Seeing Brian being so disrespectful, Jason's expression froze.

On the way here, he was actually cursing her constantly in his mind.

Why was this case transferred to the NW Operations Department? ! !

That damn idiot, doesn’t he know that things have changed in the Los Angeles police world?

Killing someone, even if the target is a so-called new girl with many fans, is not a big deal to people like them.

The Ministry of Justice, the police force, capital, media companies... they all have people.

A small star is just a plaything in the eyes of ordinary people.

Just like this case, just say hello, and many things can be arranged before the public even reacts.

There are many excuses.

They have the final say on the words on the white paper.

As long as there are no hostile internal forces deliberately causing trouble, it will be useless even if the people don't believe it. At most, the rumors will spread for a while, and then everyone will forget that there was a female star who almost made her mark and died.

this is the truth.

As a result, when he learned the news, the case had already been assigned by the reporting center.

If it is assigned to those ordinary NW action teams, it will not be a big problem.

The leaders of those groups are themselves the second generation of some Los Angeles families. With the exchange of interests, many things are easy to discuss.

It turned out to be group B6!

The reputation of the team leader Susan made many people in the Los Angeles police know about such a female tyrannosaurus when she killed a group of gangster lunatics with a pair of revolvers in their first case and eliminated the mad dog Ike.

For these people, this Brian is not easy to mess with.

At a young age, he is already a second-level employee of the NW Operations Department. It is almost equivalent to getting an invitation letter from the manager in advance and having half a foot in the upper class society of Los Angeles.

Just have talent.

According to internal rumors, this guy seems to have hooked up with Susan, the leader of the B6 group.

Susan is different from many second-generation leaders of the NW Operations Team.

The other party is the apple of the eye of the Adams family, not a small role like an illegitimate daughter.

In other words, Brian, a young man, not only has talent, but also has a background that can save him many years of hard work.

In this case, he didn't even know how to threaten such a young man.

Jason was powerless now.

For this kind of sand dollar teammate, the middle and senior management of the police force are powerless.

Jason stood in front of Brian and was silent for a while, then nodded: "I understand, I will not interfere in this matter again, I hope you won't regret it."

After saying that, he turned and left.

That sand dollar was just a link in their interest chain, and he was forced to come here to see if he could resolve the matter internally.

If not, he didn't want to take the initiative to provoke this young man with a bright future because of others.

When he walked out of this villa and manor, a camouflage transport helicopter slowly flew in from a distance.

Jason shook his head when he saw the helicopter.

That sand dollar is screwed.

"Young people have bad tempers."

Jason returned to the car, took out his cell phone, and called the sand dollar about the situation.

On the other end of the phone, a white-haired old man heard Jason describe the communication process with a slight sarcasm.

He was so angry that he threw the wine glass in his hand out, staining the white wall with a layer of crimson blood: "But a bitch actually wants to go against me!"

Jason originally wanted to explain Brian's background and other circumstances to the sand dollar, and persuade him to take the initiative to find a way to contact the other party to see if he could reconcile or find a scapegoat to settle the case.

As a result, by the time he spoke, the caller had already hung up.

Jason shrugged: "Another idiot whose mind has been corrupted by self-righteous entitlement and who can't figure out his own position. It seems that we won't be able to see this old guy like Jonathan at future annual gatherings."

As he spoke, he patted the seat in front of him.

The driver immediately started the car and took Jason back to the police station.

Yes, the person who killed the actress was exactly the person the black agent guessed: Jonah Don Armstrong, director of the Los Angeles Red Cross Blood Center.

Jonathan was also very angry at the moment.

Since he joined the Blood Association, a large number of contacts that were previously inaccessible have been easily accessible, and female stars, big and small, can't sleep until they feel like vomiting.

When had he ever been so angry?

Due to the poor progress of some international business recently, Jonathan's business in the big eastern countries also suffered a fatal blow. Many lines were disconnected, and he was in a bad mood.

This is why he lost control of his emotions last night and accidentally killed the canary.

Alcohol + emotional outburst caused him to forget to say hello in advance and deal with this matter.

After he woke up and sent someone to inquire, NW had already taken over the case.

So he could only contact Jason, a friend he knew, to deal with the matter.

I didn’t expect that they wouldn’t give me any face at all!

A coldness flashed in Jonathan's eyes.

He's just a small NW employee who doesn't even know the value of the blood association.

If you don't listen to your reasoning, then go die!

He wants to destroy this small role!

Think of this.

Jonathan immediately took out another mobile phone and dialed the satellite encrypted communication.

Brian did not expect that the combat team sent by the headquarters was Alba, whom he had worked with before.

Orba is the captain of the NW combat team. He had dealt with monkey-like mutants in the forest park before, and later worked together to solve the seven deadly sins-type mutant.

Orba greeted Brian with a look of emotion on his face.

He had valued Brian's potential before, and had established a relationship with him in advance.

But he never expected that after just over a month, the other party's staff sequence in the organization was already above him.

This guy is too powerful!

Brian briefly explained the situation to Orba and asked him to take the black agent back and temporarily detain him for a few days to prevent him from being killed.

