You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 216 Abilities and Changes

In his dream, Brian dreamed of the monsters and humans he had executed during this period of time.

Brian remembered some of the dead clearly, and some were simply killed without paying much attention to their appearance. As a result, their faces, which had flashed by, were now clearly visible.

He seemed to be possessed by a ghost, unable to move, and could only let these illusions circle around him, questioning his cruelty and coldness.

Brian could not move, so he just watched them wandering around.

He had killed them all, so he could ask whatever he wanted.

Anyway, he only killed those who should be killed.

Among the people executed, they were either deformed people who harmed ordinary people, laboratory monsters, or enemies, and there was no innocent person.

Brian had a clear conscience.

Thinking of this, listening to the questions echoing in his mind, he actually fell asleep again.

This time, Brian fell into another bizarre world again.

This was a world composed of those who absorbed the spiritual crystal gifts after he completed his obsession.

In the last moment, Brian was still watching a man and a woman torturing the bed at home, and in the next moment, he saw a cruel scene of eating humans alive after a hunt...

The most common ones were the rat mutant who had given him the super-adaptive talent, and the garden cannibal little girl mutant who contributed the talent of flesh-corroding poison sac.

These two monsters repeatedly pulled Brian into each other's hunting and eating memories. The crazy desire to eat and hunt constantly impacted Brian's mind, giving him a strong urge to merge into the phantom.

Fortunately, Brian had two lives as a human being and had a strong self-awareness.

This impact was very uncomfortable, but he could still bear it.

In addition to these crazy memories, there were also many memories of people with talents that Brian had absorbed before, including the female veterinarian Laura.

This field cannon fodder cultivated by the FBI since childhood had very pornographic and violent memories. He either killed people or squeezed out all kinds of handsome guys he liked, and finally sent them into body bags...

A large number of memory impacts put more and more mental pressure on Brian.

His consciousness even became a little blurred.

But Brian felt more pain.

This pain was like the pain in his head after studying for three days and three nights.

After an unknown amount of time, Brian slowly opened his eyes.

He glanced around, and in the dark environment, his blood-red eyes glowed slightly, seeing everything as if it was daytime, completely unaffected by the night.

Brian touched his hot eyes, and there was some fear on his face.


I didn't expect that I would experience another transformation without knowing it.

This transformation was very dangerous.

At the beginning, it was something like a demon in the heart.

Fortunately, Brian was thick-skinned, and faced with the questioning of the person he killed, he fell asleep in his sleep, and was not affected at all.

The backlash from absorbing talents, skills, and other gifts was the backlash.

But to be precise, it was not a backlash, but the hidden dangers after absorbing talents, skills, etc., which broke out this time, trying to impact Brian's consciousness.

To put it in a more mysterious way, those talents and skills carry the strong spiritual imprint of the original owner, which has not been eliminated before, until the blood moon ability upgrade was detonated.

Among them, the memory impact of the deformed will be more real and detailed, and the memory impact of ordinary people, including Laura, will be more vague.

After the key point.

Brian now only remembers that similar things have happened, but can't remember the details of those impacted memories, as if those memories were directly cleared out of his head as garbage.

He is in a very good state now, his mind is clear and turning very fast, without the bloating and pain before, only the fear of aftertaste is left.

In addition to willpower, this test also has experience.

In just three months, he has absorbed too many obsessions.

Among them are wild deformed beasts, ferocious deformed people, and various ordinary people's mixed obsessions.

Brian has been a human for two lives, and his real age adds up to 50 years old. In addition to the rich and colorful life, experience and strong mental strength in this life, he has been able to bear it.

In fact, he still has many unfinished obsessions.

For example, the obsession of the uncle, the six obsessions of the Japanese ninjas, the obsession of the monkey mutant...

Brian suspected that if he had really completed these obsessions before, he would probably not be able to tell who he was now, and he would really become a lunatic.

"I thought I was a very special mutant, and there was no danger. I didn't expect that in addition to being emotional occasionally, there was also such a hidden price. There is really no free lunch in the world."

Brian stood up and wanted to drink water, but felt cold.

When he touched it, he found that his clothes were soaked, and there was a clear human-shaped sweat mark on the sofa.

While dreaming, his body also suffered some unknown changes.


