You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 229 The company with problems, Benjamin: Why are you forcing me?

As Brian received the option of gift 2.

A tingling sensation spread in the area on both sides of his ears, and the structures of the ear canal and eardrum also underwent some subtle changes and became more sensitive.

The next moment.

Many subtle movements that Brian would not have noticed before poured into his ears.

There were the friction sounds of body tissues, the peristalsis of internal organs, the faint deformation sounds of the building, and the footsteps of employees walking downstairs...

This range is not large, only ten meters. If it exceeds ten meters, it will be greatly reduced, but within a range of more than ten meters, the hearing is sharp and the accuracy is very high, similar to sound positioning.

"The effect of this weak hearing enhancement is better than I thought. It is probably because my own physical fitness is too strong. The captain's hearing is probably not as good as mine."

Brian guessed in his heart.

The hearing enhancement is much better than he thought.

In life alone, this kind of talent enhancement feels more practical than the smell enhancement, and there are fewer negative feelings.

Just when Brian wanted to test more changes in the hearing system.

A magical reaction occurred.

An unknown force was injected into the area of ​​his previous auditory system.

The next moment.

Brian was surprised to find that his perception systems in the four areas of eyes, ears, nose, and sonar were integrated under the influence of this unknown force.

This feeling was very strange, similar to Brian's current special sensory vision added to the auditory system, becoming more vivid and controllable.

This seemed to be Brian's gift from the blood moon, a natural ability after the third upgrade: talent fusion

Sure enough, it disappeared with the change.

Brian found that he could adjust the size of his hearing in his ears at will, and the previous accurate sound range of more than ten meters was also expanded to about twenty meters.

The most outrageous thing was that when Brian's ears locked onto the source of the sound, the approximate shape of the source of the sound, the smell it emitted, etc., also appeared in Brian's mind at the same time.

By the way.

The sound refraction of the sound emitted by the sound-emitting object also outlined the surrounding environment.

This is equivalent to, if there is someone talking in a room across the room, Brian can not only perform alternative perspective and know the external characteristics of that person, but also perceive the three-dimensional stereogram of the environment around that person...

"This should not be considered cheating."

Brian grinned and chuckled.

He still has a No. 3 hearing enhancement reagent in his hand. The CD Organization's Internal Affairs Department will also compensate him with two other types of enhancement reagents because of the attack.

After all the injections, the hearing should be able to be enhanced.

This feeling is very good.

After simply adapting to the new sensory system, Brian swallowed Captain Christ's remaining spiritual crystals and looked through the other party's death memory screen to see if he could collect some useful clues.

Don't say it, there really is.

In Captain Christ's death memory, Brian saw the communication content between him and the mastermind behind the scenes, that is, the minister of the CD Internal Affairs Department.

From the content, the information that Ellie confessed did not lie to him.

The only thing that disappointed Brian was probably that after swallowing a spiritual crystal of an enhanced person, the effect on his mental strength was minimal.

The physique is similar.

He needs more high-quality dead bodies.

Sheriff Florey and his team are very efficient.

In the lakeside camp area where the missing case was located, the police had most of the customer information of that company because of the fire.

What they have to do is to take out the information again and compare it with Brian's sketch photo.

A person's appearance is mainly composed of bones, muscle tissue, membrane tissue, etc.

The bones are the bone phase.

The flesh is the skin phase.

The skin phase is very easy to change, so this is not accurate, but the bone phase, unless surgery is done, can be deduced according to the law of appearance changes over decades.

In addition, parts such as eyes and mouth are also important appearance anchors.

These features are the technical logic of modern facial unlocking, electronic eyes, satellites, etc., which can accurately find people in a large crowd.

The same is true for sketches.

This aspect is divided into sketch psychological profiling and age-reversed sketch profiling, etc.

Brian is using the latter technology at the moment.

Based on the comparison of the photo and the sketch, Sheriff Flory and his team locked the identity of the man in less than half an hour.

The man's name was Kuros De La Rosa, born in March 1994. Strictly speaking, he should be 11 years old now and disappeared in the Lake Camp Fire two years ago.

Brian was a little surprised to see the photo in Sheriff Flory's hand.

This was a little different from what he imagined.

The fire killed seven children and teenagers, two disciplinary caregivers, and an elderly security guard on the spot. At the same time, three children, a disciplinary caregiver, and the camp director were missing.

Kuros was one of them.

Brian's three sketches were sketches of the figures in the surveillance at the age of ten, twenty, and thirty.

According to his understanding of the human body.

Brian speculated that the real age of the figure was about thirty years old.

So the person he suspected was actually the missing camp director.

