You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 209 Various weapons in prison, case closed in seconds

Many cities in the Los Angeles metropolitan area actually look very shabby.

Tomon City is such a place.

To put it bluntly, Brian felt that this place didn't look as prosperous as the small eighteenth-tier county in his previous life. The only advantage was probably that it was vast and sparsely populated, and the streets didn't look too congested.

There are four prisons in Thomon.

Three of them are heavy-duty prisons with a low probability of prisoners being released, and the remaining one is a detention center that is biased towards juvenile offenders.

It also cooperates with a training camp, similar to the Thunder King's transformation training camp in Brian's previous life. It is mainly responsible for receiving some troubled teenagers sent by their parents and conducting military management and transformation.

These are some lessons that few parents here can teach their children.

As for beatings and scoldings, etc.

If their children call the police, their parents will need to go to jail. This is not a joke, but a real case that happens every year.

There are even immigrant parents who have fallen at the gunpoint of the police for this reason.

This is nonsense.

Back to topic.

Follow the address.

Brian and the others drove to their destination - Jem Prison.

"I guess the owner of this prison is named Jem."

Bly said to Susan.

Susan refused to comment on his nonsense and took Thirteen out of the car first.

Because they had communicated by phone in advance, someone was waiting for their arrival at the door.

The receptionist is a young white man with small glasses.

This guy looks weak and weak, and he doesn't know why he works in a place like a prison.

After all, the frequency of riots in prisons here in the United States is not low. The death rate of prison guards is comparable to that of street patrols. Various gangs are chaotic inside, there is a lot of smuggling business, and there is even a chicken pleading business. There is no distinction between black and white. It is not a safe place.

The bespectacled young man didn't say much. After confirming Brian's identity, he led them to the scene of the crime. However, the other party's eyes occasionally glanced at the thirteen or so men wearing police uniforms.

Faced with Brian's cliché, the other party did not reveal much information.

The prison here generally consists of a release area, a holding cell, a canteen, a work workshop (factory), a staff dormitory, a fence, a monitoring area, a medical logistics area, etc. If the prison is large, several additional areas will be arranged.

The characteristic is closed management.

Under the watchful eye of armed prison guards, a group of people passed through three gates before arriving at the prisoner detention building.

The overall structure here is similar to some electronics factories, with a honeycomb structure inside. In many places, you need to swipe your card to pass the gate. There are prison guards guarding each gate.

Go through these areas.

Brian and the others just arrived at a place that looked like a pig pen.

Forgive him for describing it this way, but it is true.

On both sides of the wide room, the passage in the middle connects the small single rooms separated by iron railings on both sides.

Each small single room has an iron bed with bunk beds, a small toilet, and about two square meters of open space. Some have wooden shelves with magazines and books on them, and some have photo frames. You can feel the breath of life just by looking at it.

The rooms are separated by cement walls, but in the rooms facing each other, you can see the passage and the prison opposite.

It was probably meal time, and there was no one in the cell, except for one cell that was opened.

When Brian and the others arrived, there was a prison guard dozing off leaning on the railings standing outside the cell.

Hearing the noise, the other party opened his eyes in confusion, looking stupidly at the three people and one dog who suddenly appeared in front of him: "Lil, what's wrong?"

The bespectacled young man was not surprised and pointed at Brian and the others behind him: "These are the detectives sent by the city to investigate the murder of Serad Bosworth. You can receive them next."

After saying that, he walked away quickly without giving the prison guard a chance to react.

Looking at his back, Susan wondered: "Why do I feel that he is a little resistant to contact with this case."

"Beauty, if you are willing to give me your contact information, maybe I can consider telling you..." The prison guard who stayed behind finally saw Susan's appearance clearly and started to talk.

The words are not finished yet.

He felt as if his mouth had been hit by a motorcycle. With splattered blood and broken teeth, it hit the iron railing hard and passed out without saying a word.

Susan took back the slender thighs she kicked out and looked at the dirt on her toes with disgust: "People here have really dirty mouths."

"The dentist will help him clean up the bad smell in his mouth. I hope he has purchased insurance in this regard."

Brian shrugged.

He was not a tauren, so Susan had struck first, otherwise he would have struck harder.

