Lake Iona:

(In Chapter 223, the last paragraph and policewoman Sarah’s narration of the disappearance case (the last part of the penultimate paragraph) have been briefly modified. There is no need to go back and read them. The following content will briefly describe the modified content.)

"It must be a coincidence"

Brian looked away from the billboard advertising the lake campground in "Black Friday."

In reality, he has never heard of any supernatural events, and it is unlikely that Crystal Lake and Immortal Jason exist. It should simply be due to the geographical environment here, which is similar in many aspects.

After all, even if it’s a movie world, the location doesn’t match up.

Brian walked along the trail toward the lake, pondering the information he'd gained earlier.

According to policewoman Shala’s description, the disappearance occurred at a lake camp twenty or thirty kilometers away from the lake.

The five police officers who disappeared later also disappeared there.

The strange thing is that during this period, someone discovered the police uniform of one of the police officers twenty or thirty kilometers away, on the surface of Lake Iona in front of them.

Continuous disappearances + strange situations.

With people in panic, the person in charge of the case, Sheriff Flory, had no choice but to call for help. At the same time, he arranged for divers to search Lake Iona in the city to see if they could find underground sewers or the like. entrance.

This approach is actually quite correct.

The missing point is located in a suburban lake camp.

As I said before, the total population of the big cities here is only over 700,000. The land is vast and sparsely populated. Except within the city, it is difficult to see people in the suburbs.

When humans encounter dangerous events in those places, they feel a lot of inner pressure.

Lake Iona is different. It is located in a more densely populated city. When people investigate here, it is different from the wilderness and there is not so much psychological pressure.

After all, even if something happens here, a large amount of armed support will arrive immediately, and you will instinctively feel safe.


An old man wearing a police uniform and holding a cigarette in his hand suddenly rushed out of the woods on the roadside.

He glanced at Brian and asked him, "An outsider?"

Brian nodded: "Yes, I came from Los Angeles. I came here to find Sheriff Flory. Salad who received me pulled me here, but she left directly."

"I am." Flory nodded somewhat reservedly: "Shala is a bit unreliable. I only knew you arrived when I received her call just now."

As he said that, he stretched out his palm towards Brian: "The first time I saw you, I knew you would help us. You can call me Flory or Sheriff. I prefer the latter. By."

"Brian, I'm an autopsy examiner." Brian briefly introduced himself.


Flory was a little confused.

I suspected that this was a crime committed by an aberrant, so I applied for special assistance from Chengxian County. As a result, Chengxian County's special organization also suffered heavy losses, so it could only continue to apply for foreign aid.

Now foreign aid is coming.

This guy looks good.

The question is, why is the person here a coroner?

"Yes, coroner, but I also have some knowledge of marksmanship and fighting, so I won't burden you. Let's talk about the situation, Chief Flory."

Brian pushed up his elegant glasses and said with a smile.

Flory sighed inwardly.

What kind of bullshit foreign aid is this? It’s so unreliable.

He lost his energy and waved to Brian: "Come with me, did Sarah tell you about the case?"

"Just tell me briefly."

Brian repeated what Salad said.

Sheriff Flory nodded:


The disappearance occurred a week ago.

The first missing persons were children from nearby towns. There were three in total, the oldest was eleven years old and the youngest was eight years old.

I'm the small town's sheriff.

After receiving the report from the family, I led the police officers to search for the missing person.

That area is relatively remote, but there are also some citizens living there, and there is a children's holiday camp nearby, so wildlife prevention and cleaning is very frequent. There have been no wild animal attacks in the past ten years.

This time it was different.

After we arrived, we gathered together with several nearby residents who volunteered to help, launched a nearby search, and finally found the shoes of one of the missing children.

Shoes float on the shore of the lake.

There was no trace of flesh or blood around, and no trace of crocodile activity.

Oh, God!

We suspect they drowned.

So police officers were dispatched to search the water, but found nothing.

Something weird is coming.

After going back.

We just discovered that a police officer was missing.

This is a very unusual thing.

Our finances are not very good, so there are only three police officers in the town, including me.

Three people, two cars.

After we came back, we found that there was one person missing from the team.

Mr. Bryan, do you know how we felt at that time?

We even wonder if there is a demon blocking our memories. "

Speaking of the previous situation, the old police chief could not help but show fear on his face.

Brian also had interest on his face.

This case is interesting.

