You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 205: Rat Super Low-profile Saint Seiya, Big Explosion (Two in One)


Along with the surge of electric current visible to the naked eye, the big black-haired rat sitting on the electric chair trembled all over, and his long and thick tail also followed it. The powerful electric current flowing with it was like a crazy lightning python.

As the saying goes, thunder and lightning are at this moment.

The only uncomfortable thing is probably the big black-haired rat.

One moment it was thinking about its younger brother's offering, and the next it became a tribute itself.

Brian couldn't bear to cover Thirteen's dog eyes.

The child is too young to watch this cruel scene.

In the case of overload, the current surges fiercely.

Ten seconds later, one person and one dog smelled the smell of burnt fur.

The big black-haired mouse opened its mouth slightly, revealing its pair of sharp dark yellow incisors.

The opponent's pair of cold dark red eyes lost focus, the small pupils dilated, and the muscles in the heart stopped moving.

This is a typical symptom after being shocked.

Muscles spasm and the ability to breathe is lost. When the current is too large, blood vessels and minute parts of the body will be burned. The heart loses blood supply, pupils dilate, and consciousness gradually disappears.

This is just household current. If it is high-voltage electricity, then the body of the electrocuted creature will even explode due to the high internal pressure, burning and turning into a pile of coke.

Brian definitely doesn't have that condition here.

Overload power supply only turns on, not turns off. It will only stop when the equipment burns out.

Waited for more than a minute.

As a spark exploded from the switch, the big black-haired rat, which had been trembling all the time, stopped the pre-dinner reception.


Thirteen smelled the burnt smell in the air and shouted in disgust.

It doesn’t taste good!

Brian slapped it on the head: "Eat, eat, eat like shit. Who knows how many viruses this damn thing carries? If you eat it raw, you won't be afraid of getting sick!"

He has been reducing the intake of fresh blood and flesh in Thirteen, just to prevent the new flesh and blood from stimulating its animal nature.

Even if this rat wasn't sick, there was no way he could feed it to Thirteenth Life.

One person and one dog talking.

The big black-haired mouse, which was motionless at first, suddenly moved its eyes twice, then spit out a mouthful of fishy smell from its slightly opened mouth, and made a small squeaking sound of satisfaction.

Brian looked at the dog translator Thirteen.

Thirteen shook his head with a sullen look on his face: "Wangwangwang~ (No information is transmitted~)"

Brian was stunned.

It is estimated that all the pores of the big black-haired rat were burned by the current, causing the pheromones in the body to not be transmitted out, so Thirteen could not understand what the other party meant.

When the big black-haired rat saw that there was no movement between the person and the dog, his long tail suddenly twitched to the ground, making a snapping sound, and threatened again: "Zhizhi~"

The current just felt so good that I wanted to have it again.

"Zhenima, it's late at night, what should I do if I disturb others while they are resting?"

Brian wasn't used to it. Seeing that the electric chair didn't work, he casually pulled out the Kodachi hanging from his waist. A handsome Yan Hui slashed the tail of the big black-haired mouse with the sword.

The tail, which could crack the stone, suddenly fell to the ground.

The tail is surprisingly active. Even if it is separated from the main body, it still twists around like a headless snake. It looks disgusting and scary.

The big black-haired mouse was startled and turned his head subconsciously. His dark red eyes looked dully at the unruly tail, but he only saw a broken section.

Being hit by the electric current, which made it a little slow to react, it finally realized that it was being attacked.


It had a fierce look in its eyes, and it bent its hind legs to use force to break free of the restraint straps that had been added to the electric chair at some point.


Brian, who possesses master-level sword skills, made another casual slash.

The light of the sword is like the brightness of the moon, and the blade is like flowing water.

Silver haloes of light landed on the big black-haired mouse.

After Brian put away the knife in a standard posture, layers of burnt and smelly flesh fell off the body of the big black-haired rat like falling snow, dyeing the basement floor with blood.

In an instant.

Brian used the knife twenty-one times, cutting off most of the muscles and tendons of the big black-haired rat's limbs, and destroying the connections between muscles and nerves.

Thirteen dogs stared in confusion.

The big dog is so handsome!

Brian was also a little surprised at how awesome he was.

This master-level swordsmanship technique was just a bit fancy when applied to those Japanese defeated dogs, but in his own hands, it was extremely handsome.

Speed, strength, eyesight, the unity of body and mind, these are the key elements for sublimating skills.

Those people are so bad, they still need to practice.

"The quality of Yagyu Itto's Kodachi is also good. The fur of this black-haired rat feels tougher than his own skin. As a result, it is about as fragile as paper in front of the blade. I don't know what material it is made of."

The knife was drawn out too quickly, causing the blade to become like snow and frost, with no trace of blood staining visible.