Without the prison guards left behind, there would be no guiding NPC at the beginning of the game.

However, the main mission is clear, so it does not affect Brian's investigation of the site.

Through the iron bars, he had already seen a corpse in the cell kneeling in front of the toilet, with his head stuffed into the toilet.

This should be the only place in the cell with some privacy.

The toilet was blocked with cloth, but the cloth was more than 20 centimeters above the ground to ensure that prisoners could use the toilet and prison guards could see each other.

At this time, the cloth had been pulled away, revealing the condition of the deceased.

Judging from the appearance, the body of the deceased was very strong. There were dark red and solidified blood stains under the body. The posture of the deceased was also very relaxed, as if he was attached to the toilet, which means that he died very simply and was not manipulated after his death. Pass.

It's not normal.

Prison guards have great authority within prisons.

Under normal circumstances, after they discover that a prisoner has died, their first reaction is to place the body on the ground, check the body's death injuries, and conduct their own investigation, instead of doing nothing.


Thinking of this, Brian looked at Susan: "Team leader, aren't you curious why the little glasses before seemed to resist contact with this case?"

Susan looked at her surroundings boredly and nodded: "Yes, but the one who can make a sound has already lied on the ground, and no one can give us an answer."

"No, no, no." Brian waved his finger:

“The situation at the scene has already told us the answer.

This is a very ordinary two-person room, which means that the deceased's status is just like that, but there are only traces of one person's life in the entire cell, which means that the identity of the deceased is somewhat special.

He is a member of the Aryan Brotherhood. Since he is not the boss, he is probably a relatively powerful thug, or a member of the prison gang in charge of business. "

"Can we still do business in prison?" Susan asked curiously.

She didn't know much about prison.

Brian nodded:

“Of course, the prison guards want to make money to support their families, and the prisoners in the prison also want to live a better life.

If there is demand, there will be transactions.

Cigarettes, bags of beer, radios, televisions, better private rooms, mobile phones, even women, all of which can be arranged if you have the money.

The little glasses just now should be the prison warden's assistant or the like. This kind of person knows more about the prison and will not show resistance just because of the death of a gang thug.

In addition, as soon as this man died, the prison was afraid of the Aryan Brotherhood and went out of its way to apply for assistance from our Los Angeles city. The answer has come out.

This seemingly strong deceased man should be a member of the Aryan Brotherhood who is responsible for selling contraband in this prison. He is not the boss, but his position is very important.

Because this is related to the living standards of members of the Aryan Brotherhood in prison, as well as the market share they occupy.

Prisoners are not loyal customers.

If you have something, you are God. If you don’t have something, you are just a piece of shit. They will immediately choose other channels to buy what they need. "

Susan: "..Abba"

She opened her mouth but didn't speak. She just felt that there were a lot of Brian Barabara, who looked very knowledgeable, had a wide range of knowledge, and was very intellectual.

Well, as soon as Brian saw Susan's reaction, he knew that this silly girl's single-threaded brain was stuck in something that required logical thinking.

He stopped talking nonsense, handed a camera to Susan, put on his gloves, and stepped forward to begin the autopsy examination.

The head of the corpse fell into the toilet, and half of the head was wet and submerged.

I don't know what was done to the toilet before, but there was still a large ball of white stuff soaked in it. It looked like soaked and soaked toilet paper, but it looked a little sticky, like a pot of rice cereal.

The deceased's head was covered in this stuff.

Brian's nose twitched twice, his eyes showing confusion.

Even if he didn't turn on the enhanced sense of smell, he could still smell a faint smell of chemical adhesive.

Keep this in mind.

Brian carefully lowered the body of the deceased to the ground.

No obvious injuries were found on the deceased's back, limbs and other parts. It was not until the deceased's body was laid flat on the cell space that a wound on the left chest appeared in front of the two men.

Susan holds the camera and takes pictures.

Seeing the wound, she said firmly: "This is a stab wound."

There was a two-finger-wide stab wound on the left chest of the deceased, which pierced the prison clothes of the deceased and dyed the area orange-red.

The blood stains on the ground should also flow from here.

