You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 211: Contents of the Box, Compensation (Compensation)

Thirteen is a weak dog, but he has a keen sense of danger. Almost every warning has something.

Brian was immediately on guard.

After he got out of the car, he blocked Susan behind him, took off the box from the other person's hand, and raised it to signal to the man.

The man remained silent, carrying the box forward, swinging it to the front of the car and opening it.

A blast of cold air leaked out.

This is a freezer with three green reagents placed inside, which look a little reflective and evil.

"The three combat soldiers are equipped with cell activation reagents as standard. The effect varies from person to person. It can increase the upper limit of the human body to a certain extent. This is the greatest sincerity of our biological black light company. Give me the stuff."

The man said these words with a cold expression, as if he was reciting lines.

Brian waved the box in his hand and chuckled: "What's in here?"

The man glanced at him and said coldly: "The more you know, the more dangerous you are."

"Okay, you take these reagents away, and I will take your experiment box back. Then we will find a few media outlets to report on your company's experiments on citizens." The smile on Brian's face disappeared. A good look on his face.

next moment.

The whistling punch hit Brian and Susan's faces, blowing their hair back.

The man's fist stopped in front of Brian's face.

The three pistols were aimed at the man's heart, throat and head in tacit agreement.

Thirteen was stunned.

He started immediately.

Then it immediately reacted and bared its teeth, but because its legs were too short, it had to aim at the man's Wolong Valley position. It seemed that if it was wrong, the man would lose his good brother who had been with him for many years.

"Come on, why don't you knock down your fist?"

Brian pushed the man's head with his gun: "Do you think I dare to shoot?"

In the distance, several gas station employees saw this, looked at each other helplessly, went inside, took out barricades, and blocked the small road outside to prevent outside vehicles from entering.

"This isn't fun."

The man was not afraid of the threat of two people and one dog: "You have a bright future, and it is only a smart person to gain the friendship of Blacklight Biotechnology."

Brian shook his head again: "We are just short-sighted people, so tell us what is in the box!"

He had promised Susan that he would satisfy her curiosity, and he would do so.

The main reason is that he is also curious about what is inside so that he can be prepared in the future.

There was a moment of silence.

The man put away his fists and said to his collar: "Plan A fails, I will start Plan B."

As he said that, he looked at the two of them again: "Forget the confidentiality agreement, you won't want to know the results. The thing in the box is called the Portata Band Reflectometer, but internal staff prefer to call it this thing. For a brainwashing machine.”

"Brainwashing machine?"

Susan acted like a gun girl and put the gun back: "Is it like a brainwashing machine invented by some evil scientists?"

The man nodded:

“Almost the same, but a lot different.

This is a machine we developed after more than thirty years of research on a deformed person with hypnotic abilities.

It can emit a special wave band.

This kind of wave band can carry information. Creatures that have been instilled with this kind of information for a long time will develop in the direction expected by the information. However, this kind of information, we can only control very little in the direction, and it is all negative information. "

Susan curled her lips in disgust.

This stuff sounds disgusting.

Brian was lost in thought.

Why does the effect of this thing sound so much like a biological force field, or a pheromone transmitting information?

He looked at Thirteen.

Thirteen times with clear and simple eyes.

It didn't understand the meaning in Brian's gaze.


He continued to ask some questions in an attempt to know more, but the man stopped talking.

He said that he was just a field worker and didn't know much.

These things were still information revealed to him by the company's Plan B.

When the company heard that it was Brian and Susan, their heads hurt terribly. They knew that these two people were not easy to deal with, so they formulated Plan B.

"Is there a plan C?"

Brian asked curiously.

The man nodded: "I am Plan C. I will kill you or be killed by you. After that, there will be negotiations between Blacklight Biotechnology and the Adams Family."

"What about me?" Brian felt that he was being slighted: "Kill me, aren't you afraid of being held accountable by the NW Operations Department?"

"Your greatest value is yourself. A dead talent is no longer a talent. You have no relatives, friends, or family. Just do some formalism and give enough face to the operations department."

A voice came from the man's collar.

This voice sounded familiar to Brian.

A name immediately came to his mind: Benjamin.

Benjamin was the person in charge of the previous Alice's Secret Garden experiment. Because of this, he met Brian in a square.

"It turns out to be Researcher Benjamin." Brian chuckled at the man's collar: "If you are not busy solving the problem of the two small tentacles on your back, and you are still working so hard, I hope that one day I will not be called upon to eliminate you. Alien mission."

This bitch actually dares to threaten me!

Brian doesn't take it easy.

As the saying goes, adding salt to the wound and adding insult to injury, he is very skilled at doing this.

On the other end of the communication, Benjamin broke the defense.

How does this guy know his situation?

