You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 226 Please give me an extra body bag

Sheriff Flory was probably still a little confused.

He rubbed his forehead: "I may have suffered a heavy blow to my head. I can't remember it clearly. I just remember that you were walking very fast. I struggled to catch up, and then I saw a man wearing a hood holding a child. I chased him and fought with him..."

Brian looked at Chief Flory's head, which was not very thick, and said leisurely: "Why don't you draw your gun?"

Decades of habit.

When something happens, drawing a gun is the first reaction of veteran police officers.

"Yeah, why don't I draw my gun?"

Sheriff Flory repeated dully.

He is not the same person he was more than thirty years ago. How could he be so passionate that he rushes forward to fight hand to hand?

It’s not in line with my own habits!

Brian didn't give him a chance to think: "What does that person look like?"

"He's very tall, wearing a black hood, and his face can't be seen clearly..."

"What color are his pants!"

"Pants. Looks like a pair of dirty jeans."

"Where's the child? What does the child look like?"

As Brian's questions became more and more detailed, Chief Flory's answers became more and more uncertain and slow.

When Brian asked again, the other party was not even sure of his previous answer.

This kind of disordered inquiry is suitable for distinguishing true from false.

This is determined by human logical thinking.

As the saying goes, a lie requires countless lies to modify and cover up.

Many of the lies told by ordinary people are even logically contradictory and difficult to follow when asked. However, when people who are trained or professional lie, the same is true, except that their logic is more rigorous.

Therefore, really smart people will tell half-truths and half-truths, and they will be vague. If asked again, they will be unsure, unclear, and can't remember clearly...

They will not limit themselves to death.

Brian's inquiry was not to confirm whether Chief Flory was lying, but just to confirm one of his guesses.

Chief Flory is also an experienced police officer who has interrogated people.

He realized what Brian was doing, and his face looked a little ugly: "Hey, listen, I don't know what I've been through, but everything I said is true."

Brian nodded without denying: "I know that you were in a hallucination before."


Sheriff Flory quickly touched his head and found that there were no signs of injury on it, only a burning pain on his face.

He was a little unconfident: "Is it because of the marijuana? The effect of this thing won't be so exaggerated..."

Generally, only early-stage smokers of unprocessed marijuana will experience hallucinations, but after a while, this stuff becomes like cigarettes to them. At most, it refreshes the mind and puts the smoker in an abnormally excited state. Once you don't inhale, you will feel lethargic and weak. Most importantly, it will hurt your brain, which is not a good thing.

To put it bluntly, the hallucinogenic effect behind this thing is not as good as the venom of some poisonous toads.

Brian nodded: "Ordinary marijuana won't be so exaggerated, but the effect you smoked is so good. Who gave it to you?"

Sheriff Flory seemed to have thought of something and was silent for a moment before speaking:

“Shala, that’s the policewoman who received you.

She is the daughter of a good friend of mine and we have a good relationship.

I also trust her more.

The continuous disappearance of my colleagues made me a little nervous. She noticed it and gave me some seized marijuana.

I was exposed to it for a while when I was young, and eventually I accepted it. "

As he said that, he looked up at the empty space of the bullet belt on Brian's body: "You have two bullets missing. Did you shoot?"

Brian patted the double-barreled shotgun: "Yes, someone put on your clothes and the same camouflage hood as you, and then I blew his head off. This thing is pretty powerful."

"It might be better to capture them alive."

Sheriff Flory circled Brian's suit jacket: "This thing is very strange. The disappearance occurred a week ago. You only received the news yesterday. The marijuana was given to me by Salad three days ago. It makes me think Think about the relationship here.”

As an old police chief, he still has the basic thinking for solving crimes.

Brian waved his hand directly: "There's no need to go to such trouble. Let's go. Let's pack up the attacker's body first, then go back to the town and give you new clothes."

Marijuana is actually okay.

Just now, it was Brian's test.

No one would use such stupid and uncontrollable means to trick others.

Just knocking someone unconscious is better than anything else.

After all, no one else can control when Sheriff Flory will smoke, and if the other party hadn't been under too much pressure, they might not have touched it at all.

So marijuana is okay.

Sheriff Flory's reaction to Brian's guidance was relatively normal.

In Brian's previous perception, there was nothing unusual about the other party.

Combined with Brian's previous phone conversation with Captain Crist using Chief Flory's voice, it can be seen that Chief Flory was not involved in this operation against him.

This man is barely trustworthy.

Brian didn't think anyone would prepare a disappearance case in advance to deal with him, and then send him to die.

This possibility is almost impossible.

Then this matter is relatively clear.

The disappearance is real.

It is true that CD asked NW for help.

The only variable is Brian.

Here comes the problem.

Why did the CD organization in Florida seek help from the NW organization in Los Angeles, California, thousands of miles away in a disappearance case?

Do they have no one of their own?

This speculation is obviously not valid. Even if Florida has outstanding people and a relatively large number of aberrants, it is unlikely that they will be suppressed by official force.

This shows that the NW side actually has some connection with the disappearance case here.

The CD organization knew it, so after reporting it here, it sent the news to the NW side.

As to what this connection is, it needs to be investigated.

According to the normal flow, this is a story about an investigation case that was stabbed in the back by one's own people, and the crime was finally brought to justice.

Unfortunately, Brian is not a normal person.

the other side.

