You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 210 The truth about suicide

The person who came was the little glasses who had brought Brian and his dog in before. His name was Lil.

After receiving Susan's call, Lil was the only one who came. There were no helpers or tools.

Lil didn't expect to be called again.

He said with some displeasure: "Tear down the wall?"

"Yes, we suspect there is something else in the wall." Brian didn't care about the other party's tone and his expression was flat.

"No, this won't work. We don't have the right tools. By the way, where is Boram?" Lil's words were no longer as gentle as when they first met.

Just as Brian said before.

They are two different systems, not only private prisons, but strictly speaking, they are only subordinate cooperative units of the Ministry of Justice system, and most of the time they are not connected with Brian's NW police system.

He didn't give face to Brian and the other two in front of him.

Seeing this, Susan kicked the iron railing unhappily and pointed to the corner: "If the Boram you are talking about is this prison guard, he paid a price for his verbal teasing."

Lille looked in the direction Susan pointed in a daze.

When he saw his colleague who had gained weight, his head tilted back, and his mouth full of blood lying on the ground, he was a little confused.

He had just left for a while, why did this man and woman attack the prison guard?

Before he could react, the passage in front of him was blocked by the tall and strong Brian.

He grinned at the little glasses Lille: "Tell me, what is the situation of this case? It's not clear. After we deal with you, we will leave directly. If you have the guts, send someone to Los Angeles to cause trouble for us!"

Susan liked this tune very much, and then patted the double guns on her waist.

Thirteen also grinned.

A man, a woman and a dog blocked poor Lille in the passage.

His little head was a little confused for a while. People from Los Angeles do things so wildly and unruly?

This is obviously a prison, their territory, why do they feel that the locals have become the vulnerable group?

Looking at the two revolvers on the waists of the tall and strong Brian and Susan, Lil swallowed his saliva.

His face no longer had the previous impatient expression, and his voice was much softer: "Don't be like this, man, I'm just an errand boy. If you have any questions, you can contact our warden. I don't know anything."

Brian shook his head: "It's too troublesome. If you don't know the situation, you can only count it as bad luck."

As he said, he rolled up his sleeves and pretended to take action.

Lil raised his hands in surrender: "I don't know the specific situation, but I have heard a legend before, that is, when Jem Prison was first established, many people died. It seems that a prisoner was wrongly imprisoned, and his wife and daughter were "sharply murdered". As a result, he became the murderer of his wife and daughter and was prosecuted and entered Jem Prison. Finally, he hanged himself in this cell. Before he died, he wrote a line of blood on the ground."

"Are you telling a supernatural story?"

Brian looked at the other person like a sand coin.

This is just a suicide case, what nonsense.

If it is a supernatural case, with his vigorous blood, the male ghost will be roasted to death and the female ghost will be shaken away directly, without any indulgence.

Susan likes to listen to these little stories.

She glared at Brian, then said to Lille: "Go on, what did that man write?"

Lille spread his hands:

"There are many opinions. Some say he wrote a declaration of revenge, some say he wrote a confession

After I joined the job, I saw that this cell had been empty, and I learned about this rumor after asking.

I curiously asked the oldest prison guard in the prison, and he told me that the story was true. As for the bloody words written by the suicidal prisoner, there was only one line: I saw my wife and daughter, and they missed me.

In fact, it was not only the other party. After that, seven or eight prisoners were locked up in this cell one after another. As a result, none of them survived for half a month. They all died. They all committed suicide. The prisoners living on both sides of this room did not hear any special noises and were not affected."

"So you know that this prisoner committed suicide?"

Brian frowned slightly.

Isn't this a joke?

Lil nodded helplessly:

"Yes, it was suicide, the traces were obvious, the prisoner Serad Bosworth should have used a paper knife to commit suicide, his brothers recognized the things in the toilet, but they didn't believe it.

They thought that it was the Crips, another gang in the prison, who teamed up with the prison guards to kill Serad Bosworth.

So it has been a big fuss.

Serad Bosworth is a backbone of the Aryan Brotherhood.

After he was imprisoned, he was responsible for the channel arrangement and sale of some smuggled goods in Jem Prison.

The reason why he chose this time The reason why he chose to live in the famous suicide cell in Jem Prison was because the Aryan Brotherhood and the Crips had a dispute over smuggling.

They had quarreled several times, and the warden was very angry. He talked to their boss in the prison. Finally, the two sides agreed that as long as Sierra Bosworth could live in this cell safely for a month, the Crips would give up the latest smuggling channels to the Aryan Brotherhood.

As a result, Sierra Bosworth died less than two weeks after he moved in, killed by his own paper knife.

