You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 203 Thirteen, you are the one who lured the Deformed Ghost Beast here?


Brian opened his mouth slightly and pointed it at the mouth of the glass bottle in front of him.

The mouse in the bottle was originally scurrying around at the bottom of the bottle. It felt uneasy and wanted to escape, but found that the surroundings were closed and there was no way to escape.

next moment.

The little mouse stiffened, and its body began to expand strangely little by little.


Blood and flesh flew together.

In the blink of an eye, the inside of the bottle turned into a large mass of exploding tattered flesh and blood, which looked slightly disgusting and oozing.

Brian put down the glass bottle a little tiredly.

There were a dozen similar bottles around, arranged in a pile.

The mouse corpses in each bottle are different. Some are bleeding from all the orifices, some appear to be intact but have a flat body, and some are no different from sleeping and have no external injuries.

These are the results of Brian's experiment.

There are so many abilities that can be developed from the ultrasonic shock perception of the little monster.

Low-frequency ultrasonic wave, similar to the sound wave detection of bats, is equivalent to a low-end version of radar. The effective range has been tested by Brian, and the longest distance is about one kilometer.

However, the farther the distance, the less meaningful the detection is, and it is impossible to accurately distinguish the difference between people and objects. However, in a sealed environment, such as a room, combined with supercomputer perception, this is a magical skill.

Brian could walk around the apartment with his eyes closed without worrying about bumping into things. It was almost the same as when he opened his eyes. At most, he could only perceive the shapes of those objects and not see the colors.

Mid-frequency ultrasonic waves are equivalent to an AOE skill that attacks indiscriminately. It can make creatures upset for no reason at best, or even kill them at worst.

If the medium-frequency ultrasonic wave is released at a creature for more than thirty seconds, the creature's blood vessels will become inexplicably congested, leading to fatal conditions such as cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, and blood clots.

High-frequency ultrasound has only one killing effect.

The effect is what happened to the little mouse just now.

Similar to a microwave oven, it directly explodes the inside of living things.

For the above three types, the further the distance, the worse the effect.

In addition, Brian could barely control the propagation direction of this sound wave, but there was no way to use the ultrasonic wave as a bullet and release it accurately at someone.

However, you can limit the scope of the attack with the help of tools.

The best thing to use is the pen holder.

This can at least ensure that creatures within a few hundred meters will not be affected. As for creatures beyond a few hundred meters, Brian's visual inspection of the effective distance is about one kilometer.

This was something he experimented on the pigeons he had met with Benjamin before.

Standing one kilometer away, relying on his strong lung capacity, he continuously sent ultrasonic waves at the pigeons that liked to throw white bombs. Finally, in about two seconds, a large number of pigeons fell down like rain.

For humans with stronger physical fitness, the effective distance is only about two hundred meters.

After Brian's experiment.

For larger creatures, if you want to kill them, you need to be closer or farther away, or if the creature is very powerful, then the power of this ultrasonic wave may be dizzying and nauseating at most.

"It's a pity that there are no suitable human criminals. Otherwise, we can experiment with the range and power control of ordinary people, so as to release the maximum lethality."

Brian thought.

Suddenly, his eyes touched the blood in the bottle, and he was shocked.

What is the difference between his attitude and that of Benjamin before?

He seems to be becoming more and more indifferent to life.

In the past, as an assistant to the coroner, I would feel numb at best after seeing too many corpses. However, as more and more people are killed now,


Brian slapped himself directly: "What was I thinking when I stepped on the horse? I actually thought that I was a bloody, insensitive bad guy. What a joke. A bad guy would have the sentimental self-reflection like me?"

He sighed slightly at the dozens of sacrificed mouse corpses.

As a person, I am good at everything, but my heart is too soft and I am still too kind.

You will never understand the logic of circuit changes in a man who is in a mental state.

Such as Brian.

After muttering a few words about how kind he was, he started searching on the website for places to buy bronze bells.

What ultrasonic attack?

This is clearly a silent version of the Lion's Roar Kung Fu!

Equipped with copper bell amplification + effective transmission distance of about one kilometer..

Brian felt a great sense of security when he thought about it.

The flight height and ceiling of ordinary armed helicopters is generally about six thousand meters. The altitude of most helicopters is generally about two thousand meters. Except when they are on the road, they cannot fly too high. When attacking, they cannot fly too high. , and will also deliberately lower the altitude

This means that Brian has strong means of dealing with such helpless weapons and human armies.

