You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 227 Captain Crist is an open-minded person

After packing up the bodies and changing cars, the two returned to Lake Iona in Ordolan.

Captain Christ and a group of people were looking at a mobile electronic screen similar to a radar display.

Seeing Brian and Sheriff Flory returning, Captain Christ looked a little unnatural.

His psychological quality was not so bad, but Brian's identity as a dawn warrior put too much pressure on him.

Although he was not young, he was in good physical condition and could enjoy many years, but he didn't want to leave this colorful world now.

Captain Christ forced a smile: "Welcome back, I'm glad you are okay."

Sheriff Flory pursed his lips and said nothing.

Brian's encounter with the attack revealed a strange thing. Before the matter was clear, he decided to cooperate silently and let Brian solve the investigation by himself.

Brian didn't pay attention to Captain Christ.

His eyes looked at the screen.

The electronic screen used green dotted lines to outline circles of incomprehensible geological topographic maps. There was a line in the middle that spread for a distance and finally connected to the next circle.

The overall shape is similar to a dumbbell with three dotted lines extending from a large circle and connecting a small circle.

See the unit display above.

Each thumb-long dotted line represents a distance of 20 to 30 kilometers.

"Is this the picture sent back by the detector?"

Brian asked the young white man who was operating the machine.

The young white man glanced at Brian and nodded:

"Yes, this is the most advanced terrain detection radar of the CD Research Department. The special band can transmit a distance of nearly 100 miles, which is generally used for ocean detection.

Two machines docking can form an accurate terrain map.

Three machines docking can form a three-dimensional terrain map."

Hearing this, Brian smiled, and then looked at Captain Christ on the side: "Mr. Christ, since I have returned from the missing location with the equipment intact, according to the agreement, am I responsible for investigating this missing case?"

Captain Christ nodded:

"Yes, five people have disappeared there.

Although it is still unknown We don't know what your ability is, but your courage deserves our recognition.

Next, the branch staff of the police station and CD will obey your command.

I hope you can solve this case quickly to prevent more innocent citizens from going missing. "

Hearing this, Brian nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, I like people who keep their promises. In this case, Chief Flory, you will be my assistant. I hope you can compile a complete copy of the disappearance case and the dashcam records after the return trip. "

Currently, many private cars on the road are not very fond of installing dashcams, but the proportion of public cars has increased.

There were many cars involved in the operation before, and it is impossible that there was no one.

For this kind of operation, someone may carry a portable video recorder to track and shoot, and go back to analyze, so there is no need to worry about no gains.

Sheriff Flory nodded: "All of these are available. I will sort them out as soon as possible."

The young man who was operating the detector interrupted:

"How should this be handled?

According to radar detection, there are three very small channels at the bottom of Lake Iona, connected to underground water channels, and these three underground water channels are connected to the lake in the missing case...

Do we need to arrange personnel to go into the water to determine the situation of those underground water channels?"

"Let's talk about it later."

As he said, Brian stretched out his hand to stop Captain Christ who wanted to leave: "Man, where are you going?"

Captain Christ smiled slightly: "I have received an arrangement from above. Someone will continue to participate in tracking this case on my behalf. As for me, I need to go back to headquarters."

"I'll see you off."

Brian did not give Christ a chance to refuse. He pressed his right hand on Christ's shoulder, half dragged and half hugged him, and walked out with him.

Looking at Brian's back and the struggling Christ, Sheriff Flory swallowed his saliva.

FK My God!

The extra body bag this guy asked for, wouldn't it be for Christ?

Christ is the captain of the CD County Division!

The other staff members of the CD Cheng County Division looked at this scene, looked at each other, turned their heads back silently, and pretended not to see it.

They knew a little more than Sheriff Flory, knowing that the staff member sent by NW to assist was a second-level staff member of the Operations Department, the Dawn Warrior.

The staff sequence and structure of many official organizations in the United States are actually similar.

They understand the value of Brian's staff title.

Anyway, the other party did not hurt Captain Christ in front of them, and pretending not to see it was a smart thing to do.

As for the subsequent problems, there were also masters of the CD organization to deal with them, which had nothing to do with them, the little Karami.

After all, they couldn't get any benefits without them, and they would be cannon fodder if something went wrong.

Coming to an empty area here, Brian threw Christ on the ground.

He chuckled at the other party and said, "It seems that you are not very popular with the team members. No one speaks for you."

Christ sat on the ground resignedly: "It's normal. I am not a very generous captain. Because of negligence, three of my men disappeared at the scene of the disappearance. They are resentful."

