You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 212 Collection of Strange Cases, the Fourth Case

At noon, Brian didn't have time to eat, so he rushed to the scene of the fourth case with his assistant Thom.

The first three cases.

The first case was a shooting case between a husband and wife. It was an outrageous crime. It was simply because the husband secretly took ugly photos of his wife while she was sleeping. Afterwards, the wife pointed a gun at her head and asked to delete them.

The husband thought his wife was joking and wanted to post it on social media.

With a gunshot, the unlucky man ended his absurd life.

In this kind of case, the murderer and the victim are clear at a glance. A brief look at the scene is enough. Even the autopsy can be directly handed over to Thom.

The second case was a home invasion and robbery.

A 13-year-old newspaper delivery boy fell in love with a racing car model, but he didn't have enough savings and his parents didn't agree with the extra cost of a few hundred dollars. So he called his attention to the house of the old lady he often delivered newspapers to.

Well... the deceased was not the old lady, but the boy delivering the newspaper.

When the old lady heard the noise, she thought there was a thief in the house. The moment the man came out of the bedroom, she directly pulled the trigger of the double-barreled shotgun, sending the little boy flying more than one meter. He died in a very uneasy manner.

In this case, there is surveillance in the living room as evidence. The case is clear and clear. In addition, the victim is old, so the handling method is not a big problem.

The child died in vain.

This kind of autopsy can be done perfunctorily, but Brian is going to leave it to his assistant Thom to practice.

The third case is even more outrageous.

When Brian and the others arrived, a giant teddy was dragging the body of the mistress around, feeling nervous. The reason why it was dragging was because they had established some kind of negative distance contact.

Things like dogs have unique biological organs.

The little bird of a male dog has its own bones.

This also leads to a relatively long breeding time for dogs, usually between more than 20 minutes to half an hour, and when they engage in mating behavior, there will be a 'locking' phenomenon, that is, before it is over, then The thing will get stuck and won't come out.

The cause of this case is also very simple.

The mistress was dissatisfied with her husband's middle-aged inability to do what he wanted, and was unwilling to give up the superior life provided by her husband. She also didn't want to cheat on him, so after reading some weird posts on the Internet, she spent a lot of money to buy a giant teddy.

When this thing grows up, it may be larger than some Tibetan mastiffs, easy to use and obedient.

Originally this was nothing.

As a result, the woman's husband felt that his resentful wife had been glowing every day recently, so he suspected that she was having an affair and ordered takeout. However, looking at the surveillance camera at home, he found that his wife stayed at home most of the time.

The probability of cheating is very difficult.

He just gave up the act of catching the adulterer so as not to hurt the relationship between the couple.

Today, a man brought his colleagues to a party at home. He called his wife in advance to prepare something, but no one answered the phone. He simply went back with them. As soon as he entered the living room, he heard the angry voice coming from the bedroom. Then, the man kicked open the bedroom door.

The woman committed suicide.

If only her husband were present, she would still be embarrassed to explain her difficulties. As a result, in addition to her husband, there are also a circle of her husband's colleagues present. This is still a wealthy community, and they are all decent people.

So the hostess dragged the snarling dog, took the gun, and shot her jaw open.

The bullet accurately penetrated the woman's brain.

The other party left peacefully.

The only person injured was her husband.

When Brian and the others arrived, the other party was still looking at the teddy in a daze. He didn't know whether it was because he felt uncomfortable because he had been fucked by a dog, or because he felt that he had lost all face.

However, Brian guessed that this guy would not bring anyone home casually in the future.

"What are these things..."

Thom flicked his cigarette ashes out of the car window tiredly.

He used to be a police officer, a forensic scene investigator, and now Brian's coroner's assistant. He has seen a lot, but there were three weird cases in the morning. Although the cases were all simple, he still felt tired. .

Thom rarely made so many field trips in one go.

"Old Harden said that the headquarters has issued an annual assessment notice, and since Christmas is approaching, our team has performed very well, so we will be very busy recently."

Brian explained casually.

With his current physique and mental strength, he can do this kind of daily work for four or five days without taking a break. He can be called an evolved beast.

Tom shook his head and said no more.

Life is not easy, but he can persist because of his high income.

On the way, Brian stopped by a drive-in and ordered seven snacks.

"so much?"

Tom was a little surprised.

These fast food restaurants are typical cow and horse fast food, with large portions, thick meat, lots of sugar, and explosive energy. Most people may not be able to finish one portion, but Brian bought seven portions.

"This is a side effect of strengthening the body. The stronger the body, the more energy it consumes. The organization has special energy bars, but I have been a little poor recently, and those energy bars taste terrible, so I still prefer to eat normal things. "

Brian gave Thom some information.