If someone really wanted to attack him, even if they could capture Brian without taking precautions, the number of deaths would definitely be an exaggerated number.

Not to mention that Brian can directly control his body to change his height, appearance, body shape, face shape, everything from bone structure to facial features, and even his walking posture can be accurately imitated.

Coupled with the low-end low-profile version of immortality...

Thinking about it for himself, Brian felt that he was becoming more and more perverted and difficult to deal with.

He was very satisfied.

This is what a BOSS aberrant should look like.

Brian is a simple person. He has no crazy ideas like destroying the world. His only obsession is probably that if one day his identity is exposed and those people say that he is dangerous, he will really be dangerous.

If this level of danger exists, there is an idea.

Then Brian hopes that when the time comes, he will have titles similar to the following: Walking Humanoid Nuclear Bomb, Nation-Destroying Natural Disaster, The Hand of Justice from the Empire)

Just when Brian was thinking more and more, his dog Thirteen was skillfully avoiding surveillance in public places, jumping nimbly on top of buildings like parkour.

Thirteen kept searching the streets for vehicles.

Finally, its dog eyes lit up, it jumped a few times, drew a yellow arc in the night sky, landed quietly on a truck, and lay down.

The truck was heading in the direction of the commercial street where the previous poisoning incident was.

Lying on the roof of the car, Thirteen looked at the moon above his head, a pair of dog eyes flashing with human thoughts.

It’s been many days since I left Big Dog, and I missed him.

If the big dog is here, he probably won't dislike him eating mice as much as the big female dog does.

Even cats can eat mice.

Why can't it!

I am no longer a two-month-old baby.

If the big female dog hadn't fed her at the slightest disagreement, how could this thirteen-year-old, almost three-month-old child dog that was about to enter a period of rapid growth, be made to feel so uncomfortable being under someone else's roof?

After several transfers.

Thirteen successfully appeared in the previous commercial street.

At this time, there were actually customers, but it seemed to be affected by the poisoning case at the Japanese food store. As a result, before eight o'clock, except for some shops that were not closed as usual, the commercial street seemed very empty.

This is not Thirteen’s destination.

It quickly shuttled through alleys, stopping to sniff from time to time, and finally came to a garbage disposal company more than two kilometers away.

It's said to be a company, but it's actually a factory that occupies a large area.

Huge amounts of unprocessed garbage are piling up.

Most of these rakis are made of metal, wood, and even a small number of scrap vehicles.

Normally, this kind of place is the favorite area for stray cats to stay, but Thirteen saw a roll of cat skin on an old children's car.

On the cat's skin, Thirteen smelled the scent of the fragrant mouse.


Thirteen took a sip, and the dog wandered through the garbage lanes.

It acted for the first time and didn't notice that some little mice who were frightened by its smell kept touching each other and passing on information after it left.

The garbage mountains are really big, one after another.

It’s hard to imagine how many garbage disposal companies a city with millions of people needs, but without their presence, this modern metropolis will become a city in a garbage dump in a very short time.

The further inside Shisan felt, the more something was wrong.

It's so quiet.

Its dog brain is a bit unable to turn around.

When I acted with Brian before, he would either sleep or take advantage of others and bully the weak. The most he did was to show his position by showing his position by showing his teeth or acting cute and asking for beef jerky.

This is the first time it has gone hunting in a real sense.

Thirteen couldn't feel anything was wrong, but driven by this instinct, the closer it got to the area with the strong smell of the big rat, the slower its pace became.

Finally, it stopped and without hesitation, turned around and ran away.

Although I couldn't figure out what was wrong, I just ran away.

Thirteen was going to go to the big dog to show off and let the big dog take him over again.

The big dog is so fierce, it doesn’t matter what’s wrong!

dark place.

Seeing the puppy suddenly turn around and run away, a pair of dark red eyes flashed with confusion.

Did the other party discover its ambush?

No time to think too much.

A brain that is not big enough does not support it in thinking too much.

The owner of these dark red blood eyes suddenly turned around and ran away when he saw his prey. He ignored the ambush and turned into a black afterimage in the garbage pile, like a ninja who knew the teleportation technique, constantly flashing under the moonlight. body shape.

Two breaths, and three or four seconds later, it crossed a distance of nearly a hundred meters and stood in front of Thirteen.

Thirteen's legs stopped suddenly and he was about to jump to the other side.

next moment.

There was a sharp crack.

A worn tire in front of Thirteen was pulled out with a loud muffled sound.

It panicked and looked around in fear, only to find that there was a long black tail covered with black hair on the tire.

