You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 218 Death Speculation, Blood Association (two in one)

At the edge of the swimming pool, there was a middle-aged black man who was dressed very fashionably and had a strange scent. He was wiping his tears with a handkerchief. Two female patrol officers stood around awkwardly.

They whispered and discussed some gossip about the female celebrities in the swimming pool.

Seeing Brian and the others arriving, the two female patrol officers' eyes lit up: "Hey, are you Brian, Brian, the coroner from the Hollywood area?"

A blonde female patrolman greeted Brian warmly.

This female patrol officer looks pretty good, tall and tall, and her bare arms are covered with reflective hairs. At first glance, she has a physique with strong hormone secretion.

Her companion, who was also a female patrol officer, followed Brian, who looked at him curiously.

"Yes, I'm Brian, can you tell me briefly what happened here?"

Brian nodded towards the two of them and scanned the surrounding surveillance equipment.

This kind of luxury house usually has an independent security system.

Before the female police officers could reply, the middle-aged black man wiping his tears shouted angrily at Brian: "Get out, why did you arrange for male police officers to come in? Get out, you disgusting stinky man!"

"who is he?"

Brian asked curiously.

The female patrolman shrugged:

“The agent of the deceased Paola Rigaodo was also the one who reported the matter to the police.

According to him, the deceased had a private appointment last night. For some privacy reasons, the security system was turned off, and he did not live here.

He couldn't contact the deceased today, so he came over early because he was worried about something happening, only to find that the deceased appeared in the swimming pool...

By the way, he did not allow male police officers to enter the villa, saying that this would be disrespectful to the deceased woman. Considering that the deceased was a public figure, the bureau arranged for other colleagues to cordon off the outside while we came in for a simple investigation. "

As a capital country, rich people are happy here.

At least the police will be more cautious in treating people like them. Even if they commit a crime, they will prefer gentle enforcement. Otherwise, the connections the other party may know, or the ability to mobilize money, or the power of public opinion, will be enough to cause headaches for many people.

"That's it"

Brian nodded and said to Thom: "Man, as a favor to you, go into the water and drag the body over."

"no problem!"

Thom's voice was sharp and he couldn't help the smile on his face.

Brian is so brotherly.

Female star!

I usually watch it twice on TV at most, but I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to start it directly today.

These words angered the black agent.

His little hand holding the handkerchief trembled: "You actually want an ugly hand to desecrate Paola's body. You are committing a crime. I will expose your disgusting behavior to the media and I will file a complaint."

There was a crisp snap.

Without saying a word, the black sissy manager flew more than three meters away, hit the steps far away, and fell into a sluggish state...

Brian wiped his palms in disgust: "Shameless."

As he spoke, he waved his hand towards Thom.

With a splash, Tom, this guy, didn't even take off his clothes. He fell into the water like a turtle and flopped towards the body of the deceased woman like a dog.


The two female patrolmen looked at Brian in surprise.

The topic of violent law enforcement and excessive use of lethal force by the American police is encountered every year in every state. However, it is still rare for them to come to the scene of a crime and beat the person who reported the crime first.

After all, this is a wealthy area.

When they work as patrol officers, although their benefits are not bad, they often get offended.

Unlike some ordinary community patrol officers, who may just mediate family disputes, shoot directly to solve the problem, and be offered paid administrative leave by the way, but nothing will happen in the end.

"Brian, are you being too impulsive?"

The female patrol officer said worriedly.

Brian shook his head and pointed to the police badge pinned to the collar of his suit: "This man just tried to obstruct public officials from handling the case, and also verbally insulted and attacked police officers. I will trouble you to take him back and prosecute him later."

After beating the person, they have to take him back and prosecute him.

This method of doing things was in sharp contrast with Brian's handsome and handsome appearance, which shocked the two female patrol officers.

"No problem, it's just this kind of thing. It's usually of no use. In the end, the judge in the court may not accept our prosecution suggestion. Even if he accepts it, there will definitely be a bail option, and maybe he will get into trouble in the end."

The hairy female patrol officer advised.

Her companion nodded:

“Now the Department of Justice is getting more and more disgusting.

I heard that an industrial chain has been formed in the prison. As long as someone enters, someone will contact the prisoner and ask them whether they want a loan for bail.

As a result, we only arrested people here, but the prisoners were released within two days.

Every time we make an arrest, we risk being shot.

This is disgusting.

If I didn't have to support my family, I would have quit my job long ago. "

Hearing this, Brian was also a little glad that he joined the NW, rather than an ordinary branch, district bureau, or that kind of security office (local police station, field police).

On the American side, basically every frontline police force and the Department of Justice do not have a harmonious relationship.

