You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 214 Elite team, one man kills

In this kind of emergency, there is not much information.

When rushing over, the patrol officer driving the car had adjusted the radio in the car according to the prompt.

On the radio, the police officer who arrived first was reporting the situation: "It's a group of Mexicans. They are wearing white shorts and most of them have automatic rifles in their hands. Repeat, it's a group of Mexicans..."

On the pager, in addition to the patrol officer's urgent reporting, there were screams and rapid gunshots, and calls for residents to take their guns back to the house.

It can be heard that the scene is very chaotic.

"Damn it, why would they call us for support in this situation? The SWAT team should be dispatched directly!"

The patrol officer driving the car cursed in a low voice.

At this point in time, the LAPD's weapon authority is not bad, but it is not as exaggerated as imagined. At least in the front-line patrol team, only those senior police officers will be equipped with automatic rifles, high-powered shotguns and other weapons in the police car.

The rest of the patrol officers are still equipped with small pistols, and at most have a bulletproof vest.

Brian silently pulled out his pistol and checked the ammunition in his hand.

Since he could throw stones at will, and the power at close range was no less than that of ordinary pistols, he rarely carried a large number of magazines, and at most he would hang a few small melons on his body.

Brian now only had two spare magazines with a total of 51 bullets, and three fragmentation grenades for emergency escape.

That should be enough.

Here, the patrolman was still complaining.

Listening to the fierce gunshots coming from the radio, his hands holding the steering wheel were shaking slightly.

Before he finished complaining.


Accompanied by a series of explosions.

On the radio, all the sounds disappeared.

The patrolman's lips turned pale in an instant.

This means that the police car that reported the situation was destroyed.

Brian was also a little surprised.

In downtown Los Angeles, the last time such a scene happened was when Mad Dog Ike was crazy. That guy hid several rocket launchers at the station and blew up two police cars. I didn't expect that this would happen again in just two months.

Three minutes later.

In the field of vision of the two, there appeared a stream of cars leaving in a panic.

A large number of police cars approached this side.

At this position, the sound of explosions could already be heard.

"Are you scared?"

Brian grabbed the earphone from the patrolman's hand, put it in his ear, hung the receiver on his waist, kicked open the car door, turned around and said to the other party: "Follow me, I will need you to take me back later."

During the fierce battle, people are prone to adrenaline burst.

This state is actually not very good. Not only is it easy to do some stressful things, but it is also easy to waste energy and physical strength, resulting in poor sustained combat effectiveness.

The main reason for bringing the patrolman with him is that his clothes are more obvious and it is not easy to be shot by his own people.


The patrolman looked at Brian's calm appearance and was a little confused.

Isn't Brian an autopsy officer?

He is not afraid of death?

With a nervous mood, he hurriedly put on a bulletproof vest, drew out his small pistol and followed Brian, looking around, with a vigilant look.

In fact, this place has not yet entered the battle site.

After walking about a hundred meters and passing a community building complex, a raging fire and a road section with a bunch of messy vehicles appeared in front of the two people.

Scattered police cars surrounded several houses on the left side from both sides. There were seven or eight motionless figures lying outside the lawn of the house. From the clothes and age, it was known that these people were innocent civilians who did not have time to escape and were shot to death.

The most conspicuous thing was a police car that overturned on its side. There was also a black patrolman lying on the ground and groaning in pain on the side of the police car.

He was shot in the leg and lost his ability to move.

Not far from this black patrolman, there was another body with flames burning on his body, lying on the ground motionless.

Further away, there were two patrolmen lying on the ground.

The direction where they fell should be that they wanted to rescue their injured companions, but they were shot to death on the ground.

The most outrageous thing was that there was an explosion-proof shield in front of these two people.

This shield, which can withstand the impact of ordinary bullets, has a large bullet hole in the middle, and dense cracks spread, showing the power of the bullet that penetrated it.

This is definitely not an ordinary pistol or rifle bullet!

Considering the situation at the scene, Brian narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is a typical sniper fishing style: first injure one or two people, and wait for the wounded companions.

There are snipers among the enemies!

Brian seemed to observe carefully, but in fact he just scanned the scene.

The scene was different from what he imagined.

In this case, the burden of the patrolman is not needed.

