Passing by a gun shop.

Brian said to Sheriff Flory who was driving: "Sheriff, I need to replenish some ammunition."

Sheriff Flory shook his head:

"No need to be so troublesome. You will pass by my office on the way. There are some of my weapons collection there. I can lend you any gun you like.

In addition, if you have not paid taxes in Florida, regular gun shops will not sell you guns. They are afraid of being lured."

Hearing this, Brian said no more.

There is no household registration system in the United States.

Generally, when a citizen lives in a new place for a period of time and has a fixed residence there, whether it is rented or bought, and has paid taxes, he will automatically become a local resident, accept the management of the local government, enjoy local welfare, and also need to assume certain local civic obligations.

Among them, residence and taxation are the key.

Only if you have a residence and have paid taxes will the community know you as a person, and you can enjoy the rights of local residents, such as driver's license replacement, local litigation, etc.

Without these, you don't even have the right to sue..

The same is true for driving. Traveling and passing by temporarily are not a big deal, but if you walk for a long time, Brian's California driver's license cannot be used. You must go to the local DMA agency to inquire and then replace the driver's license as required.

This is one of the reasons why the police here have great power.

Many times, whether you have violated local laws or not, most of the time, it is up to them to decide, at least before you have the opportunity to go to court and defend yourself.

The identification criteria are very flexible..

Part of it depends on the professionalism and professional ethics of the police.

Part of it depends on his first impression of you and his mood at the time.

The town under the jurisdiction of Sheriff Florey is located in an area surrounded by forests.

The swampy landforms here make the plants here grow luxuriantly.

The trails are all mountain trails.

There are dense woods and vines on both sides, as well as many unknown plants.

Bryan has excellent eyesight and even saw some leaves, that is, marijuana..It looks good, but it is irregular. It should be wild growth, not deliberately planted by someone.

Of course, it is possible that someone planted it here, and then that person died.

Flory probably saw it too.

He actually stopped the car, took out a bag from the car, filled a large bag, and threw it at his feet. By the way, he explained to Brian: "This is what I prepared for Jimmy's mother. By the way, Jimmy is one of my missing partners. His mother is old and has many old age diseases. She needs these things to relieve pain."

This scene is very strange, equivalent to a public official picking drugs in front of you and saying that he will take them back for his colleague's mother to smoke.

But it is too normal here.

Many people just regard this thing as an alternative "cigarette".

Many people here started to contact this thing when they were in school, or were instigated by the "companions" around them.

Here, if you say to a friend you just met: "Hey, brother, do you want a cigarette?"

People will think you have no sense of boundaries.

If you say, "Hey, brother, do you want a sip of this top-quality marijuana?"

Then he will most likely not mind your saliva, take it and take a couple of sips, and then praise you for being a good person who is willing to share.

"Is there a lot of this stuff here?"

Brian looked at the calm Sheriff Flory and asked curiously.

Sheriff Flory nodded:

"Quite a lot, especially in O'Dolan.

This is all swampland with fertile soil, which is very suitable for growing marijuana. In addition, there are many illegal immigrants in Florida, so there are often bad guys who trick those illegal immigrants here and imprison them.

They treat those illegal immigrants as serfs and force those unlucky guys to grow marijuana in the mountains.

Those illegal immigrants who are lucky will eventually be absorbed by that group of people as their subordinates and then manage other illegal immigrants. Those who are unlucky will be sold to some trafficking organizations to draw blood and sell body organs when their bodies are not good.

But this kind of thing usually doesn't sell for much money."

Selling blood here is legal in many states.

A person can sell twice a week at most, 30 to 40 US dollars each time, just enough to buy cheap bread for two or three days, and some marijuana.

When there is no money, it is just right to sell a second time.

These are all calculated.

Of course, the blood of these people is generally exported, otherwise the United States, with a total population of only more than 300 million, cannot provide the vast majority of the world's plasma export share.

"No one escaped?"

Sheriff Flory's eyes shifted, and after a moment of silence, he whispered:

"Yes, or no.

Occasionally there will be lucky ones who escape, but they can't leave in the end.

These illegal immigrants will be given dog tags by the group.

Each dog tag corresponds to a gang that cultivates marijuana farms.

If nearby residents see such people appear near their homes, according to the style of the dog tag, contact the gang behind it, report one, and you can get at least one thousand US dollars, and some free marijuana"

He didn't continue, but Brian already knew what the other party meant.

