You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 217: Gift-giving ability upgrade, female celebrity death case

"The lethality of a nuclear bomb is mainly due to shock waves, high temperatures, and radiation. If I adapt a little bit in advance and take it slow, after one or two hundred years, I think I will have a chance to withstand a nuclear bomb in the future..."

Brian suddenly had this strange idea.

However, he put this idea aside after imagining the energy consumption involved.

After adapting to all the abilities again, Brian opened the panel formed by the supercomputer perception.

This panel, based on his cognition, is actually equivalent to a notepad.

According to the above values.

Brian's physical and mental strength are still 1.3, and there has not been a big leap.

However, he clearly felt that the influence of the various talents he had obtained before on his mental strength has been reduced by almost 90%.

What does it mean?

It means that Brian is now using various talents around the clock and can barely maintain the strongest state.

If you simply open a few talents, such as strengthening the sense of smell, you can basically keep them open for 24 hours without pressure, and you will feel physically and mentally exhausted like before.

In addition.

Brian discovered a more surprising change.

There is an explanation! ! !

The gifted talents are all explained!

Similar to the previous senses, when Brian sees a talent, he naturally knows the situation of this talent.

For example, the reward for Uncle Brian's unfinished obsession gift: Iron Will.

Iron Will: Your will is as strong as steel. External and internal distractions cannot affect your will. The only thing that can defeat you is your aging body and yourself!

This explanation is more like Brian's self-monologue. There is no real textual explanation, but it is poured into his mind in a way that Brian can understand. Just take a look and you will know what this talent is.

"This talent is awesome. The main thing is that I don't commit suicide. Even if my distortion is a demon again, I should have a great chance of getting through it."

Brian hurriedly looked at other talents that he had only a vague understanding of before.

For example, the heart's eye of Liu Sheng Yidao.

Heart's eye: You are born with a strong sixth sense, which can easily see through the flaws and threats of all enemies within the perception range. You can perceive certain emotions of intelligent creatures to a lower degree.

"This is also amazing. It's like having built-in headshot and danger perception, and can also sense some emotional changes. If you learn a little more about psychology and micro-expression knowledge, you can directly become a master of psychology."

There is also the talent of the previous mutant beast, 'Rapid Burst'.

Rapid Burst: Your muscle fibers and bone structure are peculiar, and your jumping ability and short-distance movement speed have been greatly improved.

This surprised Brian again.

After all, his current physical fitness is probably not worse than that monkey-like mutant beast.

The speed is only slightly different.

Brian sometimes worries that this talent is not very helpful to him.

Now I feel much more relieved.

This is a subtle change in the body structure, similar to a BUFF bonus. The stronger your physical fitness is, the stronger the burst speed and jump will be after obtaining this talent. There is no such thing as not being of little help.

Looking at the unfinished obsession talents one by one, Brian felt like he was looking at a gold mine waiting for his development. He even felt like he didn't go to work and devoted all his energy to completing the obsession.

Although I have collected all these obsessions before, I have no clear understanding of the talent because it only has a name, so I was happy at the beginning, but I was depressed later.

Now that I know the role of these gifts clearly, it is equivalent to knowing the details of the task rewards clearly. Brian has the urge to work hard.

After the excitement.

Brian's figure flashed, and his tall figure appeared on the top of the balcony flexibly like a monkey jumping in the mountain stream. He tiptoed again and leaped to the top floor of the apartment where he could borrow strength.

This place is closed, and weeds and dirt can be seen everywhere.

Brian stood on the roof, looking at the lights and the deep darkness in the distance, and felt happy.

No wonder those superheroes often jump from high buildings and watch the moon from the iron tower. This feeling is really cool.

According to what the crazy old man said.

The internal deformed circle of China divides the deformed level into five levels: flesh evil, rebirth, mortal transformation, foundation building, and land immortal.

These five levels are not divided according to combat capabilities, but five stages of distortion.

Counting the beginning.

Brian had experienced two transformations before, and today was the third.

If divided according to this standard, wouldn't he have entered the third stage of the distorter, "Transformation"?

Chinese people like to give names with some symbolic meaning.

For example, the first stage of flesh evil.

This stage is actually the stage when the distorter awakens his abilities after the blood moon radiation.

The meaning of this name is also simple, a distorted newborn who is subject to desire and is still at risk of losing control.

The second stage is rebirth.

At this stage, the distorter's innate ability will evolve, and the body's biological force field will also change, and the impact on the risk of losing control will also be controlled to a certain extent.

The distorters at this stage have a buffer period of thirty years.