Captain Crist, the person in charge of CD Odolan, put away his mobile phone and greeted a subordinate next to him: "The sonar tracker has been launched. Let everyone go ashore. We need to debug the equipment."

"Okay, head."

The subordinates quickly went down to do their work.

Watching him go away, Krist quickly took out another mobile phone and pressed the set shortcut key.

The call was connected, but there was no sound coming from the other side.

Crist was not surprised and said directly: "I am Crist. The new NW Level 2 staff member Brian has been assigned to the test area by me, but he doesn't seem to have encountered the big gift package you prepared for him."

There continued to be silence for a moment before someone spoke: "Big Gift Bag has lost contact and he has been dealt with."

Hearing the news, Christ's face suddenly turned ugly: "FK! Didn't you say that the 'big surprise' is so powerful that even monsters like the NW Dawn Warrior can be easily dealt with?"

If the 'big surprise' launched an attack, Brian who survived would definitely suspect that there was something wrong with him.

Crist himself is an enhancement person and is very aware of the value of the second-level staff in the combat department of a large organization like NW.


It’s time to play rough!

On the battlefield, faced with hail of bullets, area-of-effect weapons, and saturated artillery fire, this inhuman monster may not be able to become arrogant.

But if the other party just wants to assassinate a certain person, then that person will be in big trouble!

The person on the other end of the phone, seeing Christ's excitement, just said calmly: "Sorry, this temporary task is to capture alive. You should know the difference in difficulty between capturing alive and killing."

"What's the use of saying this!"

The veins on Krist's forehead popped out, and he suppressed his voice: "What should I do now!"

"Just keep it normal."

The person on the other end of the phone chuckled softly: "This temporary task is originally an internal struggle among the people of their NW organization, and it has nothing to do with us. Next, you can just hand the case to the Dawn Warrior and return to the headquarters. Isn't that right?" He still dares to come to the headquarters and kill you?"

"What about my benefits?"

"You go back to the headquarters, and I'll have someone send you to your residence."

"No!" Christ tugged on his tie, feeling a little irritated: "Send it directly to my residence in Odolan. I'm going to take my things and disappear for a while."

He has never seen how powerful the dawn warriors of NW are, but he knows how violent the second-level staff of the CD organization are.

The journey to the headquarters takes some time.

He doesn't feel safe.

It's better to take the things and hide in the safe house.

There was silence for a moment before agreeing: "Okay, I will send someone over now to hand over the case to you, and she will bring the things to you."

Crist was noncommittal.

Anyway, he had agreed to hand over the investigation rights of the case to Brian, and what followed was a quarrel between them, which had nothing to do with him.

In fact, Crist was not very afraid that Brian would kill him.

He is an employee of the CD organization. Although he has an average status and has been working for decades before becoming a squad leader, he also represents the face of the CD organization, and at most he will suffer a little hardship.

Otherwise, he would not have accepted this temporary task because of profit.

In Christ's mind, this deal was worth it.

Lake campsite.

When Sheriff Flory saw Brian carrying the headless body that was still dripping with blood and throwing it into the trunk of his car, he refused in his heart.

But seeing Brian carrying a body weighing a hundred pounds in one hand and looking relaxed and stress-free made him sincerely give up his protest.

This pretty boy is indeed a non-human being.

Wiped his hands.

Brian wiped the fragments of the special-material face mask clean, sat in the passenger seat, and smiled at Chief Flory: "That guy looks a lot like you, doesn't he?"

"Although his face has been smashed by you, his body shape and hair color are no different from mine. I even feel like I'm looking in the mirror. I really don't know how you found out that he was fake."

Sheriff Flory muttered and started the car.

Back to town.

He went back to change while Brian stood by the car waiting.

He touched the mask material in his hand.

This thing feels amazing in the hand. It doesn't have anything like glue, but it sticks to the skin very well, and it can follow the fluctuations of the subtle muscles in Brian's fingers.

The material feels similar to the skin and has good breathability. You can feel the temperature of the skin underneath the material.

This means that even if you wear a face mask made of this material, it is difficult to detect abnormalities even if you touch it with your hands, and there will be no incongruity in speaking.

It's really amazing.

It's more magical than the disguise methods in some martial arts novels.

After all, disguise requires skills, and this thing is simply a technological product that can be mass-produced for anyone to use.

A moment.

Sheriff Flory changed his clothes and came over with a body bag: "Put that thing in here, and then we will change a car to go to the city."

Brian glanced down at the blood that kept flowing out of the trunk of the car and nodded: "Okay, I didn't expect his blood hasn't coagulated yet, but I still need a body bag."

Sheriff Flory's car is an old car.

The car is generally sealed.

The blood kept flowing out along the gap in the trunk, and it was estimated that it was almost drained, and there was no death feature that a normal corpse should have.

Sheriff Flory thought Brian wanted to put on two bags, and urged him: "This is a high-quality body bag left over from the past. The police station only has two left. It is of good quality, and you don't have to worry about it leaking."

"No, no, no."

Brian waved his hand: "The body in the trunk doesn't need two. What I mean is that someone needs it, and this is what he deserves, so I want to prepare it in advance."

Sheriff Flory:

Why does this sound a little wrong?

He looked at Brian's gentle and handsome face wearing small glasses, and finally took the last body bag of the town police station.

This guy looks pretty good, he won't kill people at every turn...

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