With his current strength, if he still has merit points in the future, he can sell them to his colleagues cheaply.

Hello everyone, this is really good.

In this regard, after Brian met his own needs, he was still very generous to his own people.

Tom drooled with envy.

He also wanted to strengthen himself, otherwise, with his current body, he would lose half his life every time he had sex. Even if a girl offered herself to him, he didn't dare to accept her. He had been abstinent for many years.

After a while, two young and beautiful girls came over on roller skates.

Seeing Brian, the two girls' eyes lit up, but they didn't chat with him. They ran away quickly, and they didn't even wonder why they ordered so much.

Tom looked at the backs of the two girls with good figures with some envy: "Why do I feel that the quality of waiters in these fast food restaurants is good recently, and the proportion of female waiters is also high."

"These two are part-time workers."

Brian took out the food in the bag and ate it in big mouthfuls.

"It's normal to work part-time. Many people like to work odd jobs in fast food restaurants. The checkout is fast and they don't need to think. I guess they just graduated from high school not long ago."

Tom drove the corpse transporter to the side.

This type of car is used by many funeral homes, which is why the two girls ran away quickly.

The dead industry is not very popular in any country.

Brian shook his head: "I'm not talking about part-time work, but that aspect. If you're willing to spend a little more money just now, you should be able to do some pre-meal exercises."

With his supercomputing perception + eagle eyes + extensive memory, he saw the wet wipes and small umbrella packaging boxes on the waists of the two waitresses at a glance.

This is a typical must-have item for practitioners.

The recent deterioration of public security has affected the global economy, and the biggest impact is still maritime trade. Many transport ships have had accidents in the open sea, and a large number of ship bosses and insurance companies have gone bankrupt.

From point to surface.

Now the impact of the third blood moon is gradually emerging.

Transportation costs will eventually be passed on to civilians.

The increase in costs will affect the income of all walks of life. The final result is that many small and medium-sized enterprises will go bankrupt, jobs will drop rapidly, and the cost of living will increase. If it is not controlled, it will be an economic crisis.

Every time this happens, the first ones to be killed are mostly working women, most of whom can't win over men.

There is no so-called dismissal compensation in America.

If you are told to get out, you have to get out.

This also led to many single women who were burdened with mortgages and other pressures and had no habit of saving. In order not to become untrustworthy people, they finally fell into the lowest level of the society and could only do things that they had never considered before.

When Brian went to shoot a film before, he found that the number of women applying for the job there was frightening.

Tom found it difficult to accept Brian's statement.

In his opinion, the two girls looked only 18 or 19 years old, and they were in their prime. How could they be engaged in such a profession?

The contrast was too great.

As a result, before he could say anything, he saw a girl in fast food restaurant clothes delivering the meal to the car in front. She did not leave in a hurry, but leaned over the driver's window and said something, and then got in the car.


The car drove to the dining parking space and pulled down the built-in sunshade curtain.


He was a somewhat traditional person. Seeing this kind of thing, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart and could only lower his head to eat.

After eating.

The car set sail again.

The fourth case was a shooting case in a convenience store.

Someone robbed a remote convenience store and shot the poor clerk when leaving.

It was already past one in the afternoon when we arrived.

More than two hours had passed since the crime.

The patrolmen had put up banners outside the convenience store, and there was an insurance company car parked outside.

"Bryan, the coroner!"

The two patrolmen greeted him enthusiastically when they saw that it was Brian.

After three months of operation, there is a legend in the community police station that if the case you assist in handling is handled by Brian, you can get an extra bonus this month.

At present, the case-solving rate of this coroner is 100%, and it is fast and efficient. He is willing to share the credit for the case report and has never forgotten to mention these hard-working patrolmen.

The money is not much, but I feel comfortable.

People admire the strong, and here they admire the strong even more.

This also led to Brian's good reputation among the bottom patrolmen in the police district.

Brian politely greeted the two and asked about the case.

In fact, he was surprised when he saw the address of this convenience store.

There are no big communities around, only small roads, so there is not much business.

The reason is very simple.

In most states of the United States, the prices of goods in convenience stores are more expensive than supermarkets. They are generally for emergency purchases by community residents and are not suitable for wholesale.

If they are not opened in the community, it is difficult to guarantee profitability.

This is also why in many American dramas, the male and female protagonists have a full cart when they go shopping.

This kind of large shopping is to buy food for one or two weeks at a time, which is more affordable and convenient to use some discount coupons. Even some housewives who are thrifty can rely on these discount coupons to buy things without spending money, and can also make money.