Brian did not answer. He first opened the wound of the deceased with his fingers to check the depth of the wound. Then he carefully looked at the wound on the prison clothes before nodding: "It is indeed a knife wound, but it is not an ordinary knife, but a toilet paper wound." The knife, this is a suicide case."

Susan: "Huh?"

She said in a daze: "Toilet paper can also be used as a knife, and it can also pierce the fabric prison clothes and stab a person's heart?"

If it wasn't Brian who said this, she would definitely suspect that he was kidding her.

Brian pointed to the white rice cereal in the toilet:

"The people in prison are all talented people, and they are very good at making various weapons.

The more common one is a toothbrush.

The bottom of the toothbrush is sharpened to become an awl, which can easily penetrate the human body.

Use paper and washing powder to react with the toothbrush bristle position, and it will burn and melt. Then insert an iron piece, glue the melted plastic burrs to the iron piece, and polish it to become a throat-cutting knife.

Oh, and they can also make Molotov cocktails.

This is also one of the protagonists of every prison riot. The production process is also very simple. Just throw some fruits into a bottle, wait for them to rot to produce gas, plug it with a cloth strip, and a simple incendiary bomb is completed.

I remember that there was someone in prison who used the steel pipe of the iron bed to make a simple air-squeezing shotgun. Not only did he break the lock of the cell, he also hijacked a prison guard and escaped.

These are weapons. "

"Then toilet paper..."

Susan really couldn't figure out why soft toilet paper could be made into a knife to pierce people's bodies and clothes.

"This is the power of knowledge."

Brian explained:

"The properties of objects will undergo qualitative changes after being superimposed to a certain extent.

Similar to water guns and high-pressure water guns.

You won't even feel it when ordinary water guns hit people, but high-pressure water guns are very powerful cutting tools in industry, and the water lines they shoot out can even cut through steel.

The same goes for toilet paper.

If you wet them with water, and then use something like a wooden board to continuously compress them and fix them into the shape of a knife, stacking them layer by layer, and adding some adhesive.

After repeating dozens or hundreds of times, you can get a handful of paper Dagger.

This thing can be polished and polished into a weapon, and it can pass various security checks in the prison. It is small and concealed, and it is easy to get with toilet paper and adhesive.

The only disadvantage is that after using it once, it needs to be repaired again if it bleeds, so not many prisoners are willing to spend time making such a small gadget.

They prefer some simpler methods, such as stealing one or two iron plates from the cafeteria, breaking them into many small triangular iron pieces, wrapping them with cloth, which is equivalent to many weapons that are as powerful as real daggers. "

Brian explained it in detail, and this time Susan finally understood it.

She said thoughtfully: "So you suspect that the deceased made a paper dagger, knelt in front of the toilet and stabbed his heart, and then threw the paper dagger into the toilet to dissolve?"

"It's not suspicion, it's certain."

Brian pointed to the corridor outside: "There are surveillance cameras here, iron bars, and the door locks are also electronic + physical double locks. There are cells opposite that can directly see this side. The surrounding cells are separated by a non-soundproof concrete wall. Let alone the unknown murderer, even if it is a prison guard, it is difficult not to alert anyone, avoid surveillance, and then open the door to kill such a strong prisoner in front of the toilet. The only reason is suicide."

"Then why did he commit suicide, and then destroy the murder weapon and disguise it as a murder scene?"

Susan had new doubts.

Brian shrugged: "The prison only asked us to investigate the case, not to study the background of the deceased. It's enough to know that it was suicide, and leave the rest to them."

He actually wanted to take this opportunity to get in touch with the Aryan Brotherhood, but whether it can be done depends on fate.

Brian didn't force it.

At this moment, Thirteen, who had been sniffing around since entering here, seemed to have locked onto the target and called out towards the wall of the cell where the crime was discovered.

This wall was located behind the toilet and connected to the area outside the detention area.

Because Susan was present, Thirteen called out this time using the Morse code frequency.

Translated, it means: something.

Something is hidden in the wall.

Brian went forward and touched the wall, but found nothing unusual.

This is just an ordinary cement wall connected to another area.

However, the little glasses who led the way did not introduce it, and they did not know what was over there.

"Thirteen has a good nose, ask the prison staff to come and tear down the wall."

Brian said to Susan.

Susan nodded and took out her cell phone.

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