You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 228 Compromise, the mastermind of the attack, clues to the case

When Brian was carrying the body bag back to the sheriff's car, he happened to meet Sheriff Flory who came with a woman.

Seeing the woman behind Sheriff Flory, Brian's heart moved.

Could this woman be the one who brought him the reward in Captain Christ's obsession?

Sheriff Flory was also looking at the bulging body bag in Brian's hand.

He swallowed his saliva and said unnaturally: "Brian, the coroner, this is Ellie, the internal affairs staff of the CD organization."

When Brian left, he took Captain Christ.

After a short while, Captain Christ disappeared, but the body bag Brian was carrying bulged.

FK, is the efficiency so exaggerated?

Brian didn't pay attention to Sheriff Flory's gaze.

He looked at the woman Ellie behind Sheriff Flory.

Ellie was a petite blonde white girl, only up to Brian's chest, estimated to be only a little over 1.4 meters tall, good-looking, but not stunning, and her figure was mediocre.

If the other party wears a mask, it is estimated that he can pretend to be a primary or secondary school student.

However, this style is very popular among the old white men in the Federation.

Some institutions have done statistics before.

The most popular browsing content on color websites every year is those petite women. If there is another condition, it is a petite Asian woman with her hands tied and her mouth sealed with transparent tape.

In Brian's previous life, it was the "white S young Lolita" style.

And most of these browsing customers are old white men over 40 years old.

They like this very much.

As for why the word "Asian" is added at the end, it is mainly because most Asians have relatively younger faces and actual ages, unlike here, some people are obviously only in their teens, but they look like they are in their twenties or thirties.

The above content can be translated into that many old white men like young N, or young N who are bound and unable to resist.

The dress of Ms. Ellie in front of me is inclined to that style.

It's a pity that Brian only likes plump and healthy opposite sex.

He nodded casually to Ellie who was looking at him: "Hello, I'm Brian, an autopsy officer of the NW organization."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Brian."

Ellie glanced at the body bag in Brian's hand and chuckled: "I hope you won't object to my joining the next case investigation."

"Of course not."

Brian held the body bag, opened the trunk of the car, threw the bag in, and became a neighbor of the previous body bag: "Ms. Ellie, you came just in time."

As he said, he pointed to the two body bags in the trunk: "Because the trunk of Sheriff Flory's car is so small, it can't support the addition of a third body bag, even a small one, and I don't have a new body bag on hand."

Brian's tone was flat, and Ellie felt cold in her heart.

What do you mean even a small one won't work?

She pursed her lips and said uneasily: "I'm sorry, Coroner Brian, I don't quite understand what you mean. Also, I heard from Sheriff Flory that Captain Christ left with you. Where is he? I have something to give him."

"I know, it's a test tube, just give it to me."

Brian stretched out his hand towards Ellie in front of him.

Ellie looked at Brian, and Brian met her gaze without dodging.

After staring at each other for a moment, Ellie seemed to understand something, reached to her waist, took out a metal sealed dropper that was only the thickness of an ordinary person's little finger, and silently handed it to Brian's palm.

"Very good, this is a good start, I believe our cooperation will be very pleasant in the future."

Feeling the warm current surging.

Brian knew that this inconspicuous dropper-shaped reagent was the No. 3 hearing enhancement reagent that Captain Christ was obsessed with.

This obsession was accomplished very easily.

After getting the reagent, Brian was too lazy to talk nonsense, closed the trunk of the car, and left with Sheriff Flory who was pretending to be dead.

Looking at their backs, Ellie quickly took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

The next moment.

A cell phone rang in the trunk of the sheriff's car...

Ellie hung up the phone silently.

She dialed a number again: "Minister, Captain Christ is dead. After Brian came back, he killed him directly... not in front of many people... OK, I know."

Put away the phone.

Ellie followed Brian and the others, but her behavior was a little more restrained.

Sheriff Flory looked at the dropper reagent rotating between Brian's fingers curiously: "Is this the secret of your power?"

"Yes, this is an unconventional biotechnology, and it is also an invitation to enter the upper class of the new era. Without this and without background, it is difficult for ordinary people to really climb up."

Brian didn't mind giving the old sheriff some inside information.