Seeing that he was silent and pretending to be dead, Brian gave it up and handed the silver box in his hand to the man in front of him: "Okay, man, we won't make it difficult for you, just take it back and deliver it. I hope this thing, There won’t be a day when you combat field officers will be of use.”

"Go away, you despicable low-class man, half-breed animal, greedy and shameless robber"

Benjamin on the other end of the communication broke through the defense again.

Brian, this bastard, still wants to stir up dissension after extorting money. He is simply a beast among beasts. But he is still one of his own and cannot do anything casually.

If his body hadn't been modified, Benjamin suspected that he would be so angry at this beast that he would suffer from brain congestion! ! !

The man took the box, moved it towards Brian's lips, and silently mouthed: Thank you, be careful of Benjamin.

Brian nodded and watched the other party leave.

"What did he just say?"

After the others left, Susan grabbed the box containing three reagents and asked Brian curiously.

Brian shrugged: "He complimented my girlfriend on how beautiful she is."

Susan nodded and said seriously: "Although anyone with eyes can see it, he is very honest."

It's just that she couldn't restrain the corners of her mouth from turning up, which showed that she was still enjoying it.

It's getting late.

Brian prepared to drive back to the office building.

His motorcycle was still parked there.

The roadblocks on the gas station trail have been taken back by staff.

This gas station is obviously also an industry of the Black Light Biotechnology Company, and it is still very internal.

In the car, Susan played with a green reagent: "Brian, I have never heard of this model of reagent. I need to take it back and ask first to make sure there is no problem."

"Okay, when the time comes, you will have two and Thirteen will have one."

Brian said unconcernedly.

This thing is unlikely to be useful to him, otherwise the number of second-level combat staff within NW would not be so small.

If there is no problem with the reagent, he is going to take this opportunity to pour the 'original blood' harvested in London last time into Susan's body.

Susan was a little surprised by Brian's decision: "Brian, are you sure? This is compensation. You can sell it. This is not merit within the organization, and the price will not be low."

"It's not necessary. If you are short of money, you can think of other ways, but money may not be able to buy these uncirculated reagents."

"You are so generous. The reagents you spent on Thirteen are already higher than the family investment received by many team leaders. They will probably be furious when they find out."

Susan felt funny when she thought about this scene.

"I promised Thirteen's mother that I would take good care of it and share the good things together."

Brian habitually brainwashed in front of Thirteen, and then lit a cigarette: "By the way, team leader, you have time to find your father and ask about Blacklight Biotechnology Company. I feel that Benjamin's attitude towards me is a little bit... Something's wrong."


Susan nodded, but decided to add insult to injury and file a complaint with her father, saying that Benjamin threatened and bullied her!

Arrive at the B6 office building.

Except for the security guards, there is no one here anymore.

Before parting, Brian found an opportunity to take Thirteen aside: "What did you feel when you smelled that silver box before?"

After getting the box, he also turned on the enhanced olfactory perception, but found nothing unusual.

Thirteen licked his nose: "Wangwangwang~ (I was very scared when I thought of that big mouse, and then I smelled the special smell of the wall~)"

Hearing this, Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that it really relies on the method of producing pheromone-like substances.

If it was brainwave hypnosis, he would really have a headache. After all, this thing is too science fiction.

Brian's only understanding of this thing was probably the hypnosis series in some Japanese dramas in his previous life. It was beyond his understanding, and he didn't know how to deal with or defend against it.


Susan clicked the horn: "Brian, please return Thirteen quickly. Now I can't sleep without it every day!"

"Know it!"

Brian suddenly thought that he could not sleep alone every day, but Thirteen was sleeping with his woman every day, and his eyes gradually became dangerous.

Before he could do anything, Thirteen suddenly felt a chill in his butt and looked at Brian with his big innocent eyes.

"Forget it, why bother competing with a dog?"

Brian felt ashamed and motioned Thirteen to go back to the car.

After returning to the apartment.

He immediately checked the age at which dogs can be neutered

the other side.

An ordinary pharmaceutical company's scientific research office.

After Benjamin finished checking the silver box in his hand, he nodded and said to the man who had interacted with Brian before: "No problem, it's the 'Devil's Whispers' No. 13. Let's arrange for someone to find a suitable location to implant it again."

The man silently picked up the box again, turned and left.

Looking at his back, a dangerous light flashed in Benjamin's eyes.

After thinking for a long time, he finally gave up the idea of ​​transferring this combat unit.

This time I had the opportunity to go out in the field and move from the shadows to the bright side, thanks to the fact that a stupid person in charge committed suicide for a woman.

There isn't much power that I can mobilize at the moment.

Just one sentence may not have an impact on this kind of combat weapon that has been brainwashed since childhood.

This is Brian...

Benjamin didn't know if he was born to be unable to deal with this beast, and he had secretly suffered losses at the opponent's hands several times.

If it hadn't been for investigation and found that it was indeed a coincidence, he would have suspected that Brian, whom he had never met before, was completely targeting himself and Blacklight Biotechnology.

