You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 221 Four kills, bad, not enough body bags (First order plus 8)

The four people cooperated well.

Two people stared at the two people in the car with standard gun gestures, one person followed with a manual camera, and the last person went forward to negotiate.

In fact, at present, most American police, no matter what kind of police, do not have the habit of equipping police cameras.

One is technical reasons, and the other is that it has not reached that node yet.

In Brian's previous life, these things happened 14 years later. Because of the violent use of force by the police and the rise of the racist movement, the police force began to equip a large number of them.

The purpose of the equipment is not to standardize law enforcement, but simply to protect themselves.

Because of the votes, the combat effectiveness of those black brothers will be quite strong in the future, causing more and more police to enforce the law normally, but sending themselves to jail.

After more such incidents, the US police equipment was replaced in large quantities.

The few people in front of me also deliberately carried portable cameras, which is very intriguing.

After procedural exchanges.

The police officer who was inquiring took the two people's NW ID cards, looked at them casually, took out his mobile phone, dialed a few times, and pretended to say: "Sorry, this is a suburban road, the signal is not very good, we can't confirm your identity, can you go back with us to verify?"

Brian shrugged: "I have a mobile phone, you can use it, it's in my pocket."

Thom also interrupted: "There are people living around, it's not a suburb, and the car communication can't be unusable. It's not difficult to verify our identity."

"Sorry, it's broken!"

The police officer's face turned black and he took out handcuffs: "In order to ensure your and our safety, we will put this on your hands next, and then search your vehicle for dangerous weapons and contraband. Please cooperate with our work."

Seeing the handcuffs, Brian smiled lightly and stretched out his hands in cooperation.

Thom saw this and felt uneasy, so he could only be handcuffed and squatted aside.


It's the search.

The whole process is similar to the border search officer game that Brian played in his previous life. The police officer carrying the filming equipment also tilted the equipment to that side.

Search the person first, then the car.

I guess he thought he had already handcuffed the person.

The police officer who took action was much ruder.

He put on gloves and first found a pistol under Brian's armpit.

He glanced at the pistol, smiled meaningfully at Brian, and did not ask about the legality of the pistol, etc. He directly handed it to his companion and continued to search with a smile.

The next moment.

The expression on his face froze, and he dared not move his hand on Brian's waist: "What is this?"

"Grenade, fragmentation grenade, effective killing range is about 15 meters, you know, we are departments that often deal with criminals, we always feel insecure if we don't carry something."

Brian explained intimately: "It's this thing that I carry on my body. I feel uncomfortable if I carry too much, otherwise I will carry thirty instead of three."

"Mad man!"

The body search police officer couldn't help but burst into swearing: "You crazy man, I have never seen an autopsy officer with a grenade!"

Brian's smile became even bigger: "Man, you forgot the certificate I gave you, only the information of the NW Operations Department staff, but not my position information!"

He had the certificate before, and now he has two, one is the B6 team autopsy officer certificate, and the other is the NW second-level staff certificate marked with Dawn Warrior.

The second one was shown to these police officers.

It's a pity that these idiots are too low-level. They know the NW organization, but they don't know what the second-level staff is.

The police officer who searched the body also reacted, glared at Brian, and explained: "Your ID is ridiculous, what Dawn Warrior, is this a prop you spent a few dollars on?"

As he said, he didn't dare to breathe, and carefully took down the three grenades hanging on Brian's waist.

The police officer who took over also carefully took these grenades that were not common in the market.

They didn't play with this thing much.

On the other side.

The police officer who searched the car also took a pistol and a large box containing an automatic rifle and a shotgun from the car.

They also found a body bag in the trunk of the car, and the beautiful female corpse.

Seeing the female corpse, several people looked at each other and confirmed that the target was right.

They put away the camera directly, took out their guns and walked towards Brian and the others.

Before Tom could react, he was kicked by Brian and rolled down the roadside and disappeared from the sight of several people.

Seeing this, several people were a little surprised, but not very worried.

It is difficult for a person wearing handcuffs to maintain his center of gravity at high speed, and the terrain here is not good, so he can't run far.

The next moment.

In front of them, Brian gently exerted force with both hands and twisted the steel handcuffs on his wrists.

Under the surprised eyes of several people, he grinned at the police officer who had just mocked him and searched him: "I thought you had some plan, but it turned out that you just hesitated for a long time and finally shot him to death."

Not smooth at all.

Brian pointed to his chest: "Aren't you curious about what the Dawn Warrior is? Come on, shoot here twice."

"Do it!"

Although he was surprised that the target in front of him could break free from the steel handcuffs, the leading police officer still did not hesitate at all. While Brian was still talking, he directly pulled out his gun and performed a police-style American Iai.

A large number of bullets were accurately shot in various places on Brian's chest.

Brian glanced down at his chest.

A large amount of blood color slowly poured out from the white shirt, staining his expensive shirt with blood.

The other three people reacted and were ready to shoot.

In their subconscious mind, with so many guns at this distance, normal people would die.

It's a pity that Brian no longer gives them a chance.

Evidence remains.

Brian no longer entertains children.

In a flash, he appeared in front of the leading police officer and slapped him.

There was a snap.

The melon seeds on the opponent's head exploded like watermelons, showering the three companions behind him in a mess.

They looked at everything in front of them with dull eyes.

Are they dreaming?

A slap, just a slap!

My companion’s head exploded!

After all, they all belong to the kind of black police officers with a bad record, and they have seen blood on their hands. They were stunned by the impact of this exaggerated scene.

too weak.