Most of them have already understood their situation. If they stay away from the crowd and live in hiding, they will do things a little bit extreme at most. As long as they are not stimulated by the outside world, they will not easily become slaves to emotions.

This stage will last until the next blood moon.

By the way, I have to add some information here that Brian got from the crazy old man:

When the blood moon comes, ordinary people are not directly enveloped and radiated by the blood moon. Even if the other party is a qualified pervert, the possibility of direct distortion is small.

At most, the person will become worse and more extreme during the blood moon period of one or two years afterwards.

But if they are aberrations or aberrations, even if they hide hundreds of meters underground, they will not be able to escape the influence of the blood moon's re-radiation, and there will be obvious changes.

Those who are deformed will suffer a calamity every thirty years.

Brian's uncle Billy fell under the continued impact of the second blood moon impact.

The third stage of transformation

From a literal sense, this seems to be the beginning of something otherworldly.

Brian's ability transformation this time, except for the sensory-driven talent, the stealth cost dropped by 90%, the talents are more integrated and integrated, and the gifts have more explanations, he feels that he has not changed much.

After all, his fighting power has long been extraordinary and inhuman.

What surprised Brian was actually the harvest brought about by the fusion of talents.

There are too many gains in this area and he plans to explore slowly in the future.

One night, Brian wasn't ready for bed.

He excitedly transformed into Tigger, jumping and parkouring among the buildings in the city. Out of boredom, he even went to the safe house where Spider-Woman was hiding.

The other party stayed in the bedroom honestly, with his limbs in a large shape, lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, without any vigilance at all.

The TV was still playing some heavy radio programs in the early morning.

A pile of snack garbage bags under the bed.

There were also a lot of bone sticks stuffed at the head of the bed, with shredded meat and tendons attached to the bones. They looked like beef bones. To be precise, they looked like Indian-style roasted whole beef-style food.

It can be seen that this beautiful woman who used to be a model has now become accustomed to Brian's breeding and has lived a life of eating and drinking until death.

"You are just a spider-cyber, not a pig-headed girl. Don't turn into a pig when the time comes."

Brian had a headache.

He has only accepted three subordinates, and Green seems to be more reliable.

Could it be that Susan was infected?

Spider-Woman had a unique sense, and Brian didn't get close.

He glanced around to make sure there was nothing strange, then closed his eyes, stepped on the leverage point that ordinary people could not detect, and jumped across the moonlight, like a tall and flexible cat man, galloping in this sleeping city.

The next day, Brian arrived at the office in high spirits.

He received a message from Susan in the morning.

The other party will come back today with Thirteen.

He had arrived early enough, but it turned out that old Harden, a bastard, and Edna, a female clerk who didn't have a strong sense of presence, actually arrived earlier.

They sat in front of the computer with tired expressions, clicking away. There were some developed photos and copies of the autopsy report album beside them.

Seeing this, Brian understood.

There were four cases in a row yesterday, and it wasn't him and Thom who were the two body collectors who were suffering.

After all, in those cases, although the facts were bizarre, they were all very clear, just follow the process. The only convenience store owner who was solved by Brian was also solved by him abusing his power.

So they are not busy.

Old Harden and the others are in dire straits.

They need to sort out the autopsy report, negotiate with the court about the processing time of the criminal, and then sort out the findings at the crime scene, the course of the case, and the police records of solving the case.

A bunch of shit.

The typical processing time for this process is one week.

In recent months, there have been so many cases and too many people committing crimes that the process had to be delayed to two weeks.

Normally, Old Harden and the others have enough time to deal with these things.

According to Brian's understanding of Old Harden, yesterday's battle should have frightened Old Harden, so he asked the female clerk to expedite the processing of these cases together, for fear that the number of cases would accumulate and affect the holiday.

Think of this.

Brian, who was in a good mood today, walked forward with a smile: "Are you in such a hurry?"

Edna yawned: "I didn't want to rush it, but Old Harden said that he had other things to be busy with recently, and he was also afraid that there would be no shortage of cases these days, and we would have to be like Ivan and the others. Work overtime on rest days”

Old Harden shrugged: "Life is full of variables. I call this the wisdom of an old man."

In fact, he just wanted to finish the work early, and then have time on his days off to contact friends he knew, develop what Brian needed, and earn Brian's money.

Seeing this, Brian could only remind Old Harden to pay attention to his health.

Facts have proved that Old Harden's hunch was right.

It's just past eight o'clock.

Before Susan could see her face, the office phone rang.

Another case!

