You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 202: The matter is settled, rat poisoning (two in one)

“Sleep so comfortable”

Green opened his eyes from his deep sleep.

He glanced around in confusion at first, and then realized: "This is what I am"

"Case closed."

Brian drove the car and said softly: "Yesterday you were attacked by the monster's sonic wave and fell unconscious. I solved the monster later. This case is over. Don't talk nonsense about last night's situation. If If anyone wants to talk to you, just give me a call."

Listening to Brian's words, it took Green a while to remember what happened last night.

Fear flashed across his face.

Fortunately, there was a tough guy like Boss Brian here last night, otherwise he would probably be dead.

"Boss Brian, thank you, I owe you my life!"

Green said gratefully.

Brian shrugged: "You are mine, I will definitely protect you, no need to say thank you."

Without Green as bait yesterday, he wouldn't have been able to easily misjudge the monster's early warning and end up being poisoned by neurotoxin.

This thing is a non-directional and indiscriminate killing gas, and it is not easy to control.

How did Green know that he was being used as a bait? Seeing Brian say this, he felt even more moved, and his loyalty to Brian became a little more sincere.

Return to the city.

Brian directly asked Green to go back and have a good day.

Anesthetic gas has side effects.

Everyone's tolerance is different, but after deep anesthesia, some symptoms similar to memory impairment will appear. Brian is going to blackmail the guy named Benjamin and make them spit out one or two strengthening reagents.

Bryan doesn't need it, but it can be used by Green.

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

Green is a good person. As his strength becomes stronger, it will be more helpful to him in the future. Even if he acts as a bait, he can resist for a while, right?


Brian meets Susan and Thirteen.

Thirteen was Susan's best friend, who was dressed very coquettishly, wearing a small elk dog suit and two horn covers on her head.

It looked at Brian with a resentful look in its eyes, and kept tapping the dog bowl on the ground: "Take me back..."

Listen to the rhythmic tapping.

Brian was stunned: "Is this Morse code?"

Susan nodded proudly: "Yes, Thirteen is much smarter than Caroline's silly parrot. I feel that it is smarter than many humans. It's amazing!"

You must know that Caroline's parrot is a highly intelligent individual specially bred in NW and has been strengthened with suitable strengthening reagents. Its IQ is comparable to that of an eight or nine-year-old child.

As a result, he was instantly killed in front of Thirteen.

Last night, the parrot actually took the initiative to tickle Thirteen, which made Caroline jealous.

She couldn't understand why the parrot she exchanged became a dog's licking bird.

Susan's stomach hurt from laughing last night.

She likes Thirteen so much.

Susan even thought that if Brian broke up with her one day, she would definitely fight for the custody of Thirteen. As long as Brian agreed, she could shoot less on Brian.

Brian didn't know the random thoughts in Susan's mind.

He looked at Thirteen with resentful eyes and smiled sheepishly: "Thirteen, it's a good thing to learn more while you're still young."

Bang Bang~

Thirteen struck again: "Bad big dog!"

After knocking, it raised its head slightly and looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle, looking like I was angry.


He looked at Susan with strange eyes: "What do you usually do at home at night?"

Susan said innocently: "I usually take a shower and go to bed after practicing fighting for a while, but Caroline likes to watch soap operas, and Thirteen also likes watching them. It can even turn on the TV and change the channel by itself."

Brian was stunned.

No wonder Thirteen is so evil now.

Children do not obey how to do?

Just give it a beating.

Susan also wanted to pamper Thirteen, but Brian caught her and beat her up together.

More than half an hour later.

The eyes of both the man and the dog became clear.

Have some fun.

Brian asked about Susan's case.

There were three cases at that time.

Brian and Green took over the case of the abandoned car and the disappearance.

Susan felt bored and took Thirteen to investigate the food poisoning case of a Japanese restaurant run by a Chinese owner.

See Brian for enquiries.

Susan's face showed a speechless look: "The case has been closed. The case is easy to investigate. After Thirteen went over and smelled it, the murderer was found."

"what's the situation?"

Brian asked curiously.

"A half-meter-long mouse. I never thought a mouse could be that big. Its tail is at least nearly one meter long. It looks like a big otter.

At that time, Thirteen took me and a few patrol officers to remove a sewer manhole cover.

After going down, we discovered that there were a lot of rats living there.

