You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 230 Monster, I found you!

The town cemetery is located just outside the town.

Brian followed the smell and found the address.

Sheriff Flory was a little surprised: "Brian, how did you know the cemetery is at this location?"

"You can guess it by looking at the traces of the surrounding activities. After all, most people subconsciously avoid the dead." Brian explained casually.

He wasn't lying either.

Sheriff Flory nodded and said, "Okay, it's really accurate, so what do we do now?"

"Verify if there are any bodies under your feet."

"Dig a grave?"

"No need to bother."

As he spoke, Brian took out a long wire that he had taken when he left and waved it: "There is a clear difference in smell between the soil where the body is buried and normal soil. Even if there is a coffin underneath, it will last two years." , enough for the surrounding soil to be stained with that special smell.”

"Special smell?"

Sheriff Florey wondered.

"Yes, it's similar to the smell of corpse, but it's a little different.

The smell emitted by human body after decomposition has strong adhesion and penetrating power.

In the past, some idiots wrapped the corpses in cement and discarded them, but the body odor was exposed. This is why.

The wrapping nature of cement cannot prevent the penetration of odor molecules unless it is buried deep underground. But even if it is buried deep underground, the surrounding soil will be invaded by the smell and become full of characteristics. "

While talking.

Brian looked at the grave in front of him.

There are names and other information on the tombstone.

The camp owner’s name was Reinhard Kapp. He was born in 1960 and died in 2003, two years ago. He was forty-three years old when he died.

Some withered flowers can be seen around, decaying at different times.

This shows that Reinhard’s grave was often visited.

This guy's reputation in the town should be pretty good, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Seeing Brian's eyes, Sheriff Flory explained: "This is why I always feel that the camp is a pity. Reinhard is a good man. He often helps the elderly and children in the town, and also brings everyone In order to earn extra income, everyone felt sorry for him.”


Brian said something that made Sheriff Flory feel uncomfortable, walked to the flat ground in front of him, and used his skill to drill the wire in his hand into the soil under his feet little by little.

In the Commonwealth of the United States, the cremation rate at this point in time is not high. The cremation rate in rural areas is probably between 15 and 20 percent.

The main reason is that it is expensive.

The cremation process costs at least five to six thousand US dollars, which is not a small amount for the bottom class.

Therefore, some family members of the deceased, in order to save money, even donate the bodies of their loved ones to some charities for scientific research on organs and human tissues.

Those charitable organizations will provide free cremation services for the remaining bodies of the deceased.

But this circle is very messy, very messy.

Another reason is that it is customary to bury people in the grave. This is actually what most people here think.

Brian must be grateful that the burials here are not like a big bag of earth piled on top like in his previous life, but are flat structures, at least most of them are a rectangular flat piece of ground.

This saved him a lot of energy.

Under the influence of Qiao Jin, Brian seemed to have a perspective, avoiding the hard soil areas and small clods underground, and accurately inserted the wire in his hand more than one meter into the ground.

Generally, the depth of burials is about two meters, neither too shallow nor too deep.

This distance is enough.

Brian felt that the distance was almost there, so he lit a cigarette and waited for the wire to absorb the smell of the surrounding earth.

Ellie, who kept looking around, finally couldn't hold back her curiosity: "Do you suspect that the camp owner Reinhard is not dead?"

Sheriff Flory also looked over.

Brian exhaled a puff of smoke and nodded: "Yes, I am very confident that he is not dead."

"What's the reason?"

Sheriff Flory is not very willing to accept this result, which means that the regrets between him and the people of the town are just a joke.

Brian took out the photo he found earlier: "That's what it told me."

Ellie and Sheriff Flory looked at the photo, both of them were a little unresponsive.

Isn't this a photo of Reinhard when he was young?

Seeing the wise looks between the two of them, Brian crushed the cigarette butt and put it away, and explained helplessly: "This photo is of Reinhard himself, right?"