"The other party has taken the 'Primordial Blood'. If I can obtain the other party's serum, it may be able to alleviate my out-of-control state. My status is too low to obtain this rare reagent from European channels. , I can only think of a way on my own..."

Sitting in the empty research room, Benjamin tapped on the table.

But before that, he planned to keep Brian busy so as not to make him feel sick again.

at this time.

The watch on Benjamin's wrist sounded a rapid alarm.

Benjamin's face darkened.

He silently took off his coat.

next moment.

Under the light of the research room, in the reflection on the wall, shadows emerged uncontrollably and danced in the void, seeming to be cheering that they were once again freed from bondage.

Wake up from sleep.

Brian got up early to clean himself up.

He first put on a slightly coquettish little chest-baring suit, put on a blond wig, and light blue contact lenses. Then there was a clicking sound of bones squirming and colliding in his body, and the muscles on his body squirmed and changed.

After several adjustments, a handsome blond man with a height of about 1.78 meters and a straight face appeared in front of the mirror.

This process is actually not pleasant and very painful.

The bones of the human body are rubbing together all the time.

The reason why people don't feel it at ordinary times is because the body continuously secretes a kind of pain-relieving biological hormone, which offsets the body's perception of this friction pain.

Most animals have similar structures.

The reason why addicts, especially those who take chemical drugs, are difficult to cut off is that in addition to being psychologically addicted, their bodies have lost the function of secreting hormones due to the influence of chemical drugs. This is also a very important factor. .

Let's imagine.

No matter whether they move or not, they feel like there are ants crawling all over their bodies, and there are constant pain, stinging, and other discomforts coming from them. The only solution is to take another bite. Who can withstand this?

Brian didn't even have the confidence to withstand that kind of torture.

A similar situation will occur when he changes his body shape.

Fortunately, he can also control the secretion of pheromones in the body, which allows the body to quickly adjust the secretion of subtle substances in the body according to changes to avoid physical discomfort.

Do it all.

Brian took the script and went out.

When he went out, his previous neighbor happened to be smoking on the balcony and witnessed all this.

See it.

He gasped.

FK, my handsome neighbor, no wonder no women have come to my door recently, it turns out this guy has changed his taste!

The neighbor couldn't help but tighten her anus when he thought about how he greeted him warmly last time.

He's moving!

Busy two days in a row.

As a responsible man, in order to ensure the quality of the film, he took the trouble to guide the actress's movements, expressions, and postures.

But this kind of thing only has so much connotation.

For quick shooting, it generally depends on the condition of the actor and the shooting time. Most of the time, it is calculated by the hour.

The editing time is more than ten times the shooting time.

Brian has a lot of energy.

He had been abstinent for a long time.

Actresses and supporting actresses couldn't stand it.

In short, two days later, Brian finally finished his first sea work.

The hero's name is Bob.

Well, Brian has nothing to do with him, just a friend of his.

A specialized company was responsible for the film's subsequent promotion and disc sales. Brian was very generous and made many requests while also promising to give the proceeds to all the actors and staff.

This made everyone work very hard, and they had no objection to his requirements at all.

The male and female protagonists are both good-looking and have good temperaments, and the plot is so sexy that there is no reason why they would be so popular.

This is not one of those big movies, but an action movie that is loved by both men and women. It will never go out of style. It’s just a matter of making more money or less.

Returning to the apartment, Brian was surprised to find that his neighbor was missing.

During the two days I was away, my neighbor moved.

The neighbor who almost appeared on the show Where Are We Going, Dad?

"It's not like I didn't handle the previous matters well and ran away."

Brian was a little reluctant.

This neighbor is quite nice and doesn't bother people at ordinary times. At most, he envies me for bringing a woman back to his apartment from time to time, and will remind him of any trouble.

After sighing with emotion, Teacher Brian, who had been busy for two days and two nights, was not tired at all. He whistled and started to maintain his car.

the next day.

He came to the company to work in high spirits, but saw Old Harden looking at the printed form in his hand with a dark face as if he had been jumped by an immortal.

"What's this?"

Brian asked curiously.

"Annual Appraisal Form."

Old Harden waved the printed sheet in his hand: "Christmas is coming, and the NW Operations Department hopes that our team will take on more cases to reduce social risks and maintain the image of public security in the Los Angeles metropolitan area."

"That sounds weird."

Brian used to work in the Forensic Bureau, and he only knew that during holidays, the front line would be very busy.

Old Harden shrugged: "It's really strange. After all, the public security is already very bad now. This notice is more like asking us to dress up a prostitute beautifully so that outsiders won't laugh at her identity as a prostitute."

Susan is probably still dealing with the three reagents before, so she didn't come to work today.

Brian was busy as a dog.

In the morning, he went out three times...

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