He took a deep breath of air, and his face showed intoxication.

The smell of blood and gunpowder made the blood in his body boil involuntarily.

Brian took out his pager and handed it to the patrolman behind him: "Let your colleagues stop shooting, tell them that NW second-level staff are involved, and let them surround the scene."

After that, without waiting for the patrolman to respond, Brian held the gun in one hand and walked into the battlefield like a stroll.

A patrolman hiding in the corner on the opposite side immediately spotted him and shouted, "Go back, go back to your residence, it's dangerous here, go back!!!"

The next moment.

Brian swung the gun in his hand.

Bang bang bang~

Three bullets shot out.

Three Mexican men who had just emerged and were about to kill this suddenly conspicuous bag fell behind the bunker without saying a word, startling their companions.

Almost at the same time.

Countless ripples rippled in Brian's mind, and his figure flashed, turning into a residual image and disappearing on the road.

This speed

All the people who saw Brian at the scene widened their eyes, thinking that they had hallucinations.

The patrolman who followed Brian before was particularly frightened.

If he hadn't been holding a pager in his hand, he almost thought he was taking drugs, so he thought that Brian, the coroner, was with him just now.

"NW second-level staff NW second-level staff Is this the reason why the NW organization has such a high status in Los Angeles?"

The patrolman murmured.

Brian, the coroner, left a residual image, almost teleporting at a speed that made him almost think he saw a super character in the comics descend to the world

A few hundred meters away, a man lying on a signboard frowned.

Where are the people?

This speed

He seemed to have thought of something, and a look of fear appeared on his calm face.

Damn it, it was that group of modified monsters!

They were just attracting the attention of the people around them, how could they attract such a powerful official to join the battle in the first place! ! !

The sniper said to the communication without saying anything, "The plan has changed, everyone"

Before he finished speaking.

The next moment.

There was a knocking sound under him.

He subconsciously looked down, but saw a gun pointed at himself..


A gunshot.

This hidden sniper, observer, and temporary commander died on the spot.


Brian frowned as he looked at the body that fell to his feet.

He flicked away a drop of blood dripping from the air, lowered his head and put the other party's microphone into his pocket, with a charming smile on his face, turned into a shadow again, and rushed towards the residential areas.

Who cares about the plan.

He just wants to kill people now.

Four kills in a row.

An excited emotion surged uncontrollably, and finally turned into a faint afterimage of a blood moon, which disappeared in Brian's indifferent eyes.

Invisible ripples radiated from his mouth in all directions, turning into colorless three-dimensional outlines, and the figures of armed thugs hiding in the building appeared in Brian's mind.

He seemed to have turned on a perspective plug-in, whistling, and shot the bandits holding weapons in their hiding places.

It was no more difficult to crush these ordinary people than to crush ants.

Listening to the screams coming from his ears.

Two Mexican men who were huddled in the attic of a resident's roof were terrified.

One of them looked at his companions anxiously: "Fifteen people, it seems that we are the only ones left."

"Impossible...", the companion tightly grasped the rocket in his hand: "How can these Los Angeles Laki police be so powerful? We are from the special operations team. There are several shooting positions. Even if we kill civilians, we won't be so fast. There must be other accidents. Didn't you hear No. 1 say that the plan has changed just now!!!"

He tried to convince himself.

It is really that they are in a dilemma in their current position and have no way out.

If there is a problem with the companions, then the Los Angeles police will definitely search here, and they will not have the opportunity to evacuate according to the original plan.

Just when the two people were frightened.

Bryan's figure flashed and jumped to the second floor on the spot. He was in the air, the pistol magazine was removed, and he landed on the balcony. The new magazine was automatically buckled in, completing the reloading.

Looking at the man lying on the balcony, looking at him with horror, Brian squatted down and smiled gently at him: "Can you tell me who you are?"

The thugs in the open were killed by him in more than two minutes.

Even though he was still a little unsatisfied, Brian still deliberately left the gunman in the blind spot of his vision, trying to torture him for some information.

Looking at the handsome and fair Brian, the man with gunshot wounds in his limbs was already frightened out of his mind, his pupils dilated, and he kept calling the word "monster" in Spanish.