These rats are well kept by high street restaurants.

At that time, we did not think that the murderer was a rat, and we even wondered why Thirteen would bring us here, until we found a lot of rat poison collected in the rat nest.

Do you know the look on our faces at that time?

These rats actually collected rat poison in a shoe box.

After testing, we determined that these rat poisons were the poisoning substances of the poisoned patients. We immediately installed cameras in the kitchens of several surrounding restaurants.

Just this morning, we checked the surveillance from last night and found that a large rat over half a meter long was poisoning food in several nearby Chinese restaurants with rat poison in its mouth.

It uses its teeth to turn the drugs into powder and mix them into flour and rice. Normal people would not think of this. If we hadn't installed surveillance cameras, there would probably have been poisoning cases, and the commercial street would have been abandoned by then. "

Susan spoke for several minutes before she explained the case clearly.

After finishing speaking, she still had a look of surprise on her face: "Although rats have good IQs, and some departments even train rats specifically to search and clear mines, this is the first time I have seen such a smart rat. arrive."

"Abnormal beast?"

Brian became interested.

Susan shook her head: "I don't know, but I can't rule out this possibility. For safety reasons, I have reported the situation to NW, and they have sent someone to take over the case and investigate."

Last time in Forest Park, Susan was deeply impressed by the two aberrant beasts.

She didn't want Thirteen to be bitten to death by that big rat.

Bang Bang~

Thirteen faced Susan and knocked on the dog pot: "I can do it."

It has only been learning Morse code for two days and does not know many vocabulary words. It can only use simple vocabulary to express its meaning.

"No, you can't!"

Susan gave Thirteen a headache: "That mouse is too dirty. I don't want you to bite it."

Hearing this, Thirteen looked aggrieved.

It looked at Brian: "Wangwang~ (Big dog, I want to eat it, mice are so delicious~)"

Brian rolled his eyes.

Thirteen had only used this word on himself before.

The fragrance in Thirteen's mouth is only used on creatures with high physical cell activity.

It seems that this mouse's physical activity is also very high.

Brian became more interested.

"What are you talking about?"

Susan asked curiously.

She had been tricked by Brian before, and she had been flirting with Thirteen Wang for a long time.

I was laughed at by Caroline until now.

Only then did Susan realize that Brian was teasing herself by teaching her how to communicate with Thirteen, and she believed it...

She was angry and funny.

It wasn't until she saw Thirteen's intelligence that Susan realized that Brian might not have lied to her.

Brian pinched a little soft flesh on Susan's belly: "It wants to eat that mouse."

This is his newfound treasure, and it feels great.

The structure of a girl's body is amazing. No matter how much she exercises, her belly will still have some soft flesh under normal conditions. This is determined by the physiological structure.


Susan slapped Brian's mischievous hand away: "I don't allow Thirteen to eat messy things. Forget it, I'll take it to the shooting range. Remember to contact Benjamin after get off work."

After saying that, she lifted Shisan up and walked out of the office.

Thirteen flapped his four short legs desperately and cast a pleading look at Brian, hoping that the big dog could snatch him away from Susan, the domineering tigress.

Brian imitated Thirteen's previous appearance, raising his head at a forty-five degree angle, looking left and right, as if there were flowers on the wall, but not looking at Thirteen's eyes for help.


Its eyes lost their light.

On the seventh day after leaving the big dog’s warm bed, I miss you.

In the afternoon, Brian finally met the duo of Ivan and Glenn, whom he had not seen much for several days.

They looked a little sad.

Before the holidays, Teddy took on a new case.

The two of them have good professional skills. Although the cases they took over before were not as efficient as Brian, looking at the previous police detective bureau or other operations teams, the efficiency of solving the cases was not low at all.

In this case, the victim was a white teenager with a bone age between thirteen and fifteen years old.

His body was found by workers in piles of sand at a construction site.

The investigation of the case was far from ideal.

The victim's body was in a state of decay. After an autopsy, it was determined that the time of death was more than ten days. It can only be seen that the victim suffered cruel torture during his lifetime and was finally stoned to death.

This is a very bad case.

The construction site is definitely not the scene of the first crime.

But so far, Ivan and Glenn have not even found out the true identity of the victim, let alone locked in the suspect.

This case has reached a deadlock.

