You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 213: The truth of the case, unexpected gunfight (first order plus 6 chapters)

This kind of "insurance fraud" is destined to be small in scale.

It is probably that some unexpected situations occur, resulting in damage to the goods, and the insurance company pays for it. As for the damaged goods, they are then sold at a low price.

This part of the money is earned.

Few insurance companies will choose to recycle these damaged goods, but some people with little money and illegal workers like these cheap goods very much.

In addition, they can be sold to some "charities".

However, this is only a small amount of money, and the big money is the employee's life insurance money.

The owner of the convenience store in front of him is greedy and wants to eat many fish. The previous insurance claims included employee life insurance, product insurance, and store decoration and other insurance types.

The amount of the claim, as far as the insurance agent knows, exceeds one million US dollars.

Under normal circumstances, this amount is enough for the insurance companies to unite and publicly blacklist the other party. As for suing, it is difficult to sue if the other party is professional.

Brian hates this kind of beast who harms his compatriots the most.

He twisted his neck, his gentle temperament suddenly revealed a bit of ruffian, and walked to the Chinese middle-aged man who was talking to Tom: "I am Brian, an autopsy officer and the person in charge of this case."

Thom's eyes flashed, and he walked aside silently.

He felt that Brian didn't seem to be in a good mood at the moment.

The Chinese middle-aged man didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and greeted Brian with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Brian, I am the owner of this convenience store, you can call me Mike."

"You don't have a Chinese name?"

Brian pulled his tie.

"What?" The middle-aged Chinese man felt that he couldn't keep up with the thinking of the gentle white-faced man in front of him, but he still cooperated: "I am a second-generation immigrant. My family gave me a Chinese name, but I hardly use it."

"I understand."

Brian nodded, pointed at Tom and said: "Man, call Old Harden and ask him to check Mr. Mike's fund change account, communication records, and lawyers familiar with him. I suspect he committed murder and insurance fraud."

"This is against the rules. I am a victim. My employee was shot, but you suspect me and want to investigate me. I need evidence, otherwise I can complain about you based on what you said!"

The Chinese Mike's face changed immediately.

This guy is born in the year of the dog, right? How can he change his face so easily?

"Complain about me?"

Brian pulled off his tie and looked at everyone: "Did I threaten him just now?"


Thom said loudly in a hoarse voice.

It was a bit unpleasant, but it reminded the other three people.

The two patrolmen looked like they were eating melons, and naturally stood on Brian's side. The insurance agent who was unhappy with the store owner turned his head and looked at the small tree on the roadside, as if there was something interesting on it.

Seeing this, Chinese Mike realized that he had encountered a black policeman.

He was about to spit out foul language, and Brian's tie was pulled out in the air with a bang.

This scared Mike.

This tie looked light, how could it be like a whip.


The next moment, he knew whether it was a magic.

Brian's tie hit him in the face, and a four-finger-wide blood mark was pulled out of the middle-aged man's face. The blood mark turned black and purple in a short time, showing the power of Brian's blow to outsiders.

Mike was stunned for a moment, and then he covered his face and screamed.


The air exploded.

Another tie hit his mouth, suppressing his scream again.

Again and again.

Brian hit the man more than a dozen times in a row, knocking him unconscious, then waking him up again, with his body bruised and battered. He then let out a breath of anger, tied his tie back around his neck, and regained his gentlemanly appearance: "You took advantage of the ignorance of those fellow villagers to harm them, and I used my position and authority to oppress you. Isn't this fair?"

Mike lay on the ground.

He had suffered many losses and seen a lot of darkness because of his circle, but it was the first time he had seen someone so arrogantly abuse his power to lynch.

He pursed his swollen mouth and said nothing.

Seeing this, Brian nodded: "Not bad, very energetic, it seems that you want to try the great memory recovery technique here."

As he said, he pointed to Mike on the ground and said to the two patrolmen: "Take him back to the police station, I will take responsibility if there is any problem."

"Okay, Brian, the autopsy officer." A patrolman showed his handcuffs: "The reason is that we need to make a police record."

"Openly spitting on public officials and not cooperating, this is the evidence."