"FK, this is outrageous. Our B6 team is just a team with less than ten members. Why are there so many and dense cases for us!"

Old Harden picked up the phone and started yelling.

Even some ordinary cases, aftermath, etc., all consume time and manpower. This frequency seems to be stuck at the limit of their manpower.

As long as you can't do it to death, do it to death.

This makes the old Harden, who has always been lazy, somewhat unacceptable.

On the other end of the phone, the female operator spoke louder: "Old Harden, you bastard must have forgotten to brush your teeth this morning. This is an order sent by the system's rotation. If you don't answer it, you will automatically be transferred to the next group. You answered it yourself. How cruel." What a sinister thing!”

There are a lot of people making false police reports here, and many of them are about trivial matters, and some are harassment calls from people who drank too much, took too much, etc. These people like to complain at every turn.

As a result, these operators go to work every day just like the grave.

They are also one of the few who work night shifts and work three shifts 24 hours a day. Except when they face the police, their tempers are not very good at other times.

Faced with the operator's roar, Old Harden helplessly looked at Brian with a questioning expression.

Brian nodded: "Ask what the case is. Don't ask us to collect the body again. It's too unchallenging."

Old Harden nodded and muttered into the phone.


He looked at Brian with strange eyes: "The case sent by Beverly, a slightly famous actress was found to have drowned without any clothes on in the swimming pool of the manor villa..."

Hearing this, Brian whistled: "It's a pity that Glenn and Green didn't come, otherwise they would be very happy."

As for Ivan, he would be very happy unless Old Harden said it was a male star without any clothes.

Fortunately, Tom is already here.

The two of them had no choice but to drive the body collection truck to the crime scene early in the morning, facing the traffic coming to work.

There are different divisions in Beverly such as high-end apartments and hilltop villas and estates. The same place is clearly divided into residences with different price ranges such as one million, five million, and tens of millions.

At this time, the security here is still good.

There is 24-hour patrolling security guarding the property.

However, because this place is very popular with movie stars, football stars, singers, etc., and because there are Hollywood, stadiums, etc., you can often see a lot of tourists and casual paparazzi wandering here.

This kind of place is actually not very popular with people of social status.

They will think that these so-called celebrities have lowered the quality of their community.

To avoid traffic.

Thom drove the car, constantly taking detours, and drove the car near Franklin Canyon Park.

This place is further away from Beverly Hills, more than 20 kilometers away.

There are also some good quality residential areas around.

Not far away is Rodeo Drive, the commercial center of Los Angeles.

There are more roads here and they are less crowded.

The air here is very good.

Brian opened the window and took a deep breath.

next moment.

He almost retched.

Seeing this, Tom let out a weird laugh: "Man, you must rarely come here. The environment here looks pretty good, but people often defecate in the green belt. You must smell fresh ”

His throat was injured and his voice became unpleasant.

"No, it's the smell of shark meat, rotten shark meat, sour radish, this must be the food a damn Icelander left in the trash can!"

Brian cursed unbecomingly.

The smell was so disgusting.

He had seen it once before and almost had a psychological shadow. This time he was deeply impressed when he smelled it, and he immediately remembered what it smelled like.

How did this maggot thing become human food? ? ?

If I had known better, I wouldn't have turned on the magical combination of perception all the time.

Semi-opening is a method that Brian has figured out. It can make his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears more sensitive without affecting his daily life and without consuming much energy.

In the end, I was still tricked.

Compared with the smell of rotting shark meat, the smell of their corpse truck was less than one-tenth of that.

too disgusting!

With a depressed mood.

Brian got in the car, and after being identified by community security, he drove the car to the villa where the crime occurred.

This is actually a single-family villa built on a high ground, with a large swimming pool, more than a dozen rooms inside, and buildings above and below. The actual area of ​​the estate is often not large.

When the two arrived, in addition to the police cordon, there were also many paparazzi and reporters with cameras standing around.

Go through them.

The two took the toolbox and verified their identities. Under the leadership of a female patrol officer, they finally saw a beautiful body in the swimming pool with a figure that was so good that it exploded.

The key opponent is the backstroke posture.

The impact of the picture is difficult to describe in words.

In short, it gives people a physical impulse.

Even Thom, who had been injured for many years and had been physically weak and not very interested in women, swallowed subconsciously and lost his mind the moment he saw the corpse.

Brian glanced at it and curled his lips.


All fake.

Only this face can be seen.

He gave Thom a kick: "Fool, aren't you curious why she isn't face down?"


Tom spoke subconsciously.

Brian smiled, ignored him, and walked forward.

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