You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 206 Three obsessions, super adaptable talent! (Additional chapter 1 for the leader of Changj

Brian estimated that he would remember this unknown rat for a long time.

Because this was the first time he encountered a creature with three obsessions, and the object was a deformed rat.

With a little trepidation.

Brian reached out and crushed the three obsession balls.

Three dark red lights shot into his eyes.

The next moment.

Three pieces of information appeared in Brian's mind:

Black-haired rat obsession 1: I really want to taste the fragrant meat of the blood owner, it's so fragrant!

Gift 1: 30 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 1 point of gift energy + subtle super-adaptive talent.

Black-haired rat obsession 2: Eat that stinky dog!

Gift 1: 30 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 1 point of gift energy + subtle super-adaptive talent.

Black-haired rat obsession 3: Eat this cruel two-legged beast!

Gift 1: 40 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 11 points of gift energy + subtle super-adaptive talent.

Behind these information, the blood on the electric chair, Thirteen, and Brian were reproduced one after another, indicating the completion of the three obsessions.

After reading these contents, Brian was surprised and happy.

What was happy was that the talent really exploded.

What was surprising was that this shit talent seemed to be divided into three.

Can it be played like this?

"Obsession one is easy to complete, but the remaining two obsessions can't be dealt with at all..."

Brian was a little unwilling.

However, thinking that this was a free thing after all, he had to take advantage of the corrosion reaction in the tool room before it disappeared, and opened his mouth and bit his finger nails fiercely.

There was no way, all the tools in the tool room were used up by him.

The small sword on his waist was not disinfected, so he had to use his mouth.

After biting his nails, the obsession had no reaction.

In desperation, Brian had to aim at his forearm again, bit a little bit stingily, and swallowed a small piece of meat into his stomach while enduring the pain.

The next moment.

A warm current surged, and the obsession of the black-haired rat was completed.

Brian licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, recovered from his injuries first, and then suppressed his excitement and received the reward of Gift 2.

Wait for a moment.

Except for feeling an extra unit of gift energy and a slight heat in his body, he did not feel any changes in his body.

Brian was a little confused.

He looked at the panel he made with supercomputing perception again.

There was an additional status on it: Cell Adaptive Activation.

"Is this the super-adaptive talent?"

Brian was puzzled.

There is not even an instruction manual!

His talent urgently needs to be upgraded.

As his thinking changed, the 'Cell Adaptive Activation' on the self-made status panel also changed to 'Super Adaptation', and was also included in the talent column.

This is why Brian rarely looks at the panel.

This thing is formed by his own cognition + supercomputing perception talent. It is too rigid. The only function is probably to discover some changes that he did not notice but were recorded by supercomputing perception.

"Adapting to this talent probably requires environmental changes or external stimulation to react."

Brian thought for a moment and understood the reason.

Brian was ready to discard this safe house.

After cleaning up the scene.

He took Thirteen, who was yawning at the door, back to the city.

Back to the apartment.

Brian smiled and touched Thirteen's head: "Thirteen, I remember Susan woke up very early, and she had to exercise her body flexibility every day. Now she probably noticed that you were missing. Have you thought about how to explain it to her?"

Thirteen shrugged his head, and the whole dog looked a little decadent.

After a busy night, he was almost eaten, but he didn't even eat a single mouse hair. Now he goes back and will be ravaged by the ferocious female dog.

Dog life is so tiring.

In the end, Brian sent Thirteen a big gift package to thank him, made a loving breakfast, and wrote a note, saying that Thirteen missed his big bed so much that he couldn't help running back. He hoped that Susan could negotiate this matter in a friendly manner after work, such as putting the two beds together, so that there would be no need to worry about the dog running around...

Hanging the bag around Thirteen's neck, Brian watched it leave.

After he could no longer see Thirteen's back, he closed the door of the apartment and began to experiment with his super-adaptability talent, the subtle super-adaptability talent.

This is actually not difficult to test.

The simplest way is to lie in the freezer of the refrigerator.

Of course, a refrigerator that can accommodate people is generally called a freezer.

Brian had actually come into contact with this thing when he was in the Forensic Bureau before, but it was not a murder case, but a giant baby who froze his deceased parents in a freezer to defraud his pension.

In fact, similar situations are not uncommon.

There have been very bad cases before, where nursing homes were opened, and then the elderly were squeezed dry and killed, and buried in the back hills and yards.

The laws of some states have set up many means to prevent such things from happening, but there are still people who take advantage of loopholes.

Brian's family does not have such a large freezer, so he chose a bathtub.

More than 20 minutes later.

The bathtub was half full of water.

Brian couldn't help but take a timer and lied directly in, submerging himself under the water.

He didn't breathe in in advance, and it took him nearly six or seven minutes before he felt a slight sense of suffocation, and his chest instinctively longed for fresher air.

As time passed, second by second.

At thirteen minutes, Brian already had the urge to rush out of the water.