For psychological reasons, Brian still pulled out a piece of medical gauze, wiped the blade, kicked Thirteen away, and started the experiment of ultrasonic shock.

Thirteen smelled the bloody scent from inside the black-haired rat's wound and was swallowing saliva. As a result, he was kicked by Brian and rolled several times on the ground, and fell directly to the entrance of the basement.

"Go outside and watch."

Brian said softly without looking back.

Thirteen glanced at Brian with a resentful look, twitched his tail, stood upright in a humane manner, pulled open the inner lock of the basement door, and lay down at the outside entrance.

Smelling the fragrance that kept coming into his nose, Thirteen Dogs muttered to himself.

Big dogs definitely want to eat alone! ! !

next moment.


A squeaking sound full of panic and rage came from the gap in the unclosed door.

Thirteen shuddered and quickly covered his mouth with his paws.

What is the big dog doing?

This rat barks so loudly that it scares the dogs.


Brian looked at the big black-haired rat who was struggling constantly, his eyes turning into blood, and rubbed his stinging throat with some disappointment.

Ultrasound and infrasound are different.

Ultrasound is called ultrasonic because of its high frequency, which exceeds the level that human hearing can perceive.

In fact, Thirteen can hear some of the ultrasonic waves Brian emits.

Similar to cats and dogs, they can do it.

They can also hear some infrasound frequencies.

This is why animals are often more alert than humans.

You thought you didn't make any noise.

In fact, the other party heard it.

The big black-haired mouse in front of me is somewhat magical.

The opponent's physique and cell activity are really extraordinary.

For low and medium levels of ultrasound, I just seem a little irritable, but my body is not affected at all.

It wasn't until Brian used the ultrasound to the upper limit that his body could withstand - high frequency, and the impact lasted for more than a few seconds, that the other party reacted as if he had been scalded by boiling water.

This means that as long as you continuously aim at a target at close range and release your own ultrasonic shock, even physically powerful creatures will be affected.

In order to verify this impact strength.

Brian used high-frequency ultrasound to continuously impact the big black-haired rat's body, and soon burst most of the blood vessels in the opponent's body.

If it continues for a while, it is estimated that the opponent's brains can be shaken evenly.

It turned out to be useless.

Literally useless.

After the initial impact, most of the tiny blood vessels in the big rat's body burst. Apart from internal damage, he continued to release the force without further increasing the opponent's injuries.

Brian even suspected that the other party's struggle was an instinctive reaction caused by physical constraints and injuries.

"Why is there such a strange situation?"

Brian was puzzled.

It's like a person who can be scratched by a knife.

It makes no sense that after being scratched a few times, the opponent will become immune to the knife!

Do you think you are Athena's Saint?

Is this reasonable?

Brian didn’t believe that he had such awesome abilities!

He didn't care about his reaction and went straight to pick up the knife wound on the big black-haired mouse.

The injury already has adhesions.

This means that the opponent's physical recovery ability is similar to his physical recovery strength, which is about seven or eight times that of normal humans.

The problem is that the other party's cell activity is unlikely to be as good as his own, otherwise Thirteen would have said that the other party smells as good as himself.

"Perhaps this is due to differences in species. The body healing speed of many animals is inherently faster than that of humans."

Brian analyzed the situation verbally and continued to examine the other party's body.

This time, he finally discovered something was wrong.

The skin toughness of this big black-haired mouse seems to have increased a little bit.

This is the feeling that supercomputer perception gave Brian after he got started. It is unlikely that he is an illusion.

"No, is this mouse really that awesome?"

Brian drew out the knife again, came behind the big black-haired rat, controlled his body, and according to the strength and speed of the knife swing, recreated the gorgeous scene of the twenty-one knife blows in the previous moment.

This time, he really felt different.

The toughness of this rat's fur and muscles are about one percent stronger than before.

In such a short period of time, this was a change that was difficult to detect, but it could not escape Brian's perception, which was like a humanoid intelligent robot.

"Look again!"

Brian was breathing a little heavier.

This mouse’s talent is quite awesome!

This wait is half an hour.

Half an hour later, the entire body of the big black-haired rat had shrunk a lot, and it finally looked like the big southern rat in Brian's previous life. Except for its tail, its entire body was only the size of an ordinary stray civet cat.

In half an hour, his body size shrank several times.

The big black-haired rat's skin didn't feel that loose, it was still close to the skin, and the dangerous aura emanating from his body was getting stronger and stronger.

The opponent was recovering quickly from his injuries after being hit.

"That's awesome!"

Brian touched the other person's skin and the toughness of his flesh had increased a lot, and he was amazed in his heart.

Quickly adapt to the current predicament at the expense of flesh and blood reserve energy.

If you are injured, strengthen your recovery.

When injured by a knife, the toughness of the skin and flesh is quickly increased.