On one side is money + marijuana.

On one side are illegal immigrants who are not even citizens, and helping them may even bring trouble to themselves and their families.

The choice of most people is self-evident.

Sheriff Flory was probably a little embarrassed too.

He changed the subject and kicked the bag of marijuana at his feet: "Sometimes the anti-narcotics officers will time it well to raid these illegal marijuana farms. These wild marijuana grow from the abandoned marijuana fields and are considered part of the residents here. benefits.”

Brian nodded and lost interest in talking.

Gotham City has simple folk customs and a free and peaceful America.

This sentence, placed in the American Federation radiated by the blood moon, is completely realistic without any moisture or rumors.

Arrive in town.

Sheriff Flory also bought some cigarette papers first, and then handed them to an old woman lying in the yard sunbathing together with the bag.

The old woman was happier when she saw the rolling papers and the bag of fresh marijuana than when she saw her own son.

She tremblingly invited Sheriff Flory to her house for a cup of coffee, but Flory refused.

Leave the yard of the old woman's house.

Brian was taken by Sheriff Flory to a small bungalow with a yard and warehouse.

From the outside, this looks like a farmhouse.

But after walking in, you can see some signboards and a large office. There is also a prison cell reinforced with iron railings in the office.

The guards at work do both.

Sheriff Flory took Brian directly to the innermost warehouse.

The door here looks much thicker and has a few locks.

After opening.

Sheriff Flory showed Brian his collection: six or seven pistols and revolvers, three regular-class semi-automatic rifles, an old small-caliber sniper rifle, and some long and short spray guns.

These weapons are quite simple.

In desperation, Brian selected a double-barreled shotgun of an unknown brand.

There is no way, this thing seems to have the largest caliber.

Seeing him taking this one, Sheriff Flory hesitated: "This thing was specially modified to shoot crocodiles when I was young. It has a lot of recoil..."

"It will be obedient in my hands."

Brian checked the condition of the shotgun and said casually.

The shotgun was well maintained and exuded the unique smell of gun oil.

This thing is relatively simple. It is loaded manually and fires two bullets at a time. Each bullet is a little thicker than an ordinary person's thumb. The bullet belt is equipped with a bullet strip that can be hung on the body.

Sheriff Flory had only two bullet strips of the corresponding model with 36 bullets, so Brian packed them all and took them away.

He also took away a large-caliber revolver and some bullets.

Sheriff Florey didn't care.

The people who were missing before didn't even get a chance to shoot.

He felt that this thing had no effect other than increasing his courage.

Complete armed.

The two set off again.

This time the journey was shorter.

After driving along the mountain trail for more than ten minutes, a campsite appeared in front.

Seeing the camp's sign, Brian's eyes narrowed: "I think I've seen the billboard here on the road."

Sheriff Flory nodded:

“Yes, this lake used to be fished only by locals.

A company later purchased this land from the government and built a summer training camp for children to train them in social interaction, swimming, fishing, boating, etc.

They also sent people to drive away the crocodiles and some wild animals here.

The flow of people here gradually increased.

But two years ago, there was a fire here, and many children died. The company went bankrupt, and the place was abandoned again.

What you see should be the old billboard. "

“How long has that company been operating here?”

"It has been nearly ten years, and it has brought a lot of extra income to the surrounding residents. After the accident, everyone was very sorry.

Originally, someone in the urban area recently wanted to take over this area again, but unexpectedly another disappearance occurred. "

Sheriff Flory drove the car into the camp in a depressed mood.

The camp has a wooden structure as a whole, with several large wooden houses similar to hanging buildings, and many small doll houses carved with various cute sculptures.

Through the open door of the house, you can see two rows of small beds connected together.

The ground here is very smooth with bricks and stones, and there are no weeds. This ground should have been specially treated. You can see a neatly arranged two-person shuttle boat in the distance.

Park the car.

Sheriff Flory pointed to a trail outside the camp and into the distance: "The lake is down there, only three or four minutes away from this camp. There is a pier over there. The shoes of the missing child were found on the pier."

Brian nodded, carrying the box and carrying the gun: "Let's go together or wait for me here?"

"Let's go together."

Sheriff Flory shivered and pulled out a long, thin cigarette from his coat pocket, lit it and took a deep breath.