He asked curiously: "What happens next?"

So far, five police officers are missing.

This is only one.

Sheriff Flory took a deep breath.

He slowed down, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a deep breath.

Under the influence of nicotine, he finally regained some composure and continued:

“Coroner Brian, since you are here, you should be someone who knows some inside information.

Our world has undergone some changes a few decades ago.

Although I have not stepped into that circle, I have been a police officer for many years and have encountered one or two perverted cases, so I have some understanding of them.

I was worried that this was an abnormal case, so I reported it to the Cheng County Police Station.

They took it seriously and immediately sent support police and a CD organization agent to lead the team.

The full name of CD is Crocodile, which is the special case handling department throughout Florida.

They have branches in every county and big city and are a group of professionals.

Under the leadership of that agent, everyone who was more prepared this time entered the area to search again.

This time, we lost two more people.

Just like last time, after everyone returned, they discovered that someone was missing.

The missing people include the agent sent by CD, and the remaining one is my last partner."

At this point, Chief Flory looked pained.

They were all old partners for many years, but this time they were all gone, and he was the only one left.

Brian's focus is on this crocodile organization.

Crocodile is crocodile, crocodile organization.

This organization should be a local organization similar to NW, but I don’t know how strong it is.

But it shouldn’t be as good as NW.

After all, the NW organization is backed by the entire Los Angeles urban agglomeration, has abundant capital, and is not a nobody in the world.

In fact, Brian was very strange before setting off.

According to his understanding, almost all states in the federation have their own special organizations, and some states are even more chaotic, with more than one.

Even if the NW organization goes out to perform special tasks, it should be to help other small organizations in California.

Why was he sent to Orlando, which is more than 3,000 kilometers away?

After a few more puffs of nicotine, Sheriff Flory coughed twice before continuing:

"This time a CD agent went missing, so the Cheng County Police Department attached great importance to it and directly sent a team with a large amount of advanced equipment and heavy weapons.

They cordoned off the area and searched intensively.

As a result, except for driving away some hidden crocodiles and accidentally catching two wanted criminals lurking in that area, nothing was found.

Strange things happened again, this time two more people were missing, the two CD agents who led the team.

The process is the same as the previous two times.

Even though everyone was prepared this time, built basic communication towers, and conducted personnel counts at all times, some people were still missing after returning to the temporary camp.

The surveillance footage showed two people entering the camp. When the meeting began, they found that the two agents were missing.

The CD organization's branch in Chengxian County has a total of only twenty people.

They were also afraid, sealed off the area, and called for help from above. "

As he said that, Sheriff Flory looked at Brian with a strange look:

"I don't have enough status. I just learned today that a detective from Los Angeles came to help us handle this case.

I don’t know what the people at CD think, but I hope this matter will be resolved as soon as possible so that the town can return to its previous tranquility.

What I mean is, if you don't feel normal, you'd better leave early, so as not to add another person to the missing list. "

He was not an industry insider, but he knew that Brian's arrival here was not normal.

The special organization is not the FBI. It has branches throughout the federal government, and agents often handle cases across state lines.

These organizations cannot escape the particularities of the federal region and political landscape.

There is not so much harmony between each state.

Brian glanced at the crowd in front of him, smiled, and changed the subject: "Chief Flory, I heard Sarah's description before and thought you were the person in charge of this case."

Sheriff Flory shook his head: "Shala is the daughter of my good friend. She doesn't even know the truth about this world. I didn't let her know the true situation of the case, so she must have some misunderstanding."

He glanced at the approaching crowd, threw the cigarette butt in his hand at his feet and stamped it out, sighed and lowered his voice:

"I feel like the people at CD don't pay much attention to your arrival, otherwise they wouldn't leave it to me to receive you.

Based on my many years of experience, you may have offended people in your own organization and been cheated. These organizations will also have their own interests.

When I was young, I often encountered disgusting incidents of people cheating and killing each other. "

Brian smiled and said nothing.

He was not stupid, he felt something was wrong before setting off.

There was no attack, but it was just the same as before when he allowed those gangster policemen to shoot him.

If the enemy doesn't jump, how can he have the nerve to deal heavy blows to his own people?

How can you have the nerve to kill your own people in a reasonable and legal manner if you don't use heavy blows?

If you don't kill them all, how can you free up enough profit chains for yourself and then get to the position as soon as possible?

If you want to take it, you must give it first!

