You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 223 Sala from the Morality Group, the Serial Disappearances at Lake Iona

The strong smell of perfume on the man's body was no match for Brian's keen sense of smell.

This guy has more than one STD.

In particular, there are obvious blocky spots on the sides of the opponent's big back and the back of his head.

This is one of the obvious symptoms of syphilis.

Faced with Brian's scolding, the middle-aged white man not only didn't get angry, but also showed a greasy smile.

He touched his back with both hands, and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared. He lowered his voice and said viciously: "Pay attention to your attitude, man. To tell you the truth, I am an HIV carrier. If you don't know what politeness is, I will follow you and give you a bite when you are not paying attention!"

According to his experience, this kind of handsome boy who looks well-dressed is shameless and timid.

There are only so many reactions to being threatened by him.

He is already familiar with this, and the probability of succeeding in the end is not low.


Is it so dangerous for boys to go out?

He waved to the stewardess wordlessly.

Seeing this, the middle-aged white man did not panic at all.

The middle-aged stewardess walked up to Brian and said, "Sir, the plane is about to take off. What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid dispatch needs to be rescheduled. I need to take care of something."

Brian took out his ID directly.


Under the bewildered gaze of the flight attendant, Brian picked up a cushion in disgust, threw it over the face of the middle-aged white man next to him, and began to fight with fists and kicks.

Beat the opponent half to death.

Brian loosened his tie and let out a depressed breath: "Contact airport security to get rid of this garbage that threatens the agent's life."

The jurisdiction of NW is the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

But Brian is a Level 2 clerk.

When performing special tasks, he has the right to ask for official assistance from other places as an NW agent. As for whether the local government will give him face, it is hard to say.

After all, in some places, even the FBI is embarrassed, let alone a local agency in NW.

But no one would blame an official employee for a piece of rubbish.

After verifying Brian's identity, the middle-aged man who was beaten to death was quickly taken away from the airport.

This is a small city in Florida, and the rules at the airport are very loose.

After dealing with the matter.

The airport dispatcher confirmed that there was no problem with the time, so they directly informed the flight to continue flying.

After the stewardess calmed down the other passengers.

Brian also learned the identity of the passenger through airport security's identity check.

That guy, coincidentally, was a resident of Odolan, his destination this time. He was just a habitual criminal who had been accused of many crimes such as endangering public safety and sexual assault.

The most outrageous thing is that this guy raped more than ten men and caused seven of them to be infected with various infectious diseases.

He was detained several times but was eventually released on bail.

This time the man returned to Odolan to attend the next hearing.


According to a large database, not long ago, a middle-aged white man surrounded a young salesman who had just graduated and went to his home to sell products. Afterwards, he told the young man very badly that he suffered from multiple diseases. disease

His arrogance lies in the bail system of the Ministry of Justice.

Except for some cases with great repercussions, in most cases, after the police catch the criminal, in order to make money, the judicial side will eventually choose to give the prisoner a chance to be released on bail.

Under normal circumstances, prisoners will be required to wear electronic shackles, restrict their range of activities, etc., but it does not mean that they will be fine.

But I understand everything.

System is one thing, implementation is another.

In this kind of case, unless they are really good citizens, most criminals who accept bail will be re-arrested soon, and then continue to increase the bail amount, pay money, and release them.

It's just like riding a horse and brushing a copy.

The most outrageous thing is that there is an industry chain of bail loans that provide financial help to criminals who have no money.

Let's imagine.

This criminal had no money, so he was forced to take out a loan in order to be free. After he was released, he had no choice but to make money in order to repay the money.

What can he do?

It’s just that some front-line police teams are suffering.

Here in the United States, every year there are unlucky police officers who are followed and shot by some crazy criminals they caught in revenge, which even affects their families.

This data, before the blood moon radiation, the average number of cases in the United States every year was fifty or sixty.

It was a success.

Probably more than twice as many were unsuccessful.

This is why, many times, front-line police officers empty their magazines as if something goes wrong.

In addition to protecting yourself, it is also to avoid subsequent retaliation.

Faced with this unexpected incident, other than being curious and watching the show, the other passengers on the plane didn't have much dissatisfaction or special emotions.

Brian simply started chatting with an old man.

The old man had a good impression of Brian: "You have the same temper as when I was young. That guy looked disgusting."

Brian chuckled: "You are also very calm. Is this common?"

The old man nodded: "At least it's very common in Florida. You can see a lot of weird things here. Hey, it was the farce that ruined this place."

The old man is an old resident of Florida.

Under the narration of the talkative old man, Brian learned some of the situation here.