Some of the practices over there are really disgusting.

This is because law enforcement recorders are not yet popular. If they were, it would be more difficult for the police to do their job, and they would be tied up and thankless.

Faced with concern, Brian explained: "There is something different here in NW. If this sissy dares to complain to me, I will let him know what is unreasonable."

Hearing this, the two female patrol officers only had envy in their eyes.

Their reaction was slow, and they failed to keep up with the NW recruitment expansion several times. In addition, the assessment requirements for staff without special skills were also high. Most ordinary patrol officers were not qualified and could only be envied.

Thom is a very unreliable dog scratcher.

He fluttered to the side of the female corpse and struggled for a long time. He was exhausted and panting. Finally, he hugged the female corpse and gasped for air in the water. He almost drowned in the swimming pool.

He's really weak.

Thom also knew what Brian meant at this moment.


It feels wrong!

This female corpse was dragging him, and it was still floating on the water. It was full of technology, so it was just a matter of looking at it. When it was touched, it was as cold as touching silicone.

Seeing this, Brian reluctantly threw a rubber inflatable duck on the shore.

Relying on the little duck, Tom returned with difficulty with the female body.

What came back with me was a pair of pajamas.

Generally, no one goes into the water wearing pajamas, which means that the deceased woman was most likely wearing pajamas in a vacuum and accidentally fell into the water when she was killed.

Place the female body on the shore.

Brian stretched out his palm, pressed the soft flesh under the exaggerated hardness of the female corpse, and analyzed: "There was water in her lungs, but not much, and there were no bloodshot symptoms in her mouth and nose. This means that she didn't struggle much when she entered the water. Traces, and may even have lost consciousness."

The symptoms of a drowned person are still very obvious.

This is a suffocation death. A fresh corpse will have symptoms such as non-coagulation of blood throughout the body, visceral congestion, petechiae in the palpebral conjunctiva, mucosa, and serosa, etc.

In addition to the above symptoms, in most drowning victims, white or red hemispherical foam can be seen in front of the mouth and nose, which is similar to the symptoms of death after drinking pesticides.

This is because after water is choked into the respiratory tract, it stimulates the mucosa of the trachea and bronchus, secretes a large amount of protein-containing liquid, and then mixes with it to form drowning.

As for the red foam, it means that during this process, the bronchial mucosa or small blood vessels in the alveolar wall of the deceased ruptured and bled.

These are the more obvious death characteristics of drowned people.

If it is a river or ocean, there will be more symptoms, such as signs of struggle, sand between fingernails, water in the lungs, etc.

The most accurate way to distinguish whether a deceased person drowned or not is to look at the condition of the lungs.

The presence of water means that the deceased was still alive when he entered the water and choked before death.

If there is no water, then you will enter the water after death.

In fact, the most difficult thing to determine for this kind of corpse in the water is the time of death.

This is generally determined by the surface symptoms of the deceased.

For example, if a drowning person has been dead in the water for a longer time, the body will appear light pink.

This is because the oxyhemoglobin in the blood cannot easily release oxygen at low temperatures and the oxygen in the water can penetrate into the skin blood vessels in small amounts and combine with hemoglobin to form oxyhemoglobin, so the corpse spots are mostly light red.

During this process, the skin of the corpse will also undergo some qualitative changes, such as shrinkage, swelling, whitening, etc. The cuticle and skin in some parts will even slowly fall off, forming a pattern similar to drowning gloves and foot gloves. Strange picture.

This was the case with the female corpse in front of me.

There was not much water accumulation in the lungs of the female corpse, and the body was slightly red. The hair follicles on both sides of the chest and abdomen, buttocks, upper arms and outer thighs showed chicken skin-like bulges. The cuticles of the hands and feet were softened and whitened without falling off.

Considering the weather here in Los Angeles.

Brian judged that the female body was thrown into the swimming pool while unconscious and soaked for more than twelve hours.

Thom shook off the water droplets on his body: "Brian, are you saying that the deceased was thrown into the pool and drowned after losing consciousness?"

Brian shook his head:

"What you said is probably correct, but the deceased did not drown. She choked on water, but it did not lead to death, and her death condition did not resemble the symptoms of drowning.

I found small bleeding spots in the deceased's eyes.

This symptom is very strange. It is usually seen in the deceased who died by hanging or jumping from the building. This is a symptom that occurs after the capillaries in the eyes rupture and the blood flows back.

I don't understand why this corpse appears in front of me. "

As he spoke, he glanced at the surrounding buildings.

In fact, similar situations are likely to occur when bungee jumping, but the deceased woman did not have those dense red dots on her body, so she obviously did not fall into this category.