Facing Brian's inquiry, the two patrolmen looked embarrassed: "We don't know much information, but the owner of the convenience store is here, Brian, you can ask him."

As they said, they pointed to a middle-aged Chinese who was arguing with a man in a suit.

Brian nodded, thanked the two, and asked Tom to ask, and he walked into the convenience store.

The convenience store is not big, only about 40 square meters, and the goods on display are also some commonly used goods, but there are a lot of Chinese dishes.

Some of them are still Brian's favorites, such as the old mother's chili sauce.

There are not many of these things here, and most of the customers are Chinese immigrants. The price is also very expensive, but the sales are not bad.

This is understandable. Many immigrants find it difficult to get used to the diet here at first. If they don't know how to cook, then adding some Chinese ready-made seasonings while cooking is a good choice.

Every time Brian buys, he needs to greet the convenience store in advance.

Yes, most supermarkets here don't have this thing to buy, only some Chinese bosses have their own channels to purchase goods, which is not as convenient as when Brian's e-commerce was developed in his previous life.

This convenience store is very strange.

Brian noticed that these Chinese dishes with good internal sales were all covered with thick dust.

This means that these products not only have poor sales, but no one has taken care of them for a long time.

In addition.

Many products in the convenience store are produced more than a year ago, which is in line with the image of a convenience store with a poor geographical location and poor sales.

The deceased was lying face down on the counter in front of the counter, with a handful of change in his right hand.

Brian put on his gloves and went forward to check the situation.

The fatal injury of the deceased was obvious. There were seven or eight bullet holes in his chest, and blood was dripping all over the floor. Under the inside of the counter, there was a half-shotgun handle.

The reason why it was half was because there was still half hanging on the hidden button.

Brian's mind appeared a picture: facing the robbery, the Chinese clerk took out money while trying to get a gun to fight back, but was shot.

After shooting the clerk, the murderer fled immediately.

Because if it was a normal robber, he would not let go of the scattered cash in the hands of the deceased, which totaled more than 100 US dollars.

This money is not a small amount for people who rob convenience stores. It is enough for them to squander for a day or two.

Brian lifted the face of the deceased.

The deceased looked very young, probably only in his early twenties, with a very authentic Chinese face, handsome, and strong, with obvious muscle contours, and he had exercised a lot.

This guy has not been in America for long!

Brian saw the other person's identity at a glance.

The reason is very simple. Even if they are immigrants, if they have lived in America for more than three years, their appearance will be obviously different from that of local Chinese.

How to say it.

Unless they are illegal workers who have been staying in the Chinese community and rarely go out to socialize, these people will gradually become the image of Chinese people in the eyes of Americans.

This is a very magical phenomenon, but it is true.

"This case looks a bit strange. Opening a convenience store does not seem to be a business, and the robbers do not seem to be robbing money, but simply to kill people..."

Brian's eyes flashed with thought.

He felt that there was something wrong with this convenience store itself.

There were not many clues left at the scene.

After investigating the scene, Brian turned on his enhanced sense of smell and successfully captured the smell of gunpowder and a faint smell of sweat with a hint of engine oil.

The mixture of the two smells should be the smell left by the robbers.

This should be the most useful clue Brian found.

Brian glanced at the surveillance camera that was blown up by a gunshot, and the surveillance storage device that had obviously been taken away, and walked outside.

He wanted to ask the store owner in person.

The store owner was a middle-aged Chinese American, who was talking to Tom at the moment.

Seeing this.

Brian waved to the white man in a suit who was standing aside smoking and looked impatient: "Hey, buddy, let's talk?"

The white man in a suit saw the police badge on Brian's collar and nodded: "Hello, officer, my name is Bruce, the account manager of Ada Insurance Company."

"Is this convenience store often robbed?"

Brian asked his guess directly.

Bruce looked at Brian in surprise and nodded suddenly: "Yes, this guy is very cunning. He specifically seeks insurance from a small insurance company like us. In addition, he is of Chinese origin, which made us relax. We didn't realize that he had been rejected by many insurance companies before the insurance was taken out. I just learned this information."

The reputation of Chinese in this country is still good most of the time. At least the first impression given is that they are honest.

Hearing this, Brian understood.

It was just as he guessed.

Because of the particularity of insurance companies in the United States, few insurance companies have information databases that are connected, resulting in some groups that specifically target this situation to defraud insurance.

Of course, this irregularity also makes many insurance companies not good.

This is a game between the two sides. Whoever has a higher level and is shameless will benefit.

He probably knows what the situation is in this case!

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