You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 219 Evil Insider, Lobbyist

"Blood Association?"

Brian had heard of the Red Cross, the Red Cross Blood Center, or the American Blood Center Organization, etc., but this was the first time he heard of the simple 'blood association'.

"Yes, the Blood Association, this is a very niche organization, but it is responsible for the import and export of plasma products in more than fifty states in the United States."

When the black agent said this, his eyes looked around in a sneaky way, and there was a look of fear on his face:

"Do you know how many secrets are hidden here?

Man, it's true, you look very young, and the two policewomen respect you very much. You may have a great future, or let's just give Paola the definition of drunken stumble and drowning.

I feel like they wouldn’t target a small character like me. "

He had some recollections.

If the financial backer behind Paola had silenced him, he should have left with Paola yesterday.

The other party's energy was so great that even if he ran to Europe, he would definitely be dead. He couldn't even imagine where he could escape if he was hunted by that group.

So I should be fine.

Seeing that the black manager seemed to have reacted and was unwilling to continue talking, and wanted to persuade himself, Brian twitched the corner of his mouth.

He politely admonished: "I was just aroused by your words, but you stopped talking. This is not fun, it is very disappointing. The last person who did this to me still has his body in the freezer of the morgue!"

Black agent:

If you die at every turn, then this is a spoiler of fun!

He tried to scare Brian: "Don't you realize the energy of the sponsor behind Paola? Do you know how exaggerated the import and export of blood is?"

"Talk about it."

Brian wasn't impressed.

No more exaggeration, more exaggeration than those of the aberrant organizations?

The black agent glanced around furtively again and then spoke quickly:

“Paola told me these things unintentionally when she was drunk.

The financial backer behind her is a member of the Blood Association, responsible for the non-main channel blood export and import business in Los Angeles.

There are many official organizations involved.

What I mean is that, without you knowing it, maybe the top brass of your police station are also part of this chain of interests.

If you continue to investigate, you will be unable to live a stable life. "

Brian shook his head:

"Sorry, I am a member of the NW organization. The businesses you mentioned, before I have touched the interests of those people, they dare not do anything to me.

By the way, although I don’t know your name yet, I must remind you that when I asked the two policewomen to leave just now, I actually let some people outside know that you have been staying with me for a long time.

Even if you don't know anything, you can't run away.

Whether you can survive depends on whether I will investigate the so-called blood association later, do you understand what I mean? "

What is a vortex? A vortex is when you think you can leave, but you can no longer leave.

In the eyes of the powerful, life is like an ant.

When they feel they are in trouble, they will directly eliminate the factors that may cause trouble, instead of first investigating whether you will cause trouble to them.

It is easier to directly deal with the person who asked the question than to solve the problem.

This is how the powerful think.

Only when there is no way to solve the problem will they consider negotiation or peace talks.

Black managers are also in the entertainment industry after all. Although they are sometimes very stupid, they will react immediately when these conspiracies are involved.

His lips lost color: "Are you cheating on me?"

"No, no, no, this is not to trick you. I am a soldier of the Lord, and I have the obligation to help the lost lambs go to the right path." Brian said calmly.

"I don't believe in the Lord."

"Then you go to hell. At worst, I'll ask others if they know about the blood association, and if no one knows, I'll throw him down." Brian's tone became even more indifferent.

Whether you believe it or not is none of my business.

He didn't even have an obsession with this case. He was curious, just curious.

Solving crimes is similar to solving puzzles. It is a very addictive sport. Otherwise, detective novels around the world would not have endured for so many years and were not affected by the trends of the times.

Faced with Brian's shameless remarks, the black agent was helpless.

He tried to convince himself: "Forget it, Paola is my best friend, I must let her lost soul rest in peace, and I will tell you the information I know next, and I hope you won't regret it."

Brian nodded: "Well, tell me, what is the blood export and import business through non-main channels."

"The blood of prisoners, drug addicts, and homeless people!"

The black agent whispered:

“These are groups that are not the main export channels, and some of them are special blood circulated from laboratories, which carry many infectious diseases.

The volume of business in this area is very large and shocking.

After Paola hooked up with the financial sponsor, even though her acting skills were poor, her singing voice was terrible, and her body was fake, in the Vanity Fair of Hollywood, she had a lot of exposure opportunities and endorsements in just one year.