Why do some people commit suicide by jumping off a building, jumping into a river, or hanging themselves, but no one chooses not to breathe and suffocate themselves to death?

Because it is almost impossible to do.

Breathing and survival are the body's instincts.

Ordinary people simply cannot resist the body's instinct to survive.

Brian is different.

He was so anxious that he fell into a state of hypoxia, but he forced his body to stop struggling and moving, and at the same time used supercomputing perception and body control talents to feel the subtle changes in his body.

Time continued to pass.

At about eighteen minutes, Brian's consciousness was a little blurred.

Thinking is a function that consumes a lot of oxygen.

Even if the body instinctively reduced the consumption of oxygen and automatically entered a state similar to turtle breathing, it could not match Brian's highly tense spirit and thinking.

After nearly twenty minutes, his body was about to reach its limit!

Until this critical point.

Brian could feel that his cells were becoming more and more dead, falling into a sleep-like state, and praying to help his body, the host, hold on for a little longer. There was no other change.

In a daze, he almost couldn't help but rush out of the water with his survival instinct.

At this moment, Brian was surprised to find that there was a change inside his body!

His skin cells slowly turned from the previous turtle state to active again, and some wonderful changes occurred between the cell tissues.

This process was very fast.

About a minute later, Brian actually felt that the dizziness caused by lack of oxygen was relieved a lot.

Countless tiny oxygen was absorbed by his skin from the inside of the water to nourish the extremely hypoxic and silent body!

"Is this skin breathing?"

Brian was happy.

It turns out that this kind of super-adaptive talent must be activated when it is about to die.


The black-haired rat before was just abused by himself, and there was a change after that.

Brian understood.

This should be the result of a defective talent.

Along with the changes in the surface cells of the skin, some of the stored energy in Brian's body is also being consumed rapidly.

This breathing method is very strange.

The oxygen absorbed is directly integrated into all parts of Brian's body, without the need for blood supply through the heart, blood carrying oxygen and other transmission methods.

In other words, even if his heart is gone, he may still be able to survive for a while.

It's just that the transformation is not thorough.

How to say it.

Until the end of the transformation, Brian found that the oxygen taken in by the skin was only enough for him to survive in a state similar to turtle breathing, and he would not really suffocate, but if he wanted to exercise vigorously underwater, forget it.

The stronger the body, the more oxygen is consumed.

Normally, I don't think that in this underwater environment, this little oxygen intake is probably only enough for him to do a few doggy paddles underwater.

It's easy to play tricks on the water surface or bury in the soil for seven days and seven nights.

It's also easy to pretend to be dead.

It's just that some of it doesn't meet Brian's expectations.

If this is the only way to achieve this, then this super-adaptive talent can only be used to save life in times of crisis?

Although this is also very powerful, Brian's previous expectations were too high, and now he is a little disappointed.

He began to try to do some activities underwater, while controlling the cells inside his body to become active, and increasing oxygen consumption together.

This made the suffocation that disappeared before slowly come again.

More than an hour later, Brian climbed out of the bathtub with some melancholy.

After many experiments.

He found that the "super-adaptive" talent he had gained was really awesome. This is a perverted talent that directly compressed a process that would take countless years of environmental stimulation to evolve into a very short time.

Although the "subtle adaptation" talent that Brian gained is not as good as the complete body, as long as his body has enough energy reserves and the external situation allows, this talent can actively change Brian's physical characteristics to ensure that his body can survive in the current environment at the lowest level of demand.

Note that there is only a process of change.

But whether he can survive in the end is not guaranteed.

This talent is equivalent to a passive adaptation skill to the environment, such as heat resistance, cold resistance, etc., which can speed up the adaptation of organisms to external environmental stimuli.

The complete talent of the black-haired rat should be quite powerful, equivalent to a BUFF that can continue to grow.

As for the weakened version that Brian obtained, it is also very helpful to him, reducing the probability of his sudden death and increasing his survivability.

In addition, the rat can only activate the talent passively.

Some changes may not have a positive effect on the body. They can only guarantee that they are positive in the environment at that time, but once they leave that environment, they may become a negative state.

Many human genetic diseases come from this.

Long ago, those genetic diseases may not be diseases, but only appeared for the convenience of survival. As a result, they were inherited to the modern times and became a burden or even a nightmare.

Brian does not have such a situation.

If he feels unhappy, he can control other body cells at any time, "kill" the changed parts, and restore the "purity" of the body.

"If it's a super-adaptable and fully gifted body, it would be awesome. It can be regarded as the golden finger in the novels of the previous life, but now it's mine."

Brian grinned.

His blood moon gifted talent is even more awesome.

The dead skin produced after killing a large number of surface cells is removed, and the acid decomposes and eliminates the traces.

Brian adjusted the position of his tie in front of the mirror and showed a standard sunny smile.

It's past eight in the morning.

He should go to work.

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