Sheriff Flory was indifferent to this, and just sighed: "In the past, there was the American dream, and young people at least had a chance. Now it seems that this is just a joke."

Ellie, who followed, added in a low voice: "Sheriff Flory, this is confidential knowledge. Only employees who have been reviewed and signed a confidentiality agreement are qualified to know it. Please keep it confidential and don't spread it."

Sheriff Flory shrugged: "I won't cause trouble for myself."

He has no descendants and he is old.

It doesn't matter to him whether this thing exists or not.

At the lakeside, the underwater survey team has finished work.

The boats on the lake have also docked.

A large truck with an electric gear hoist is preparing to lift the small yachts into the car and take them away.

Strictly speaking, the lake in front of us belongs to the living area lake, and boats are not allowed to wander around on it. It is similar to a large sightseeing water tank.

Sheriff Flory said to Brian: "Brian, the video materials you want are all in the office building of the CD Chengxian branch. We can only see them there."

Brian nodded: "Then go over there. By the way, let the CD people lead the way, and let them leave a few people to monitor this lake. It would be best to set up some infrared alarms around it to prevent things from coming here from the underground river and then entering the city."

Sheriff Flory did as he was told.

Wait for people to leave.

Brian then looked at Ellie beside him: "How do I use that reagent?"

Ellie looked at Brian curiously: "Why do you think I will cooperate with you?"

Brian ignored him and directly grabbed a patrolman on duty who was collecting his team and walking out: "Hey, man, where are the body bags?"

"You are really a lunatic!"

Ellie interrupted Brian speechlessly: "Just drop it directly into the ear and wait for about ten seconds. They will actively integrate into the surrounding tissues, but not everyone can be effective."

The patrolman looked at the two in confusion: "There are body bags in my patrol car"

"Thank you, no need."

Brian smiled and signaled the patrolman to leave.

You see, as long as you learn the art of communication, conversation will become easy.

After the patrolman left, Ellie had already understood who Brian was, and continued to explain:

"The hearing enhancement reagent of the CD organization is an optimized type.

There are three types in total. Dropping them into the ears in sequence can reduce the risk of accidents and increase the success rate of enhancement.

We are sorry for the temporary mission against you. If you are willing, we can send you additional reagents No. 1 and No. 2 as our compensation."

It was almost the same as Brian expected.

Ellie was ready to negotiate.

This was in line with Brian's expectations, so he didn't hesitate and said directly: "I want it now."

"No problem!"

"What about Christ?"

"He went to the Missing Lake Camp area without permission and disappeared. I will have someone deal with the body!"

"Who issued the task against me?"

"The other party is Benjamin, the project director of Black Light Biotechnology.

Florida has a large number of wild mutants and its own scientific research capabilities are insufficient, so it has a very good cooperative relationship with Los Angeles and New York.

Benjamin is a supervisor who has just been promoted to Black Light Biotechnology.

He has a project in hand and cooperates with a laboratory on our minister's side.

The results of this cooperation are very important to people here, and our minister had no choice but to agree to cooperate.

In fact, we didn't do anything extra.

The person who took action was arranged by him in advance, and we only said hello to Captain Christ."

Ellie received instructions from above and did not hide anything from Brian's inquiry.

The reason is very simple.

If Benjamin's plan succeeds, then the other party will give them more benefits in the cooperative project in order to express gratitude and keep their mouths shut.

The other party's plan failed.

It is impossible for Brian to target the department head of an organization. At most, he will go back to cause trouble for Benjamin.

This kind of attack on one's own people is very bad.

Even if Benjamin has the ability to escape, it is difficult for him to continue to hold an important position.

In this case, Benjamin's threat to them in the cooperation project is naturally out of the question.

In any case, they will not lose.

Brian also wants to understand these things, so he will directly kill the stupid captain Christ.

It's useless to kill him.

"It's Benjamin."

Brian nodded.

This is consistent with his guess.

It's just that he doesn't understand why Benjamin would do such an irrational and stupid thing.

After all, the two previous unexpected conflicts have been talked about.

Could it be that the other party is getting more and more angry and doing this?

At this time, Ellie added a message: "By the way, our minister asked me to tell you that Benjamin wants to capture you alive."

