You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 215: Ability Transformed Again (First Order and 7 More Chapters)

The look in his eyes confirmed that he was the person he was looking for.

Brian's body flashed, and at an exaggerated speed that ordinary people could only see the obvious afterimage, he disappeared on the road again.

The remaining two finally understood why those companions disappeared so quickly.


There's that kind of modified monster taking part in the battle!


Without saying a word, the two of them ran to the other window with the rocket in their hands.

There is a dog hole in the backyard of this house, and there are evacuation vehicles ready on another street outside the dog hole.

Their original plan was to make a big noise in a short period of time, and when the time was right, they would launch rockets to attract attention, and add No. 1's sniper rifle to disrupt the police deployment and evacuate quickly.

This process will not take more than fifteen minutes.

Who knows why a monster was provoked, causing everyone to rush into the street less than ten minutes after the plan started.

These two people were worthy of being members of the special operations team. Even in a panic, it still took less than three seconds to descend into the courtyard through the ropes prepared in advance.

Just as they were preparing to evacuate through the dog hole, a figure appeared below them in advance and looked at them with a smile.

"Die, monster!"

Without saying a word, the man carrying the rocket on his back picked up the portable rocket in his hand and prepared to fire it at close range and die together with Brian.

The other person also raised the muzzle of the automatic rifle in his hand fiercely.

But in Brian's eyes, their movements were as slow as a snail, as if the video had dropped frames.

He instantly crossed the three-meter distance between the two sides, reached out with both hands, and accurately grasped their necks. The moment he lifted them up, his hands shook.

A sharp stabbing pain came.

The two screamed and the weapons in their hands fell to the ground.

"Tell me about your origins."

Brian threw the two of them to the ground and asked curiously.

"Go to hell!"

One person gave a tough response.

next moment.

An afterimage blasted through the air, spinning his head twice. He turned his back to his companions. His eyes were wide open, and there were still mixed emotions of ferocity and fear.

After slapping the tough-talking guy with his leg, Brian looked at the other person.

But he looked stupidly at his companion's head turned 180 degrees behind him, his whole body trembling and lost consciousness.

As a brutal gangster armed force, he had seen many cruel ways of death, and he had also witnessed centralized slaughterhouses where corpses were disposed of with sulfuric acid, but none of them were as shocking to his heart as the way his companions died today.

In front of the monster in front of them, their strong bodies were as fragile as babies.

Seeing this, Brian sighed.

He shook the cigarette ashes from his fingertips and said, "We are all going to die anyway. Wouldn't it be better to cooperate and die peacefully?"

"You don't understand. If you betray the superiors, our whole family will be buried alive. Just kill me. I won't tell, I won't."

Before he finished speaking, his throat was hit hard, and his body collapsed weakly to the ground, following the steps of his companions down below.

"You love to talk but don't talk."

Brian crushed the cigarette butt and turned to leave.

After killing all these thugs, he felt much better.

The next step is to let the patrol officers from the operations department clean the floor.

Brian waited for more than half an hour, and gained two new obsessions from the fifteen collected corpses. He was negotiated by a fat senior police officer who arrived late, and was sent back to the B6 group by the patrol officer. 's office.

Seeing Brian coming back, Old Harden raised his head and said, "Fortunately, you're back. Thom said you went to the district bureau. I heard there was a fierce gun battle in that area."

"It's over, I'll handle it."

Brian threw his suit casually at his work station: "The team leader isn't here yet?"

"No." Old Harden shook his head, and then he and the female clerk beside him looked at Brian curiously: "What's going on?"

Brian shook his head: "I don't know. The situation was a bit chaotic at the time. Several policemen and many citizens died at the scene. Someone shot, and then I went to deal with them, but I left one person alive. I just don't know if I can Rescue it."

It wasn't until he returned to his work station and typed up the case report that Old Harden and the female clerk realized the meaning of Brian's words: Solution = After killing, only one person is left alive.

Two people: ..

The female clerk's eyes widened and she wrote on the note: "Is Brian so cruel?"

Old Harden shook his head and replied: "This kid killed everyone before and the bullets flew everywhere. He was probably led astray by the team leader."

The female clerk nodded in agreement.

Brian has a good temper most of the time, but he has a bad temper towards bad people. It is probably because of the influence of the team leader Susan.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether those people say they belong to a faction or not.

They are all Mexicans, their fighting style can be considered elite, and with equipment and so on, there are only a few forces with this level of strength. However, the CIA may be more familiar with that unlucky neighbor than they themselves are.

A simple comparison can reveal the identity and purpose of this group of people.

After sending the case report to the email address of the leader in the district bureau and forwarding another copy to the NW Ministry of Internal Affairs, Brian looked at the three obsessions he had picked up in his mind.

Obsession 1: Become a strengthened person.

Gift: 9 gift energy points.

This was the sniper's obsession. I don't know if he had this obsession for a long time, or if he only had this desire after seeing his inhuman performance.