Three afterimages appeared on Brian's right hand.

The three stunned police officers slowly fell down, clutching their throats.

The whole process is simpler than killing a chicken.

After all, chickens can still run away, but these three people looked like they were stupid.

Eliminate four criminal police officers.

Brian showed off his watch again, contacted the NW headquarters via satellite communication, explained the situation, and finally said softly:

“I cooperated with everything, but I was shot fifteen times in the chest.

If I hadn't been lucky enough to wear a simple body armor lining under my shirt, carry a therapeutic reagent on my body, and not be hit in the head, my companion and I would be dead at this moment.

I need the person behind the scenes to give me an explanation, otherwise I will make this matter bigger! "

"The situation has been reported. Someone will contact you later. Do you need to dispatch the emergency medical team, Staff Brian?"

"No, but I need someone from the headquarters to take photos and collect evidence!"

After hanging up the communication, Brian took out Sneaky's head and hid it in a pile of weeds. Thom, who returned, smiled and said, "Come out, Thom, it's okay."

Hearing Brian's voice, Thom rushed out in surprise: "God, Brian, I heard gunshots and thought you had been shot."

It wasn't until he saw Brian covered in blood that he panicked and said, "FK, you've been shot, lie down quickly, I'll contact emergency medical help right away!"

Brian patted the bloody clothes indifferently: "These are just some procedural requirements. Don't you really want enhanced reagents to treat the body? This time someone will provide them for free. In the case of the female star, someone will help us deal with the murderer."


Tom was stunned.

But he didn't think much about it, he just looked at the miserable corpses next to the car.

Really miserable.

A corpse with no head.

A large amount of plasma and brain tissue were stuck to the car and the ground, which looked very disgusting.

The other three police officers were also in bad condition. They knelt down neatly on the ground, with their heads tilted up, revealing their sunken and twisted throats. They looked like weird dolls with no bones to support them, and looked like they were dead.

Brian took action to solve these?

Are enhanced people so stupid?

Time to wait for NW personnel to arrive.

Brian and Thom sat cross-legged.

Thom had gotten the key from the body and unlocked the handcuffs.

Brian also used brute force to pull off the handcuff collar on his wrist, which made Thom look envious and expectant.

This scene, seen with my own eyes, is really cool.

He rubbed the bruises on his body caused by the previous roll and impact, and said with some anxiety: "This case is really solved, can we still get compensation?"

Brian nodded:

"The opponent was stupid and actually chose to mobilize the police to kill him.

This is a very taboo thing, so that person's superiors will personally deal with the other party and give us gifts as compensation.

Others need this attitude to calm their emotions. "

After experiencing blackmail several times, Brian was already familiar with these things.

Assassination is a double-edged sword and the lowest means of solving problems.

Respectable people who put on shoes rarely do this unless absolutely necessary.

So the person behind the scenes looks like a fool at first glance, and he doesn't know who picked the other party as his black glove. It's really unlucky.

But all of this is based on Brian's strong strength.

Dead people have no value.

Revenge is meaningless to a dead person.

Brian has experienced so many things and has become more and more committed to personal fistism.

He couldn't guarantee that future enemies would obey the rules, but he could guarantee that he had enough strength to twist off the heads of all those who didn't obey the rules.

Next, Brian briefly talked to Thom about the case.

Especially some of the things that the blood association does.

Thom used to be a police detective and has rich experience in the industry. He has heard of some similar things and sighed: "Capital is disgusting, especially those squid groups. I suspect that they are the mastermind behind this blood association."


Brian didn't expect that Thom actually knew some information.

Tom shrugged:

“It’s very simple, do you know where the world’s largest organ trading country is?

This is the country formed by these white-eyed wolves!

Many media companies are also controlled by them.

I hate this race. Do you know how many countries they have been expelled from? "

Without waiting for Brian to ask, Thom lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and continued:

“The history I studied in college, let’s put it this way, since the beginning of history, this nation has been wandering and being expelled.

Basically, all the countries they have been to have expelled or even massacred this white-eyed wolf race.

If a country is like this, it may be a problem for that country, but from the beginning of records to the present, it is all like this, without exception, and it is a problem for this nation.

This is why after they came to the United States, they were obsessed with taking root in the media and Hollywood, because they knew that if they did not control their words, their disgust would be widely spread.

I have a hunch that perhaps ten or twenty years later, the United States will raise its butcher knife and once again target this nation with no loyalty at all. "

Brian didn't expect this guy Thom to be so deep.

He really didn't know that this guy had graduated from the history department, and the other party never told him.

When he met Thom, this guy was already a scene investigator for the Forensic Bureau. He looked like he was weak due to kidney deficiency every day. He only talked a lot when talking about games.

There was no way, his injured body could only support him to play games.

The two chatted for a while.

It can be seen that after experiencing Brian kicking him away in advance, Thom had a lot to talk to Brian and told many things about his past that he had never mentioned before.


Brian seemed to remember something and looked at Thom: "Man, I suddenly remembered something very important."

Tom's expression tightened and he clenched the pistol at his waist: "What?"

"Are there four body bags in our car?"

It's broken, there don't seem to be enough body bags.

Facing Thom's confused look, Brian raised his eyebrows: "Killing people, collecting their bodies, and giving the deceased some dignity. This is the professional ethics of our coroners."

Thom: "...I see, Brian, you are indeed a very professional coroner. Believe me, if you don't tell these hellish jokes in front of these still warm corpses, you will be more ethical."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

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