After all, it had only been more than two years since the fire, and most of the employees were young. Except for the camp director, the rest were all young people in their early twenties.

Normally, only the camp director fits Brian's guess.

As a result, Sheriff Flory told him that the person matching the sketch was a child who was only nine years old two years ago.

Looking at the handsome boy with blond hair, brown eyes, good looks and a bright smile in the photo, Brian moved his lips slightly: "To be honest, I thought he was the missing camp director."

The other CD staff also nodded.

Judging from the shooting alone, in the clearest frame of the figure, only the head is exposed, but he does look like an adult.

Sheriff Flory was open-minded: "No matter what, this is the most important clue we have now. In addition, although Carlos de la Rosa was nine years old before he disappeared, no one knew what he had experienced in the past two years. Something may have happened, and overdevelopment is also possible.”

A male CD employee who had been a police detective also nodded in agreement: "When I was a police detective, the groups I hated to interact with the most were teenage children and adults who were addicted to drugs and had their brains broken. "

The police in most states actually don't like these two groups very much.

Because of the abundant nutrition, both men and women here develop earlier, and most of them end their development around the age of fifteen or sixteen.

This group may not be psychologically mature, but they are physically capable of committing violent crimes, and sometimes they are more ruthless and reckless than those experienced criminals.

Another group is addicts with brain problems.

These two groups may cause higher casualties to the police force than some criminals.

Brian thought a little deeper.

He looked at everyone: "What were the results of the previous investigation into the camp fire case?"

Sheriff Florey was one of the participants and knew this very well:

"According to interviews with survivors, the camp held a bonfire party by the lake. After that, the eight teaching staff began to drink in private to vent their hormones.

This is actually a violation of the camp employee code.

But the missing camp director was also having sex with a female training and caretaker, and no one was paying attention, so tragedy occurred.

The flames ignited a hut with more than a dozen children sleeping inside, surrounded by wood, and the flames spread quickly."

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly: "But I saw no traces of fire at the lake camp before, and there were no signs of fire at the dock either."

Sheriff Flory explained: "The previous camp had some buildings in the open space by the lake, and that's where they were burned. After the incident, before the camp company went bankrupt, they were worried that those traces would affect the mood of the town residents, so they All cleared up.”


This sounds nonsense.

They are going bankrupt and facing huge claims, but they still care about the mood of the small town residents.

Doesn’t anyone feel something is wrong?

Here comes something more ridiculous.

Sheriff Flory really didn't feel anything was wrong: "That company has been operating there for more than ten years and has always been good. There has never been any accidents. It takes good care of those children and has also brought great benefits to several surrounding towns. A good economic development was achieved, but it was only the unreliable camp director who ruined a good company.”

This is where the butt determines the head.

Brian continued to ask: "What's going on behind the management of this company?"

"It's over."

Sheriff Flory looked regretful:

"The boss was from a small town. After the incident happened, he directly committed suicide by shooting himself in the face of the parents who questioned him.

Others jumped into the lake, shot themselves, and were shot by their parents in revenge. The remaining one faced accusations from the media and abuse from the crowd, and suffered from mental problems.

After she entered a mental sanatorium for treatment, she also put a bag on her body and committed suicide. "


He seemed to remember something and added to Brian:

“By the way, the camp owner was an orphan from a small town. He later made some money outside and came back to open the lake camp project.

After he committed suicide, residents of the town donated money to help with the rest of the funeral, and some of his belongings were also thrown into the police station's warehouse. "

Hearing this, Brian's ugly face looked better.

Now we can only go and see if the boss's relics have been harvested.

At noon.

After Brian finished eating, he received two text messages.

One was a text message from Susan, asking him to be safe.

Another text message was from Susan's best friend Caroline, which also asked him to pay attention to his safety and expressed sympathy and indignation for his experience.


Caroline is not only Susan's best friend, but also an employee of the NW Internal Affairs Department.

This news should be the one she told Susan.

The only question is, why is she acting more excited than Susan?

Brian can't deal with this.

Is this lace really straightened by yourself?

Not long after, Ellie, a female employee of CD's Internal Affairs Department, also returned to Odolan.

She brought good news to Brian: "After we reported the situation to the NW headquarters, Director Benjamin has been restricted by your Ministry of Internal Affairs for investigation, but the details need to wait until you return to assist in the investigation."

"A friend has already told me about this."

Brian said calmly.

Ellie was a little surprised by this: "In order to avoid affecting the internal stability of the organization, the Ministry of Internal Affairs usually handles this kind of matter in a low-key manner. It seems that you have good connections."

"Stop talking nonsense, we have some clues about the disappearance, and we are waiting for you."

