You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 222 Susan's anger, the headquarters' urgent mission (two in one))

"Wow, man, you're so lucky, so many shots and none of them hit you in the head."

There was a bald black man wearing sunglasses, a pair of West Coast hip-hugging board shorts, and a gold necklace as thick as a thumb. He had a mouth full of big gold teeth shining in the sun.

This is the evidence collector sent by NW, a man who makes a deep impression on people at first sight.

Brian glanced at his watch and asked in surprise: "Do you rely on your eyes to collect evidence?"

"Aren't your eyes enough?"

The black man spoke very rhythmically: "By the way, I am Brad Green Ethan, a second-level employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I am responsible for handling your attacks. You are very powerful. These guys died very happily, man." , is there a suspect?"

I read this guy's name for more than ten seconds.

Brian nodded: "Okay, Big Gold Tooth. The suspect should be the director of the Los Angeles Red Cross Blood Center. His name is Jonathan Armstrong. However, I was quite angry when I took action and left no one alive."

"Big gold tooth?"

The black man took off his sunglasses and looked at Brian for two seconds before nodding: "It's a good nickname, but I prefer others to call me Bieber, Big Bird Bieber. My bird is really big."

With that said, he waved: "I understand, you can go back. I've gone over to deal with this director now."

Thom on the side pointed to a pile of corpses on the side of the carriage: "These corpses."

"Aren't you guys doing autopsies? Go back and make an autopsy report yourself, send it to the police station where these gangsters belong, and let them and the Police Association handle this matter."

Bieber waved his hand and said perfunctorily.

Brian didn't expect the people who came to be so rough, so he reminded: "There should be phone contact between these black police officers and the instigator behind the scenes. We can locate them through communication."

When dealing with official matters, he would at least erect an archway and do some superficial works.

This guy has an attitude of finishing things quickly and going home, which makes people feel very unreliable, even more unreliable than him.

Brian was now worried that this guy would complicate things for himself.

"No need, man. I see that you are very decisive in your actions. You are not the kind of person who makes ink marks, so don't do these boring things. Tell me who the suspect is. I will execute him and then everyone will get off work. It's that simple. Okay. ?"

Bieber waved his hand impatiently, got back on the heavy motorcycle he came here on, and left first.

Looking at his back, Thom showed admiration in his eyes: "Brian, to be honest, I quite like this guy's character. It suits me very well."

This black man named Bieber has the same state as when he is playing games: I don’t know what the strategy is, and I don’t know the plot. I only know that I want to kill people.

Collect the bodies and clean up the scene.

There were some troubles in the middle.

When a private car passed by, they saw Brian and the two pretending to be corpses, and the corpses were still wearing highway patrol uniforms. They called the police directly, and seven or eight police cars surrounded them.

There were also two nearby Sheriff's Office force transport vehicles and an armored vehicle.

In fact, this is the attitude of the American police when facing rioters most of the time: group fights and crushing with force.

If it is the kind of thugs hiding in buildings, they will be even more desperate, because the wealthy LAPD will directly choose armored vehicles to violently demolish the house and then crush the thugs to death.

As a result, this group of people helped Brian and the others carry the body.

But everyone's mood was not very good.

Everyone among the gangster police knew about this group, but looking at the tragically dead bodies of their companions, they still felt a little uncomfortable.

Looking at Brian and the others' car driving away, a somewhat young face looked at the older instructor who was leading him: "I really don't understand how they were beaten with bare hands in the face of four armed policemen. "Killed."

His instructor is a veteran who has been in the industry for more than 20 years and has received more than 20 administrative leaves. He is quite famous in the neighborhood.

The middle-aged instructor spat on the grass next to him: "Because the pretty boy with bloodstains just now is not a normal person. There are many such characters in NW. This is why NW has such high power now."

"Not a normal person?"

Some police officers who didn't know the inside story also looked at this senior.

Another veteran policeman with more seniority chuckled:

"It's just like those monsters in movies, don't ask, it's not interesting.

You must know that this is a capital country, and the more you get, the greater the risk.

I had the opportunity to join them thirty years ago, but I gave it up. Now I visit my colleagues who joined them every year. They live in Thyssenpark not far away. "

When everyone heard this, some people who had ideas fell silent.

There is a cemetery near Thyssenpark.

On the way back, Brian temporarily bought a deformed car toy, ordered a birthday cake, and then wrote a note asking the clerk to deliver it to the address.

For this, he paid an extra fifty dollars as a tip to ensure that the clerk would do a good job.

Back to the car.

Thom looked at Brian curiously: "Is your friend's birthday?"

Brian shook his head: "It's a friend's kid's birthday."