Brian lay on the kitchen faucet, swallowed the cold tap water in big gulps, then cleaned the sofa, took a shower and changed clothes, and recovered his dryness before returning to the sofa to close his eyes and check his situation again.

With a thought, the supercomputer perception was immediately activated.

At this moment, Brian felt different.

How to say it.

The skills and talents he had acquired before were similar to plug-ins, always with a sense of estrangement. They could be used, and even better than the original owner, but they would consume his mind.

Now they would also consume, but more naturally, without any of the previous awkwardness.

Brian quickly tried other talents and found that they all had similar changes, as if these talents were born to belong to him, growing up with him and adapting to him since childhood.

The most important thing is that the combination of these talents is smoother.

They seem to be integrated together.

For example, ‘enhanced sense of smell’ + ‘eagle eye’ + ‘supercomputing perception’ + ‘ultrasonic impact perception’, the four combined into one, formed Brian’s exaggerated and unique perception network.

How to say it.

Brian was sitting on the sofa in the living room of the apartment, but he could clearly know the environment outside, as if he could directly see through the cover of the concrete wall and perceive all the dead and living things within a range of about ten meters outside.

This is a kind of perception that he can't describe, and he can't really see it, but he just knows the movements around the balcony, the placement of objects, and the leaves drifting by when the evening breeze blows.

The combination of talents is so terrifying!

In addition, Brian's three physical talents of "body control" + "pheromone control" + "super adaptability" have also undergone a subtle fusion.

In addition to being more comfortable to use.

For the first time, Brian has the ability to slightly change the structure of cells.

He doesn't know why he knows that he has the ability to do this, but he knows it, as if he naturally knows the role of his talent.

Brian tentatively stretched out his hand.

The next moment.

According to his thoughts, this white palm actually slowly changed its skin color, and turned into matte black very slowly.

After about ten minutes, a palm that anyone who saw it would think was part of the black man's body appeared in front of Brian.

"The speed is too slow, this change is too slow, it can't be used in an emergency, but if you don't actively control it and let the body adapt automatically, it should be better than my control effect."

Thinking of this.

Brian took out a lighter and burned the matte black palm.

There was a stinging pain.

Brian remained calm and silently looked at the burning position where white smoke was emitting.

He did not move the lighter until he smelled the burning smell of skin cells. He controlled the gift energy to repair the wound.

For this kind of injury, the gift energy consumed was about 0.8 units.

Touching the skin that seemed to be repaired but was actually tougher than before, and feeling a little hungry, Brian showed a happy expression.

This "super-adaptive" talent, which only obtained one-third, has undergone a magical change after integrating his other two talents!

Brian immediately picked up the lighter again and burned it again at the previous position.

The stinging sensation this time was obviously reduced a lot.

The same distance, height, and burning time.

When the time was up.

Brian immediately took back the lighter and controlled the gift energy to repair the wound again.

This time, the gift energy consumed was only 0.5 units.

After repeating several times.

Under the same burning conditions, although Brian could still feel the stinging pain, after taking off the lighter, he took a piece of skin that had been repaired several times. Except for a little yellowing on the surface, there was no damage at all.

This does not mean that this piece of skin can ward off fire, but the resistance to fire has been greatly improved, and it can withstand longer before being hurt.

Brian felt that it was similar to other parts, but whether it was toughness or high temperature resistance, it crushed the small piece of skin around it, and he showed a happy expression.

This is fucking "super adaptation"!

The skin cells in this part of his body seemed to have remembered the stimulation of the flame burning, and took the initiative to undergo structural changes, and changed their shape during repair to adapt to this flame environment.

This is actually nothing.

The most amazing thing is that Brian's body remembered this change.

What does it mean?

It means that he can consume the gift energy at any time, or slowly consume the energy he absorbs from the outside world, and add this resistance change to all the cells in his body to achieve adaptation to high temperature flames.

If he doesn't want to, he can also return this piece of skin to its previous state, so that people can't find any abnormalities.

Compared to the previous mouse mutant's distorted talent, Brian's is even more amazing.

Because adapting to changes will basically cause external changes, and there is no way to control oneself, but Brian can absorb the advantages and choose whether to change.

It's conceivable.

The longer he lives, as long as he has enough energy, his body will become more and more abnormal, and the fatal threats to him will become less and less.

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