You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 207 Pure Evil (Additional chapter 2 for the leader of Changji Xiting Rimu)

Today, the B6 group office seems a little empty.

Brian looked at Old Harden and asked curiously: "Where are Ivan and the others?"

Ivan, Glenn, Green, these three guys are not here.

Green takes this job very seriously and is always on time, so Brian speculates that the other person came and was called away.

Old Harden rubbed the corners of his eyes and yawned: "We found some clues in Ivan's case. Through inquiries in some game arcades, they finally found a guy who knew the deceased, but he had only met him before. One look at the dead man revealed that Ivan and the others needed more clues, so they called Green over to help. "

Hearing this, Brian was a little surprised: "Isn't the deceased completely unrecognizable?"

The new case that Ivan and the others are responsible for is the murder of a white teenager.

The body of the deceased was buried in a pile of sand at a construction site. It was unrecognizable. He had experienced severe torture during his lifetime. When the body was discovered, it was more than ten days after death. The age range of the deceased could only be determined through a bone age test. Between the ages of thirteen and fifteen.

When the deceased was found, his body was highly decomposed, there were no clothes on him, and no other items were found at the scene.

The murderer of the crime has a certain sense of counter-detection.

This approach really troubled the Teddy team who took over the case.

The case has been progressing slowly because the identity of the deceased has not been determined.

I didn’t expect there would be any progress now.

Facing Brian's inquiry, Old Harden looked at him strangely:

“Just because it’s beyond recognition doesn’t mean it’s impossible to determine the appearance.

Ivan and the others enlisted the help of a forensic expert to reconstruct the deceased's appearance through the skull bones.

Children of this age generally like to go to video arcades, especially for a deceased person who has been missing for a long time and no relevant reporting information has been found. There is a high probability that the situation of his native family is not very good.

This kind of child prefers to use games as his spiritual sustenance and to escape reality.

So Ivan and Glenn have recently been looking for clues in major video arcades in the city, and at the same time posting missing persons notices in those places.

As long as the victim is from downtown Los Angeles, it will be a matter of time before clues are found. "

Brian understood the meaning in Old Harden's eyes: I don't know how you became a coroner.

He was a little embarrassed.

He knew the bone restoration technology, and even relied on his understanding of the human body and the sketching techniques he had developed to draw it without the help of a computer.

It's just that he didn't think about it before.

Ability is ability, thinking is thinking.

Brian admitted that since he continued to become stronger and become a monster, he has almost become dependent on his abilities in solving crimes, and rarely relies on modern technological means for assistance, causing this aspect of his thinking to be subconsciously ignored.

Old Harden is a genius.

He realized that his look just now had hurt this young man whose performance shocked everyone time and time again, but in fact he was only 24 years old.

Old Harden apologized: "Sorry, Brian, everyone's crime-solving habits are different. You are outstanding in all aspects and rarely use modern technological methods, so it is normal for ordinary people to subconsciously ignore this method. I don’t have as keen a sense of cases as you do, and I’m used to borrowing tools, so there’s no problem with my cognitive bias.”

Brian is very thick-skinned.

He nodded: "Thank you for making me aware of this problem. Some things can be used but cannot be ignored. I have to learn more about this recently."

Just finish the chat.

Brian quietly walked into the team leader's office.

As a motivated young man, it is still necessary to get close to your boss every day.


Brian touched his lips thoughtfully.

The love breakfast that Thirteen brought over was very effective. When Susan signed the seal today, she was in a very enthusiastic mood. The only regret was that she rejected his request to live together.

Back at the workstation, Brian was not idle either.

He turned on his computer and searched for information about the San Fernando Valley.

This place is the largest source of pornographic film shooting industry in the United States. It is known as Yellow Hollywood. It is located about 30 kilometers northwest of Los Angeles and very close to the city.

Brian has many unfinished obsessions.

One of them is the obsession of a member of the Dark Council whom I met in London before: I really want to use the identity of a vampire to make a movie and convince more than a hundred people that vampires are handsome and elegant creatures!

Brian has a limited amount of capital on hand.

It is impossible for him to make a Hollywood blockbuster just to fulfill his obsession.

A serious movie is not suitable either.

The other party's obsession is to have more than a hundred people believe that vampires are handsome and elegant creatures!

Considering that such middle-aged people account for a relatively small proportion of the population.

The most suitable ones are actually those in adolescence.

What Old Harden said before was somewhat correct, that is, many adolescent children still have illusions. If their lives are not satisfactory in reality, they will pin their spirits on virtual things.

Games, novels, movies, anime...

There is another thing, which is something that has endured all over the world: pornography.

Adolescent children are the most curious about this thing. In addition to the industrial chain in the San Fernando Valley, pirated discs are not expensive. There are also a large number of video rental stores, drive-in movie theaters and other cheap consumption places to satisfy their needs. Their restless minds and bodies in adolescence

Since we can’t stop these people from watching, as a person who has experienced it, it is also a good deed to spend money to make some high-quality films to improve their horizons.

Brian is not a person who loves fame.

He does not seek fame and fortune, so he will not do this in his current capacity, nor will he seek help from people in the industry he knew before.

On the website, Brian recorded the contact information of some idle filming teams. Brian continued to search for some new episodes, and then visited some miscellaneous websites to dilute the records above.

Thanks to his talent for strong memory.