He closed his eyes, thought about it for a moment, and regained some courage: "Haha, I haven't touched this thing for a long time. I don't have any children, and they disappeared when I disappeared. You are from Los Angeles. As the local police chief, I have no reason to let you go." You go on an adventure alone.”

Smelling the smell of marijuana coming out of the other person's mouth, Brian nodded and took the lead.

The trail must have been abandoned for a long time, no one has taken care of it, and some vines are blocking the way.

If you don't watch the road carefully, you can easily fall into a yo-yo.

Brian didn't even look at it, he avoided the vines with precision, and he was fast and furious. In just three or four breaths, he was able to distance himself from Sheriff Flory.

However, the distance of this trail is not very long, less than a thousand meters.

At the end was a forest with some bamboos. There were traces of a path, but most of the area had returned to its original wilderness appearance.

Brian licked his lips and disappeared into the forest without waiting for Sheriff Flory.

When Sheriff Flory came over panting.

Brian was already standing in front of a wooden pier.

He looked at the calm lake in front of him and a wooden platform in the middle of the lake, playing with the double-barreled shotgun. As for the box in his hand, there was no shadow.

Hearing the movement.

Brian retracted his gaze and said to Sheriff Flory: "The box with the shock wave bomb was thrown in. Notify Captain Crist."

Nothing happened along the way.

He was a little disappointed.

Sheriff Flory nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed.

There is a town nearby, and there is also a signal receiver in the camp not far away, so there is no need to worry about the signal problem.

There was only a busy tone on the other end of the phone.

Sheriff Flory's face became ugly little by little.

After he tried to make a few more calls, he took out his police gun and said anxiously: "Brian, my cell phone suddenly has no signal. Give me your cell phone and I'll see if I can get through."

Brian looked relaxed: "It's okay, it should be broken. I'll help you fix it."

Sheriff Flory looked puzzled: "How to fix it?"

"Of course, use this."

Brian raised the muzzle of the double-barreled shotgun in his hand.


White gas rose.

A headless corpse slowly fell down

Looking at the headless corpse on the ground, Brian spit on the ground in a very uncivilized way: "The cell phone is broken? I think you are mentally broken. Playing Liao Zhai in front of me is like going to the toilet with a lantern, looking for death!"

This 'Sheriff Flory' has no smell of marijuana in his mouth, and there is no doubt about his statement of 'a box with a shock wave bomb'.

It is clearly a fake.

Of course, the most important reason is that he deliberately ran so fast, which is itself a test for Sheriff Flory.

In fact, Brian's perception has always locked Sheriff Flory's position.

This imposter, in the face of Brian, launched a self-righteous disguise.

In the blood and flesh, Brian saw some gelatinous substances.

This should be some black technology items similar to disguise.

The other party had calluses on his hands, his body was slightly fat, and his body shape was very consistent with that of Sheriff Flory. If you don't look closely, you can't tell the difference in hairstyle and color.

This person is definitely prepared in advance.

The only pity is that the other party probably died too suddenly and left no obsession.

This made the kind-hearted Brian somewhat disappointed.

If you don't reveal your obsession, how can I let you die in peace?

The deceased really didn't cooperate at all!

Pick up the other party's mobile phone.

Brian dialed the number marked as Christ according to the address book.

A moment.

A deep voice came from the other side: "Sheriff Flory, have you put the box away?"

Brian imitated Sheriff Flory's voice: "Bryan, the coroner, has put the box in the lake. I saw it with my own eyes."

".Okay, I'll wait for you in the city."

After a pause, the other side hung up the phone in a hurry.

Brian whistled and returned to the original route.

No useful information was obtained, but this Christ had some problems.

It was enough to confirm this.

Brian believed that under his hospitality, the other party would be happy to tell him something.


Brian saw the stripped Sheriff Flory through his perception.

This guy was lying under a piece of bamboo like a dead pig.

After Brian stepped forward to check the other party's pupils, he slapped him on the face twice.

This guy was lucky and still alive.

Sheriff Flory was awakened by the pain.

His first reaction after opening his eyes was to hit with both hands, and at the same time cursed: "Sour carrot bitch, let go of that kid!"

"Hey, it's me!"

Brian slapped Sheriff Flory again, knocking him to the ground again.

When he saw Sheriff Flory regain his composure and subconsciously covered his body, Brian retracted his slap.

A fool would not have a sense of shame.

The other party should be normal now.

Brian threw his expensive suit jacket to the other party considerately: "What happened?"

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