Orba nodded: "No problem, I will take him directly to a safe house in our team, so that it will be convenient to bring him back when you need him, and we can also rest for a few days."

"Okay, thank you for your trouble, and I will treat you to a drink after that."

After watching Orba and his group leave in the armed transport helicopter again, Brian called Tom, packed the beautiful female corpse into a body bag, and drove away.

It was about ten fifty in the morning.

At this time, the traffic was much more comfortable and not as crowded as before.

Thom chose to take the straight road directly without taking a detour.

He reminded Brian, "Brian, a lot of reporters took photos of the helicopter just now. They said the death of the deceased was outrageous outside."

"The public relations department will handle this. What does it have to do with us?"

Brian chuckled and didn't care at all.

It's easier to get things done by wearing a skin.

Now he is not happy to ask him to withdraw from NW.

Part of this road is connected to the highway.

On the way, Brian and his team encountered a highway police chasing a white BMW sedan, and then they accurately "stopped" the BMW sedan.

This stop is to hit the front of the car sideways, forcibly push the target vehicle out of the lane, roll or flip sideways, and lose the ability to escape.


Driver Tom exclaimed when he saw the police's textbook-like beautiful car-cutting operation.

Many highway police will assess this skill, but there are not many police officers who can accurately push the chasing vehicle out of the lane and achieve the goal of "stopping". They are all elite.

There is a big difference between a vehicle rolling over on the road and rolling over outside the road.

Whether it is the subsequent processing, the required blockade personnel, or the impact on government property losses, they are completely different.

Brian nodded: "It's really amazing, but you'd better speed up. I don't want our car to be affected by the road blockade."

Thom nodded.

However, they were unlucky. After driving about two kilometers, they were stopped by two heavy motorcycle police cars lying sideways.

There were two fully armed police officers standing in front of the police car. They shouted something loudly at the scene investigation car and waved to him to pull over.

"When did these guys become so efficient? It seems that the criminal in the white BMW sedan is more important..."

Thom stopped the car, muttered twice, took out his documents, and prepared to negotiate with the other party.

Brian reached out to stop Tom: "Don't move, something's wrong!"

"Something's wrong?"

Thom was stunned, and the next moment he quickly pulled out a pistol from under him, and started the car again, ready to turn the car sideways at any time to resist possible danger.

Brian twisted his neck, then took out his pistol and whispered: "They are shouting a little far away, you know what this means!"

Thom realized it later and took a breath of cold air.

This means using the police to kill people!

The police in the United States have very high rights. Because the work is high-risk, in order to ensure their own safety, many times, if the police feel that their lives are about to be threatened, they can use absolute force.

What does this mean.

It means that when they are performing their duties, when they shout out their identities.

No matter whether the other party hears it or not, once they make an extreme behavior, do not put their hands directly in a conspicuous position, or make a similar action of taking something out, then the police can use the excuse that they feel their lives are threatened, and then shoot directly.

This is not an exaggeration, but a large number of innocent people who were shot dead only exchanged for administrative leave for the police, and nothing happened afterwards to give the public a consensus.

There is a cause before there is an effect.

This is also the fundamental reason why the police are mentioned about excessive force every year.

When the two of them go on a mission, they will definitely carry guns. In addition, they will not be vigilant and will not be vigilant to take out their ID cards, instead of following the actions learned in the driving school like ordinary people.

In addition, with the perspective of the dashcam on the police motorcycle, many things cannot be explained clearly!

This is legal killing!

It seems that Tom has been thinking about it for a long time, but in fact it only took a moment.

When the car was restarted and was about to turn sideways, the two mounted policemen did not make any extra movements, but just made a warning movement towards this side.

Tom suspected that Brian had overreacted a little.

The next moment.

At some point, the two pistols were aimed at Brian in the car from their blind spot: "Put your hands on the steering wheel and where you can see!"

There were actually two policemen hiding in the blind spot!

Seeing this, the two police officers who stopped the car in front also smiled at each other, pulled out their pistols under the monitoring of the police motorcycle, pretended to step forward, and issued some warning words.

Tom was numb.

He finally realized something was wrong.

This group of guys were clearly waiting for them here in advance.

He looked at Brian: "What should we do?"

"What do you mean, just listen."

Brian took back his pistol, took out his ID and put it between his fingers, turned on the recording function on his wrist watch, and slowly raised his hands.

He wanted to see how these guys were going to trouble them under surveillance.

Mainly under surveillance, it would be troublesome to kill the police directly.

Even if the other party was a black police, it would be troublesome if there was no direct action.

Rights and obligations in the world are relative. While enjoying the preferential treatment of the system, actions will also be restricted.

Seeing this, Tom had to put the gun back into the box and then put his hand on the steering wheel to ensure that the surveillance on the police motorcycle could see it.

As a former detective, he knew that if they shot at each other from this position, he didn't know what Brian's fate would be, and the probability of his death was very high.

The four highway policemen didn't expect Brian and the other two to cooperate so well.

Seeing this, one of the middle-aged police officers whispered: "Act according to the plan, hurry up!"

The four people stepped forward tacitly, ready to act according to the instructions of the sponsor.

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