This was actually the obsession of one of the gangsters he killed: to give his son the gifts and birthday cake he needed.

The gift is the deformed car.

Brian killed the other party because of his position, but it did not prevent him from fulfilling the other party's obsession.

Group B6 office building.

Seeing Brian covered in blood, everyone was surprised and quickly stepped forward to ask about the situation.

"Woof woof woof!!!"

Thirteen bared his teeth and barked, very angry.

Susan came back, her pretty face darkened: "Brian, what's going on!"

Although Brian came back alive, the dense bullet holes in his clothes were still heart-wrenching to see.

Brian's concern for everyone is very useful.

He briefly explained what happened and said to Thom, "Thom, please take the time to prepare the autopsy reports on those corpses."

Tom nodded: "Do you need to be very detailed?"

"No need, just go and save your face."

Before he finished speaking, Brian was dragged into the office by Susan in front of everyone.

Thirteen also followed him in a hurry.


The door is closed.

Susan pulled open Brian's inner lining and body armor, and saw that half of the bullets were densely embedded in them. Her eyes suddenly turned red: "How could these ordinary people hit you!"

"I was attacked by a sneak attack. It's okay, just some flesh wounds."

Brian pinched Susan's cheek in a funny way: "How was the verification of the activation reagent?"

It was hard for him to say that he did this on purpose, otherwise Susan would be sure that Bang Bang would punch him twice.

But seeing Susan, who had always been a tomboy, blushing for him, made Brian feel a little guilty, but also full of relief.

Susan is a good girl.

Susan rolled her eyes at Brian, turned around, took out the medical kit from the shelf drawer behind her, forced Brian under the sofa, and while helping him retrieve the bullets, she said softly:

"The reagent is real, but the effect is not as good as the tissue T cell activation reagent. This time I asked about the background of Blacklight Biotechnology Company."

"What background?"

“It’s a little complicated.

Within the NW organization, most of the power is concentrated in the three elders. They are also the patriarchs of several large families. Their ancestors are all British nobles. They are similar to our Adams family, but they develop better here.

The rest are our families who are doing well in various fields.

Finally, there is the local capital that has taken root in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

Blacklight Biotechnology Company is actually a capital aggregation, formed by some radicals in the NW organization and capital forces, and is also the secret power of the NW organization.

The scientific research department within the NW organization mainly studies the positive enhancement of the human body. It is also very bloody and cruel, but it only operates internally. The experimental subjects are also the aberrants captured and imprisoned over the years and the serious criminals collected from various prisons.

Blacklight Biotech is different.

For each of their projects, a company will be established, with a person in charge acting as a partner, who will mainly engage in external activities and conduct various experiments that are not suitable for publication.

You can think of it as an FBI hunting team.

They have their own security department.

The only difference is that Blacklight Biotechnology Company, in addition to research projects, also has an external commerce department that will sell some of the NW organization's backward technological products to help the organization earn funds to maintain operations. "

While talking.

Susan 'pulled' the bullets out of Brian's chest one by one with precision, then took out a green reagent and sprinkled it evenly on the wounds on his body.

Brian didn't stop either.

Although this thing was a waste, he quite enjoyed Susan's concern.

Love is something that only lasts if you give to each other.

As for the waste of therapeutic reagents?

The blood association will foot the bill.

Through Susan's explanation, Brian had some ideas about Blacklight Biotechnology Company.

This thing is actually equivalent to the secret power of the NW organization.

The NW organization maintains its integrity on the surface.

Blacklight Biotechnology Company is similar to the umbrella company in Resident Evil. It has no identity shackles and focuses on profit. Humanity and law are not things they consider.

The Los Angeles metropolitan area is, after all, a large global economic complex. Taken alone, the wealth created every year exceeds that of most countries in the world.

It is indeed unreasonable for such an organization to rely solely on the underground base in Shanwowo.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Brian asked Susan about the situation of the war department.

This time, he got an unexpected answer: war!

To be precise, it is an ocean war!

When the blood moon comes, the ones that are most affected are not the human world, but marine life.

The stability of offshore waters and some fixed routes is maintained by the joint efforts of these organizations. As for the deep sea, Susan is not clear about the situation.

Brian does have this authority, but he needs to join the war department to know it.

My own people are stuck so tightly.

This is not a good sign.

The human condition is actually not as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

Another small talk.

Brian put on the shirt that his younger brother Green bought temporarily when he drove out, and hugged Susan who was sorting bullets: "What, you want to vent your anger on me?"

Susan put away the bullets without looking back: "You are my boyfriend, and I will not allow anyone else to bully you except me."



With the exchange of liquids, a stream of dark red liquid gradually merged into Susan's body, making her whole consciousness cheer.