A lot of information, he scanned it at a glance, and it was automatically recorded in his mind, and he didn’t need to record it with paper and pen, which was much more convenient.

At noon.

Brian used a disposable new mobile phone, changed his voice, and contacted seven or eight idle filming teams.

There are many filming companies in the San Fernando Valley, and the flow of personnel is very chaotic.

Some companies have poor technical level or bad luck, and their business is not very good. In addition, many people with some money also like to spend some money, in the name of artistic pursuit, to personally shoot and burn CDs as a souvenir, so there are many similar shooting teams.

When there is something to do, they are the company's exclusive team.

When there is nothing to do, they come out to work part-time, rent venues, and introduce suitable shooting actors to conduct business.

As long as there is money, everything can be arranged for you.

Any outrageous plot can be filmed.

After a brief chat.

Brian finally chose a team called Old Turkey, and then through them, he got the contact information of a reliable director.

As for the screenwriter

As a man who has watched countless movies online and served thousands of people offline, the plot materials in this regard are still sufficient, and he also has a target for suitable actresses.

After making an appointment to meet everyone on the weekend, Brian returned to the office.

The gift of this obsession is average.

But mosquito legs are also meat, and it is not very troublesome to complete, Brian does not dislike it.

Nothing to do today.

In the evening, Ivan and his friends returned to the detention center of the B6 office building with a few children.

"What's going on?"

Brian asked curiously, looking at these young teenagers and young girls.

Ivan had a complicated expression:

"The case should be solved. We found someone who knew the deceased through the game hall. The other party also knew that the deceased went out with these people before he disappeared, and he never showed up again.

So we found these people.

They couldn't help but be scared and directly explained what happened.

How to say it.

The cause of the incident is ridiculous."


Brian motioned Ivan to stop talking and whistled at Thirteen.

Thirteen, who was holding a bone and grinding his teeth, heard the whistle, and hurriedly bit open Brian's drawer, took out a bag of beef jerky, ran over and handed it to Brian.

"Good dog!"

Brian patted Thirteen's head, and then stuffed a piece of beef jerky into his mouth: "Ivan, buddy, you can continue talking."

Eating melons without something in your mouth always feels uncomfortable.

Ivan rolled his eyes:

"The cause is very simple, involving the 'Dad Zero' on campus.

The deceased's family was not very good.

The deceased's mother left him and his father early in her life and ran off with another man.

Since then, the deceased's father often drank to relieve his boredom and beat him when he was drunk, causing the deceased to become addicted to online games and become cowardly.

The deceased usually relied on some part-time jobs to obtain game currency funds. Apart from his cowardly personality, he basically did not have any bad habits.

Before the deceased was killed, he did not know the murderers.

They met in the game hall.

Brian, I don't know if you have played some PK fighting games. The cause was that the deceased had great game skills and abused one of the murderers. The murderer was not convinced, so he called his friends over. In the end, they were all abused and felt embarrassed, so they tricked the deceased out of the game hall. In the end... eh."

Ivan sighed.

Just because of this conflict, he abused and killed a fellow.

He didn't quite understand what was wrong with this world.

The deceased's experience was somewhat similar to Ivan's, so after he learned about the situation, he felt sympathy for the deceased and was somewhat depressed.

Brian saw this, swallowed the beef jerky in his mouth, and comforted him:

"Children with immature values ​​do things without considering the consequences, and the evil in their hearts is also the purest emotional evil.

When I was in the Forensic Bureau, I heard such a case.

The murderer was a four-year-old child who killed his mother.

I thought the old forensic doctor was joking when I heard it, but it turned out to be true.

The cause was that he had cavities, so his mother hid all the candies. As a result, this angelic child, learning from the plot in the movie, took out the gun box hidden by his father, and shot his mother to death."

Ivan heard this and was silent for a moment before saying: "What was the ending of that child?"


Brian said lightly:

"That case is special, and the final responsibility is borne by his father.

The child was adopted.

However, the adoptive family eventually found out about this and returned directly.

After all, except for those saints, no one would like a child who killed his mother, even if the other party's cognition is not perfect, no one would like it.

In the end, the child was adopted by a couple with not very good qualifications.

They just wanted to get more government subsidies, so they didn't care what the child had done.

The result was that when they went out to have fun, they forgot that the child was still at home, and the food was gone, so they used the remaining money to play.

In the end, the child starved to death. "

"It sounds a bit cruel, but I feel much better."

Ivan's face was more colorful.

Brian nodded: "Yes, the ending is not bad, including the few people you brought back. They are old enough to be held accountable by law, but there is no age exemption. I still like this aspect. "

As he said, he added: "The deceased was buried in the sand pile at the construction site, and all his clothes and belongings were missing. This is not something a group of children can think of. I suggest you continue digging and don't let any bad guys go."

Ivan grinned and raised his eyebrows at Brian: "We thought of it, otherwise according to regulations, their guardians should also be present. Now they have been arranged by the people over at the district bureau. "

Brian waved his hand in disdain: "Go and do your work, Ivan."

This guy, who looks like he is full of hormones, likes to stir up trouble, which makes Brian a little uncomfortable with Ivan's actions such as raising eyebrows.

At night.

Brian was writing a vampire version of the British royal script under the desk lamp.

Converting the plot in his mind into a script.

This is a very novel experience.

Brian himself is looking forward to the appearance of the finished film.

He decided to complete this task on his weekend off.

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