The tail was estimated to be more than two meters long. At its thickest point, it was as thick as a baby's wrist. It rested on the tire like a twisting python.

It’s so scary!

Thirteen followed the tail and saw clearly the owner of the tail.

This is actually a half-human, black-haired rat!

The mouse stood up, as tall as two of them, nearly one meter. He was actually wearing a coat that resembled a Taekwondo uniform, but was already black.

Thirteen has never seen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, otherwise he would definitely ask the other party where the four little turtles are.

so similar!

Feel the powerful biological information emitted by the other party's body.

His eyes confirmed that he was not an opponent.

Thirteen felt that his hunting tonight was somewhat sloppy.

Big dog, help! ! !

The rats are going to eat the dogs!

Thirteen was wailing in fear, but his face was calm, and he didn't show any threat of attack. He imitated Brian's bluffing, and his not-so-smart brain kept thinking about ways to escape.

Seeing this little prey looking at him, he didn't piss himself.

The black-haired rat's small dark eyes flashed with doubt.

This prey seemed a little different.

It tentatively squeaked at Thirteen.

Thirteen often communicated with Brian through pheromones, and through the powerful pheromones emitted by the other's body, he actually understood what the other meant in seconds: "This is my territory!"

Can communicate!!!

Thirteen was delighted.

It quickly stuck out its tongue, and its limbs turned up to the sky, revealing its belly without a police uniform after get off work, and then emitted its own pheromone information: "Submission, powerful, you, boss, surrender..."

Thirteen was worried that this big rat was not as smart as it was, and the information contained in the pheromone was very simple.

The black-haired rat was surprised again.

It didn't expect that this alien could actually understand what it meant and communicate!

An emotion similar to excitement surged in its small brain.

God knows how lonely and uncomfortable it felt when it saw those ignorant fellows, especially those female mice that were not the right size, after its wisdom awakened.

Although the creatures in front of it were not of the same kind, there were many wandering in the corners of the city.

It had also seen with its own eyes that group of tall creatures, hunting and killing the same kind of people as the little guy in front of it, and their situation was similar.

This made the black-haired big rat feel somewhat identified with the Thirteen in front of it.

Its dark red eyeballs turned twice, and its flexible tail appeared directly in front of Thirteen, wrapped around its body, lifted it up to the air, and pulled it towards itself.

Thirteen felt the tight feeling coming from his waist and abdomen, and did not resist at all.

The speed of the opponent just now proved that there was little hope for him to escape.

The big dog taught that if you can't beat them, join them.

This is called tactics.

It was mainly because of Thirteen's keen sense of smell that he felt that the hostility of the big rat had weakened a lot.

Sure enough, after the black-haired rat brought the Thirteenth Roll to its front, it stuck out its tongue and licked its forehead, leaving its own scent, then put it down and squeaked twice: "Food, hungry, give it to me"

Rats are originally intelligent creatures.

After that night, its wisdom continued to improve, and its desire for flesh and blood also continued to increase, from being hostile to its own kind to stray cats and dogs.

In just a few months, it has grown into its current exaggerated appearance.

It's not that the black-haired rat has never thought about eating those big two-legged beasts.

There are a lot of these two-legged beasts, most of which look weak and powerless, and are top-quality blood food.

Especially those small two-legged beasts.

They are soft and small, and they still exude the fragrance of milk. They are food that is placed there waiting to be enjoyed.

At the beginning, it sneaked away a few and brought them back to taste. In the middle, it also ate a big two-legged beast, which tasted too bad and was far less clean and delicious than the small two-legged beast.

The black-haired rat has been fascinated by this taste since then.

It was not until it was almost shot to death by a drunk during a daily hunting trip that the black-haired rat realized the danger of the two-legged beasts.

Since then, the black-haired rat has been hiding near the underground drainage channel of the garbage dump where few two-legged beasts usually come, relying on commanding the rat group to search for stray cats and dogs for food.

The previous experience has become a shadow for the black-haired rat.

Even though it is getting stronger and stronger, it rarely provokes those two-legged prey.

Until some time ago, it knew that many of its previous offspring had died in those restaurants, and in order to retaliate, it did the poisoning.


Thirteen smelled the information in the black-haired rat's pheromone and showed a standard dog-licking smile: "Leader, a lot of meat, I will lead the way"

Before, it was thinking about pretending to be a coward to escape this crisis, but it didn't expect the other party to be so easy to deceive.