She was dazed, feeling that her body was warm and comfortable, as if she was floating in the clouds.

When she regained consciousness, there was only Thirteen lying beside her, playing with a bullet in boredom.

"Thirteen, where's Brian?"

Susan stretched and felt extremely comfortable all over. A steady stream of energy surged through her body, and she was in surprisingly good condition.

She hadn't slept so comfortably in a long time.

Thirteen flicked his tail and threw a paper ball to Susan.

In Susan's eyes, the moving paper ball seemed to be flying towards her in slow motion.

She grabbed it with her hand and caught it accurately. When she opened it, she found a handwritten font that looked very comfortable:

“The organization has already arranged people to deal with the attack.

The Blood Association should provide compensation. Remember to ask Tom for an enhanced reagent to repair physical damage.

I helped you inject the two activation reagents I paid for before.

If you are thirteen, you can inject it.

I received my organization's annual assignment and needed to leave Los Angeles for a few days, hoping to be back in time to spend our first Christmas with you.


Love you Brian. "

Seeing the last line of words, Susan's face quickly turned red.

No wonder I felt so good when I woke up. It turned out that I had already injected the two active reagents.

Think about it for a moment.

Susan's eyes were slightly narrow.

Why does it feel like their team's cases have been so frequent in the past two days, and even the annual dispatch mission has come!

Brian is not the team leader and does not know the situation.

Susan knew about other groups.

Although those teams were also extremely busy, and there were even constant reports of staff sacrifices, they were not as exaggerated as the B6 team!

As for annual dispatch missions, they do exist.

But as a rule, in the first few years, the organization will give new second-level employees enough time to grow and adapt, and will not assign tasks easily.

Although this practice was not stated openly, it would always be the case unless there was a shortage of manpower, so Susan had not mentioned this to Brian before.

In fact, the main reason is that she is not that careful.

She had never thought of these things before.

Thinking about it this time, she just felt something was wrong.

Thinking of this, Susan pushed aside the flattering Thirteen, stood up and called Old Harden in.

the other side.

Brian rode his beast motorcycle back to his apartment a little depressed.

After he injected Susan with the 'primordial blood' that he had stored for a long time, he originally wanted to wait for Susan to wake up and have a good time, but he did not expect to receive an urgent mission.

The task was issued to him personally by the NW headquarters.

As a second-level employee, Brian enjoys rights but also has corresponding obligations.

This obligation is to dispatch a special task every year.

Brian was unhappy.

Headquarters should know that he was injured.

Before there was any result about the attack, the headquarters directly arranged the annual tasks, somewhat regardless of the life and death of the employees.

"Made, why do I feel like there are so many things going on lately!"

Brian pulled off the bandage, burned it and flushed it into the toilet to clean up the traces.

Deal with it all.

Brian, who had recovered from his physical injuries, put on some clothes. He didn't bring any guns or weapons. He grabbed some cash and went out.

Downstairs, Green was guarding Brian's motorcycle.

NW has already booked a ticket for Brian. After arriving at the airport, Brian needs Green to ride his precious motorcycle back and park it in the office building.

Brian was afraid of losing it here in the apartment.

The gathering place for the emergency mission is located in Orlando, Florida, which is more than 3,500 kilometers away from downtown Los Angeles.

It was a small city in central Florida with a population of only about 200,000. It was located in a swamp, the kind of place where you could see alligators in your yard when you wake up.

Because he was unhappy, Brian drove a little bit faster.

Arrive at the airport.

Green knelt down and said tremblingly: "Boss Brian, you are driving too fast."

Brian kept Glinty away and casually drew a pie: "Man, you still have to practice more. I'll see if I can find an opportunity next year to help you get some strengthening reagents."

This opportunity depends on whether you can meet aberrant criminals or meet new blackmail targets.

Blackmail comes pretty quickly.

Brian already loves the process.

Speaking of strengthening reagents, Green immediately stopped feeling dizzy.

He looked at Brian with watery eyes.

Brian got goosebumps from the affectionate look in this black guy's eyes: "The look in your eyes is really disgusting. Take good care of my motorcycle when I'm not here for a few days."

Green nodded.

Only then did he think of it and said, "By the way, Boss Brian, where are you going on this business trip?"

“A small city in Florida!”


Green's eyes were filled with surprise.

That place emm

He wanted to tell Boss Brian with concern that when he got there, he would be careful to stay away from some nagging mental illness, but he only saw the back of Boss Brian disappearing at the entrance.

"Forget it, with Boss Brian's temper, maybe he can be cured if he encounters mental illness."

Green muttered, took a break, and carefully rode Brian's motorcycle. While a group of people were secretly taking pictures, he disappeared in the traffic.