I was curious about the other party's energy and researched some information on this aspect.

In the entire world, less than one-third of the countries currently have mature blood export technology and capabilities.

These capable countries do not have enough blood of their own, and even less can be exported.

As of last year, the United States occupied 96% of this export market! "

Brian frowned after the first sentence the black agent said: "Can the blood of these groups be used?"

No country is stupid.

Most prisoners, drug addicts, and homeless people have a lot of diseases, and their blood is a source of infection. Isn't this equivalent to transporting poisonous blood?

Not to mention that the black agent said it clearly, and some of them are laboratory outputs, all of which are poisonous blood.

"Of course it can't be used openly. You know, I'm in the entertainment industry and know people from many classes. I'm a black man and have my own sources of information.

These are all told to me by a gangster friend.

He told me that in their lending business, there is a repayment option of selling blood.

Healthy blood is stocked separately, and problematic blood is also stocked separately. There are people who want them. As for the purpose, it's very simple. I checked these international blood trading organizations and found that most of them are welfare organizations.

Some of the blood they export is free of charge.

Do you believe it? "

Brian reacted: "Is this blood association the black glove of those pharmaceutical companies? ”

The black agent nodded:

“Yes, do you know AIDS? If you pay attention, you will find that not long after this group appeared, the corresponding various drugs appeared on the market.

Many countries that originally did not have many AIDS influx groups also began to increase.

When I looked up these data at that time, I was really scared. In South Korea, Japan, those Southeast Asian countries, in short, almost all countries in the world, the AIDS group began to increase.

This may be due to more tests, but before the flame burns, there must be a spark to ignite it.

At that time, I realized that the Blood Association was that spark.

This group of terrible people will first develop drugs in the laboratory according to the conditions of those patients, and then spread these infectious sources to the world. ”

If there is no market, create one.

The things involved are definitely not as simple as the black agent said. It will be much more complicated and many people will be involved.

Pharmaceutical companies are not that powerful. At least their revenue and book data may not be as good as some emerging Internet technology companies.

But the international strategy of these pharmaceutical companies is very important.

Food, clothing, housing, transportation and medical care are basic livelihood issues. If these problems cannot be solved, a country will not be able to become strong. In this global trade environment, it can only become an exploited group.

The key is that when many countries react, whether it is medical standards or many aspects, such as equipment, medical certification, etc., they can only follow others. 's rules.

Let's not talk about anything else, let's talk about Brian's previous life.

When Europe and the United States were still playing bloodletting therapy, Brian's ancestors had already had a complete Chinese medicine system, which prescribed the right medicine and saved countless people.

In the distant past, how many people died in Europe during the Black Death?

China has experienced so many infectious diseases, but they have basically been controlled.

These are the differences in medical gaps.


Before Brian was reborn, Chinese medicine was demonized, and many things could not be done.

The times are progressing.

There must be many personal reasons for this, but the invisible big hand is also a problem.

After thinking about it.

Brian stopped entangled in these and continued to ask: "What about imports?"

The black agent licked his thick lips and continued:

"I can't find much about this. It's probably some United Nations Cross organizations that collect blood from people of all races around the world and bring it back.

But most of this blood will not flow into the market.

There is no relevant information on the Internet, and I don't know anyone in these industries.

The only thing I know is what Paola told me.

For example, her sponsor disappears for a period of time every year.

After checking the news, I found that the only thing that matches the time when Paola's sponsor disappears is international medical aid.

Do you know what international medical aid is?

It means that many developed countries send medical teams to some developing countries to provide free medical assistance, teach technology, cooperate with some very primitive hospitals, provide training opportunities, and conduct free physical examinations in the local area.

I feel that this is very much like missionary work. "

Brian understood immediately after hearing this.

Isn't this just brainwashing the backbone medical groups of those countries in the name of charity, establishing the image of "modern medicine" in the eyes of the people, and stealing the genetic inheritance of the people of this country?

Killing two birds with one stone is in line with the image of these European and American countries.

If they want to bring you benefits, then this benefit is 100% not pure.

No profit, no early rise, see good things and grab them, this is the genetic nature of these countries, engraved in their DNA.

It's a very simple truth.