After the incident.

The warden also specially obtained the channel surveillance to show to members of the Aryan Brotherhood. As a result, they believed that the surveillance was fake.

Everyone knows that they are simply unwilling to give up several new smuggling channels that are of great benefit, but there is no way. The Aryan Brotherhood is too powerful and cannot be offended by our Jem Prison. In the end, the warden just wanted to take advantage of the situation. Reported. "

Lille is a smart man and knows that for people who don't follow the rules, the result of their nonsense is that they still have to say it after being beaten.

He didn't have a very tough mouth, so he chose to skip the beating part and just talk about it.

After listening to Lear's words, Susan was a little surprised: "As jailers, you are actually afraid of a gang?"

It sounds ridiculous that officials are afraid of thieves.

At least Susan had never seen a criminal speak harshly in front of her.

Because he was so stubborn, he could only drink porridge in the end.

Lear was even more helpless: "I don't know if you have heard of the Aryan Brotherhood. This is a gang of white prisoners. They are found in many prisons across the federal government. They are very united and are almost one of the largest gang forces. Many prison guards do not Dare to mess with them, after all, although these prisoners are in prison, they still have their people outside. They are just eating together and don’t want to get together with the whole family in the sea. "

Mature gangs, after the chaotic development of the last century, have kept up with the progress of the times. They not only maintain professional lawyers, but also upgrade and iterate various methods. They kill people and wipe out families without fear of police investigation.

Brainless gangs last only a short time and cannot achieve much.

Relatively speaking.

If people in the prison mess around, complaining + selling off + buying the newspaper, and finally spend a little more money to invite people to sit outside the prison to protest, it will be very troublesome. Even if the trouble is solved, the prison's business will be lost in the end.

No one has trouble with money.

This is a very simple truth.

Faced with Leer's statement, Susan was speechless.

NW is just a special case. In fact, under the restrictions of regulations and the rise of various human rights slogans, the work of the police has become increasingly difficult, and internal complaints have become more and more serious.

If law enforcement is not violent enough, you may be shot by criminals.

If it is violent enough, all kinds of public opinion will hold you accountable.

This has also led to the current police becoming more and more Buddhist in dealing with criminal incidents.

The Los Angeles Police Department handed over all homicide cases to the NW Operations Department and gave the NW Operations Department such wide authority. In addition to discovering the crimes of aberrants as soon as possible, it was also for this reason.

Brian didn't care about Lille's misfortune.

He turned his gaze to the wall where Thirteen had noticed the abnormality before, and suddenly said: "You talk so much nonsense, and you haven't explained why you are so resistant to us demolishing the wall!"

Lear looked panicked and explained: "I just think it's too troublesome."

Brian shook his head: "The stupidest thing you can do is to report it. This matter is no longer just an internal matter of your Jem prison, but a matter of our B6 group. If you are unwilling to speak out, I will suggest Conduct a review of criminal activity in your prisons.”

Hearing this, Lille sighed and took out his mobile phone: "Let me contact the warden."

As he said that, he looked at Brian eagerly.

Brian nodded and got out of the way.

After he left, Brian immediately said to Susan: "Team leader, take Thirteen and stay away."

Susan wondered: "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to open the wall. Aren't you curious about what's in the wall?"

Brian grinned, re-entered the cell, and placed his hands on the iron bed frame.

next moment.

With two loud bangs, Brian tore off the welded iron pipe.

Seeing this, Susan smiled and said, "Brian, you don't want to use a small iron pipe to dig and dig. Don't waste your time. No normal person would do this."

"But are we normal people?"

Brian didn't look back.

Under Susan's curious eyes, he placed the broken iron pipe in the palm of his right hand, and then used brute force to use the iron pipe as a fighting cloth, wrapping it around the palm and fist of his right hand.

Soon, a simple iron fist glove was made.

Susan's eyes were filled with mist.

What a strong man.

What a strong body!

She had taken the Troll reagent from London to strengthen her whole body muscles. After absorbing all of it, her maximum strength was only about 400 kilograms, and she could not be as brutal and violent as Brian.

Brian took a deep breath and punched hard.

When the punch hit, the cement wall shook slightly, but it remained motionless except for some falling debris.

Brian's muscles seemed to be surging with water. He easily relieved the force of the shock and punched again.

Punch after punch.

As he became familiar with the rhythm of the counter-shock, Brian could even use the power of the counter-shock to continuously increase the power and speed of his punches. Finally, they turned into countless afterimages, like a pile driver, and the shadows of his fists were vented in the pitiful and helpless body like a violent storm. On top of the cement wall.

