brian was surprised to find that there were countless more tiny holes that could be closed between the tiny toxin channels in his mouth.

In addition.

His ears seemed to have changed slightly.

Brian touched his ears: "There seem to be more tiny hairs on the surface of the cochlea."

He tried to open his mouth and made a subtle "ah" using those holes.

The next moment.

An invisible wave echoed around the room with his voice, and finally hit an object and refracted back again, reaching Brian's ears, and actually formed a three-dimensional stereogram similar to sound wave positioning.

"No wonder this talent is followed by the word perception, so that's what it means."

Brian was happy.

He made the right choice!

Next, he kept experimenting.

The more he experimented, the happier he was.

He had been misled by that little monster before.

This ability does not need to make a real sound to be activated, or in other words, the real sound made by this ability is a controllable ultrasonic wave that cannot be heard by human ears.

The number of closed sound holes in the mouth, the direction of aiming, etc., will show different effects, which can be used to accurately detect near, far, or range attacks, concentrated attacks, etc.

This ability is much more powerful than Brian imagined.

I had a lot of fun.

Brian aimed at the glass beer bottle placed on the trash can a hundred meters away, and opened his mouth silently.

The next moment.

It seemed that a transparent wave appeared in the air and hit the glass beer bottle.

Under Brian's dynamic vision, the good glass beer bottle first suddenly reproduced a dense crack pattern, the pattern showed a strange shape of a circle inside a circle, and then exploded into countless irregular broken glass...

Retracted his gaze.

Brian yawned contentedly and left the window a little tiredly.

I still can't let go here.

When I have time, I will find some mice to experiment with this ability.

However, this unexpected gain made his originally depressed mood happy again.

This case is really worth it.

A huge profit!

At nine o'clock in the morning.

Brian received a call from Susan.

On the other end of the phone, Susan's tone was a little strange:

"Brian, when I went to help you to assist in the investigation order, the NW headquarters withdrew the case.

By the way, there is also a second-level employee of the A sequence named Benjamin, who wants to make an appointment with you to talk.

The researcher of the A sequence has a very high status. I have never met a second-level employee before. When did you know such a powerful person?"

Brian: ".. If I know him, do I need to make an appointment with me through you?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and Susan suddenly realized: "It seems to be like this, this kind of person is a very good connection. I will send you his private phone number. If you have time, you can contact him."

Hang up the phone.

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly.

He knew that this guy named Benjamin should be the person from the Black Light Biotechnology Company.

It was easy for the other party to find him.

The case and the location all matched, and it was impossible to hide it.

However, his personal contact information was not difficult for the other party, who was also an internal employee of NW, to obtain. However, the other party first expressed his intention to meet and get to know each other through Susan, and even left his phone number...

This attitude was very interesting.

"It probably has something to do with my current identity. If I were a small patrolman, or a non-staff employee of the NW Operations Department like Green, I'm afraid I wouldn't be treated like this now."

Brian's mouth curled up.

Isn't this the meaning of his efforts to climb up?

By the way, Susan's soft rice is also very delicious.

This is the right path for young people to take!

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