Collecting genes, relying on the current biological technology that overtakes the curve, it is likely that the virus weapon that is effective against certain specific ethnic groups can be developed.

Technical training?

This is more interesting.

Training represents interests.

The people who receive training in these countries have a natural affinity for their system. After returning to their country, even if it is to maintain their social status, they will actively support modern medicine and become natural missionaries.

For most countries, the benefits of this process certainly outweigh the disadvantages.

After all, before the development of modern medicine, most countries had relatively primitive medical standards.

The modern medical system is excellent and can save many lives. In addition, the system is in line with modern times and can be easily cultivated on a large scale. These are all advantages, needless to say.

But for those countries that already have good medical systems, it is equivalent to killing them in advance, leaving the advantages of their own medical systems, and then integrating the best of modern medicine, and finally developing their own, better and more suitable medical care. system opportunities.

This is a bad deal.

Brian is just a small individual and cannot affect this kind of strategy.

But that didn't stop him from taking it out on a small blood association director.

This group, as the black agent said, has great energy and wide connections, but for a black glove group, it is normal for individuals to be abandoned.

What are gloves?

Protect against wind and rain, do dirty work, and when they are worn out, throw them away and replace them with another pair. These are gloves.

"Do you know the identity of this sponsor?"

Brian glanced over and frowned, walked up to the black agent, faced him and said.

Feeling the shadow covering him, the black agent lowered his head uncomfortably: "I'm not sure, but I can probably guess that Jonathan Armstrong is the director of the Los Angeles Red Cross Blood Center. It should be him!"

"very good."

"You're safe!"

Brian nodded, pulled off his sleeves, and showed off his watch.

With a few presses, a pleasant female voice came from the watch: "This is the NW special line. Clerk Brian. I am operator 233. I am happy to serve you."

"I need a combat team to help me take someone away. The address is XXX. Please hurry up."

Brian said softly.

"Staff Brian, you are a Level B Staff Dawn Warrior. You have been authorized to dispatch personnel and have sent orders according to your request..."

After waiting for three seconds.

The female voice continued: "The combat team has been arranged and the flight route has been reported. They will arrive at your location in 35 minutes."


Brian hung up the satellite communication.

Dispatching combat teams is one of his powers after promotion.

However, the restrictions are not small.

There are only three opportunities a year, and the purpose of the deployment must not be to commit evil, but at least there must be some clear reason.

In fact, this autonomy is quite large.

Brian had asked before that it would be okay even if he dispatched these combat teams to help him make daily settlements and squeeze out some hard-earned money.

These combat groups are affiliated with the NW War Department.

Brian had been in contact with these people several times before, and had cooperated with them in Forest Park before. He knew that to ordinary people, these people were elites with strong firepower and high gold content.

While waiting.

A middle-aged white man wearing the rank of lieutenant suddenly walked in from outside.

With a clear purpose, he walked straight towards Brian, who was smoking in a daze.

Brian didn't even raise his head: "If you are interceding for that person, then there is no need. Just forget that the case is not in my hands. Since it is in my hands, it must have a result."

He is actually a person with a very flexible moral bottom line.

He didn't bother to take care of the previous cases involving his own people.

However, some words from the black manager brought back some bad memories of Brian's past life.

The motherland of his previous life encountered all kinds of disgusting things during its development, and countless families were affected.

These groups who spread all kinds of disgusting infectious diseases around the world at will should be damned!

The police chief didn't expect Brian to be so sensitive.

The other party's direct words also aborted some of the rhetoric he had prepared in advance. He could only glance at the black agent who lowered his head and pretended to be dead, and whispered:

“Brian, I’ve heard your name.

You are a very outstanding young man, and I admire you very much, but I must remind you that the world is not black or white, it is not so clear-cut.

You are still young, and our growth is a process of constant compromise with the world. Please hand over this case.

The composition of NW itself includes the capital of those institutions.

Hand over the case.

This is good for everyone! "

Brian whistled, smiled, and didn't bother to talk to the police officer.

If he remembered correctly, this guy's name was Jason. He was a middle-level and senior manager in the district bureau and a member of the Police Force Association. He was the kind of character who would no longer appear at the crime scene.

Since possessing the powerful memory, he has memorized a lot of public information within the police force.

But I'm sorry, he's not going to give face to this case!

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