With that said, Brian called to Sheriff Flory who was wiping his gun.

The three set off again to the town where Sheriff Flory was.

Continuous running.

Sheriff Flory was obviously tired.

Seeing Brian and Ellie in high spirits, he was a little envious: "I suddenly regretted rejecting the CD organization's invitation when I was young."

Hearing this, Ellie, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, chuckled and said nothing.

The other party has no connections, no background, and no special talents of his own. Even if he joins the CD organization, he will be cannon fodder and may not live to his current age.

Why did Brian's reputation spread so widely among the lower-level police officers in the jurisdiction and surrounding jurisdictions in just a short period of time?

The most important reason is that he came forward too quickly.

Even those low-level police officers dare not imagine this.

Next, Sheriff Flory didn't know what kind of stimulation he had. While looking for the relics of the previous camp owner, he talked a lot, as if he suddenly lost his energy.

I finished feeling the fate of life.

Relics were also found.

This is an old wooden box.

There is a lot of dust on the box. It is estimated that no one has touched it since it was thrown in.

Open the box.

Some small items inside were exposed.

Some are photos. There are group photos of the children in the camp and the teaching caregivers, and there are also some photos of himself in the past.

The boss looks kind-hearted and looks at the camera with gentle eyes.

The documents are some company management and the like.

Simply looking at these relics, Brian didn't find anything unusual.

As Sheriff Flory said, before the fire, this camp company had never received any complaints, let alone any records of cases or prosecutions, and it was managed very well.

This is actually not easy in the United States.

Many people here like to threaten to find a lawyer at every turn. Although most ordinary citizens cannot actually afford that fee, it does not prevent them from making trouble and complaining about minor things.

Lawsuits and complaints are standard in most service and training industries.

Therefore, it is very difficult to keep this campground company so clean for more than ten years.

Brian didn't look at Chief Flory who had his own filter, but looked at Ellie who was silent: "What do you think?"

"Too clean."

Ellie said bluntly:

“If the normal service training industry can do so well for a long time, its reputation and business will not be bad.

Near Odolan, there are many suitable places to expand new camps. The development is getting better and better. More and more camps will be opened, and finally a chain brand will be formed. This is what a normal businessman does.

Even if the founder is unwilling, the people below will force him to do so for the sake of development, but this camp company does not.

After the fire, the company personnel were basically gone.

This is also very strange. "

Brian nodded: "Yes, what looks normal underneath is actually not normal at all. Ellie, is there any aberration organization or private scientific research institution here?"

Ellie's face changed slightly: "Are you suspecting that there is a scientific research institution behind this company?"

"It's not that I'm suspicious, it just feels a bit similar to what Blacklight Biotechnology Company did. But judging from your reaction, this shouldn't be caused by your own people."

Brian told the truth.

He really feels that way.

The main reason is that the figure in the shot is obviously only eleven or twelve years old, but he has the facial bone outline of an adult, which is somewhat abnormal, more like he has been matured.

So he had this preconceived idea.


Brian's eyes narrowed as he flipped through the items.

He stopped talking and took out an old photo that had been torn open and then taped back together from the box. He looked at it for a moment and then looked at Sheriff Flory: "Where is this boss's grave?"

Sheriff Flory was a little surprised why Brian asked this, but he still said honestly: "It's just outside the town. Cremation is too expensive. It costs five to six thousand dollars to do it all, so we all bury it in the ground. I will also do it in the future." Will be buried there."

"Go and see!"

Brian put the photo in his pocket, turned and walked outside.

Looking at his back, confusion flashed in Ellie's eyes.

What did this guy find?

According to her understanding, since she found useful clues, she should first go to the missing place and look for the guy who was photographed in the camera, instead of looking at the relics and tomb of a dead person.

But Brian is in charge of this case.

She didn't bother to ask, she just followed him.

the other side.

Benjamin looked at the three men in black standing in front of him with a gloomy face: "I have made contributions to the organization, I shouldn't be treated like this!"

"Please cooperate with our investigation, Staff Benjamin!"

The leading black man wore sunglasses and had a cold voice.

"Damn it Brian!"

Benjamin sighed and stood up slowly: "I really don't want to go to this point, why are you forcing me?"

The leading black man felt something was wrong and his face changed slightly.

next moment.

The three enhanced special agents seemed to be under a magical immobilization spell. They could not move their bodies. They could only watch as the clothes behind Benjamin were torn apart, exposing four ferocious and disgusting tentacles.

I don’t know how long it took.

Benjamin leaned over and put a pair of blood-stained sunglasses on his face, looking in the direction of Florida with a bloodthirsty smile.

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