"Capture alive?"

Brian pointed at himself: "Capture me alive?"

Ellie nodded:

"Benjamin is a senior researcher in your NW.

Blacklight Biotechnology Company is also the base camp of the NW radicals. It is powerful and has many unknown means.

Second-level staff are also people, just stronger people, not as difficult to deal with as you think.

In the past few decades, there have been many defected staff killed in the Federation."

Brian nodded to Ellie's statement.

That's true.

It's a pity that he is not an ordinary second-level staff.

If judged according to the level of the deformed organized by the federal official organization, Brian suspects that he will be classified as a third or fourth-level deformed person, that is, a BOSS-level deformed person who can cause the death and injury of tens of thousands of ordinary citizens in a short period of time.

If the official really wants to deal with him one day, as long as it is in a densely populated metropolis, the consequences will be almost no less than detonating a humanoid chemical nuclear bomb.

The key is that Brian may not be caught.

He can grab a soldier and disguise himself as the other soldier and blend in.

If you can't beat it, you can join at any time.

To be honest, thinking about that scene, Brian felt that he had grown up too fast and was too abnormal.

He himself doesn't know how to deal with himself now.

Fortunately he is a good man.

The fact that a BOSS-level deformed person like him was born in the United States can be regarded as having accumulated good deeds in his previous life.

After Sheriff Flory finished what Brian ordered, everyone came to the office building of the Chengxian branch of the CD organization.

Ellie drove away in Sheriff Flory's car to dispose of the two body bags in the car.

As Brian requested.

She also needs to ask the minister to report Benjamin's attempt to harm Brian to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in NW.

Brian didn't care.

To him, scientific researchers like Benjamin were nothing more than weaklings who could be easily crushed to death.

He just wants to finish this case as soon as possible and return to Los Angeles.

meeting room.

With the help of the CD branch staff, the shots were taken one by one and appeared on the screening cloth.

In total, there are more than thirty shooting scenes.

Part of it was shot with a handheld camera, part of it was recorded with special shooting equipment on the CD staff, and part of it was shot with the vehicle's driving recorder.

The staff of the CD organization are actually checking these surveillances, but it has only been two days since the consecutive disappearances, so the efficiency is very slow, and no useful clues have been found from the footage yet.

Brian was in a hurry, so he projected it together and accelerated the playback.

The fast-forwarding scenes that would make ordinary people dizzy seemed to Brian to be slow.

With his strong spiritual awareness and profound memory, coupled with the perception formed by supercomputer perception, these more than thirty projections directly turned into frame fragments, passing through Brian's mind frame by frame.

Sheriff Flory hesitated to speak.

This was completely different from what he imagined viewing the surveillance footage.

In fact, with this fast-forwarding method, he couldn't even capture the image of a small projection, let alone get any useful clues from it.

This is simply not how normal people would investigate.

Even the few CD staff members didn't understand Brian's request.

This is also normal.

The most powerful person they had ever seen was the dead Krist.

It’s okay if you don’t understand.

More than an hour later.

Brian rubbed his aching head and said to several CD staff: "Project the two images No. 1 and No. 5 separately. No. 1 is fixed at one hour, thirty-eight minutes and twenty-seven seconds, and No. 5 is frozen at one hour, thirty-eight minutes and twenty-seven seconds. Fixed in..."

The CD staff obeyed and did as they were told.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the projection.

Since Brian said this, it means there is something in the picture.

Screen No. 1 is from the driving recorder of the patrol car involved in the second search.

no way.

Chief Flory and the others are just small-town police officers, and they have no concept of installing driving recorders on their cars.

The picture is frozen, and the whole thing is a little blurry, but you can still see that this is the picture captured by the driving recorder just after the car parked, and everyone was about to get out of the car.

In the picture, a bush is pointed at.

Hidden in the bushes was a disgusting face that looked like melted ice cream.

Another scene is a shooting scene of a CD staff.

The camera is on the other person's chest.

At the time Brian said, the other party was standing on the shore of the lake, looking towards the lake.

In the freeze frame, there is a shadow hidden under the water far in front of the opponent. If you look carefully, you can barely see that it is also a face that seems to have melted.

Sheriff Flory looked at the two pictures with an expression of disbelief.