Brian pointed to a pool of saliva mixed with blood on the ground and lied with his eyes open.

Mike's eyes widened.

This is clearly because he was beaten and drooling, how can it be considered a public insult to public officials?

In this huge Los Angeles, is there still justice? Is there still law!

The sky in this place is so dark, so dark!

Until he was dragged into the police car, this black-hearted Chinese boss still couldn't believe what he had experienced.

He dared to do this, and did it for a long time, not only considering the possible reactions and actions of those insurance companies and victims of illegal workers, but also considering the reaction of the police.

The Chinese who are working illegally and have obtained work permits have never been taken seriously here.

The only difference between these people and the homeless is that they have an extra work permit, which can provide some cheap labor for the metropolis of Los Angeles.

After all, someone has to wash the dishes and flush the toilets.

Illegal workers also need to see hope.

But personal rights, sorry, in the eyes of most police officers, these groups are really not human beings.

This is not a joke, but a fact.

Mike never thought that he would meet a serious person this time, and even a little bit of a righteous person.

Because of an unexpected situation.

Thom stayed to collect the bodies, while Brian took the insurance agent's car and followed the patrol car to the district bureau.

For Brian, a brutal and unruly law enforcement officer, the white insurance agent was very polite and enthusiastic, and also handed his business card to Brian, hoping that the other party would visit their insurance company when he had time.

These insurance companies like to hire police officers or retired public officials as consultants.

This way they can use their connections.

Came to the interrogation room.

When the headlights were turned on, the small book and the small hammer were taken, Mike was still very stubborn.

He knew clearly the result of confessing.

This would mean that his big house would become a small single room, and there would be endless sewing machines to step on every day. In less than half a month, his local area would be hit into purple.

There is no way. Chinese people commit relatively few crimes and are rare in prison groups, so they have no connections and can only become a group that is bullied.

But when Brian cut off some of his hair, put the hair scraps into a coffee cup, and poured it into his mouth, and took out paper and a water cup, he collapsed.

Hair milk tea, posting promotion!

Why does this damn pretty boy know so many torture methods in China!

"I said..."

Mike raised his hands in surrender.

According to his confession, he used to be an immigration agent, of course, this immigration agent is a shell company.

Rich Chinese have their own professional channels and agencies.

As the saying goes, life is a circle. Those rich people, or the middle class, have their own circles among each other and know which people are reliable, so their children's study abroad, their own immigration, etc., all know how to do it reliably.

At this point in time, many middle-class people are the mainstream of these immigrants to the United States.

In fact, since the 9/11 incident, this country has lost its previous spirit and is declining from prosperity, which can be regarded as the last glory afterglow.

But these groups are not clear.

In addition to this group, the remaining main body is the illegal worker group.

Most of this group of people are from the coastal areas of Fujian.

Mike's parents are from Fujian, and they have relatives in China. Through referrals from customers, they honestly do their own shell brokers, and they can actually be considered to have no worries about food and clothing.

As a result, this guy got addicted to gambling.

The formal collection of hard work fees and agency fees can no longer meet his spending needs.

So he started to think crookedly.

Because he has been an agent, he knows that the illegal worker group is also divided into many parts.

One part has relatives here. The only role of these agents is to introduce channels for smuggling and take some commissions. After that, they have nothing to do.

This part of illegal workers is not easy to cheat.

When going out, family and relatives are still very close together most of the time, especially the coastal generation of residents with a strong clan atmosphere.

But there is another part, which is completely forced by life, and they have heard about the prosperity overseas, and they want to earn some hard-earned money for a few years and then go back to enjoy it.

This is actually completely feasible.

Because at this point in time, China is indeed not very rich. If the exchange rate is converted, the work card here is not as difficult as it will be later. After coming here, it is still very good for ordinary people to earn money and save money honestly and steadily.

At least you can save a family business to build a house, buy a house and a car.

If you are lucky, you may be able to catch up with the rapid development of China, and directly become financially free, and do better than those who immigrate directly.

But this premise is that you don’t meet a beast like Mike.