The black-haired rat's dark red eyes became deeper and deeper, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but ooze out rancid saliva: "Safe?"


The information in Thirteen's pheromones is full of affirmation!


That's the big dog's home, how can it not be safe?

Oh, that's my own safety.

As for this silly big rat

Thirteen didn't know.

He couldn't help but drool, and was already thinking about how to eat the other party.

Seeing Thirteen drooling, the pheromone exuded delicious information, and he couldn't help it, and whipped Thirteen with his tail, making him roll on the garbage several times: "Lead the way, meat, eat meat!"


Under the night, a dog and a rat walked in the darkness.

Halfway, the big rat still disliked Thirteen's short legs for being too slow, and directly rolled his tail around it, letting it lead the way, while he buried his head in the road.

Thirteen, the new subordinate, also taught the black-haired big rat very considerately to avoid surveillance.

This made the black-haired big rat very happy.

He thought that his decision to recruit his subordinates this time was very good.

The other party seemed to understand this strange world after awakening better than himself.

Maybe with the help of the other party, he could eat the cubs of the two-legged beasts more safely.

It was a little after nine o'clock in the evening.

Brian was just about to take a shower and go to bed.


Knock, knock, knock~

There was a knock on the door of the apartment.

“Who is looking for me at this time?”

Brian looked at the surveillance camera at the door curiously.

When he saw what was outside, he was stunned.

Thirteen was standing in front of a nearly one-meter-tall rat with bent legs, biting a wooden stick in the corner of his mouth, knocking on his door.

The knocking sound was very rhythmic, and translated into Mass code, it roughly meant: I brought you prey..

Looking at Thirteen's cowardly look in the surveillance video, Brian touched his chin: "Could it be that Thirteen, this bastard, couldn't resist the temptation and sneaked out, but found that he couldn't beat this rat, so he brought it to me?"


This broken dog is actually a guide!

In his previous life, I guess all dogs had middle-parted hair.

What a coincidence.

Brian was still sighing that these experimental hamsters were too weak and could not be beaten, but in a blink of an eye, Thirteen brought such a big black-haired rat.

This dog was not raised in vain!


Accompanied by the strange sound caused by the aging of the apartment door.

Brian opened the door.

One person, one dog, and a big rat, three pairs of eyes stared at each other.

Brian ignored the big rat's doubtful and cold dark red eyes, and looked down at Thirteen: "Thirteen, you are the one who brought the ghost...deformed beast here?"

Thirteen blinked his big eyes innocently: "Wangwang~Wangwangwang~ (It's so powerful~ Help me, big dog~)"

It said it very naturally, without any embarrassment.

After all, dogs rely on people's power, which is a natural skill.

It can't suppress its own nature.

When it came to the big dog's territory, Thirteen's previous little uneasiness was gone.

The smell of big dogs is everywhere here, and it feels safe!


The black-haired big rat was a little impatient.

It didn't expect that the new little brother would actually bring it to a place with two-legged beasts.

If the food the other party was talking about was the tall two-legged beast in front of it, then it would teach this little brother a lesson and eat the other party's tail to let it know the consequences of passing information indiscriminately!

Brian could feel the biological force field emitted by the big black rat in front of him, but he couldn't communicate pheromones as easily as Thirteen.

He kicked Thirteen: "Dog translator, what did this rat say?"

Thirteen: "Wangwang~Wangwangwang~ (I lied to it that there was delicious meat here, and it asked me where the meat was)"

Brian was stunned when he heard it.

This big rat doesn't look like a serious thing. How could it be so easy to fool Thirteen?

That's not right!

When did Thirteen learn to lie?

Brian felt uncomfortable as if his own child was being led astray!


It must be Susan's best friend who led Thirteen astray!

Brian cursed in his heart unhappily, and said to Thirteen: "Tell this stupid rat that the meat is in the house outside, I am your little brother, and now I will take you to eat."

After all, this is his residence, and there are many people living here, so it is not appropriate to take action.

He has a suitable safe house.

Under Brian's words and deeds, the inexperienced city rat foolishly followed the man and the dog into the car and disappeared into the night.

Of course, in its small brain, this is the younger brother, taking it to meet the younger brother's younger brother, and then the younger brother's younger brother is going to take it, the boss's boss, to enjoy delicious food.

This kind of identity recognition is still very necessary in the animal world.

It doesn't like bipeds, but for the sake of the new younger brother, it still leaves its scent on this tall biped.

I don't know why, when I retracted my tongue, I felt numb.

I'm a little sleepy

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