Sheriff Flory nodded: "Yes, it was him. He was still living in the small town at that time, I can confirm it."

Brian nodded and pointed to the photo of Reinhard posted on the tombstone:

"This photo should be of Reinhard in his forties, that is, before his death. It is the same as the one in the police file. I have seen it in CD's office building before.

The problem is, if this photo of him as a young man is of Reinhard himself, then he should not look the same as the photo on the tombstone when he is in his forties.

The bone phase between the two is very different. "

"It looks a bit similar." Ellie said doubtfully.

Sheriff Flory nodded in agreement.

Brian was even more speechless.

He directly asked Sheriff Flory for paper and pen, drew two skeleton portraits, and asked the two of them: "This is what they really look like in my eyes."

Ellie became even more confused after hearing this: "Isn't this the same?"

Brian shrugged:

“That’s pretty much the big problem.

The normal brain and bone growth of Caucasians usually ends at around 22 years old at the latest.

The human skull is composed of 23 bone structures.

They and the skin and flesh make up our entire head and face shape, but due to our chewing habits, muscle tissue influence and other reasons, the gaps between these bones will continue to move and change.

The change of one part is not a big problem, but the influence of multiple parts will cause a large change in the shape of the skull.

Add to that the metabolic hyperplasia of bones.

When most people get older, although the density of their bones decreases, the lateral thickness will continue to increase, so the entire bone phase will change between the ages of 20 and 40.

The main reason why I am sure that Reinhard is not himself is because of the photos of him when he was young.

In the photo, his right chewing muscle is obviously more developed than the left, which shows that he habitually chews things to the right, and may even have the habit of chewing things like chewing gum.

This means that his facial bones will also be affected by this habit and change.

More than 20 years later, when Reinhard died, his bones were in the same condition as when he was in his twenties.

This is abnormal. ”

Seeing the two of them thinking about something.

Brian smiled at Sheriff Flory: "After Reinhard came back, did he rarely interact with the people in the town at first, only showing up occasionally? "

Sheriff Flory thought for a moment and fell silent.

That's true.

The other party was busy setting up a company at the time and only interacted with the young people in the town. After finishing the work at the camp, he began to appear in the town tavern.

In addition, Reinhard was influenced by his grandfather and had the habit of chewing tobacco.

What he said was consistent with what Brian said.

Seeing the look on Sheriff Flory's face, Ellie knew that Brian was right.

She gave Brian a thumbs up with conviction.


As expected of an autopsy officer!

Chatting for a while.

Brian pulled out the wire.

The wire was stained with dark brown soil.

Brian's nose twitched and he shook his head: "There is a unique corpse smell after being nurtured by the soil, similar to rotten eggs buried for one or two years. It seems that there is a corpse underneath."

Hearing this, Sheriff Flory breathed a sigh of relief.

He preferred this result rather than Reinhard being a problematic fake.

This was a purely emotional choice.

"It seems that you have done nothing. "

Ellie also chuckled.

After she met Brian, he has been in a strong position. Now seeing him being humiliated, she felt quite happy.

Brian shook his head:

"This doesn't mean anything. Yan Jing faked his death and escaped. It's normal to throw a body in to cover it up.

Specifically, the coffin needs to be opened.

But I guess the police don't have Reinhard's DNA record. He may not even have his own children, so there is actually no point in opening the coffin. "

Sheriff Flory: All right again.

He is a little unconfident now.

After the conversation just now, Ellie became interested in solving the case: "Since there is no gain here, what should we do next?"

Brian whispered: "Open the coffin."

Ellie was stunned: "Didn't you say that this is useless? Then what's the point of doing this?"

Brian explained:

"Solving the case is to verify the clues found one by one.

But this is not the main purpose of opening the coffin. My purpose is to scare the eyes that may exist in the dark.

Normal crimes don't need to be so complicated. This means that he doesn't want people to find out that he has problems. The more the other party wants to cover up, the more important this point is.

If we do this, it will make the people in the dark nervous.