After this guy had a crooked idea, he quickly figured out the legal risks through the lawyer he often cooperated with before, and then rented the current convenience store at a low price, and specially selected those unrelated illegal workers to start with, not only to get them work cards, but also to let them come to work.

Choose a remote location to open a convenience store.

The first is that there are not many people, which is convenient for their own people to carry out robbery and destruction.

The second is that the rental cost is low and saves money.

As for the robber, he was Mike's nephew.

This guy was not a good guy either. He used to be a guard at the Leaf Industrial Park in some Chinese gangs. Later, he was driven away by the gangs because he became addicted to drugs.

Generally, these illegal workers, seeing Mike as a compatriot, not only helped to get the work card, but also provided jobs, and they would have a strong sense of responsibility, which led to some thoughts of resistance when facing robbery.

At this time, the robber took out a pistol, injured the other party, and then destroyed the scene and ran away. Afterwards, these relatively simple illegal workers would feel ashamed.

They would think that they did not protect Mike's property well, and caused the other party to pay their medical expenses.

In fact, the place where they were treated was simply a parallel black clinic run by Mike's relatives. Most of them had sequelae after treatment, and some unlucky people were directly killed. Then they would ask these people to sign a loan agreement and then pay back the money by working or testing drugs.

In short, they can be exploited one more layer.

Most of the illegal workers who have been cheated in China are actually not very shrewd, and have little awareness of laws and rights. In addition, they are unfamiliar with the place, so even if they feel something is wrong, they dare not say anything.

Just like this, in just a few years, Mike made more money than he had in the first half of his life.

This time something went wrong.

The illegal worker he hired was too young, young and energetic, and he had a bright mind. He actually wanted to take out a gun and fight back, but was shot to death by Mike's nephew in panic.

In this regard, Mike, the beast, was not only a little panicked, but also a little happy.

After all, death compensation is much more than injury compensation.

In addition, the deceased was an illegal worker with only a work card and no identity. He didn't think anything would happen, but he didn't expect to meet Brian, a guy with white skin and yellow heart.

After figuring out what happened, Brian felt somewhat depressed.

He has no objection to these compatriots who just want to make money through hard work. After all, who doesn't want to live a better life? As long as they are not the kind of sheepdog that slanders the motherland, it is all a personal choice.

But Mike is simply more disgusting than a sheepdog.

If he hadn't been at the police station, Brian would have sent this guy to meet Satan!

Brian doesn't need to take action for the rest.

The police station has professionals handling it.

Brian is a young man destined for a bright future, and everyone is willing to turn a blind eye to his violations.

Some people even think that he has the demeanor of an American police officer. He is not as inoffensive as he seems on the surface, and they like him even more.

The patrol officer from before politely prepared to send Brian back to the B6 office building.

Brian had no objection to this and sent a message to Thom asking him to drive back directly. After that, he got into the patrol car and stared at the scenery outside in a daze.

Mike will pay the price for his actions, but Brian always feels like there is a pressure in his chest, which is not smooth.

Without his knowledge, countless dark red energies were surging and active, trying to integrate into his void spiritual thoughts, but it seemed that there was a lack of some kind of catalyst and was unable to succeed.

Seeing these dark red energies begin to flatten out.

The police car radio suddenly heard a woman's urgent voice: "There is a gunfight near No. 389 in Brighton Street. Repeat."

The driving patrol officer subconsciously picked up the pager: "Police number 34XX78 is nearby, prepare to go."

After he finished speaking, he realized that Brian was still in the car.

The young patrolman apologized: "Coroner Brian, I'm sorry, you may need to get off the car temporarily and ask your colleagues to pick you up."

Brian shook his head and pulled open his coat, revealing the pistol holster hanging under his arm: "Go right over."

He was in a bad mood and wanted to see blood.

The young patrol officer shook his head: "This is very dangerous. The security in Los Angeles is getting worse and worse. More than ten of our colleagues have died in the line of duty recently."


Brian interrupted: "You will soon know who is in danger!"

This young man probably still doesn’t know what the NW battle sequence is, and the horror of the second-level staff Dawn Soldier facing ordinary robbers.

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