You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 208: Shell Company, Prison Case

In the next few days, Brian was busy with the filming of the movie.

He not only opened an anonymous account as the filming funds, but also invited the heroine.

The other party was a club girl.

In fact, the creature of the girl has existed since the Middle Ages. There are many wine parties in the West, and in the East, there are brothels for listening to music. In many cases, the nature of the two is actually similar.

If you want to get into such occasions, hook up with some rich men, or earn some resources, the requirements are very harsh.

The first is appearance and temperament, the second is conversation and etiquette, and the third is taste and accent. Yes, accent is one of them. Relatively high-level wine parties also have requirements for this aspect.

The last one is identity, which is also the least important point.

After all, when you go out, your identity is given by yourself.

This is still some unspoken rules in the United States. If it is said in the UK, as soon as you open your mouth and listen to your accent, people will know whether you are in their circle.

There are also clothes, family background, clothes and matching for different times and occasions, etc.

The feeling given by that place is like the Eight Banners children in Brian's previous life. They like to pay attention to all kinds of tunes. Outsiders really can't integrate into it, forming an invisible class circle.

So the "Yuan" there are basically women with real identities.

In terms of politics and so on, it seems that there is no distinction between people, but in fact, the threshold has been set. It is impossible for ordinary people to touch it, even if they have money.

It is slightly different here in America, and there are not so many poor and particular things.

The client in Brian's hand used to mix in England. Later, the family business failed, and her mother brought her to live in America.

The other party's appearance and temperament are not bad, and she is also very knowledgeable about things in the circle. Unfortunately, she still went into the sea for a few pieces of silver. It is considered a very rare high-end client in Brian's hand.

The other party has temperament and knows the tune. Once she participates in the shooting, she will definitely have a selling point.

The probability of completing the obsession will be greatly increased in this way.

In order to invite the other party to participate in the filming of the movie, Brian offered a full one million US dollars in remuneration and said that he would use technical means to retouch her face before the other party agreed to meet.

She needed to see the male lead before deciding whether to accept the order.

"Hey, one million US dollars, in the past, I would have to shake my bed to make that much, plus the occasional extras and other actors, the venue rental, the filming team fees... By the way, the crazy old man's monthly expenses are not small. This old guy has become quite decadent after he has money."

Brian didn't know until he calculated it. He was shocked.

He seemed to be short of money again.

Tomorrow is a day off.

At noon, Brian took Thirteen back to the office after lunch and sat in a chair in a daze.

Susan walked in from outside, walked straight to Brian, frowned at him and said, "Brian, what's wrong, why do I feel that you have been a little absent-minded in the past two days?"

In the previous sushi restaurant poisoning case, because of the suspected appearance of a distorted beast, Susan reported it to the NW headquarters and was no longer responsible for this case.

She was idle again.

Brian sighed: "I'm short of money. I need some money recently, but I haven't encountered a case of a deformed person for a long time. I can't make any money."

Susan was a little confused when she heard this.

Except for the motorcycle that Brian liked very much, she didn't see him spending a lot of money. With the various bonuses and money from selling merits, Brian should have a lot of money.

After thinking about it, Susan took out a small wallet from her jeans and put a bank card in front of Brian: "This is the dividend of my family business every year. After more than ten years, there should be tens of millions of US dollars in it. You can use it first. The password is my birthday."

Looking at this ordinary bank card, Brian took a breath.

Although I knew Susan was a rich woman, I didn't expect her to be so rich.

She started with tens of millions as the unit.

This made Brian's bones hard.

Isn't this forcing people to eat soft rice?

In the end, Brian still refused Susan's support.

It's not that he was shy or embarrassed, he just didn't want Susan's bank email to receive his credit card spending records for filming.

He had the money for filming and hiring people.

What Brian was thinking about was whether there was any way to make money that was stable and could be put on the table.

Unfortunately, in terms of business, he was an idiot in both lives and knew nothing. Some of the ways in his previous life seemed to be copycats, but it was not so easy to actually implement them, and there was also a problem of not adapting to the local environment.

Originally, the best opportunity to make money was the development of the Internet and hardware in the 21st century.

The problem was that this world and the previous life were parallel worlds, and there was also the influence of things like the blood moon, which led to a slight difference in the development after World War II from his previous life.

After more than 60 years, many things are different.

Some of Brian's perspectives in his previous life were outdated in this world.

"I've been thinking for several days, but why do I feel that the fastest and most convenient way to make money is violent crimes such as robbery? Damn, no matter how I think about it, I'm a born criminal"

Brian was quite distressed.

Until I met Tom.

There are no cases recently, Brian is just hanging around. As Brian's forensic assistant, Tom has been playing games for a while.

The government food is still good.

He came up from the underground floor originally to ask Old Harden to sell him a perspective plug-in at a cheaper price, so as to give the game players who abused him a little technological shock.

Seeing that Brian was distracted, he came over with a smile: "Brian, man, what are you thinking about?"

Brian lazily held a cigarette in his mouth and put his feet up on the desk: "How do you want to make money? Thom, what do you think people like us can do to make money legally and make a lot of money?"

Tom thought for a while and said casually:

"If it were in the past, I would definitely be doing some part-time work, such as being an undertaker. As long as I cooperate with some funeral companies, I can get some orders.

But if this is you, you can consider becoming a detective or something. I heard that the rewards for investigating some divorce cases are quite generous.

If you find it troublesome, you can go to work in the club after get off work. You can make a fortune just by looking good. But if that doesn't work, didn't you hook up with the team leader? I heard her family is quite rich..."