In fact, this is the normal way to solve crimes.

The essence of solving crimes is information collection and analysis.

Crime scene investigation, autopsy, investigation of the victim's interpersonal relationships, criminal psychological profiling of the murderer, considering possible motives for committing the crime based on known conditions, determining possible directions for solving the case, and verifying each direction.

With better luck, the murderer can be caught in two or three days.

If you are less lucky, you will never know who the murderer is.

This is the normal state of investigation in most cases.

Brian wanted to help, but there was too little information left in the case, and even the identity of the victim could not be determined, and he felt a little unable to start.

I can only hope that Ivan and the others will have better luck and find the identity of the victim first.

After work.

Based on the phone number provided by Susan, Brian contacted Benjamin, the A-series second-level staff member of the NW Scientific Research Department.

He originally wanted to make an appointment with the other party to meet tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, this second-level employee, who should be busy, is in the city at this moment.

Half an hour later.

Brian parked his Beast motorcycle in a parking space in a square.

There are many white pigeons in the square.

Brian loves pigeons.

But it's not a psychological liking, but a taste-wise liking.

In his previous life, he liked to drink squab soup. In this life, he would occasionally buy some meat pigeon and make it himself. However, he was not very good at cooking and the taste was always worse.

According to the agreed place, he saw a middle-aged man sitting on a public chair with several greedy pigeons lingering on his body.

"You look younger than I thought, Mr. Benjamin."

Brian stepped forward and said hello to the other party.

Benjamin is a white man who looks to be in his early thirties. He is slightly thin, not tall, and has an unremarkable appearance. The only thing that impresses people is perhaps the slight weight on his back.

Yes, this guy seems to be a hunchback.

Benjamin raised his head and saw that it was Brian. He shook his little hand and shook off the pigeons pecking at the grains.

He clapped his hands, stood up and nodded towards Brian: "I'm also very happy to see you, NW's new second-level employee. You are more handsome and energetic than you look in the profile photo."

"You look young too.", Brian said.

Benjamin shook his head:

"I am over sixty years old. My youthful appearance is just an experimental method, but my inside has long been decayed. This is also the target project of my scientific research.

I have always hoped to increase the upper limit of human physical life span to more than two hundred years.

This is difficult. Even now that various strengthening reagents are available, according to laboratory calculations, most individuals who have been strengthened by reagents will easily deteriorate when they are about 150 years old. "

"Going bad?"

Brian asked curiously.

This was a very novel way of chatting, at least it was different from what he had imagined before.

This gave Brian a lot more interest in chatting.

Benjamin nodded:

"Yes, the technical term is rapid physical aging, but I prefer to call it deterioration. Various cancers are typical physical deterioration.

If you understand, you should know that apart from genetic inheritance, the probability of cancer in the elderly is much higher than that in the young.

In fact, even now that biotechnology is advanced, although some cancers can be easily cured, the method is basically to remove the diseased parts.

In my opinion, this is not a true cure.

My research goal is to hope that human individuals can live to be more than 200 years old in good health and break the current upper limit of life span. "

Speaking of the target, this ordinary-looking man's face was full of brilliance.

Brian even felt some light of faith.

However, he is not interested in this: "A very lofty ideal, but it is not necessarily a good thing. Just like now, the previous class was only a class in status and wealth, but now it has become an invisible class in life. .”

"You are so short-sighted!"

Benjamin interrupted Brian rudely.

He said in a somewhat excited tone:

“Never mind those damn classes and good or bad, no matter what the outcome is, time will give the answer.

We need to make it first and make the results first. Just like before the scientific and technological revolution, for a long time, scientists were regarded as wizards by ignorant humans, mathematicians were burned to death, and chemists were regarded as heretics.

But as time goes by, looking at the present, they have become the beginning of modern technology...

As long as you do it, it will be meaningful, and the results are not what we have to consider! "

Brian looked sarcastic: "It's like you poisoning innocent people and observing each other's growth?"

Benjamin disagreed:

“Scientific progress requires sacrifice.

It's just that person, it happens to be them.

HG was a research project I was working on, and I was sad to learn that it had been destroyed.

She was my only successful project.

Brian, you are a staff member promoted after the Third Blood Moon.

I know you don't understand these practices, but you'll get used to them.