Brian suddenly thought of a sentence he saw in his previous life: The same move can only be used once against the Saint!

This big black-haired rat is not that outrageous, but it has already become a trend.

If the opponent continues to survive for dozens or even hundreds of years and continues to receive blood moon radiation, it may not be able to truly grow into a weakened version of the Mouse Saint.

Feeling the palms constantly touching his body, the big black-haired mouse couldn't bear to say anything.

It's angry.

It will wait until its injuries are almost recovered before eating the two-legged beast and that smelly dog ​​in front of it!



After repeated injuries, it has a clear understanding of the magic of its own body.

It can't catch up with its prey.

After a nap, its speed increases.

Simple limbs are often inconvenient, so its tail is getting longer and longer.

It was almost killed by a bipedal beast with a thing that can shoot many small things, so it has gained tougher skin and flesh and faster recovery from injuries

Relying on this abnormal ability.

In less than three months, it has become the only boss in the territory, eating cats, dogs, and even bipedal beasts that are hundreds of times larger than ordinary mice.

As long as the bipedal beast in front of it doesn't eat itself.

The black-haired rat believes that the creature that walks out of here alive in the end is still itself!

The black-haired rat's small brain naturally can't think so much, but it also has this consciousness.

It endures and waits for the opportunity to retaliate.

Brian doesn't know the other party's thinking.

He excitedly untied the belt on the big rat, carried him to the tool room, then picked up two chains and locked it on the board of the small tool room.

Looking at the tools hanging on the wall, Brian thought seriously.

Hammer, saw... Wow, there is also a diesel chainsaw, the tools are quite complete.

Which tool should I use for the experiment first?

In silence.

Under the forbearance of the black-haired rat, Brian silently picked up the small chainsaw that was only half an arm long, injected diesel, and pulled the switch a few times.

This thing is very common in Western countries, and many suburban families actually have it.

Who said that labor is expensive here, wooden houses are cheap, taxes are low, and maintenance costs are low.

So many times, everyone does what they can do by themselves. The use of various tools is also one of the subjects in school. Even if they are not proficient, they can use them basically.

Holding the small chainsaw, Brian felt like he was back to the happy time of the internship class in middle school.

Amid the noisy sound, the chainsaw made a terrifying roar engraved in human DNA.

In his previous life, Brian had watched a lot of horror movies about serial killers in the West, where perverted killers used chainsaws to hunt down the unlucky protagonists.

He never thought that one day he would become one of them.

In the vague uneasiness of the black-haired mouse, he held the small chainsaw in one hand and came to it, a little entangled in where to start.


In silence, the black-haired big mouse couldn't help but squeak out of uneasiness in his heart.

"Squeak so ugly, no self-awareness!"

Brian pinched the neck of the other party connected to his body, aimed at the black-haired mouse's front teeth and sawed down.

Squeak squeak squeak~~

In the tool room, the black-haired mouse screamed again.

Time passed.

Brian wiped his bloody hands tiredly, lit a cigarette, and checked the time on his mobile phone.

"It's just past four o'clock..."

Brian was a little surprised that time passed so quickly.

He felt that only a moment had passed.

However, when he swept the messy tools and a lot of broken limbs and bloody flesh on the ground, he suddenly realized that he had played with the black-haired rat for a whole night.

The happy time passed so quickly.

On the tool table.

The skinny rat, which had turned gray and looked like a white-haired rat, looked at the ceiling with sunken dark red eyes.



It just wanted to be free as soon as possible.

Compared with the ferocious biped in front of it, the bipeds it ate were not the same species at all, just like the difference between it and those ordinary rats.

A cigarette was finished.

After slightly relieving the fatigue after the mental excitement, Brian came to the black-haired rat again and touched the sunken place on his chest.

The bones here were cracked by him with a hammer.

I don’t know if it will become harder.

The touch came.

Brian frowned slightly.

How come this guy has no ambition at all? This cracked bone, not to mention becoming harder, doesn't even show any signs of recovery.

"It looks like it's been squeezed dry."

Brian retracted his hand in disappointment, picked up the gray rat that was being fiddled with, and threw it into an iron bucket, then threw all the tools in, not even leaving the big tail behind.

After doing all this.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth.


Accompanied by the strong wind in the room, a large group of green mist drifted out, actively looking for all traces of flesh and blood, and corroded

Although Brian's skin and flesh are more resistant to what they secrete than ordinary organisms, they will feel uncomfortable in such an environment.

He locked the door of the tool room with expectation.

I really hope that this mouse can explode with obsession!

More than half an hour passed.

Until there was a slight sizzling sound in the tool room when there was no corrosion.

Brian suppressed his excitement and walked into the tool room again.

He looked at the big iron bucket at the first time.

Above the iron barrel, three dark red obsession balls were suspended, attracting all of Brian's attention.


A big explosion!

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