Most of the weird things here are caused by a special law, the "Cuban Special Law".

What does this mean?

In 1980, the United States saw the internal unrest in its neighbor Cuba, so it fanned the flames and promulgated the "Cuban Special Law", allowing Cuban people to immigrate to the United States freely.

Their initial idea was to drain the elite class of Cuba.

The Cuban leaders were not stupid either, and they took the opportunity to cut off the source of the problem.

As a result, because of the geographical proximity, the unlucky Florida State has been flooded with more than 150,000 immigrants, and most of these immigrants are mentally ill, drug addicts, prostitutes, street thugs, and even serious criminals in prison.

When the United States found out that something was wrong, it was too late.

Cuba was still sending people over by boat.

How could this work!

The United States quickly licked back the spit it had spit out.

In short, the result was that both the wife and the army were lost.

The most miserable thing was that Florida State took on everything.

You should know that many mental illnesses are hereditary.

In addition, the quality of this group of new immigrants is worrying, and it is destined that not many of their descendants will be able to rise. But this group of people also got legal status, just like throwing a pile of rat shit into the pot.

Another point is that due to the geographical location, there are already a lot of illegal immigrants in this state.

Under the influence of imperceptible factors, this state, which originally had average public security due to illegal immigration, loose gun laws, racial confusion and other problems, has become even more chaotic.

In fact, there are many strange places in the United States.

But Florida has a more special law, that is, this state has the most open public records law in the United States: all their criminal cases are public.

After the development of the Internet, the strange cases that everyone can know are naturally concentrated here.

Chatted for more than half an hour.

The old man probably said that he was tired, and finally said: "The environment over there in Ordoland is very good, but there are more mosquitoes, there are also many outdoor wild animals, fishing and hunting are very popular, as long as you stay calm about everything, you should be able to have a good time."

Brian nodded.

After listening to the old man's narration, he also felt that the rumors on the Internet were somewhat exaggerated.

At least this old man looked normal and seemed to be a good person.

This flight was a transfer between small cities, directly to the destination of Ordoland, and the flight time was less than 40 minutes.

So after a while, the plane began to land.

Before leaving, Brian was originally going to say goodbye to the old man who had been chatting with him before, but he saw the old man standing up, smiling at Brian in a friendly manner, and then took the arm of another old man, and the two of them followed the passengers out in an intimate manner.


His first impression of this area of ​​Florida is very complicated, very complicated.

With a complicated mood, Brian got off the plane.

Florida is a state in the southeastern United States, located on a peninsula protruding from the southeast coast, bordering the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Gulf of Mexico to the west.

Ordoland is a central city in Florida, located on a swamp.

Although this place is not close to the coastline, it has many lakes and rich wildlife resources, so it is quite famous in the surrounding area for playing in the water, camping, fishing on the water, driving those special boats to hunt wildly in the swamp, etc.

There are many tourists here.

Brian's meeting place is the landmark here: Lake Iona.

But he doesn't need to worry about how to get there.

A police car with words like Orange County Sheriff's Office on it was parked in a conspicuous position outside. There was a pick-up person wearing a police uniform, holding a sign, and walking around with bored short legs.

The name on the sign was Brian's name.

As a decent person, giving people a good first impression is his respect for others.

Brian took out his Sven platinum frameless glasses from his chest pocket and put them on his nose. He walked towards the police car in a suit.

In fact, he was also quite strange.

He didn't know much about O'Dolan. He only knew that it belonged to Cheng County. The total population of the urban agglomeration in the entire area was less than 700,000. It was truly sparsely populated.

In a small city like this with a small population, the police cars usually have the logo of a certain public security office, which is actually similar to a certain police station in a certain jurisdiction, and the management scope is just a few streets.

In such a small city, because criminals will run into other jurisdictions or even other cities as soon as they drive, joint law enforcement is very frequent.

The process is probably like this criminal. At the beginning, there was only one police car chasing him. As he ran, there were seven or eight different departments and more than a dozen police cars with different logos behind him.

However, looking at the logo of this car, Brian guessed that O'Dolan should be the county seat of Cheng County, which is similar to the headquarters of the city police department.

Seeing Brian approaching him.

The bored little policewoman's eyes lit up.

She blew a bubble from her mouth and whistled at Brian: "Hey, come here, I need to check your ID."


He silently handed over his employee ID and took a look at the appearance of the policewoman in front of him.

The other party looked young, wearing a short-sleeved shirt, with an average height, appearance, and figure, but the face shape was that of a child.

Combined with her appearance and height, it gives the illusion that a child is wearing adult clothes.