The various strengthening reagents you enjoy are the results of experiments and observations that are inhumane in the eyes of ordinary people.

It turns out we were right.

You just haven't gotten used to the rules of the real world yet. "

Benjamin said it very politely.

He actually looked down upon this idea, just like a person who clearly eats meat but questions why the butcher kills animals cruelly.

That's ridiculous.

If it weren't for the young man in front of him, but a newly promoted second-level employee of the organization, and a second-generation girlfriend, Benjamin would actually want to bring the hunting team over, take the other party to his laboratory, and vent his anger at the destruction of his experimental products. !

Brian waved his hand: "I'm not here to play a debate with you, and I'm not interested in what you're talking about. Let's just talk about you or your purpose."

Seeing this, Benjamin was not angry either.

He smiled slightly:

“It’s simple, just this once!

If you encounter a similar case next time, please ask the coroner Brian to report it directly to the NW headquarters. Don't be as impulsive as this time.

For each experimental subject, the time and resources consumed before and after are often calculated based on decades.

If there is no harvest, it is destroyed.

The company cannot afford such a price. "

Brian frowned: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Benjamin looked calm:

"It's just a friendly reminder. You should know that Blacklight Biotechnology is just a fig leaf, a fig leaf for NW.

Although there are few second-level employees, they are not none. It is not your girlfriend who has the final say in the Adams family!

Brian Coroner, I have to remind you that as an adult, before you do something, you should think about the consequences. You are not really alone.

This is a kind reminder and the bottom line of Blacklight Biotechnology. "

next moment.

Benjamin's body, which was not very tall, rose slowly.

Brian pinched the other person's neck: "I have a good temper. I basically have no enemies or anyone who threatens me. Do you know why?"

Benjamin didn't expect that Brian actually knew his identity and dared to take action.

His face turned red, and he looked at Brian with puzzled eyes, but made no move to struggle.

Both are NW secondary sequence staff.

Brian is in a battle sequence. Killing him is no different from killing a chicken, and there is no point in struggling.

Brian loosened his hand, threw the other party to the ground, and said softly: "You don't want to know the reason, Mr. Benjamin."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Watching Brian's leaving back, Benjamin rubbed his painful neck, thoughts flashing in his eyes.

This Brian is similar to what is recorded in the archives. He is pretty good to his friends, but he is very cruel and has no scruples when it comes to his enemies.

"No wonder he became a second-level employee in more than two months. In addition to physical talent and luck, the other person's character should also have a lot to do with it.

It's a pity that it was discovered too late, otherwise it would have been a very good experimental material..."

As he thought about it, the bulge on Benjamin's back squirmed slightly.

His expression changed slightly, he glanced around, and strode away.

damn it.

The alienated organ became restless again.

There was also Experimental Subject No. 3 that was accidentally destroyed, and it was necessary to re-select a suitable target.

Back in the car, Benjamin became increasingly irritable.

He had heard before that the FBI had discovered a potential lurker. Unfortunately, during the capture process, he was run away by the other party and even picked up a cannon fodder in the field.

"It doesn't necessarily mean that he ran away accidentally... The Doomsday Sect, haha, is no different from Black Light Biotechnology. It seems that we need to let someone get in touch with it to see if we can get the body tissue of the lurker."

Benjamin couldn't control his thoughts. Two soft tentacles came out from his rickety back at some point, wrapped around the steering wheel, and started the car.

Watching the car disappear at the end of the street, Brian looked away from the motorcycle's rearview mirror.

There is indeed something wrong with this Benjamin.

After meeting him, he activated his enhanced sense of smell and smelled a fishy smell similar to that unique to the ocean from the other person's body.

Generally, fishermen on the beach will have a similar smell.

But there are still some differences between the two.

The fishy smell on fishermen's bodies is due to the unique smell left behind by long-term contact with seafood.

Benjamin... He is more like the essence of seafood.

"A lycanthrope?"

"Or transforming people?"

Brian shook his head.

If things continue like this, I might not be able to go out without three eyes or four hands, and I might be treated as an alien.

It's quite a joke.

Brian didn't go straight home.

He made a special trip to the flower and bird market and bought some small hamsters.

While Brian was using a hamster to experiment with his newfound talent for ultrasonic positioning, Thirteen also sneaked out of Susan's house.

That big rat smells so good.

Want to eat!

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