Just when Brian had boarded the plane and closed his eyes to rest, Susan also learned about the frequency of cases in recent days through Old Harden.

She picked up her phone and called her best friend Caroline.

Caroline was a newcomer to the NW Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But the Edas family where Caroline was was a little special.

This was a military family with a wide network of people in the army. More than one of the clan members had a high status in the army, and there was also a share of a military factory, belonging to a family with guns in hand.

So Caroline's status in the NW organization was actually higher than Susan.

Half an hour later.

Susan knew what she wanted.

She gritted her teeth and looked at the faxed information in her hand, and punched her thick desk!

With a muffled bang, the whole office shook.

The wooden desk, which was extremely thick and could withstand small-caliber bullets, was punched by her, and a circle of dense cracks that spread like a spider web appeared.

Thirteen was playing with bullets, and was frightened by the sudden movement and jumped up from the ground.

It didn't know what happened, but it didn't stop it from showing its "fierce" face and grinning at the empty door.

With this movement, the bullet it was playing with flew up and fell into Thirteen's mouth.

Thirteen grinned again, and swallowed the bullet with a gulp.

It stood there in a daze for a few seconds, and looked at Susan for help.

It's broken.

It ate the wrong thing.

Susan was angry and amused when she saw this scene, and her anger dissipated a lot.

"Team leader, what's wrong?"

Outside the house, Ivan and his concerned voices were also heard.

The case of Ivan's bad boy and girl who tortured and killed another unlucky boy has been settled, and the parents of the two children were also arrested, so everyone is here today except Brian and Green who is still on the way.

Susan let out a breath of dry air: "It's okay, no need to come in."

When there was no movement outside, Susan looked at the information faxed back by Caroline again.

Their B6 group was indeed targeted.

To be precise, the person targeted was Brian.

The target was a researcher named Benjamin Burnett from NW, A2 level, corresponding to Brian's B2, a second-level employee, not a small role.

Benjamin's qualifications are very old, but his current relationship file has disappeared.

There are three possibilities in this situation.

One is that the person is dead.

The other is that the information is hidden by the organization when performing certain special tasks, and the authority required to query is particularly high.

The last one is resignation.

NW can also resign, but this is limited to ordinary employees. For second-level employees, retirement is still possible, and resignation is impossible to resign normally unless the other party is assigned abroad.

For example, Black Light Biotechnology

NW's internal personnel transfers are inseparable from the Ministry of Internal and External Affairs. The circle is so small that you can know a lot of information as long as you have connections.

According to the temporary investigation of her bestie Caroline.

Not long after Brian was promoted this time, he was assigned to perform a special task. It was Benjamin who persuaded a deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with some benefits.

The special tasks of the second-level staff were arranged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This deputy minister bypassed the leader of the Operations Department and directly conveyed the execution instructions of the special task to Brian.

This is actually a bit inappropriate, which is equivalent to not giving face to the leader of the Operations Department, but it is in line with the regulations of the NW organization, and it is a matter of wrangling.

"Benjamin, and the deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs"

Susan looked at some of Benjamin's resume information in front of her again, crushed it and threw it into the trash can.

This Benjamin, she currently doesn't know where he is hiding.

But this deputy minister, hum!

There is also the 911 dispatch center!

The people involved here can't be let go!

Susan is a person with particularly strong action.

After a while.

She took Thirteen and several team members to the 911 dispatch center first, and beat and threatened a group of leaders in front of many operators.

Then, at the suggestion of the Teddy group, they temporarily found a thief, coerced and lured him to cooperate, and went to a high-end community together.

Susan and others blocked a villa under the pretext of tracking the suspected thief.

This villa is where the deputy minister's family lives.

She is not so stupid that the family will not be harmed, not to mention that the other party is also a powerful figure, but it does not prevent the dog from being disobedient.

You are a big shot, you can't be angry with a dog, right?

Under a group of residents who were attracted by the noise.

Thirteen fiercely bit all the dogs raised by the villa owner, and bit the clothes of several family members of the deputy minister who wanted to resist with guns, which was a disgrace.

There are constant things in Los Angeles.

Brian, who just completed the transfer, also encountered some troubles.

Air travel between American cities is very developed and the fares are not expensive, usually only a few dozen dollars per flight, but to go to some small cities, you may need to transfer, which is similar to an alternative public transportation network.

This flight is a small plane, there is no so-called business class, just a hundred or so scattered seats.

There weren't many passengers.

Including the two middle-aged stewardesses, there were only about thirty people in total.

Brian looked expressionlessly at the white middle-aged man who deliberately sat next to him: "Get lost!"

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