Brian's current "give" is to pretend not to know, take the initiative to step into the danger arranged for him by the enemy, become a victim first, and then ask for "compensation" from the organization when he returns.

It doesn't matter who the enemy is.

In Brian's eyes, the other party was already a dead person.

The only difference is how much benefit the other party can bring to you.

As for Sheriff Florey...

Brian would not naively have good intentions just because of his warning.

Let’s see later.

While talking.

Under the leadership of Sheriff Flory, the two also came to a temporary camp by the lake.

There is a small dock here with many machines connected around it.

A group of people are busy next to the machine, and you can still see the oxygen connecting tube disappearing from the water.

There were also several small speedboats loitering on the water, with equipment installed on them. Brian guessed it was sonar search or something like that.

While he was surveying the situation here, among the crowd, a middle-aged white man who was looking at the lake in a daze was reminded by his companions and turned to look at Brian.

Brian seemed to be aware of it and met the eyes of the middle-aged white man.

The white middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly, then smiled and walked towards Brian: "Brian, hello, I am the captain of the Chengxian team of the CD Operations Department. You can call me Krist."

"Hello, Captain Crist, do you know me?"

Brian's nose twitched slightly, remembering the other person's scent.

Krist looks to be in his forties, with handsome features, but he is a little fat and his skin is overall red. This is a characteristic that white people only appear after they often sunbathe.

Of course, there are drunkards too.

Krist shook his head: "I have seen your information, and you are as handsome as the photo. Thank God, you came in time. We just have a problem that needs your help."

Brian pushed up his elegant glasses and chuckled: "It's inconvenient."

"This thing is very simple, huh?"

Krist paused for a moment, thinking he heard wrongly: "You mean it's inconvenient?"


Brian nodded: "Captain Crist, you made a mistake. I am here to deal with the difficult incident here, not to help deal with this difficult incident."

Krist looked at the gentle Brian, stared at him for a few seconds, then chuckled, and said in a strange tone: "Mr. Brian, my cultural level is not very high, you can be more straightforward."

Brian shrugged:

"No problem, I'm easy to talk to.

I mean, I like to be the boss, not the second child.

You have two choices now, either I take over the case and you all listen to me, or I listen to you and go in through the left ear and out through the right ear. After receiving the attendance allowance, I will go back to my class. "

Krist didn't expect this pretty boy to be so straightforward.

Don’t you understand the yin and yang in my words?

He said with a dark face: "It's okay if you want to take over the case, but two police officers and three agents from the CD organization have been missing in this case. It's very dangerous. This requires a lot of commanders. I'm not sure about your level." Before, it was impossible for me to convince my brothers to listen to you."

"How can I prove my level?"

Brian followed the other person's words.

It seems that the other party's fox tail is what happens next.

Krist pointed to a box on the shore: "This is a ground vein ultrasonic conductor. It can transmit signals along the cracks in the terrain. It is also the favorite communication device of underground research institutions. I need you to place it until it disappears." "In the lake where the crime occurred."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

Brian nodded and muttered something to Sheriff Flory on the side.

Sheriff Flory looked at Brian with a strange expression, nodded, and ran outside.


Under the watch of a group of people, Crist held his ID with a dark face and told the camera in Brian's hand about the gambling agreement between him and Brian.

This process made him feel very ashamed.

Can you not be ashamed?

This was completely Brian's bad taste, asking the other party to leave the 'evidence' of the gambling in the form of L loan that he had seen in his previous life.

This is actually a temptation for him.

In normal betting, there is more or less mutuality.

The other party didn't care at all.

This shows that his purpose is to let Brian go to the missing place.

Brian sneered inwardly.

Such unabashed malice.

He really didn't have many enemies in the NW organization. One was Benjamin, whom he had accidentally faced many times, and the other was the second-level female gunner of the war department whom he had eliminated during promotion.

The latter actually has no background. He is simply strong, and then relies on his excellence to enhance people's genes and fertility, and hooks up with men from a family.

This is unlikely.

Then the enemy is that Benjamin.

"This Blacklight Biotech is really at odds with me."

Brian muttered something to himself, put away the shooting equipment, took the box that Crist asked to carry, and got into Sheriff Flory's car.

The place of disappearance is located at the camp lake more than 20 kilometers away.

The two left the city of Odolan and rushed to the missing camp lake more than 20 kilometers away.

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