You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 204 Unscrupulous Master and Servant

Brian's uncle left seven or eight safe houses for him in urban and suburban areas of Los Angeles.

This kind of safe house doesn't just leave it there.

Whether it is paying taxes, dealing with neighbor relations, etc., they all need to be maintained, otherwise the safe house will not be safe at all, and there will be doubts under the big data.

In fact, except for one special safe house, Brian was prepared to gradually abandon all the other safe houses.

He doesn't have that much energy to maintain so many safe houses, and there's no need.

In fact, Brian only used these safe houses as temporary places to store dangerous items.

Anywhere he wants can become his safe house.

This time Brian took the big black-haired rat to a safe house in the suburbs.

It was a small house located in a town around downtown Los Angeles.

According to official records, the original owner of the house is a 73-year-old white man. He is currently renting a young woman in Thailand as a nanny and temporary companion to spend his old age.

Every year, a company is arranged to provide various information about the homeowner, so that the homeowner will be recorded as a normal retired elderly person.

As for the houses in small towns, they are affiliated with housing agency companies and are in a state of renting at any time.

But it is not a carte blanche, but the intermediary can rent it out, and the owner can also find customers through his own channels.

This kind of house is usually used as inventory by real estate agencies.

It's best if it can be rented out. If it can't be rented out, it will be left in the resource database and used as one of the data for customers. It looks better in appearance, but compared to the leasing or buying and selling of houses as exclusive agents, agents will not be particularly concerned about it.

This also means that even if a strange face appears, the neighbors will not be surprised, because in their "subconscious mind", if there is someone in the house, it means it is rented out, and if there is no one in the house, it means it is temporarily vacant.

The agent won't be surprised either.

They weren't sure if the property was rented out by the owner himself.

Being hidden from the city is one of the purposes of the safe house.

After Brian gained the gift of physical control, he visited this safe house once in his free time.

He remembered clearly that there was not only a secret room underground in the old house, but also many props and an underground escape passage of about 100 meters.

The chamber is soundproofed enough.

The tool is convenient enough.

It's a nice place, and the big black-haired rat will probably like it.

Brian drove the car and glanced in the rearview mirror.

The big black-haired rat probably suffered from motion sickness. His dark red eyes were half-lidded, revealing two sharp front teeth, and he wrapped himself with his tail.

Thirty Thirty was so dog-legged that he thoughtfully covered his rat boss with a blanket, but his dog eyes rolled around, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Don't look at it. It licked the anesthetic out of my mouth. It didn't know it was hit when it was hit. Even though it was strong, it just thought it was sleepy."

Brian's tone was relaxed.

These days, you can't be the boss of anything.

This is a high-risk position.

Hearing this, Thirteen relaxed.

Brian specially taught it some basic drugs, explosives, and anesthetics to prevent it from touching or being attacked, and he even used it on it for this purpose.

So Thirteen knows what this thing does.

It crawled from the back to the front and barked at Brian: "Wangwang~ (Big dog, you are so awesome~)"

Brian smiled coldly: "I can't compare to you, Thirteenth Master. If I can't handle this big rat, wouldn't you just ask me to give it extra food?"

He didn't expect Thirteen to be so brave and dare to act alone.

It seems that in the future, Thirteen will have to be given more frustration education.

There is no such thing as rebellion here.

Thirteen shrank his head: "Wangwangwang~ (The big dog is the most powerful, there is no way he can lose!)"

Brian is the god of it.

How could the sky fall?

More than half an hour later.

Brian parked the car and took the big black-haired rat and Thirteen, who were not in a good mental state, into the basement of the safe house.

The safe house looks like a very ordinary and old independent wooden house.

Towns and cities are basically filled with houses like this, which are inconspicuous at all.

The essence of this place is found in the basement under the rugs in the living room.

The basement is not big, only about eight square meters. There are three spaces separated by wooden boards. One is used to store food and water, one is used to store weapons, and the remaining space contains a metal torture table and a large number of weapons. Instruments of torture.

This place does not have the conditions and environment for long-term survival. It is obviously an emergency safe house, used for countermeasures and tongue torture as a hypothesis.

Although the big black-haired rat has a low IQ, it does not lack the caution that a rat should have.

It sniffed the surrounding environment and blocked the entrance to the basement stairs. Its dark red eyes became more and more dangerous, and it screamed at Thirteen in a hurry!

In order to avoid trouble, the amount of anesthetic that Brian forced out of the body was very low, and had little effect on it. It could only make the big black-haired rat a little sleepy.

In more than half an hour, the effect of that small dose of anesthetic had long been absorbed and digested by the big black-haired rat's body.

Thirteen, a little drama queen who had heard and heard, faced the threat of the big rat boss and quickly bared his teeth at Brian: "Wangwang! (Big dog, he asked why there is no meat smell.)"

The big black-haired rat can't understand dog language without the help of pheromones to transmit information.

Its eyes followed Thirteen's movements and looked at Brian.

Brian immediately extended his hand to the black-haired rat and the electric chair, saying, "Tell it to sit on it and it will come."

While speaking,

A few drops of blood fell from Brian's fingertips on the electric chair in front of him.

The next moment,

Thirteen and the black-haired rat's noses twitched obviously, and finally their eyes were on the chair in front of Brian.

"Wang (It smells good!)"

"Zhi (It smells good!)"

A rat and a dog were attracted by the special smell of life in Brian's blood.

The special aroma contained in the blood once again fooled the short-sighted black-haired rat.

With Thirteen's translation and Brian's personal service,

it took the initiative to sit on the dining table that the little brother mentioned, urging Brian, the little brother, to eat meat.

It couldn't wait to enjoy the food that aroused its DNA's desire!

Brian calmly placed the iron ring that was originally worn on a person's head on the black-haired rat's neck: "This is the tableware of the bipeds, which can increase the fun of eating later."

Thirteen simultaneous translations.

The black-haired rat's mind was now full of thoughts of high-quality food, and the residual anesthetics affected its already low IQ. In a few words, it was deceived by this unscrupulous dog and man and took the initiative to sit on the electric chair and wear torture instruments.

In its expectant eyes.

After Brian adjusted the voltage, he turned on the switch.

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