When people are nervous, they will do unnecessary things.

Just open the coffin and let the sheriff find someone to deal with it.

We two have other things to do. "

Ellie nodded: "Okay, what will we do next? Your other two reagents should be delivered in the afternoon."

"The reagents are not urgent. I plan to take you to the missing point and solve the missing case first. "

After Brian finished speaking, he asked the sheriff to find some people to open the coffin and turned to leave.

Ellie didn't quite understand what Brian meant by his last sentence. Seeing that he had no intention of explaining, she had to follow him with curiosity.

More than half an hour later.

Brian came to the dock not far from the lake camp alone again.

Ellie didn't come.

She had other things to do.

If an outsider was present, he would be restrained.

At the dock, you can still see the blood and filth left by Brian's headshot attacker.

He smelled the surrounding smells and saw that he had no harvest, so he just wandered around.

It has to be said.

The environment of the Federation is quite special, with vast land and sparse population. Except for some densely populated urban clusters, most of the rest of the area is wilderness.

This also leads to a good natural ecology here.

With almost extraordinary perception, a large amount of information gathered in Brian's mind, allowing him to enjoy the surrounding scenery while eliminating one area after another.

For Brian, solving the missing case is actually not difficult.

Previous evidence shows that this is just a man-made attack.

As long as there are human factors, there will be traces.

The place where the person disappeared is the place where the other party was active, and the time of disappearance is the time when the other party was active.

Everything has information attached.

These cannot be concealed.


Brian stopped in a forest where several wild marijuana plants grew.

He frowned and looked at the land where the wild marijuana plants were.

This location was very close to the lake, about less than ten meters away. There was a slope covered with plants above, and several old trees on the shore of the lake below.

Brian smelled a very strange pheromone on the wild marijuana plants.

As he looked at the marijuana plants.

In the dark.

A pair of eyes stared at Brian's back through the gap between the water and the branches by the lake.

Brian turned back suddenly as if he had sensed something.

The water surface was jagged, and the reflected light was reflected through the trunks and leaves of the trees by the lake in the forest, and there was nothing unusual.

After thinking for a while.

Brian walked towards the marijuana plant, crushed it and smelled it.

A feeling of dizziness surged into his heart.

He actually felt a little strange feeling of floating.

You know, with his current physique, even chemical drugs and anesthetics are difficult to take effect on him so quickly, and even the feeling after inhalation will be different from that of ordinary people due to the body's rejection reaction.

This marijuana with special pheromones is amazing.

When Brian stopped to feel the effect of this special marijuana.

There were shallow ripples on the water surface that pushed to both sides.

A head that reflected a strange red light in the sun slowly emerged from the water, and then seemed to be approaching the shore in a strange posture.

This way of action would be terrifying to outsiders, as if there was a hideous head standing on the water surface, and only ripples were spread under the water, but there was no trace of limbs swimming, and it continued to move forward.

To put it in figurative terms.

The other party was like a big snake with a human head!


Accompanied by a little water sound, a three or four-meter-long monster with a human head and a snake body, all red, rolled on the tree trunk on the shore, lowered its head, and came to Brian's sky.

It looked greedily at Brian below, revealing its mouthful of sharp teeth.

This guy smells so good!

Much better than tender meat and old meat.

It was no longer surprised by the state of this prey.

Those special plants were all cultivated by it, and protecting these special plants was the meaning of its existence.

Although it was extremely eager for the smell of the prey's flesh and blood, long-term hunting made it a cautious character.

It opened its mouth and exhaled at Brian below.

Some colorless and odorless gas emanated from its mouth, slowly dissipated, merged into the surrounding air, and surrounded the area below.

Just when it thought that this prey would fall into hallucination next.


The sound of bones came.

The head under the tree turned 180 degrees, slightly raised, and the playful eyes just met it

Looking at the monster's dull eyes.

Brian, with his body facing forward and his face facing backward, smiled softly: "Monster, I found you!"

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