There were no marks of strangulation on the other party's neck.

If you jump off a building or dive into the water, there is a chance.

The problem is, there is no suitable diving spot in this villa, and the swimming pool is mediocre. There is no diving board. Why does the female body appear in such a dead state?

Faced with Brian's words, Thom, a former detective who often came into contact with corpses, could still understand what Brian meant, but the two female patrolmen next to him had completely question mark faces.

They had no idea what Brian was saying, so they could only handcuff the middle-aged black manager who had already gotten up and was huddled in the corner wiping tears.

Brian used skill, otherwise this guy would have been half dead.

Thom gave his own guess:

“Brian, is that what it is?

The deceased woman and the murderer had an argument on the balcony above, and then she was pushed off the balcony by the murderer. Her head hit the water and hit her, causing the capillaries in her eyes to rupture.

The murderer estimated that the deceased woman would drown in the swimming pool, so he left directly. Unexpectedly, the deceased woman remained floating in the water due to the technology in her body and did not drown.

She was just unlucky and died for other reasons.”

This speculation is consistent with the fact that the deceased woman fell into the water in her pajamas.

“It’s possible, but it’s also possible that the deceased was emotionally excited before his death, which caused the capillaries in his eyes to rupture, which is why this symptom occurs.

Let me first see if I can determine the cause of death of the deceased. "

As he spoke, Brian knelt down and touched every part of the deceased woman's body. After making sure there were no broken bones or obvious internal injuries, he opened her mouth.

The other person's mouth has also undergone surgery. It has the kind of extremely plump lips, which is sexy for mature men with flaming red lips.

Brian took out a flashlight and checked the other person's oral environment.

The other party's oral care is very good, there are no bleeding symptoms under the skin, and the teeth are all veneered. With enhanced sense of smell, you can smell some residual smell of red wine.

In addition, there is also the unpleasant smell from the gases escaping from the bodies of some deceased women.

Facts have proved that no matter how beautiful a woman is, her mouth will smell bad after death.

Brian pinched the other person's tongue and pulled it.

Good guy, this woman's tongue is longer and slender than an average person's. She can probably lick the tip of her nose easily. Even though the tongue coating is relatively white and thick in the middle and spread out on both sides, it's still much thicker than an average person's.

This is not to say that the deceased did not care about hygiene during his lifetime. It is simply a symptom of excessive friction, similar to calluses on the hands.

Even if this layer of white coating is scraped off, experienced people can still distinguish some information contained on the tongue at a glance.

It can be seen that the deceased was also a progressive woman during her lifetime.

Brian noticed that there was obvious redness and swelling on the tongue, throat, and tonsils of the deceased.

This is an inflammatory symptom caused by excessive congestion.

But Brian was not sure whether the deceased's throat inflammation was caused by physical friction or pathological reasons. This aspect of medicine was his weak point and he could not determine and distinguish it.

Suddenly, Brian's eyes narrowed slightly.

He stretched out his fingers, gently rubbed the upper teeth of the deceased, and unexpectedly pulled out a piece of black-gray cortical tissue.

Brian immediately said to Thom: "The camera takes pictures. This is a very important clue."

Tom quickly took photos, took out an evidence bag, and put the gray-black leather substance in it.

After collecting the physical evidence, he asked Brian curiously: "What is this?"

Brian shrugged: "I'm not sure, but if I'm not mistaken, it's the dead skin that fell off a man's banana."


Thom thought he heard wrong.

Brian raised his eyebrows: "Yeah!"

Friction creates calluses.

In fact, bananas can also develop calluses, but these calluses are different from those on your hands.

Bananas are relatively fragile and sensitive. If they are rubbed too frequently in a short period of time, they will cause peeling, redness and swelling. Then the cortex in these locations will turn into gray-black dead skin that will fall off easily.

As a man who works crazy part-time jobs, Brian has experienced this before, so he understands a little bit.

Most people really don't know this.

This is the wisdom that comes with experience.

His previous depravity now seems to be nothing more than a slight accumulation of knowledge on the road to growth.

Tom confirmed that he had heard correctly, with excitement on his face: "Then can we rely on this to determine the DNA of the owner of the dead skin?"

Brian nodded:

“The deceased woman had patches all over her mouth.

Although dental veneers are beautiful, you need to pay great attention to oral hygiene, otherwise it will easily lead to gum recession.

The other party's oral condition is not bad, indicating that she has good habits, which means that the owner of this piece of dead skin should be the last person she came into contact with. "

No matter what kind of murder case it is, the person who was last contacted by the deceased has the highest probability of being the murderer.

The female deceased had a really good figure and face, but it was limited by the current medical aesthetic materials, which resulted in a mediocre feel and not very attractive to people who have really eaten good food.