"If you speak up, they will take action. There are also many local police around."

"It's useless."

Christ took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket in a depressed mood, patted his palms, and shook out a cigarette to light.

He took a deep breath and whispered in the smoke: "You can hide for a while, but you can't hide forever. The only thing I regret is that I thought you didn't dare to do it directly, so I waited for you to come back here, damn my face and vanity!"

Brian nodded.

This guy is a little self-aware.

He took out the body bag from his pocket, shook it open and spread it in front of Christ: "Sit on it, the ground is cold, don't catch a cold."

Looking at the style of this bag, Christ:..

Are you going to say it's cold outside and ask me to get in by myself?

He looked at Brian pleadingly: "Dude, don't do this. You are a second-level employee of a large organization at such a young age. You have a promising future. There is no need to delay your future because of a small character like me."

"My girlfriend is from a big family. It is not stressful for me to pay some price and get rid of you."

Brian told Christ calmly that he had a backer.

Since this guy knew that he was a second-level employee of NW at such a young age, he dared to take action, so he must bear the corresponding price.

We are all adults, and it is meaningless to talk nonsense.

"Tell the people involved directly, and I will give you a decent life."

Brian gave the last chance.

But Christ still did not give up on survival:

"Don't do this!

I can compensate you!

I am innocent in this matter. Someone gave me some benefits and asked me to send you to the place where the disappearance occurred after you came.

It's that simple!

Even if I don't do this, you will go there by yourself. It won't affect you."

Having said that, Christ has made up his mind that as long as Brian gives him a chance and takes the benefits sent by the other side, he will immediately give up the position of the leader of the CD branch and run away. This deal is a big loss!

Seeing that Brian was slow to act, Christ was no longer so nervous.

He felt that the other party was not as unscrupulous as he said. His previous words were just to put psychological pressure on him, not to really kill him.

In Christ's opinion, except for a madman, no one would pay the price to kill a team leader with a position just because of a little dissatisfaction.

This is a slap in the face of the CD organization.

It's not worth it to vent your anger.

Seeing this, Brian sighed: "I gave you respect, but you treated me as a fool. This is not appropriate."


Christ was still wondering what respect this guy gave him.

The next moment.

An unmatched force descended on Christ's strengthened head.

His eyes widened, and his pupils slowly expanded.

Brian leaned close to the other person's ear and whispered: "Christ, I don't have much patience. Don't tell me? You can tell me if you want!"

Until he fell down, with blood slowly flowing out of Christ's eye sockets, nose, ears and other places, he uttered his last words: "Madman..."

He slapped the other person to death.

Brian calmly picked up the "dignity" on the ground, shook the opening, and stuffed Christ's body into it.

For an autopsy officer.

Killing people and collecting corpses is decent!

The body is packed.

A small crimson ball condensed above the body bag.

It's shipped.

Brian didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain.

The reason why he killed Christ cleanly and didn't waste time interrogating was that he was worried that CD and the people behind Christ would get involved.

He could kill one person, but he couldn't kill a group, even if there was a legitimate reason.

That would be equivalent to really turning against the CD organization.

Another point is that killing Christ actually wouldn't have any consequences.

Brian is the victim.

Christ is the one who participated in the attack.

His death is actually a stepping stone for Brian to communicate with the CD organization.

Yes, it is a stepping stone.

As long as Brian does not kill like crazy in the future, it is equivalent to sending a signal to that group of people: I have vented my anger and come out to talk.

It is equivalent to making Christ the scapegoat for this attack.

I guess they also thought so at the beginning.

Only Christ, the self-righteous fool, does not understand.

Brian estimates that this guy is a lucky guy who climbed up with good luck and got the position of captain by relying on his qualifications. Otherwise, he would not be able to manage his own team and win the hearts of the people.

These are all later.

Now is the harvest time.

There is nothing valuable on Christ.

His obsession is the biggest unexpected harvest.

Crush the obsession.

A message appeared in Brian's mind: Get the hearing enhancement reagent, get the hearing enhancement reagent No. 3! ! !

Gift 1: 12 units of gift energy.

Gift 2: One unit of gift energy + weak hearing enhancement

At the end, there is a male voice and a picture: "Okay, I will send someone to hand over the case to you now, and she will bring the things to you."

The picture shows an orange-yellow reagent.

"There is such a good thing?"

Brian was a little surprised.

Combining the content of the obsession and the information provided, someone will come and give Christ the reagent he wants.

So this obsession is to give him benefits for free and get a reagent.

Christ is an open-minded person!

He deserves the body bag he prepared in advance!

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