But it's pointless.

The person is dead, what a bullshit enhanced person.

Even if he is not dead, this obsession is a loss, not worth it.


Obsession 2: Give that monster two shots!

Gift 1: 8 gift energy points.

Gift 2: 1 gift energy point + rifle mastery.

This is an obsession of an unknown person.

There is no way, Brian killed people too quickly, and didn't pay attention to who was who. Only after killing them did he have time to look at their obsession output.

This obsession is very simple.

Gift 2 is meaningless to Brian.

Gift 1 is not bad, a mosquito leg is also meat, this obsession is accepted.

Obsession 3: Buy a farm, stay away from blood and fire, and live a stable and happy life with my family.

Gift: 5 gift energy points.

Along with it, there are a group of faces.

This group of people, old and young, there are three little girls and a little boy, a total of more than a dozen people, surrounded the dead with bright smiles, it should be a family photo.

Seeing this obsession, Brian inexplicably thought of the innocent civilian bodies lying on the ground at the scene of the previous gunfight, and felt a little ironic.

"Sorry, this obsession is too troublesome, and there is too little feedback, so forget it."

Brian rejected this obsession.

Susan was not there.

Brian did not reply to her text message.

There was still some time before the end of get off work.

He simply went to the basement and checked Tom's autopsy work first.

This guy asked weapons expert Ali to be his partner in recording, and the cause of death of several collected bodies was obvious, so he did a good job.

After saying hello.

Brian came to the shooting range, found a modified air gun from Ali's modification, fired a few shots at random, and after confirming the power, he then lifted his shirt and directly aimed the still hot muzzle at his stomach, bang bang bang, three shots.

The extra shot was given as a free gift.

In this close-range shooting, the airgun lead bullets turned into a lump, tearing the tough skin on Brian's stomach with difficulty, and barely got into his muscles, but got stuck.

The next moment.

Accompanied by muscle peristalsis.

Three small lead bullets that turned into a lump, without even a trace of blood, were directly squeezed out of Brian's stomach wound.

The wound skin peristalsis.

In about two breaths, the wound merged, and except for the barely visible three small red lines of scars, it was almost impossible to see the injury here.

Seeing this, Brian nodded with satisfaction.

For such a small wound, he did not need to consume the gift energy. Relying on the activity of his own cells and the BUG ability of his body, it would heal automatically in a few days at most, and the impact on life would be minimal.

If he continued to rise to a higher level, it was estimated that his self-healing ability would become more and more abnormal.

He seemed to understand why the "dragon" could fight against the modern army alone and escape dozens of kilometers and rush into the sea.

He was steadily approaching that realm.

As the warm current surged, the obsession was completed.

Brian once again received eight points of gift energy. As of now, the stored gift energy has reached 94 units, and is about to return to three digits.

"When the obsession of vampires is completed, I will find an opportunity to go to Japan, and I will probably consider strengthening my body again."

Brian smiled.

This feeling of continuous strengthening, as well as the continuous accumulation of Tun Tun Rat, is really refreshing and safe.

Until the end of get off work, Susan still did not come back, nor did she reply to the message.

Susan had said before that she would take time to go to the headquarters. In addition to the watch, some areas there are signal shielding, so Brian was not particularly anxious, just using the staff watch to send Susan a message.

This time the reply was very fast: read, reply tomorrow.

Seeing this, Brian was relieved.

This incident reminded him: he could equip Thirteen with a mobile phone.

Otherwise, Susan could not contact Thirteen, and he would still be a little worried.

Ride home.

There is a small bag hanging on the door of his apartment.

There was a note on the small bag, which roughly meant that the owner of the bag was a new neighbor who had just moved in downstairs. She would do some simple renovations in her residence, which might disturb her. This was her lunch box, which she made by herself, as an apology for disturbing her.

"You're very polite, but it feels a bit unreliable."

Brian smelled it and confirmed that it was just some ordinary snacks, so he took it back to the room and threw it into the trash can.

Although he was not afraid of most toxins, after seeing more and more abnormal people with strange abilities, Brian became more cautious about these things.

After eating.

Brian took the coffee and went to the balcony, looking at the night outside and staring at the moon above his head in a daze.

I don't know why.

After coming back, he felt a little sleepy.

This situation has never happened since he was full of energy.

"Is it related to today's murder?"

Brian yawned: "My mood is indeed a little wrong today, just like a woman's period, the fluctuations are a little abnormal"

With a little tiredness.

Brian returned to the living room and checked the surveillance first.

His guess was correct.

The small bag on the door was hung by a short Asian-looking woman.

Japanese women can be identified by their legs.

Because of the kneeling posture, most of the women over there are small and short-legged.

The other party looks quite gentle, probably a housewife.

As he watched, the blood moon afterimage in Brian's eyes reappeared, and he also closed his eyes unconsciously on the sofa.

Countless dark red energy boiled silently and merged into his thoughts.

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