In addition, the other party's exposed neck and arms have many tattoos, and when she opens her mouth to speak, there are tongue piercings on her tongue. These things add a lot of adult information to her.

The policewoman didn't even pay attention to the information on the certificate.

After she got it, she took out the pen and paper clipped to her chest: "Name, phone number, by the way, also tell me your social media account."

"Did I break the law?"

"No." The policewoman looked at Brian calmly: "I just think you look good and your height is perfect. I want to sleep with you. It would be better if I could get pregnant with one and improve my family's genes."

Brian silently pointed to the ID in the policewoman's hand.

Only then did the policewoman take a serious look.

Hmm..This looks like a police badge.

She opened it and looked at it, silently returning the ID to Brian: "Sorry, I didn't expect such a fate. Agent Brian, my name is Sarah, I am a police officer in the weathering team. There is a shortage of manpower in the police station, so I arranged it. I’m here to help with the reception.”

"Fenghua Group?"

"Yes, I actually prefer to go to the front-line department, but the Fenghua team values ​​the performance I bring to the team every year, so they won't let me go."

Brian understood instantly.

Prostitution is usually fined.

But if the other party is a minor, the problem will be big.

However, this salad looks like she is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she still has the image of a girl with problems at first sight. She belongs to the style where fishing is all about catching the wrongdoer.

Sarah pushed open the police car door without any embarrassment: "Let's go. Although I don't know why the proud Chief Flory asked for help from Los Angeles, we must hurry up. Five police officers are already missing over there. "

Brian sat in the passenger seat: "What exactly is going on?"

Salad shook his head:

“It started with a missing child case.

There are many lakes here. Some children are ignorant and go swimming secretly. Every year, some drown or are eaten by crocodiles, but it is useless. Similar things will happen the next year.

Therefore, the patrol police who received the report at first did not pay special attention to it.

They followed the procedure to investigate, and finally contacted the dispatch center and entered the missing lake camp to investigate. As a result, they also lost contact.

The police behind only found their squad car.

Their gun case was still in the trunk of the police car, but the rifles and shotguns inside were gone.

Everyone is not sure whether the police took it or someone attacked the police.

So a large number of police officers entered the original missing point and started searching.

The result is that people continue to disappear.

Missing one person at a time.

No one even heard the gunfire before he disappeared.

After three searches, three more people were missing.

The most bizarre thing is that someone finally found the police uniform of one of the missing police officers in Lake Iona, more than 20 kilometers away from the missing point.

After verification, the police uniform found was exactly what the missing police officer wore when he was on duty.

This is so weird.

No one is willing to continue.

The person in charge, Sheriff Flory, had no choice but to ask everyone to stop searching for the missing point. He only arranged for people to advise people to stay away and called for help from above.

They arranged for divers to search Lake Iona.

The request for help was sent yesterday, and today I received the task of receiving you.

I know that's the message. "

The narrative logic of Salad is very clear.

Brian noticed that the other party's hand holding the steering wheel was very steady, and the occasionally exposed palm could see the thick gun cocoon at the connection position.

She is not as unconventional as she seems, but is a capable police officer.

"Thank you, the information you provided was helpful to me."

Brian withdrew his scrutinizing gaze and politely thanked him.

Shala slowed down the car and turned to look at Brian. Her voice was a little more charming: "I prefer action. I will pass by a wasteland later..."

"Police Officer Sala, please respect yourself! I am not a casual person!!!"

Bryan, a gold medal vehicle appraiser in Los Angeles, spoke upright and rejected the policewoman’s second invitation to have sex!

Arrive at the outskirts of Lake Iona.

With a little regret.

After Sarah forced a business card to Brian, she drove away listlessly.

Lake Iona is one of the city's landmarks. There are many buildings and communities around it. It looks a bit like a city park community, with a road on the side.

Brian estimates that the price of lake view rooms here will not be too low.


He stopped and looked at a tourist promotion picture standing on the roadside.

These are some pictures of attractions in the suburbs of the city, including Disney, Universal Studios, etc., but one of the pictures of an inconspicuous lake camp caught Brian's attention.

He had a strange look in his eyes.

Damn it, why does this ghost place look so much like the opening scene of a horror movie he saw in his previous life!

With the continuous improvement of mental strength, coupled with the talent of Bowen's strong memory.

Many of Brian's forgotten past life memories became clear again.

Some scenes in this suburban lake camp were very similar to the place where a boy named Jason fell into the water in a movie called "Black Friday" that he had seen in his previous life.

By the way, that movie is also called Crystal Lake.

Brian has also cosplayed Jason's killer costume before.

Could this be fate?

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