However, the exaggerated tongue and throat tongue characteristics of the other party gave Brian new speculations about the cause of death of the deceased woman.

The other party was probably biting someone, and something unexpected happened, which caused the deceased to retching and gasping. He subconsciously closed his mouth and bit the person in pain. Then he was pushed down by the other party and fell into the swimming pool.

In order to verify this conjecture, Brian took Thom to the second-floor balcony of the villa.

The area is not small, and there is also a set of high-end sofas and lounge chairs, allowing you to see the vast scenery below.

There is also a strange-shaped swing next to it, with some decorative shields arranged around it to ensure that in this position, you can see the outside, but only the upper body here can be seen outside.

This arrangement is a bit deliberate.

Brian came to the edge of the viewing balcony.

The distance here is actually not high, about five meters, and it is blocked by a fence made of large glass.

Special large glass of this size is not cheap in the United States.

The production of this thing is very difficult and the charge is very expensive. Add in the brand premium, and it will probably cost six figures in total.

Near the swimming pool, there is a gap in the balcony, which is made into a small step, which is equivalent to a diving platform.

From here, you can jump into the pool below very accurately without worrying about falling and eating shit.

Brian focused on this place, sniffed the ground, and then stretched out his fingers to wipe the gaps between the tiles, bringing back many broken glass shards, and nodded:

"Well, the situation at that time should be that the female deceased was chatting with someone on the balcony, drinking red wine, and then doing something shameful.

To be precise, the female deceased should have been sitting on this step and eating a banana.

The owner of the banana should have been standing here, enjoying the service of the female deceased, holding a glass of red wine, and looking into the distance.

Something went wrong in the middle.

The female deceased was choked by the banana, and it came down when she closed her mouth A little banana peel.

This caused the banana's owner to feel pain, and the red wine glass in his hand fell to the ground.

In anger, he used his feet or hands to push the female victim off the balcony and into the swimming pool below.

The female victim was already in a state of choking and was very uncomfortable. She also encountered the impact of falling and the water surface. It is estimated that something happened to her body and she died in the swimming pool.

After that, the banana's owner cleaned up the scene, ignored her, and left directly. "

Following Brian's description, Tom imagined the scene with envy: "It sounds very romantic"

He really envied the owner of the banana.

Brian rolled his eyes, and this guy only heard the paragraph he described, and subconsciously ignored the rest.

According to the existing clues, finding the owner of the banana is the focus of the case.

The possible insider-the black sissy agent has become the most suitable clue for Brian and his team.

In addition.

The community here has strict management of foreign populations, and there are security patrols and guards 24 hours a day to ensure the comfort of the owners.

These people may not be reliable, but there must be records of vehicles coming and going.

Brian asked Tom to contact the security company in the community to ask for information, and he went downstairs and found the black sissy agent again.

This guy was still crying.

Brian was annoyed and raised his hand again: "Dude, you are prone to respiratory alkalosis like this, I will help you treat it."

Seeing this big slap, the black agent was so scared that he shrank behind the female patrolman and said in panic: "No, no, I won't cry, you are too violent, woo woo woo~"


He felt like he was bullying a little bit.

The other party looked so dead that Brian was embarrassed to threaten him.

He sighed: "Tell me, who was the person the deceased met last night? You know, if someone dies, the other party may kill you. In addition, there may be records of the other party's vehicles entering and leaving here, so for safety, you should tell me."

As a movie star, the female deceased deliberately turned off the surveillance in the villa area when she received the banana owner.

This means that the other party's identity is sensitive, and it is likely that he is the sponsor of the female victim.

This is normal.

After all, ordinary small stars really can't afford the house here.

This thing is the same as a luxury car. It is expensive to sell. The annual property tax, property fees, and other various expenses are estimated to be hundreds of thousands of US dollars every year.

Ordinary people can't afford it.

So it is likely that there is a sponsor behind the other party.

This black sissy agent, from some of his previous words and actions, is an unreliable and abnormal person.

He was even more panicked when he heard words like silencing.

"I can say it, but I ask the police to protect my safety.

You must promise me, otherwise you can't find out the other party's identity!

The other party's identity is very sensitive. Paola goes to pick him up in person every time. I haven't even seen that person in person, but I know who he is!"

The black agent looked at Brian pleadingly.

After thinking about it, Brian nodded.

He first said to the two female patrolmen: "You go outside first, otherwise I'm worried that you will know something and it will cause trouble for you."

The two female patrolmen were not naive and left immediately.

When only the black agent and Brian were present, the black agent wiped his eyes and said to Brian: "Have you heard of the Blood Association?"

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