Turbid liquid kept flowing out of his mouth.

Brian sniffed and knew that this guy was frightened and confused.

"Forget it..."

Brian turned his gun and knocked the other party unconscious with one punch, then jumped off the balcony more than three meters high, and threw the other party's unconscious body onto the lawn in the backyard, ready to throw it to the police as a living person for interrogation.

The killing was too smooth, and I forgot to leave two more alive.

I hope there are still survivors among the thugs..

With this thought in mind, Brian whistled, sending out sections of ultrasonic waves, searching around, and wandering around several houses.

The most effective ultrasonic wave is direct feedback, that is, feedback on the first obstruction, and forming the clearest imaging.

But the gaps can be penetrated, but no image can be formed.

The reason why Brian is so abnormal is that his vision and sense of smell are also exaggerated. He can easily distinguish whether there is any residual smell of gunfire around, and then accurately track and eliminate the thugs, and complete the efficient killing.

Searched for two consecutive rounds.

Brian came out of the last building with the smell of gunfire.

He picked up the unconscious gunman with his limbs disabled and threw him on the ground, and hooked his finger at the patrolman who was watching from a distance, indicating that this side was safe.

A chubby patrolman, watching this scene, the fat on his face trembled, and looked at the thin patrolman hiding behind him: "Hey, how long has he been in there?"

The thin patrolman said uncertainly: "Seven minutes, or eight minutes, definitely not more than ten minutes!"

"This second-level employee of NW is so powerful, how can there be such a powerful person in the world."

The fat patrolman exclaimed, stood up without any thoughts, holding a shotgun, and trotted directly towards Brian.

Seeing this, the thin patrolman gritted his teeth, grabbed his small pistol, and followed.

This fat partner, but he has been feeding for more than two years to cultivate a meat shield, he can't be defeated here!

The one who is faster than them is the little patrolman who drove a car and had contact with Brian before.

His face was covered in sweat. He hadn't fired a single shot, but he looked like he had been through a big battle: "Bryan, coroner, is everything done here?"

Brian shrugged: "Almost. Ask your colleagues to take this person to the hospital for treatment. Also, clean up the bodies around. Oh, there's another one under the billboard in front. Together with the one on the ground, there are thirteen in total. Don't miss any."

The patrolman took out his cell phone, touched it and looked at the time on it, and fell silent.

Really perverted!

In just a few minutes, thirteen well-trained gunmen who couldn't get close to a group of patrolmen were dealt with directly under the scattered firepower points. Is this the true strength of the NW organization staff?

Too strong!

He quickly called the other patrolmen.

Following Brian, he also showed his face this time. In the future, even if he drinks and brags, he will be envied!

Looking at this group of busy patrolmen, Brian put away his gun and quietly took out a cigarette and lit it.

A little bit of fun, but not completely.

This kind of low-intensity combat, for him, is considered a massacre, and there is no sense of accomplishment in completing it.

That's right

Brian exhaled a puff of smoke, took out the communicator seized from the sniper from his pocket, coughed twice, and three seconds later, his voice became the other party's voice.

He showed a sly smile on his face, and whispered in American language: "The plan has changed. The police have come with experts. The remaining people, report the situation quickly!"

In the attic, the two brothers who were already thinking about how to get out heard the familiar voice of No. 1 again in the dead silent headset. They looked at each other and showed surprise at the same time.

One of them quickly grabbed the headset, pressed several hidden buttons in succession, and said hurriedly in Spanish to the communication channel: "No. 1, this is..."

The other person suddenly reacted and covered his companion's mouth: "No, why is No. 1 using the official language of the Commonwealth!"

In most countries around the world, even if the Commonwealth language is not used as an official language, it is one of the main languages.

The same is true in Mexico.

Many people there can speak English.

But as companions from a combat team, they mostly communicated in the official language of Spanish. Even in special cases, they used a relatively niche Indian language as encryption.

No. 1 is wrong!

Unfortunately, by the time they reacted, it was too late.

Brian looked at the headset that suddenly broke and gently crushed it.

He scanned the building opposite and quickly locked onto a three-story building that could easily observe this side.

Almost at the same time, two little heads in the attic window of the three-story building also looked over here, and happened to meet Brian's eyes.

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