"Get out!"

Brian gave Thom the middle finger: "I mean it."

Tom spread his hands helplessly:

"I'm serious when I say it. If you want to make money, you have to rely on your body or your skills and talent.

I once thought about why I didn't study hard at the beginning, otherwise I could make a lot of money by just doing any science and technology and relying on patents.

Even if it’s game design, a hit game can easily sell for millions of dollars.”

Listening to his ramblings, an idea flashed in Brian's mind.


Games, and various software.

However, it is not a AAA masterpiece, nor is it a turn-based game, but a magical web game similar to sheep, box jumping and other magical web games.

These are not high requirements for technology development.

It depends on creativity and freshness.

In fact, things like Happy Farm are pretty good. When the time comes, we can provide support like campus beauty pageants, etc., stealing food + socializing, and maybe we can also hatch a large-scale social IP, package it and sell it, and directly make money.

However, this requires funds and connections, which is too cumbersome. You can find someone to do it specifically in the future, forget it now.

Think of this.

Brian quickly pulled Old Harden and walked aside to mutter.


Old Harden looked at Brian with strange eyes and nodded.

Harden Sr. knows a lot of people.

That afternoon, a lawyer took the initiative to come to the door, collected Brian's personal information, and prepared to help him set up an online three-no bag company.

The name is Thirteen, Thirteen online game.

The main reason is that Brian doesn't want it to be inappropriate enough when players call this company a dog in the future.

The lawyer did his duty and reminded Brian that the number thirteen represents ominous in many places in the West. Similar to the number four in Brian's previous life, it may not give a good first impression.

Brian was okay with that.

Ever since he met Susan, poverty had nothing to do with him.

He simply gave it a try.

This company completely operates a handbag agency model. The address is the office building of Group B6, and game development is outsourced by Old Harden.

Brian originally wanted Old Harden Tech to become a partner, but it turned out that this guy was not very optimistic about Brian's game and was only willing to earn some compensation.

All agreements have been signed.

Finished with this.

The time came to around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Brian was talking and laughing with Susan as he prepared to leave early.

He made an appointment with Susan to have dinner with her tonight.

Police dog Thirteen, who had been listless all day, also followed behind lively, preparing to leave early with Brian and become a salary thief.

Old Harden, an old man, appeared in front of the two of them at an inappropriate time: "Brian, there is a new case."


Susan smiled softly: "It seems that today's date has been ruined again."

Brian was speechless and said, "Tell me, what kind of case it is."

Old Harden looked innocent and handed over a piece of paper: "This is a prison case. A prisoner was stabbed to death in his sleep, but the prison guard couldn't find the murder weapon and couldn't figure out why the prisoner would He died in his room, so he reported the case.”

Hearing this, Brian was surprised: "Why do prison cases appear in our system?"

Such prison death cases are handled by independent departments.

The two are not the same system at all.

"The identity of the deceased is more troublesome. The other person was a senior member of the Aryan Brotherhood. The Aryan Brotherhood was very angry about his death.

They put pressure on the prison and expressed distrust, so this case came to our side. As for giving us the B6 team, it was mainly because of you, Brian.

The Aryan Brotherhood is huge, especially in prisons.

The prison wants a capable person to handle this case.

Currently, your file is the most outstanding in the operations department.

Therefore, the dispatch side assigns you to conduct the investigation. In return, the prison will pay you an additional technical consulting fee. "

When Brian heard that it was a prison case, he was originally ready to let Old Harden reject it until he heard the name Aryan Brotherhood.

This is one of the largest gangs in the American Federation. It originated in prisons and its main members are all white prisoners. Their characteristics are Nazi cross tattoos and bald heads.

The reason why the members are all white is because they are white supremacists, and their members are widely distributed. They have members almost inside the federal government and in most prisons.

When Brian was at the Mexican border before, he had completed the shapeshifter obsession. Because of Sandy, he encountered a beastman from the Aryan Brotherhood and killed him personally.

As for the girl named Sandy, Brian also arranged for her to help find beastmen with talent points such as nerve reaction enhancement.

However, Brian has not received any feedback from Sandy so far.

I don’t know whether she took the opportunity to run away or has not yet gained anything.

According to the information revealed by Sandy before, the Aryan Brotherhood has the habit of buying those three-no beast reagents on the black market.

This time, I might be able to connect with some connections in the underground world when I go to solve the case.

Thinking of this, Brian looked at Susan apologetically: "Team leader, it seems that our candlelight dinner tonight will be held in the car."

Susan nodded indifferently: "Actually, I prefer to go out on duty. It's much more interesting than eating boringly. It's like completing tasks one by one."

Of course, the premise is to work with people you like.

The prison where the crime took place was not in the city, but in a place called Tomon, about 40 kilometers away from downtown Los Angeles.

Brian was unfamiliar with this place.

Susan had heard of it:

"Tomon is a small city with a population of only a few hundred thousand. It has no economic industry, and the only industry is probably the prison economy.

Many serious criminals around are imprisoned there, contributing a lot of tax revenue to the city every year.

Of course, NW also purchases goods from there every year. When I was training at the base before, I encountered goods received by the base from there, so I have some impression of this place."

The goods Susan mentioned were naturally not some cheap industrial products produced by the prison, but people.

She didn't like these things very much, so she rarely talked about them.

Brian had never been to a prison in his two lives.

He was still a little curious about this kind of place.

Remember the route map well.

He drove Susan's car, two people and a dog, and headed towards the prison in Tomon.

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