He pointed to the second scene: "The first scene was shot from a car, and the other party was still hidden in the bushes. It was normal that no one noticed it. But in the second scene, the other party was underwater. Why didn't the employee notice it? ?”

Several CD staff looked at a female staff member at the same time.

This surveillance is captured by the other party's equipment.

The female staff member looked innocent: "I can't remember what happened at that time, but I can swear that I definitely didn't find anything wrong, otherwise I would definitely have reacted."

Brian shrugged:

"It's normal. Look at the time displayed on the monitor.

At that time, the direct angle of the sun coincided with her eyes, which meant that when she stood in that position and looked at the water, that area was all reflective, making it difficult to see clearly what was under the water.

The shooting equipment is different.

It's on the chest, so it captures something underwater. "

The female staff member responded and nodded crazily: "I remembered, yes, the water surface was like a mirror at that time. After looking at it for a while, my eyes felt uncomfortable and I left."

A staff member played the other party's subsequent actions.

In the picture, the other party stood there for about thirty seconds and had indeed changed places.

This corroborates what Brian and the female staff member said.

Sheriff Flory looked at the key information found on the screen and exclaimed: "I can't understand how you accelerated the screen from more than thirty times to find this flash of information."

"I don't understand why I'm so powerful, but we found useful clues, didn't we?"

Brian chuckled.

As a coroner.

Brian had seen corpses that died in various ways, and he immediately recognized the melted face as typical burn marks.

Traces of flesh and blood similar to the melting of ice cream, burns and sulfuric acid can be achieved to a similar extent. However, the corrosion of flesh and blood caused by sulfuric acid is not just a simple corrosion of flesh and blood, but also produces chemical burns that penetrate into the bones, leading to the overall deformation of the appearance. .

The face in the picture looks scary, but the bones are normal.

Another point.

Injuries caused by sulfuric acid have the dual effects of flame and chemical burning, which will decompose the biological tissue of the injured area. After the flesh and blood heal, the proliferated tissue will appear black and brown, and there will also be an obvious uneven feeling.

After burns and wounds heal, the healed and proliferated tissue of the skin and flesh will appear red and have proliferative bumps, similar to the appearance of Freddy in A Nightmare on Elm Street.

That's not actually a still, but a realistic photo.

Based on the above characteristics, it shows that the unknown existence in the picture has been severely burned by flames before. ,

This information is important.

Brian took out a pen and paper, and while sketching, he said to Chief Flory: "Mr. Chief, I remember you said that the previous lake training camp was closed because of a fire?"

Sheriff Flory nodded: "Yes, two years ago, there was a fire in that camp, and many children died. The company went bankrupt due to huge compensation, and the rented camp was abandoned."

When his words fell, Brian stopped holding the pen and paper in his hand.

Brian greeted everyone and placed the three sketches on his desk:

“The figure in the picture was caused by typical fire injuries.

This is a reverse projection of the portraits I drew at different ages based on the outline of his facial bones.

Go find the photos of the victims and missing people of the camp fire two years ago, compare them, and see if you gain anything. "

Everyone did not expect that Brian would gain something as soon as he accepted the case, and they nodded repeatedly.

I printed out and copied several portraits and everyone got a copy and went down to investigate.

Watching everyone leave, Brian walked to the window, lit a cigarette and was in a daze.

There was actually one more thing about this case that he couldn't figure out.

According to the confessions of everyone, there were five missing persons, two ordinary police officers, and three CD employees. When they returned, everyone vaguely remembered that the other party was there. It was only after they returned that they discovered the missing persons.

During some surveillance, it was also confirmed that the missing person actually followed him back.

At least I got in the car before leaving.

The car is also running normally.

How do people disappear on the way?

Brian couldn't figure out how the killer did it.

"Forget it, while there's no one around, I'll take the gift of obsession from before and see the effect."

Brian shook his head and received the gift of obsession.

Gift 1: Twelve units of gift energy.

Gift 2: One unit of gift energy + weak hearing enhancement

Brian naturally chose to receive the second gift of obsession.

The five senses are being strengthened.

He already has enhanced nose and eyes.

This time the ears were patched up.

Brian is looking forward to the results.

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