Dong dong dong~

Under Brian's wild and violent fists, countless pieces of cement fell, and the speed was like a dam bursting. The gap was getting wider and wider, and the entire prison cell made a continuous thump like an earthquake. Absolutely.

Lille took his mobile phone and several prison guards with guns, and rushed in in panic. Seeing this scene, they all froze in place.

Is this a fucking human?

Seeing Brian violently destroying the cement wall like a walking King Kong, and the cement debris falling down, they even wondered if it was a wall made of flour.

Only the constant vibrations from the ground and the exaggerated afterimage of the fist that could not be seen clearly told them clearly that the tall man in a suit in front of them was really inhuman.


After another punch, Brian's face changed slightly and he stopped moving.

He frowned and looked at the 'iron fist glove' on his right hand.

This glove made of iron pipes has become flat as a whole, with the fist marks protruding, and there is a clear dent and tear in the middle, which has been directly cracked by dryness.

This didn't hit a steel bar, but a metal corner.

Inside the wall, in a pit covered with spider web cracks, a white and silver metal horn was revealed, with some scratches on it, which were the marks caused by Brian's punch.

There is really something inside the wall, it's a metal box!

More than half an hour later.

The young warden of Jem Prison watched with twitching eyes as Brian lowered his head, kneading and playing with the 'iron piece' in his hand.

This action is very similar to his grandmother's action of kneading flour to bake cookies.

The problem is iron!


He had heard some legends about inhuman monsters before, but he didn't expect that a kick of a ball would actually attract such a monster.

His attitude was gentle, even a little humble: "I am the warden here and the second warden of Jem Prison. The one before me was my grandfather. I..."

“Our time is precious, let’s get to the point!”

Brian casually threw the iron balls rolled into balls on the opponent's table.

Susan held Thirteen in her arms while eating melon and watching the show without saying a word.

She liked Brian very much and found him very attractive.

The warden took out a tissue and wiped his forehead:

“I’m sorry, mainly because I just found out about this matter.

I called my grandfather and explained the situation. He hesitated for a long time before telling me that this was arranged by a person called Blacklight Biotechnology Company. It seemed to be some kind of experiment.

After seven or eight prisoners died, the experiment ended, so my grandfather did not arrange for any more prisoners to move in. In addition, the Black Light Biotechnology Company did not recycle the metal box, so this later incident was forgotten by my grandfather. . "

Hearing this, Brian frowned.

Why is it this Blacklight Biotechnology Company again?

He glanced at Susan, who also had confusion on her face.

It can be seen that she is not very clear about the company formed by this NW person.

What happened is clear.

The box involved an experiment. As a result, two gangsters in the prison made a bet in order to seize the prison's smuggling channels. The young warden did not know about his grandfather's previous arrangement, so he did not stop it, which resulted in the death of someone.

To avoid the pressure of the Aryan Brotherhood.

The warden, who had not been in prison for long, kicked the ball directly to the Los Angeles City Bureau.

This is actually a very stupid approach.

Because the other party did not see clearly that the core of the matter was smuggling interests, not the truth.

He is simply doing useless work.

Taking the metal box they got, Brian, the two of them and the dog, drove back to the city.

Knowing the truth of the matter, Brian no longer had the opportunity to contact the Aryan Brotherhood.

Susan was playing with the box: "Is this the thing that causes people to commit suicide?"

Brian held the steering wheel with one hand and held a cigarette in the other: "Susan, have you heard about the origins of Blacklight Biotechnology Company?"

Susan shook her head: "I don't know. I rarely pay attention to these things, but if the other party can contact the prison, they must have official connections. Otherwise, there is no way to influence the decision of the Ministry of Justice and let Jem Prison get the quota."

Brian put out the cigarette butt, threw it away without any sense of ethics, and nodded: "I have contacted them twice before. They were formed by some people in the NW organization. As for the situation of this box, I estimate that it will be solved when we arrive in the city. Someone from them contacted us.”

Susan put the box down and looked at Brian: "What are you going to do?"

"I want hush money."

Brian added: "Hush money for two people and one dog!"

Thirteen wagged his tail and studied the big dog's attitude seriously.

Some things are right.

The words and deeds of adults often affect children's future work style.

Thirteen is an example.

Just as Brian expected.

After arriving in the city.

The unknown phone call came on time.

This shows that Blacklight Company has a very good intelligence system.

Based on communication.

Brian drove to a gas station.

A man carrying a box was waiting outside the gas station.

The moment he parked the car, the originally lazy Thirteen's ears suddenly stood up, and his dog's face became a little reserved. He shouted to Brian: "Wangwang~ (big dog, so fierce~)"

It's dangerous to come.

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